I think we can all agree that


Gold Member
Dec 1, 2004
Al Sharpton is a complete buffoon. We can agree on this right?

What are everyone's thoughts on him visiting the White House 83 times in the past 6 years? And Obama meeting with him to discuss "solutions" on race relations post Ferguson?

Oh...and he owes $4.5 million in taxes to you and I.
1. He's a buffoon.
2. No private individual who is self-appointed to his role should be at the White House each month on average. Really nobody not on the White House staff or immediate chain of command or in Congressional leadership should visit that often on official business.
3. Maybe some of the visits were personal in nature.
4. Sharpton does fill a role in our society regardless of who likes him and who does not.
5. I have no problem with them having a meeting post Ferguson.
6. The meeting should have taken place in jail if he really owes that much in back taxes.
No, no, no

Did you hear that a GOP congressional aide said not-so-nice things about the Obama daughters on Facebook? OMIGOD!!!!!! Two google searches show what's more interesting to the MSM:

Elizabeth Lauten - 4,430,000

Al Sharpton taxes - 909,000

Al Sharpton is a complete buffoon.

Yet he's wealthy, has his own TV show on cable news, and meets regularly with the POTUS. This is what can happen when the national conversation is controlled by the left.
Sharpton hinders instead of improving race relations in this country. In my opinion he is actually degrading the original goal of the civil rights movement. I would go as far as to say Al Sharpton has actually fueled racism more than he has actually helped it in his lifetime. The fact that he gets a captive audience from the media, White House, and groups like the NAACP shows how backwards our national outlook is on racial issues. The moment a person or group takes on the victim role, the moment they are forever trapped in the victim mentality unless they can beat the odds. Sharpton has been a proponent of the victim mentality his entire career instead of the surviving/thriving mentality. Instead of asking why are cops shooting young black men, he should be asking why are young black men in this circumstance more than any other race in this country? Its a deflection tactic that takes focus from the root issue and turns it into a fabricated reality of some great injustice.
Not surprisingly, I disagree with the premise of many of the posts on this thread, particularly the last poster. As despicable as Sharpton might be to some, he does help bring attention to stories that might not otherwise get attention. He is useful in that sense.
Originally posted by atmafola:
As despicable as Sharpton might be to some, he does help bring attention to stories that might not otherwise get attention. He is useful in that sense.
OMFG. Lord I hope you are the only one on Earth who feels this way.
Originally posted by atmafola:
Not surprisingly, I disagree with the premise of many of the posts on this thread, particularly the last poster. As despicable as Sharpton might be to some, he does help bring attention to stories that might not otherwise get attention. He is useful in that sense.

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