How the Right Lost Its Mind and Embraced Donald Trump

What state did Bill Clinton run as Governor? It sure as hell wasn't NY. Why didn't she run for Senator from Arkansas?

She took residence outside NYC out of convenience and political expedience.

lol I just thought it was amusing. 99% of the contexts in which you hear that are people moving from NY to the South.
lol I just thought it was amusing. 99% of the contexts in which you hear that are people moving from NY to the South.
Broadly, the term applies to any politician who moves from their home state to another state with the sole purpose of running for elected office in the new state. Is that hard to understand?
Why is this the Left's fallback position? You can't win an argument based on merit, so you try to diminish your opponent by introducing words like "hate", "racist", "sexist", etc.? SD and I have had disagreements in the past, but I didn't see any "hate" in his post. That concept was purely yours. You introduced it from the ether and it has no basis in fact. Why the need to stoop so low?

Of course, PUBV had to chime in, in the same vein:

"The unfortunate answer to your 1st question is it’s so much easier to return to the hate loop than move forward."
What's easy is for you and others is to immediately assume anyone who opposes Trump is a liberal.......because most Trump supporters I see are simply looking for a fight with Dems. I'm not a dem, never have been. I am one of the independents who didn't vote for Trump. Without the votes of the independents Trump isn't in the WH.......and he won't win again without them.
I'm not sure about your problem with the word hate. SD clearly doesn't like Obama, HC, or liberals. You want to take one word out of a paragraph and have a hissy over it, thats fine. But please spare me the moral outrage.......that the left is the only side getting nasty. You want to see hate? Watch MSNBC or Fox at night. Go over to the main yahoo board if you want to see some real Trump supporters demonstrating hatred. Go to "the Donald" at reddit. Rush, Chris Matthews, Hannity......its everywhere.
I'm not here to "win an argument ". Impossible on the Internet, nor do I care to. But if you want to talk about the merit of issues, I'm right here.
Why is this the Left's fallback position? You can't win an argument based on merit, so you try to diminish your opponent by introducing words like "hate", "racist", "sexist", etc.? SD and I have had disagreements in the past, but I didn't see any "hate" in his post. That concept was purely yours. You introduced it from the ether and it has no basis in fact. Why the need to stoop so low?

Of course, PUBV had to chime in, in the same vein:

"The unfortunate answer to your 1st question is it’s so much easier to return to the hate loop than move forward."
Diminish my “opponent”, oh brother. Gee, what quarter are we in, who’s winning? I apologize if the words “hate loop” hurt SDs feelings. If I could discover a pill that could fight your impulses to interject Hillary, Hillary, Hillary into every conversation, I’d be richer than whomever discovered boner pills! Let it go, she lost, she ain’t runnin again. Get yourself taken off the “this thread needs a dogpile on Hillary” call list. You guys even taint the sports boards with Hillary stuff. She’s the turd you flies can’t get enough of :)
I should have been more clear. I wasn't disagreeing with you that the Democrats had some of the same problems with identity politics and lacking a clear vision for the future.

The point I was trying to make was that I'm not sure I understand how that can be responsible for Trump's win when he also had those problems. Did he just play the identity politics game better? I'm genuinely curious what you think (hence the reason I'm responding to you rather than to a couple others who came after me.) I mean, couldn't I say that Trump also is all about "demonizing anyone...that will garner votes for their power" and be right? I just don't see how you can say that identity politics is a problem only on one side of the aisle. It's a problem with the entire system, no?

My feelings is that Trump won because he captured the attention of a segment of the population that felt completely ignored by both parties. Some - certainly not all, but just as certainly a significant minority - of which actually are racist morons who think that all of their problems are the fault of black and brown people. The question that historians and political scientists will be studying and writing on for many years is exactly how he managed to do that.

Joe, thank you for your reply. I read it before church Sunday morning but haven't been able to reply until tonight. Apologies if I don't articulate my points of view as well as I'd like.

When you said, "(Trump) won by playing identity politics and by demonizing everyone other than his so-called "base", it looked like you meant that was a tactic exclusive to Trump. In fact, it's been a tired, worn out tactic by the divisive left for a long, long time.

Yes, I think you're correct, "Trump won because he captured the attention of a segment of the population that felt completely ignored by both parties." To a degree, that was summarized in Greenberg's article I referenced. But, Greenberg still doesn't get it. Those people not pawns to be played. They're real human beings with genuine concerns. And they've been mocked, ridiculed, marginalized, called "white supremacists", "racists", and more.

I'm also curious who you think comprise these "racist morons" are. Is that a MSM narrative with no real meaning, or are these real people comprising a significant number?

Stated differently, are they the overwhelming majority who think we should secure our borders?

Are they the overwhelming majority who don't think we should be admitting unvetted immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries, which includes women, children, AND young men?

I don't know what racist leanings cause you to believe there are some people "who think that all of their problems are the fault of black and brown people." Where does this come from? Is this an MSM narrative? Is this something substantiated somewhere?

You also wrote, "What is going to get Trump re-elected, if he wins, is the fact that he is brilliantly playing the cultural war, and his "base" lacks the self-awareness to realize they are being played."

I'm not sure what "cultural war" he's playing, and also curious how his 'base' is being 'played.'

For sure, he's tapped into a large segment of the population tired of politicians promising they're going to secure the country, secure her (our) borders. After all, a country without borders isn't a country at all.

He's tapped into a large segment of the population that realizes they've been played by the career politicians who have promised middle class growth, they've promised growth of manufacturing jobs, but then say such incendiary things as promising to bankrupt coal companies and the like.

Truth be told, whether he means it or not Trump tapped into the mother lode. He seems to realize the entire country has been taken over by people who are interested in nothing more than controlling the populace, and finding ways to line their pockets.

Whether he means to 'drain the swamp' or not, that's resonating with people. Not the bullsh*t 'white supremacy' meme being advanced by the never Trump-ers.
She has a long and decorated career in public service. You'd understand that if you hadn't been gulping that right wing propaganda/bullshit that's been rabidly focused on her since 1993.
I'll play . . .

So, what is her "long and decorated career in public service?"

Her claim to fame seem to be, "I married a guy who would eventually become President, I led the campaign to publicly destroy the reputations of the multiple women who claim he raped them, and I have a vagina."

Apologies if that's too crass, but, other than that, what has she accomplished?

I'm genuinely interested in reading these accomplishments.
It's a shame being a good campaigner has nothing to do with competence, however.

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She has a long and decorated career in public service. You'd understand that if you hadn't been gulping that right wing propaganda/bullshit that's been rabidly focused on her since 1993.
She’s a no-talent gravy trainer who saw a guy with charm and a future and latched onto him. Otherwise no one would ever have heard of her. She’s unremarkable in every way.
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She’s a no-talent gravy trainer who saw a guy with charm and a future and latched onto him. Otherwise no one would ever have heard of her. She’s unremarkable in every way.

Yeah, Yale Law grads typically don't amount to anything.
I'll play . . .

So, what is her "long and decorated career in public service?"

Her claim to fame seem to be, "I married a guy who would eventually become President, I led the campaign to publicly destroy the reputations of the multiple women who claim he raped them, and I have a vagina."

Apologies if that's too crass, but, other than that, what has she accomplished?

I'm genuinely interested in reading these accomplishments.

Purdue85! How've you been?
Yeah, Yale Law grads typically don't amount to anything.
Yea she's a pretty sharp woman all around. She was involved in Bill's politics from almost the very beginning. She knows the game very well. People can hate her for all sorts of reasons and I can understand why........ but those who dismiss her abilities and smarts have no idea what they're talking about.
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Yea she's a pretty sharp woman all around. She was involved in Bill's politics from almost the very beginning. She knows the game very well. People can hate her...... but those who dismiss her abilities and smarts have no idea what they're talking about.
Of course she’s sharp, lots of sharp Yale Law grads around, but she would never have been a senator or SoS without marrying Bill.
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Of course she’s sharp, lots of sharp Yale Law grads around, but she would never have been a senator or SoS without marrying Bill.
You may be right......but it's obvious you have no idea of her background or what she did at Yale. She was gonna be a somebody one way or another. That's ok.
But when you said" she's unremarkable in every way" and a "no talent gravy trainer" you showed your dislike for her is much stronger than your ability to be objective.
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You may be right......but it's obvious you have no idea of her background or what she did at Yale. She was gonna be a somebody one way or another. That's ok.
But when you said" she's unremarkable in every way" and a "no talent gravy trainer" you showed your dislike for her is much stronger than your ability to be objective.
She was good at futures trading with inside information in the 80's.
She’s a no-talent gravy trainer who saw a guy with charm and a future and latched onto him. Otherwise no one would ever have heard of her. She’s unremarkable in every way.

That may be a good point. She must be an excellent evaluator with great foresight to identify a future President.
You may be right......but it's obvious you have no idea of her background or what she did at Yale. She was gonna be a somebody one way or another. That's ok.
But when you said" she's unremarkable in every way" and a "no talent gravy trainer" you showed your dislike for her is much stronger than your ability to be objective.
so, what is it in her accomplishments that show she's "remarkable"?
so, what is it in her accomplishments that show she's "remarkable"?
I didn't say she was remarkable. I said she wasn't unremarkable.'s not the same thing.
But just to give you an answer, tell me me how many women in this country have been a senator and a SOS? I'll wait.
Over my many years I've learned to listen to my gut, and my gut screams that Charlie Sykes is not a conservative. He's a self-promoter who will say what is necessary to get in front the camera.
You need a gut check.
What is it with you people? You can't take the time to look up anything? Without even checking, I know Sykes had a radio show in Wisconsin for over 20 years......a very conservative radio show. Paul Ryan is a good friend OF HIS (edit).. Now I'm sure you're now gonna trash Ryan, but he is a conservative.
I don't think most of you know what a conservative really is. I do know you'll trash anybody that opposes his Trumpness.
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You need a gut check.
What is it with you people? You can't take the time to look up anything? Without even checking, I know Sykes had a radio show in Wisconsin for over 20 years......a very conservative radio show. Paul Ryan is a good friend. Now I'm sure you're now gonna trash Ryan, but he is a conservative.
I don't think most of you know what a conservative really is. I do know you'll trash anybody that opposes his Trumpness.
dude, when questioning a LEADER WHO WAS ELECTED, that isn't "trashing".

A conservative upholds conservative principles. You DO know what those are, correct?

Conservative principles don't just drift with the wind or current.
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I didn't say she was remarkable. I said she wasn't unremarkable.'s not the same thing.
But just to give you an answer, tell me me how many women in this country have been a senator and a SOS? I'll wait.

That's sounds like someone questioning what the meaning of the word "is" is.

If she's not unremarkable, she has some remarkable accomplishments. Pretty simple, unless you're parsing words.

Tell me, how many women have been Senator and SoS without having a husband who is/was a past President?

And, again, I ask . . . (and don't anticipate ANY substantive response) . . . what ARE her significant achievements?

Of course, I mean, other than having married a guy who would be President, and having a v@gin@.

Still waiting . . .
dude, when questioning a LEADER WHO WAS ELECTED, that isn't "trashing".

A conservative upholds conservative principles. You DO know what those are, correct?

Conservative principles don't just drift with the wind or current.
So you were gonna trash Ryan. Read you guys like a book. ROFL. Paul Ryan is a conservative. He's trying to pass a conservative agenda. Trump is not a conservative. I assume you're pissed because Trump has had no legislative victories and you're choosing to blame the speaker........that doesn’t make Ryan any less conservative.
Did you google Charlie Sykes yet?
So you were gonna trash Ryan. Read you guys like a book. ROFL. Paul Ryan is a conservative. He's trying to pass a conservative agenda. Trump is not a conservative. I assume you're pissed because Trump has had no legislative victories and you're choosing to blame the speaker........that doesn’t make Ryan any less conservative.
Did you google Charlie Sykes yet?
yes, clearly, I 'was gonna trash Ryan.'

And I was going to BLAME the SPEAKER! Yep, boys, I've been OUTED, I tell ya! Boy, did you just shut me down! You are the BEST!

Uh, fact check, when did I EVER promote Trump? And when did I ever badmouth Ryan?

You're the one saying Ryan is "a good friend." So that makes YOU a biased hack, not me.

You're such a never-Trumper you don't even bother to check your biases at the door.

It's you that has the problem, not me.
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That's sounds like someone questioning what the meaning of the word "is" is.

If she's not unremarkable, she has some remarkable accomplishments. Pretty simple, unless you're parsing words.

Tell me, how many women have been Senator and SoS without having a husband who is/was a past President?

And, again, I ask . . . (and don't anticipate ANY substantive response) . . . what ARE her significant achievements?

Of course, I mean, other than having married a guy who would be President, and having a v@gin@.

Still waiting . . .
I'm not gonna post a list you have absolutely no intention of listening to. Your feelings are clear. If you think she got to Congress and SOS......and became a presidential candidate........only because she was married to Bill then be happy in your fantasy.
Now it's time for you to say you said I would have no substantive response.
I'm not gonna post a list you have absolutely no intention of listening to. Your feelings are clear. If you think she got to Congress and SOS......and became a presidential candidate........only because she was married to Bill then be happy in your fantasy.
Now it's time for you to say you said I would have no substantive response.

it really should be pretty easy, if she has any.

I'll listen, and consider your responses, but you should be prepared to defend them, which it doesn't appear your ready or able to do so.
yes, clearly, I 'was gonna trash Ryan.'

And I was going to BLAME the SPEAKER! Yep, boys, I've been OUTED, I tell ya! Boy, did you just shut me down! You are the BEST!

Uh, fact check, when did I EVER promote Trump? And when did I ever badmouth Ryan?

You're the one saying Ryan is "a good friend." So that makes YOU a biased hack, not me.

You're such a never-Trumper you don't even bother to check your biases at the door.

It's you that has the problem, not me.
I have no problem. I am a never Trumper, proud of it.
Ryan is a good friend of Charlie Sykes. They are both conservatives. I don't know wtf you are saying.
If you are not a Trump supporter and you don't blame Ryan for failing to give Donald his victories, then my bad. Don't think that's the case. You seem to be trying to play both sides to win an argument.
I have no problem. I am a never Trumper, proud of it.
Ryan is a good friend of Charlie Sykes. They are both conservatives. I don't know wtf you are saying.
If you are not a Trump supporter and you don't blame Ryan for failing to give Donald his victories, then my bad. Don't think that's the case. You seem to be trying to play both sides to win an argument.

Yes, you "don't know wtf (I am) saying" because you're not paying attention.

You want to carve up the world in these neat little boxes, yet I don't fit in them.

I don't give a fat rat's arse about your bias toward Ryan.

I don't give a d@mn about any of your imaginary "Donald victories", whatever the hell that means.

I don't play for either of those teams, and I'm not so hateful as you appear to be as to rabidly condemn one "team" or the other.

Charlie Sykes appears TO ME (!!) to be a self-serving, self-promoting con man. Maybe I have him all wrong, maybe I'm spot on.

At times, Paul Ryan typifies what's wrong with D.C. politicians today.

You rabidly support him, apparently to the point of weakness. That's on you, not me.

I don't give a d@mn about these two "sides" you've carved out. I want my country back. And I don't care who represents my interests, be it Paul Ryan, Donald Trump, or some courageous Democrat who decides to support his or her country.
I have no problem. I am a never Trumper, proud of it.
Ryan is a good friend of Charlie Sykes. They are both conservatives. I don't know wtf you are saying.
If you are not a Trump supporter and you don't blame Ryan for failing to give Donald his victories, then my bad. Don't think that's the case. You seem to be trying to play both sides to win an argument.
Bob, did you ever come up with any of these imaginary accomplishments of Hillary Clinton?

Oh, and by the way, it seems a bit suspicious that you are an advocate of a radical leftist like Hillary AND such staunch conservatives like Paul Ryan and Charlie Sykes . . . just an observation.
I didn't say she was remarkable. I said she wasn't unremarkable.'s not the same thing.
But just to give you an answer, tell me me how many women in this country have been a senator and a SOS? I'll wait.
The only reason she became SoS was because it would allow Obama to appease the Establishment wing of the D party and to mollify Bill Clinton.
Bob, did you ever come up with any of these imaginary accomplishments of Hillary Clinton?

Oh, and by the way, it seems a bit suspicious that you are an advocate of a radical leftist like Hillary AND such staunch conservatives like Paul Ryan and Charlie Sykes . . . just an observation.
Bobbie needs to give it up - he's clearly losing the argument.
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If you two have degrees from Purdue, Mitch wants em back......because you can comprehend for sh!t.
I don't "rabidly " support Ryan, never even said I like him!!! All I said was he is conservative, like Sykes, and they are friends from Wisconsin. That was the original point, now lost among all this BS.
I never said I like Hillary, I just defended her against the charge that she rode her husband's coattails.
I'm not an advocate of either Ryan or Hillary. Try reading it over again.
The reason you two brain surgeons can't figure out why I'm saying nice things about people from both parties is because I'm an INDEPENDENT. But because you can't be objective about politics you couldn't seem to see that as a possibility, it confuses you. You're Rex Tillerson morons, looking for a fight, just like your POTUS. I don't give a frak about winning an internet fight, unlike you. Proves my point.
If you two have degrees from Purdue, Mitch wants em back......because you can comprehend for sh!t.
I don't "rabidly " support Ryan, never even said I like him!!! All I said was he is conservative, like Sykes, and they are friends from Wisconsin. That was the original point, now lost among all this BS.
I never said I like Hillary, I just defended her against the charge that she rode her husband's coattails.
I'm not an advocate of either Ryan or Hillary. Try reading it over again.
The reason you two brain surgeons can't figure out why I'm saying nice things about people from both parties is because I'm an INDEPENDENT. But because you can't be objective about politics you couldn't seem to see that as a possibility, it confuses you. You're Rex Tillerson morons, looking for a fight, just like your POTUS. I don't give a frak about winning an internet fight, unlike you. Proves my point.

Bob: "Paul Ryan is a good friend."

Bob: "I . . . never said I liked (Ryan)."

No wonder you're unhinged. You don't even like your "good friend(s)."

Yeah, you're an independent. You're special. A legend in your own mind. You don't think anyone else thinks independently.

And, it's duly noted, you still won't share what you think are any of Hillary's accomplishments.
Bob: "Paul Ryan is a good friend."

Bob: "I . . . never said I liked (Ryan)."

No wonder you're unhinged. You don't even like your "good friend(s)."

Yeah, you're an independent. You're special. A legend in your own mind. You don't think anyone else thinks independently.

And, it's duly noted, you still won't share what you think are any of Hillary's accomplishments.
Why would I bring up knowing Paul Ryan in the middle of an argument about Charlie Sykes?!!! Because HE is a friend of Sykes you freakin idiot. They are both from Wisconsin for the 8th time. I don't know Paul Ryan. If that isn't clear enough I actually edited the post. Did you even consider you might have misunderstood the post..........or did you go straight to the "logical" conclusion that Ryan is my friend but I don't like him? Unfreakinbelievable.
I'm not going to get in another lame argument with you over Hillary's accomplishments. One ridiculous pissing match with you in my lifetime is enough thank you.
Buh bye.
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