I get that part. However, a jury of your "peers" is scary. Remember, there were 81 million counted votes for Biden. That is indicative of a mental maturiy of a 13 year old in at least some of Biden's interests. Want that mindset determining your future? Somewhere there needs to be a deterent to someone violating you outside of the threat to kill you that must be strong enough to successfully be a deterent. Thought I would share here a bit on Ghost Guns from his father's email that got some attention recently from a person that has built a few guns and was at least a few years ago recognized for his pistol markmanship in some national competition---Castle doctrine though goes right to your statement in regards to harming your family. No, can't shoot them in the back as they are running away, but in the act of harm? Yes. And really if you are out in public and see it happening you can defend the other person being harmed.
I get what you are saying however and I researched the crap out of this when I first started carrying so I would know my rights. And here is something else to add, if you shoot you don't shoot to maim or just injure because then you set yourself up for litigation.
No one is looking to just turn things in to the old west, but with as many lunatic lefties that there are in the world, a person should protect themselves.
Any COMPLETE receiver/frame would be serialized by the manufacturer and need to be transferred by a dealer. These "ghost guns" are 80% complete recievers/frames that can be purchased by anyone, and they do not have serial numbers, because they are not firearms. A non-liscened individual can complete these receivers and are not required to mark them with a SN or any other info. Any FFL completing one is required to mark their info, create a SN and record them in their acquisition and disposition records, like any other firearm.
An 80% receiver is NOT a firearm by ATF's own definitions and they approved the sale of them many years ago. Nothing has changed there, yet.
The laws that pertain to the manufacturing and marking requirements come from the Gun Control Act of 1968. Those are laws, not bullshit ATF "Rules" or executive orders. Manufacturing firearms for personal use is 100% legal and they are not required to be marked. If they want to regulate this, they need to amend the GCA68 laws.
While I do believe there are probably some of these firearms being manufactured by nefarious individuals, I do not believe it is as pervasive as they claim. And what the hell difference will it make? Criminals are criminals for a reason. These new proposed "rules" will do nothing to stop them and will only burden the law abiding firearm owners and the FFL dealers.