How will recruiting be affected?


Jul 6, 2011
With this Coronavirus affecting daily life for everyone, I was wondering how this will affect our recruiting for the class of 2021. There was talk on Gold and Black radio this week that Summer Camps could be affected besides just the normal Spring visits. No one knows how long this pandemic will take to get into control. Even with it in control sometime in the future, no one knows how that will affect travel going forward for the next few months.

As they mentioned on the podcast, the Spring time has become a very important time for all colleges to get recruits to come in and get multiple commitments before the Fall season in starts. Who knows if we will even have Fall sports this year, which I think is very extreme viewpoint at this time, but I have seen discussions on this as a worst case scenario. I think we will, but will the length of the season be affected and will fans be able to attend or will it be like WWE right now?

As far as recruiting, air travel might be difficult. Official and unofficial visits might be mainly trips by car, so will be get more recruits in the Midwest, IN, KY, TN, MI, IL, OH, and MI than we have seen recently? If this goes on too long, will some recruits commit earlier than they would have done, because they are not sure that they will be able to take all their official visits or visits at all? We might see more signings in February than we have seen in the last 3 years or so.

What does everyone think? Does this help or hurt us in recruiting, since our coaching staff seems to have gotten out there early with a lot of these recruits? This type of discussion could also include basketball, since the majority of recruits sign in November.
Some good questions. Another aspect I was wondering about is how does being away from school and academic support structures affect eligibility of some recruits? I’m sure there are some guys currently on the roster as well as some incoming recruits who had some work to do to be eligible in the fall. Does this forced hiatus from school help or hurt their cause?
This will be like a return to the stone ages when recruiting was done during the senior season.
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I don't expect the impact will be that great. The Corona Virus took the world by surprise, but this will most likely be contained and controlled in a matter of months. Those who may benefit the most are those whom live closest to their higher choices and conversely beneficial for the schools that want their services. Outside that, all recruits and schools are impacted pretty much equally. Things should be loosening up by fall. We should see a fairly normal football season. And a little later a fairly normal early signing period.
With Olympics being delayed to 2021, could it happen that we have no NCAA football this Fall?
With Olympics being delayed to 2021, could it happen that we have no NCAA football this Fall?
With no Olympics, MLB major impact delayed start, Delayed Kentucky Derby, Likely a delayed Indy 500, Summerfest in MKE pushed to "Harvest Fest" timeframe September, I would not be surprised at all to see a modified or cancelled season if someone doesn't have the balls to stand up to this COVID-19.
The President and Governors need to get together, script up a no suing clause and return to normal to salvage all entertainment industries & not allow the rest of the economy to continue running thru the meat grinder. This big machine will be very hard to start up again now that is has been shut down to a grinding halt!
We all thought 3-8 weeks of disruption. Not many thought it would last 6-9 months! At some point, Doctors will need to stop being whimps and stand up to ambulance chasing Lawyers to save society.
I've heard all the 2.2 mutliplier infection rate increased death rate...yadda...yadda...yadda pandemic. At what point do we get off that train and resume normal duties?
This has been an eye opening moment to review all protocols and emergency processes, do we have a plan when we can resume normal life?
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With Olympics being delayed to 2021, could it happen that we have no NCAA football this Fall?
Doubtful. July is coming fast when you're talking a worldwide event coupled with travel shutdowns. The economy of the world has been drastically hurt. Just don't think the will is there for nations to committ the financial support in the current climate. Football practices and schedules are in place. If this pandemic is still roaring by then sports as we knew them will likely never recover.
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I think it will be interesting to see who we go after at QB for the 2021 class. We put out some early offers for the very high profile QB recruits, but we normally wait for some offers until they come to our camps in June. The coaching staff normally likes to see them in person instead of tape.

I guess this is where it would be important this year to be able to get someone like McCulley where the coaching staff has seen him in person and have been pursuing him for a while. I realize that this is easier said than done, since he is a national recruit.
Taking this in a different direction..

I see that the NCAA just granted the spring sport athletes an extra year of eligibility due to having their seasons cancelled. I haven't studied the ins and outs closely, but my understanding is baseball can exceed their scholarship limits if needed to accommodate both the returning players and any signed recruits.

If the football season were to be cancelled, I know, UGH.... But how would it affect recruiting? Would schools be required to rescind verbals since the early signing date for 2021 is not until December? I can't imagine what level of creaning would ensue if coaches were required to stay under the 85 limit across 5 recruiting classes while faced with bringing back 15 or 20 seniors. Or would the 85 limit be temporarily raise to, say 100?

Also, I assume it is not only the seniors who get an extra year, but all classes, freshmen through senior. Which means the scholarship limit would be a problem trickled down for years to come. So you either have smaller recruiting classes for the next few years, or you have to raise the scholarship limits for some period of time.

Needless to say, whatever happens (if the worst case of no football in 2020 happens) there are some coaches who will figure out how to take advantage.
Somewhat OT. I saw an interview yesterday of a major distributor of high end food and liquor based on the east coast. His concern for the restaurant and bar business is that even if they are able to reopen changes will require more spacing in seating capacity for health reasons will cut into the already narrow profitability. If this virus is not defeated by fall football will not be played in front of packed stadiums. Many of us simply will not return to packed seating again. The future likely will mean much less $$$ for sports. IF there is no fall sports will ESPN and the networks jettison a bunch of needless talking heads? Reading this it looks like house arrest leads to incoherent rambling!
Somewhat OT. I saw an interview yesterday of a major distributor of high end food and liquor based on the east coast. His concern for the restaurant and bar business is that even if they are able to reopen changes will require more spacing in seating capacity for health reasons will cut into the already narrow profitability. If this virus is not defeated by fall football will not be played in front of packed stadiums. Many of us simply will not return to packed seating again. The future likely will mean much less $$$ for sports. IF there is no fall sports will ESPN and the networks jettison a bunch of needless talking heads? Reading this it looks like house arrest leads to incoherent rambling!
Supply and demand. If the revenues go down , so should the salaries.
Somewhat OT. I saw an interview yesterday of a major distributor of high end food and liquor based on the east coast. His concern for the restaurant and bar business is that even if they are able to reopen changes will require more spacing in seating capacity for health reasons will cut into the already narrow profitability. If this virus is not defeated by fall football will not be played in front of packed stadiums. Many of us simply will not return to packed seating again. The future likely will mean much less $$$ for sports. IF there is no fall sports will ESPN and the networks jettison a bunch of needless talking heads? Reading this it looks like house arrest leads to incoherent rambling!
At some point, there will be treatment, and then a vaccine for CV. Maybe not in time for this season, but probably in time for 2021 season.

I mean, you think all them yahoos down south are gonna let the WooHan ruin their football Saturdays forever?