How the Right Lost Its Mind and Embraced Donald Trump

I know very few people who have "embraced" Donald Trump. Many of his votes were simply people voting against another 4 years of the Democrats' failed agenda.
I voted almost purely based on the supreme court. My first inclination was to stay home because these 2 boneheads don't come close to representing me, but the thought of more clinton appointments made me vomit. So I'm pretty happy about Gorsuch. not that it mattered, VA went blue.
Same here.


I don't think many conservatives actually like Trump (I don't) - or Hillary for that matter. In fact I didn't vote this cycle because of it. Sad to think that for all the innovation and talent in our country - the system produced those two. But I was happy to see Gorsuch nomination go through - I am a big fan of textualism and originalism, especially for somebody to take Scalia's seat.

This is what will get Trump re-elected.

An abject failure to understand, the general population is fed up of the establishment, from both parties.

What happened to JFK principles? (Hint: it's not today's leftist drivel)

What happened to traditional American values? (Hint: it's not found in today's identity politics)

Who's looking out for the average American?

I don't care about what my neighbor has.
I'm not going to vote for you because you promise me a basket of 'goodies.'
I'm not going to vote for you because you demonize someone else with more than I have.

I want you to articulate a clear vision of the future, one that does not advocate unaccountable politicians in positions of power.

I gain nothing when I turn over my freedom to people who are selling their soul for votes.

I don't think many conservatives actually like Trump (I don't) - or Hillary for that matter. In fact I didn't vote this cycle because of it. Sad to think that for all the innovation and talent in our country - the system produced those two. But I was happy to see Gorsuch nomination go through - I am a big fan of textualism and originalism, especially for somebody to take Scalia's seat.

Dead accurate.

Effectively picking the next SC justice deal was a huge factor, if not the overriding for many voting in the last election which combined contained the 2 most unlikable candidates for Pres in anyone's recollection.

I'm trying to think what would even factor next, maybe 04 since so many were tired of Bush and Kerry just seemed so damn pretentious and phony......that ain;t even close to last round.
Just another neo-con Never Trumper pandering to the left, in one of their most biased rags. Charles Sykes is a joke. In his first sentence he calls himself a "major" conservative. LMAO :rolleyes:

I have decently kept up with political commentary since early in 2016 but not so much most of the previous decade. Have never heard of this guy. Just a self-important pundit/journalist?
Yep, Charlie Sykes, host of a conservative talk radio for 23 years was a liberal in disguise. He was playing the long con. Some perfect examples just in this thread of what he's talking about. Decades of right wing propaganda have destroyed the minds of a substantial part of our population. Knowledge is seen as elitism, fear mongering of the "other", compromise and rational discourse is seen as a betrayal and working with the enemy instead of a normal part of governing among people with different ideologies.
Yep, Charlie Sykes, host of a conservative talk radio for 23 years was a liberal in disguise. He was playing the long con. Some perfect examples just in this thread of what he's talking about. Decades of right wing propaganda have destroyed the minds of a substantial part of our population. Knowledge is seen as elitism, fear mongering of the "other", compromise and rational discourse is seen as a betrayal and working with the enemy instead of a normal part of governing among people with different ideologies.
Charlie Sykes thinks way too much of himself. He's a Never Trumper and neo-con just like the Bushes, Mitt Romney, John Kasich, Bill Krystol....

They keep acting like they are such high-minded, highly-principled Conservatives, when in general, they've done little but sellout our nation repeatedly with horrible trade deals, turning a blind eye to open borders and illegal immigration, regularly nation building in the Middle East and Africa and causing massive destruction of countries and peoples, spending like drunken sailors....They don't care what carnage they create in the USA or anywhere else in the world.

Yes, these are exactly the kind of people to emulate. The Bushes and the Clintons are two sides of the same coin.
Barack Obama is one of the classiest leaders America has ever seen. Failed agenda...ha! Whiny Trumpers strike again.
You must have really appreciated his 8-year world apology tour. If he was so classy, he should keep his nose out of politics now that he's out-of-office, just like his predecessors have done. I don't GAF what Oblamer thinks about illegal immigrants anymore. I don't GAF what he thinks about global warming. Or his failed Obamacare. Or his pandering to the Iranians due to Valarie Jarrett....

He left this country in a highly-divided, dysfunctional mess.
Barack Obama is one of the classiest leaders America has ever seen. Failed agenda...ha! Whiny Trumpers strike again.

Considering you were 16 when Obama was elected, we'll just chalk this ridiculous statement up to naivity.

I'd be interested to know what qualifies in your book as a "classy leader" because Obama did very little, in most people's opinion, that qualifies as "classy" or "leader".

He was the most intentionally divisive and untruthful presidents in our history. He's the last man I'd be telling my managers to take leadership advise from.
Rattle off BO's 4 or 5 best accomplishments for us...

He got us out of the great recession and helped orchestrate a robust economy.
He created a sustainable health care system where everyone will have affordable health insurance for generations to come.
He brought together all Americans regardless of race.
He thwarted the Russian expansion.
He kept Korea from becoming a nuclear threat.
He ended the war in Afghanistan.
His vision for Iraq lead to them not sponsoring terrorist groups and eliminated them as a future nuclear threat.
He solved the immigration issues in this country.
He got the IRS to crack down on political contributions to at least one political party.
He got the DOJ to forgive minor details by the Secretary of state, such as letting our enemies have access to classified information.

These are the top ten accomplishments of the Obama adm according to Boilerjs.
You must have really appreciated his 8-year world apology tour. If he was so classy, he should keep his nose out of politics now that he's out-of-office, just like his predecessors have done. I don't GAF what Oblamer thinks about illegal immigrants anymore. I don't GAF what he thinks about global warming. Or his failed Obamacare. Or his pandering to the Iranians due to Valarie Jarrett....

He left this country in a highly-divided, dysfunctional mess.
Donald Trump has done all of that. But sure, blame the black man. It's the GOP way.
Considering you were 16 when Obama was elected, we'll just chalk this ridiculous statement up to naivity.

I'd be interested to know what qualifies in your book as a "classy leader" because Obama did very little, in most people's opinion, that qualifies as "classy" or "leader".

He was the most intentionally divisive and untruthful presidents in our history. He's the last man I'd be telling my managers to take leadership advise from.
Man, I love a good laugh in the morning. And Trump is better how?
He got us out of the great recession and helped orchestrate a robust economy.
He created a sustainable health care system where everyone will have affordable health insurance for generations to come.
He brought together all Americans regardless of race.
He thwarted the Russian expansion.
He kept Korea from becoming a nuclear threat.
He ended the war in Afghanistan.
His vision for Iraq lead to them not sponsoring terrorist groups and eliminated them as a future nuclear threat.
He solved the immigration issues in this country.
He got the IRS to crack down on political contributions to at least one political party.
He got the DOJ to forgive minor details by the Secretary of state, such as letting our enemies have access to classified information.

These are the top ten accomplishments of the Obama adm according to Boilerjs.
lol harsh!
Man, I love a good laugh in the morning. And Trump is better how?

Trump is bad in his own way. I'd almost say he's been equally as bad as Obama on the divisive front.

See, I have the intellectual ability and competency to not play this us vs. them game. I can think for myself and don't immediately say the other side is wrong (or some immature attempt at an insult with your vocabulary) based on someone being a liberal.
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Trump is bad in his own way. I'd almost say he's been equally as bad as Obama on the divisive front.

See, I have the intellectual ability and competency to not play this us vs. them game. I can think for myself and don't immediately say the other side is wrong (or some immature attempt at an insult with your vocabulary) based on someone being a liberal.
Equally as... wow.
Donald Trump has done all of that. But sure, blame the black man. It's the GOP way.
Yes, bring up the racism card once again.

This is getting so f@&ing tiring. I don't dislike Obama because of his skin color. I dislike Obama because of his horrendous policies and how they've impacted the USA.

Why is it that people like you can't seem to make this simple discernment? You always go back to race. Truth is, many of the people who scream racism the loudest are often some of the most racist people around. In the deluded minds of some of the Progressives, blacks can't possibly be racist.
Yes, bring up the racism card once again.

This is getting so f@&ing tiring. I don't dislike Obama because of his skin color. I dislike Obama because of his horrendous policies and how they've impacted the USA.

Why is it that people like you can't seem to make this simple discernment? You always go back to race. Truth is, many of the people who scream racism the loudest are often some of the most racist people around. In the deluded minds of some of the Progressives, blacks can't possibly be racist.

Because they've been brainwashed to follow the Alinski playbook. Divide any way you can and conquer. That's why the left is always talking about the class system, race, sex, religion, etc.
Eh, that was sort of a rambling article.

I am not sure what Trump is, but would hardly call him conservative. I think more than anything Trump is a result of the political correctness gone haywire and some people liked that he spewed whatever was on his mind. But most of his Presidency is the result of real poor candidates that ran worse campaigns on the opposing side.
He should get more credit than that. In order to become President he had to beat BOTH the Republican and Democrat parties. That is no small feat in this day and age.
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He should get more credit than that. In order to become President he had to beat BOTH the Republican and Democrat parties. That is no small feat in this day and age.

I was referring to more the GE when I said that. I just do not think he would have beat a solid Democratic candidate that ran a good campaign.
I was referring to more the GE when I said that. I just do not think he would have beat a solid Democratic candidate that ran a good campaign.
Before the election, the common refrain was that HRC was a "shoo-in" to win. It was almost as if she was considered destined to be President - except, as we know, she wasn't. And thank God for that!
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Rattle off BO's 4 or 5 best accomplishments for us...
OMG...that may be the funniest thing I've read. Sure wish we had that 150 billion to Iran and so many other things. Little did I know 50 years ago when Parker Dunham was talking about Obama's mother Ann Dunham that the embarrassment she was to the family would produce the POTUS.
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Charlie Sykes thinks way too much of himself. He's a Never Trumper and neo-con just like the Bushes, Mitt Romney, John Kasich, Bill Krystol....

They keep acting like they are such high-minded, highly-principled Conservatives, when in general, they've done little but sellout our nation repeatedly with horrible trade deals, turning a blind eye to open borders and illegal immigration, regularly nation building in the Middle East and Africa and causing massive destruction of countries and peoples, spending like drunken sailors....They don't care what carnage they create in the USA or anywhere else in the world.

Yes, these are exactly the kind of people to emulate. The Bushes and the Clintons are two sides of the same coin.

I am always very interested in the views of Charles Krauthhammer, I love his even-keel manner and most of his philosophies, however he is one of the neoCons you alluded to.

I don't understand the neoCon way of thinking and that spending trillions on regime changes is smart international policy. Time and time again it fails to remain that way and in the last 25 years usually whoever takes over next is even more dangerous and tougher to defeat.
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I was referring to more the GE when I said that. I just do not think he would have beat a solid Democratic candidate that ran a good campaign.

Probably not, but before Obama who was the last likable non-pretentious Demo nominee? Prob have to go back to Clinton. Gore was seen as pretty dry and not sexy IIRC, they tried to give him pizazz by having him smooch Tipper at some awards show.

As an example, I no nothing about the guy, but if the MD guv that was polling at like 1% in the primaries had somehow been acclimated nominee, would he have defeated Trump by default simply by not polling high in unlikability be default.
Eh, that was sort of a rambling article.

I am not sure what Trump is, but would hardly call him conservative. I think more than anything Trump is a result of the political correctness gone haywire and some people liked that he spewed whatever was on his mind. But most of his Presidency is the result of real poor candidates that ran worse campaigns on the opposing side.

Trump ran as an anti-establishment, anti-PC populist. He certainly wasn't a classic conservative or a Republican.

What was insane was the incredible clip of evangelical vote that he got, especially when you consider his sordid past and New York values, but I think most of the heavy christian crowd glanced at the other direction and remembered the Clinton's aren't exactly a bastion of wholesome American values, and they used the POTUS nomination as their tiebreaker.
He should get more credit than that. In order to become President he had to beat BOTH the Republican and Democrat parties. That is no small feat in this day and age.

there has been a lot of talk here about globalists/new world order/illuminati/establishment powers that be/etc...

i guess trump winning shows how weak that movement is if it does exist
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I am always very interested in the views of Charles Krauthhammer, I love his even-keel manner and most of his philosophies, however he is one of the neoCons you alluded to.

I don't understand the neoCon way of thinking and that spending trillions on regime changes is smart international policy. Time and time again it fails to remain that way and in the last 25 years usually whoever takes over next is even more dangerous and tougher to defeat.
It's not that hard to understand when you consider who is pulling the strings of the neo-cons. The neo-cons are totally in bed with globalist elite/open borders crowd and the regime change is a means to an end.

There's no way that the globalist elite/open borders crowd didn't want the regime change in Syria (hasn't quite worked for them as planned), Iraq, Egypt, Libya - they want mass migration from these countries into Europe. They want mass migration of Mexicans and Central Americans into the USA (and even Canada.)

They want to literally change the physical and cultural complexions of Europe and the USA, because doing this will make them (so the thought process goes), easier to subdue and change for good. (It seems to be working somewhat in Europe, but even these democratic socialists are starting to wake up to what their "leaders" are doing to them and their cultures.) The globalist elite/open borders crowd can't stand strong Western cultures like the USA because they are too free - our Enlightened democratic republic experiment has worked too well and now our people are much too difficult to control. "The Great Work" cannot be completed when Americans are armed, think for themselves, and don't rely on the government for the majority of their well-being.

We are a major fly in the ointment, and the reason (love him or hate him) the globalist elite/left-wing media elite/neo-cons/open borders crowd are doing everything they can to impugn Trump is because he is turning all of their seemingly well-laid plans on their heads with his policies. A strong America is the last thing these people want. They fawned over Obama because he acted like the USA was just another country and he constantly apologized for America's "past sins". There is very little Obama did that was intended to make America better or stronger. Most of what he did was intended to divide the nation, and he was very effective in doing that with the Progressive identity politics (black vs. white, gay vs. straight, male vs. female, Muslim vs. Christian, etc,. etc. When America is at war with itself, as it has been for many years, it is easier to subdue.
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there has been a lot of talk here about globalists/new world order/illuminati/establishment powers that be/etc...

i guess trump winning shows how weak that movement is if it does exist
These people make up a tiny fraction of the world's population. It takes an incredible amount of money, time, and planning to pull off what they want to do. If you've paid any attention at all, you'd realize that they've accomplished much more than maybe they even thought was possible. There's only one reason they do these things - it's in their best interests to do so. When politicians can be so easily bought and sold (the Citizens United Supreme Court decision was an absolute travesty), it makes things easier for the globalist elite/open borders crowd.
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This is what will get Trump re-elected.

An abject failure to understand, the general population is fed up of the establishment, from both parties.

What happened to JFK principles? (Hint: it's not today's leftist drivel)

What happened to traditional American values? (Hint: it's not found in today's identity politics)

Who's looking out for the average American?

I don't care about what my neighbor has.
I'm not going to vote for you because you promise me a basket of 'goodies.'
I'm not going to vote for you because you demonize someone else with more than I have.

I want you to articulate a clear vision of the future, one that does not advocate unaccountable politicians in positions of power.

I gain nothing when I turn over my freedom to people who are selling their soul for votes.

I agree with the sentiment, but don't see where this applies to Trump. He won by playing identity politics and by demonizing everyone other than his so-called "base." He's not looking out for the average American. (Incidentally, what does the "average American" even look like?)

And he hasn't articulated a clear vision of the future. I'm not sure he's even capable of doing so. For crying out loud, did you read what he had to say about Puerto Rico yesterday? "This is an island, surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water." His buzzwords are "sad" and "fake news" and "very bad."

What is going to get Trump re-elected, if he wins, is the fact that he is brilliantly playing the cultural war, and his "base" lacks the self-awareness to realize they are being played.
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These people make up a tiny fraction of the world's population. It takes an incredible amount of money, time, and planning to pull off what they want to do. If you've paid any attention at all, you'd realize that they've accomplished much more than maybe they even thought was possible. There's only reason they do these things - it's in their best interests to do so. When politicians can be so easily bought and sold (the Citizens United Supreme Court decision was an absolute travesty), it makes things easier for the globalist elite/open borders crowd.

if these global elitists already have so much personal power and wealth themselves, it is pretty incredible that they can be convinced to concede any of that to their groups version of the greater good/ greater movement.
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