If Chauvin is acquitted.....

I have to school you again. just stop repeating stupid crap based on internet doctoring or whatever tropes. What does "slowing down blood flow" mean.

opiates are sedatives, they cause death because the person becomes too drowsy to consciously take adequate breaths. It's not possible for someone that is agitated to become too drowsy to take a deep breath. opiates don't cause death by some magical pathways. It's almost like the person dies from "forgetting to breathe"
And it slowes your heart rate, which slows the flow of blood throughout your body. Why do you think throwing your big words around and throwing your degrees around impresses me? It doesn’t.
nobody has to prove anything beyond all doubts. although the lay public probably focusses more on the knee to the neck, which looks worse. In my medical opinion, its the totality of restraining him in such a position, that he is unable to take adequate breath, and restrained in such a manner (legs held down, face head down, pressure on back) so that he couldn't ever reposition himself to prop up his chest to give him room to breathe. and every attempt to do would have been interpreted as "resisting" since police have the most stupid definition of resisting ever. No one, who is conscious, goes to their death williningly
You obviously don’t know what, “beyond a reasonable doubt” means, which is my entire point
And it slowes your heart rate, which slows the flow of blood throughout your body. Why do you think throwing your big words around and throwing your degrees around impresses me? It doesn’t.
look at this idiot. what makes you think I am interested in impressing you? I just want you to stop minsinforming people with your ignorance. Instead of accepting I don't know. You continue to spew rubbish like the exhaust of 70s era diesel engine. It's your insecurity at work.

There's a reason, the generously paid people actually tasked with defending Chauvin, couldn't get any decent medical professional to come and argue these same stupid points you keep bringing up. They are stupid points meant to sound reasonable and plausible to the lay public who understandably have only a superficial understanding of these medical concepts. That you choose to buy it is your business. To stop you from misinforming others about things you have no knowledge of but want to pontificate about out of ignorance, is my business.
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Some of you guys are just idiots. Have you ever seen anyone drown without flailing? Where in the history of humanity has a conscious human ever died without a fight. What do you expect someone who's is being pinned down and unable to breathe do? That's the stupidity of police using any kind of tenseness as resisting. No human, while conscious, won't struggle some while being asphixiated.

I saw them cuff Chauvin after the verdicts were read. He put his hands behind him and they cuffed. No surprises, no arm twisting. Then i remembered the times, a police officer grabbed my hand unexpectedly to cuff me out of the blue without even explaining why i was being detained. And then use my tenseness from being suddenly accosted as resisting.

I digress. There's nothing defensible about Derek Chauvins actions. Some things are really black and white.
Did you watch ANY of the video? Floyd was whacked out on drugs, wouldn’t get in the car, fought the cops, resisted, knew he was going back to jail (for the 10th time).
As in most of these cases, Had Floyd complied, he’d be alive (but his family would be disappointed that they didn’t get their $27 mil.)
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look at this idiot. what makes you think I am interested in impressing you? I just want you to stop minsinforming people with your ignorance. Instead of accepting I don't know. You continue to spew rubbish like the exhaust of 70s era diesel engine. It's your insecurity at work.

There's a reason, the generously paid people actually tasked with defending Chauvin, couldn't get any decent medical professional to come and argue these same stupid points you keep bringing up. They are stupid points meant to sound reasonable and plausible to the lay public who understandably have only a superficial understanding of these medical concepts. That you choose to buy it is your business. To stop you from misinforming others about things you have no knowledge of but want to pontificate about out of ignorance, is m
look at this idiot. what makes you think I am interested in impressing you? I just want you to stop minsinforming people with your ignorance. Instead of accepting I don't know. You continue to spew rubbish like the exhaust of 70s era diesel engine. It's your insecurity at work.

There's a reason, the generously paid people actually tasked with defending Chauvin, couldn't get any decent medical professional to come and argue these same stupid points you keep bringing up. They are stupid points meant to sound reasonable and plausible to the lay public who understandably have only a superficial understanding of these medical concepts. That you choose to buy it is your business. To stop you from misinforming others about things you have no knowledge of but want to pontificate about out of ignorance, is my business.
Misinforming? Please go back and find anything I said that isn’t true? And I never said I know anything, I raised questions that raise doubt, which refutes the standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt”. So we no longer can question things in this country? Or does that make one a racist according to your logic? Stick to medicine Doogie Howser. And by the amount of arrogance and condescension spewing from your posts, I really do believe you were at Harvard. And speaking of insecurity, who had to throw out there Ivy League degrees? Not me
In America, black people are undervalued and marginalized. To a lot police officers, black people are not seen as equals and perhaps are de-humanized. In Chauvin’s mind, Floyd’s life did not matter at that time. Just because Chauvin is not wearing a white robe and hood doesn’t mean that he is not a racist.
Floyd was a felon and career criminal. When he decided to repeatedly break the law (9 visits to prison) he gave up his right to being treated as a productive member of society.
Floyd was a felon and career criminal. When he decided to repeatedly break the law (9 visits to prison) he gave up his right to being treated as a productive member of society.
Wow, you have said some whoppers, but this has to be the dumbest statement you have ever said and you call yourself an American. We have laws in this country and if Floyd broke law 9 times and was in prison 9 times he served his sentence. Police officers have to follow the law as well. Chauvin broke the law when he murdered Floyd with illegal police tactics. So, I guess, using your words, Chauvin has now given up his right as a productive member of society. Man give me a break.
Misinforming? Please go back and find anything I said that isn’t true? And I never said I know anything, I raised questions that raise doubt, which refutes the standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt”. So we no longer can question things in this country? Or does that make one a racist according to your logic? Stick to medicine Doogie Howser. And by the amount of arrogance and condescension spewing from your posts, I really do believe you were at Harvard. And speaking of insecurity, who had to throw out there Ivy League degrees? Not me
well the points you bring up are only doubts that sound reasonable to any one without adequate medical knowledge. That's why I am explaining to you why they are not. The police officers caused Derek Chauvin's death by restricting his breathing. Do all the other things (some pre-existing but not unusual heart disease, stimulant use, opiate use ) contributed some? Yes in the sense, that he expired after only 7 minutes, where a young otherwise healthy person might have taken longer to expire, or maybe even survived that ordeal. But to focus on those things at the expense of what actually killed, has me wondering why anyone is so intent on defending rubbish.

Bottom line, every police officer knows, that keeping a restrained person on their belly is a dangerous. The police is responsible for the welfare of people in their custody. If you don't want to catch a homicide case, turn people on their side or sit them up. If you don't and someone dies, don't then start trying to prove something else that theoretically may cause death is the cause of death.

And yes, I am unapologetically condescending to misinforming ignoramus like you.
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Did you watch ANY of the video? Floyd was whacked out on drugs, wouldn’t get in the car, fought the cops, resisted, knew he was going back to jail (for the 10th time).
As in most of these cases, Had Floyd complied, he’d be alive (but his family would be disappointed that they didn’t get their $27 mil.)
Well Bone, looks like we’ve been schooled by Doogie Howser and Rev Al Sharpton and should just get back in our compliance line and bow to the liberal mob that is overtaking the country. Too many people afraid of BNI calling them a racist, I guess.
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it could. it depends. but in your case, absolutely yes! having heard your views on race as espoused elsewhere

I was listening to a Candace Owens podcast and she doesn't believe race had anything to do with Floyd's death. She also believes that Floyd's continual run ins with law enforcement and drug use had more to do with his death than anything else.
Is Candace Owens a racist?
Well Bone, looks like we’ve been schooled by Doogie Howser and Rev Al Sharpton and should just get back in our compliance line and bow to the liberal mob that is overtaking the country. Too many people afraid of BNI calling them a racist, I guess.

I didn't read Atmfolas ramblings, not sure what his medical background is.

As for BNI, he's as racist as they come and he just loves to play the victimhood card. I don't take him seriously, but he's fun to debate with because when you bring up facts and statistics, he always pulls out the "you're a racist" card like a well trained lefty lib is supposed to.

Both these bozos want me to treat them differently because they're black and get upset that I don't care that they're black.
I was listening to a Candace Owens podcast and she doesn't believe race had anything to do with Floyd's death. She also believes that Floyd's continual run ins with law enforcement and drug use had more to do with his death than anything else.
Is Candace Owens a racist?
No, you still don't get why people call you racist. You think it's some binary simple test. No, after considering your comments and views, on so many things. That Candace Owens, who is black, also supports your views, does not make you any less racists. Who knows why Candace Owens says what she says. It's her opinion. Everyone can't sleep facing the same direction. So Fox news found the occasional black person who agrees with some things racists also happen to believe. good for them. I wish Candace Owens the best.
Wow, you have said some whoppers, but this has to be the dumbest statement you have ever said and you call yourself an American. We have laws in this country and if Floyd broke law 9 times and was in prison 9 times he served his sentence. Police officers have to follow the law as well. Chauvin broke the law when he murdered Floyd with illegal police tactics. So, I guess, using your words, Chauvin has now given up his right as a productive member of society. Man give me a break.

Society is better off without Floyd. Period.
Why do you defend criminals?
Why couldn't Floyd get up, go to work, not rob people, not sell drugs and not do drugs like the other 99% of society?
If Pelosi should be thanking anyone for their sacrifice, it should be Chauvin.
Public lynching does not have to be premeditated. What are you talking? I suggest you Google "Public Lynching" and come back with the definition.
Public lynching is absolutely premeditated. If you haven't looked up the definition of premeditated, you might want to educate yourself. It means planning in advance with intent. Public lynchings by mobs were planned by instigators with the intent to execute a suspect. It doesn't get more premeditated than that. So I'll ask again, was the Floyd murder premeditated?

No, you still don't get why people call you racist. You think it's some binary simple test. No, after considering your comments and views, on so many things. That Candace Owens, who is black, also supports your views, does not make you any less racists. Who knows why Candace Owens says what she says. It's her opinion. Everyone can't sleep facing the same direction. So Fox news found the occasional black person who agrees with some things racists also happen to believe. good for them. I wish Candace Owens the best.

What you've failed to realize, and I've repeated many times, is that I don't care what a criminal's skin color is. If Floyd were white and Chauvin were black, it wouldn't change my opinion. A bad person is a bad person, regardless of race.

Just like Dr. King said, don't judge someone by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

I know you so desperately want my opinions to be based on race, but unfortunately, they're not.
I was listening to a Candace Owens podcast and she doesn't believe race had anything to do with Floyd's death. She also believes that Floyd's continual run ins with law enforcement and drug use had more to do with his death than anything else.
Is Candace Owens a racist?
We've been down this rabbit hole before. You would listen to Candace Owens. In your mind, she, along with Larry Elder, Jesse Lee Peterson, Officer Tatum etc. are one those "Good" Negros. The ones Faux News like to prop up on their shows to counter what other blacks have said that white people don't like. At least Faux News got rid of that minstrel duet, Diamond & Silk. Anyhow, Candace Owens is a self hating Gumbo/Sambo. She does not like being black. Of course she doesn't believe that race was an issue. I'm glad she wasn't around to free the slaves.
I didn't read Atmfolas ramblings, not sure what his medical background is.

As for BNI, he's as racist as they come and he just loves to play the victimhood card. I don't take him seriously, but he's fun to debate with because when you bring up facts and statistics, he always pulls out the "you're a racist" card like a well trained lefty lib is supposed to.

Both these bozos want me to treat them differently because they're black and get upset that I don't care that they're black.Just like Dr. King said, don't judge someone by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
I know you so desperately want my opinions to be based on race, but unfortunately, they're not.
I knew it was all a farce when I had a conversation with a buddy of mine, about 15 years ago, and he is black, and I told him I grew up in a home where we didn’t talk about different races or see color and just treated people based on their character and how they treated us. He told me that was ignorant and not what the black community wanted. At that point I knew this wasn’t about equality.
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We've been down this rabbit hole before. You would listen to Candace Owens. In your mind, she, along with Larry Elder, Jesse Lee Peterson, Officer Tatum etc. are one those "Good" Negros. The ones Faux News like to prop up on their shows to counter what other blacks have said that white people don't like. At least Faux News got rid of that minstrel duet, Diamond & Silk. Anyhow, Candace Owens is a self hating Gumbo/Sambo. She does not like being black. Of course she doesn't believe that race was an issue. I'm glad she wasn't around to free the slaves.
But those people use facts and actual data to support their arguments. You use your opinion. Who would you believe?
We've been down this rabbit hole before. You would listen to Candace Owens. In your mind, she, along with Larry Elder, Jesse Lee Peterson, Officer Tatum etc. are one those "Good" Negros. The ones Faux News like to prop up on their shows to counter what other blacks have said that white people don't like. At least Faux News got rid of that minstrel duet, Diamond & Silk. Anyhow, Candace Owens is a self hating Gumbo/Sambo. She does not like being black. Of course she doesn't believe that race was an issue. I'm glad she wasn't around to free the slaves.

And once again, you prove you're the biggest racist on this forum. Well done.

Again, why do you always take the side of the criminal ?
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But those people use facts and actual data to support their arguments. You use your opinion. Who would you believe?
I guess the so called facts ran out on Diamond & Silk. Faux News dropped them like a bad habit for spreading lies about the COVID-19 pandemic. The same lies Hannity and others on the network have said and he still has his show.
You obviously don’t know what, “beyond a reasonable doubt” means, which is my entire point
Here is how it is defined in Minnesota: “beyond a reasonable doubt” is defined as, “such proof as ordinarily prudent men and women would act upon in their most important affairs. A reasonable doubt is doubt based on reason and common sense. It does not mean fanciful or capricious doubt, nor does it mean beyond possibility of all doubt.”
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And once again, you prove you're the biggest racist on this forum. Well done.

Again, why do you always take the side of the criminal ?
I take the side of justice. The lynching of George Floyd that was on video for the entire world to see culminated centuries of brutality that blacks in this country have gone through. Most never was filmed or photographed. That is why Floyd became the face of police brutality. Black people are tired of it and the Floyd lynching came to a head.
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Here is how it is defined in Minnesota: “beyond a reasonable doubt” is defined as, “such proof as ordinarily prudent men and women would act upon in their most important affairs. A reasonable doubt is doubt based on reason and common sense. It does not mean fanciful or capricious doubt, nor does it mean beyond possibility of all doubt.”
Here is how it is defined in Minnesota: “beyond a reasonable doubt” is defined as, “such proof as ordinarily prudent men and women would act upon in their most important affairs. A reasonable doubt is doubt based on reason and common sense. It does not mean fanciful or capricious doubt, nor does it mean beyond possibility of all doubt.”
I am well aware what it means and how it’s applied but thank you.

And all doubt is much different than beyond a reasonable doubt
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I knew it was all a farce when I had a conversation with a buddy of mine, about 15 years ago, and he is black, and I told him I grew up in a home where we didn’t talk about different races or see color and just treated people based on their character and how they treated us.
my resposne is not for you, it's for others.

The intent to "not-see-race" is indeed theoretically noble and in a race-neutral society will be a huge benefit. But the US, historically and to this day, is integrally influenced by race. To not see it or acknowledge it, is a willful denial of reality, which is a luxury only affordable to those not negatively affected by it.

An analogy will be a person talking about basketball and claiming to not see height. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, height is an integral aspect of professional basketball. It just is. Claiming to not see the advantage it confers to those who have it, and the disadvantage it confers to those who don't doesn't make you noble, it makes you willfully ignorant.
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my resposne is not for you, it's for others.

The intent to "not-see-race" is indeed theoretically noble and in a race-neutral society will be a huge benefit. But the US is historically, and to this day, is integrally influenced by race. To not see it or acknowledge it, is a willful denial of reality, which is a luxury only affordable to those negatively affected it.

An analogy will be a regular sized person talking about basketball and claiming not to see height. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, height is an integral aspect of professional basketball. It just is. Claiming to not see the advantage it confers to those who have it, and the disadvantage it confers to those who don't doesn't make you noble, it makes you willfully ignorant.
Height gives you a real advantage, as is witnessed on the court. And when have you ever seen or heard someone deny height gives you and advantage in basketball? What advantages does skin color give? Please enlighten those of us who are “color blind”. And it’s very ironic, coming from a black man (I believe I’ve seen you say that) with two Ivy League degrees.
Public lynching is absolutely premeditated. If you haven't looked up the definition of premeditated, you might want to educate yourself. It means planning in advance with intent. Public lynchings by mobs were planned by instigators with the intent to execute a suspect. It doesn't get more premeditated than that. So I'll ask again, was the Floyd murder premeditated?

@BNIBoiler you continue to use the word lynching in your posts. Lynching is a premeditated killing, which I've shown via definition. When I ask you if Chauvin premeditated this murder, you won't answer the question. Why not?
Height gives you a real advantage, as is witnessed on the court. What advantages does skin color give? Please enlighten those of us who are “color blind”. And it’s very ironic, coming from a black man (I believe I’ve seen you say that) with two Ivy League degrees.
i'm happy to address it. and enough reference about my ivy league degrees. I have 3 Purdue degrees too. I only referenced my degrees to explain why I am confident speaking about medical issues to a degree. I am not sure what my blackness has to do with it. To use a basketball analogy, that some 5'5' guy made to the NBA does not mean being short is not a disadvantage in professional basketball success.

Height gives you a real advantage
I am glad you agree that height gives you advantage. i.e. when it comes to basketball, lack of height is a disadvantage. By the same token, while being white may not confer obvious advantages to you, being black in America confers disadvantage. Those of us who live it keep trying to tell you.

What advantages does skin color give?
too many to list:
- benefit of doubt in a lot of scenarios (economic prospects, interactions with law enforcement, interactions with entire justice system)
- your viewpoints and perspective are assumed as default/normal
- that others are able to relate to your experience
- that you are not individually held responsible for the actions of other people with whom you share a skin color
- that you don't have to see or acknowledge the challenges those with different skin colors face that you don't unless you choose to willfully try to understand it.
- that you can live your life focussed on the challenges that you individually face, without the added burden of challenges from your skin color and all the myriads of ways it intrudes into your life.
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I take the side of justice. The lynching of George Floyd that was on video for the entire world to see culminated centuries of brutality that blacks in this country have gone through. Most never was filmed or photographed. That is why Floyd became the face of police brutality. Black people are tired of it and the Floyd lynching came to a head.

When will black people get tired of people like George Floyd being felons and having done 9 jail stints?

Is George Floyd really who you want to be representing the black community?

Will you point to George Floyd and say "Son, some day, I want you to grow up to be just like him."?

Had he not decided to be a career criminal, he'd still be alive.
my resposne is not for you, it's for others.

The intent to "not-see-race" is indeed theoretically noble and in a race-neutral society will be a huge benefit. But the US, historically and to this day, is integrally influenced by race. To not see it or acknowledge it, is a willful denial of reality, which is a luxury only affordable to those not negatively affected by it.

An analogy will be a person talking about basketball and claiming to not see height. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, height is an integral aspect of professional basketball. It just is. Claiming to not see the advantage it confers to those who have it, and the disadvantage it confers to those who don't doesn't make you noble, it makes you willfully ignorant.

But most of what we're talking about here is how race and law enforcement are intertwined.

If Chauvin were black, but the outcome for Floyd were the same, how does that change the narrative?

Or, does the narrative remain that regardless of the color of the LEO, is inherently racist towards black people?
i'm happy to address it. and enough reference about my ivy league degrees. I have 3 Purdue degrees too. I only referenced my degrees to explain why I am confident speaking about medical issues to a degree. I am not sure what my blackness has to do with it. To use a basketball analogy, that some 5'5' guy made to the NBA does not mean being short is not a disadvantage in professional basketball success.

I am glad you agree that height gives you advantage. i.e. when it comes to basketball, lack of height is a disadvantage. By the same token, while being white may not confer obvious advantages to you, being black in America confers disadvantage. Those of us who live it keep trying to tell you.

too many to list:
- benefit of doubt in a lot of scenarios (economic prospects, interactions with law enforcement, interactions with entire justice system)
- your viewpoints and perspective are assumed as default/normal
- that others are able to relate to your experience
- that you are not individually held responsible for the actions of other people with whom you share a skin color
- that you don't have to see or acknowledge the challenges those with different skin colors face that you don't unless you choose to willfully try to understand it.
- that you can live your life focussed on the challenges that you individually face, without the added burden of challenges from your skin color and all the myriads of ways it intrudes into your life.

So, you're a black man with 3 Purdue degrees and 2 Ivy league degrees?

Either you're super special or you were able to somehow overcome a racist society in America to become very successful.

Which is it?
You obviously don’t know what, “beyond a reasonable doubt” means, which is my entire point
Again, three medical examiners determined that the knee to the neck is what killed him beyond all reasonable doubt and testified as such. He was alive before being knelt on. Those medical professionals determined he was not in medical distress before restraint and the restraint is what killed him, again testifying under oath as such.

Directly questioned about Fentanyl, none of them thought it played a role in his death.

You’ll excuse me if I don’t really care about what jrcrist read on WebMD and Brietbart.
Again, three medical examiners determined that the knee to the neck is what killed him beyond all reasonable doubt and testified as such. He was alive before being knelt on. Those medical professionals determined he was not in medical distress before restraint and the restraint is what killed him, again testifying under oath as such.

Directly questioned about Fentanyl, none of them thought it played a role in his death.

You’ll excuse me if I don’t really care about what jrcrist read on WebMD and Brietbart.
Wrong, none of them denied it was a potential factor and that it may have contributed, at least from what I watched and listened to. Baker, who actually performed the autopsy said if not for the knowledge of the knee and restraint, he would have concluded it was an overdose.