How about "Lets Go Brandon" instead of "IU sucks" on kick offs?

Both options are pretty juvenile, and in the case of "Let's Go Brandon" totally disgusting and disrespectful to the office.
Can't disagree. An observation though.

I remember being at the bball game in Mackey on senior night in 2019. It was a fun game- we had just beaten OSU and you just knew that team was firing on all cylinders to do something special in the tourney (they did, but still, f'ng Virginia man).

Most will also remember that game as the one where afterwards Painter spoke about killing the IU Sucks chant. He didn't necessary lay into the crowd but he wasn't being easy on Boiler fans either, that's for sure, basically telling the crowd that IU didn't suck and we're not being "cute" when we do it.

I scanned reactions around me as it was happening and some were nodding in agreement, some looking down into their laps or phones, and some just plain indifferent. I do remember one man who was sitting below me and clearly perturbed by Purdue fans getting shamed over it by its own coach quietly muttering out to the woman he was with, "Oh, get off your high horse, Matt. They're just having fun."

Then, leaving the stands and entering the concourse at my section to leave one younger guy, assuming a student, yelled out loud "IU still sucks". He got many people, including me, smiling about it, and sure enough some even replied back with the chant they were just admonished for using.

I didn't make it back for a game that following 19-20 season but from watching it through tv, I never did hear the chant, until of course, IU came into Mackey to play where it definitely came through the speakers loud and clear. Despite Mitch Daniels calling for an end to it, the band changing its playing to not give the chant a que, and a coach even addressing the student section, the students are eventually going to do their thing.

Yes, it's juvenile, but that tends to happen with rivalries and in the grand scheme of things, its pretty harmless. As far as the lets go brandon chant, it's rubbish and should be pretty easy to correct that one at Purdue sports if it does ever take off to have people overpower it with "Let's Go Boilers!"', and if that can't even happen, then something is very seriously wrong with fan priorities at a Purdue game.
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Sure, things are fine. (I don't think there is a poll that has approval rating at 15%. maybe 39% or 40% but whatever)

I guess I'm more of a positive type guy. Things are great in my world. I hope they start looking up for you too.
Things are great in my world too. Under Trump I got numerous raises at my full time job, started a small business on the side and saved a lot of money because of Covid. My individual success doesn't mean the country as a whole is better. It's not. People are struggling under this administration and it's going to get a lot worse.
Sure, things are fine. (I don't think there is a poll that has approval rating at 15%. maybe 39% or 40% but whatever)

I guess I'm more of a positive type guy. Things are great in my world. I hope they start looking up for you.
Wow! Glad you care about yourself because they're great. While inflation and poverty levels increase. Sounds about right though...
Things are great in my world too. Under Trump I got numerous raises at my full time job, started a small business on the side and saved a lot of money because of Covid. My individual success doesn't mean the country as a whole is better. It's not. People are struggling under this administration and it's going to get a lot worse.
Blah, Blah, Blah....

Covid is getting better every week, the economy is doing pretty well, there is relative stability in the world and the Boilers are ranked in football and basketball.

Things are good, enjoy life.
A poster who told me he was a lawyer said nasty things about Trump with zero facts but warped statements generated by the media and Big Tech. I am a media expert and I understand how the media sensationalize the news to develop ratings. They attacked Trump with warped statements and repeat this propaganda enough times that even intelligent people believe it. I am shocked 11 posters liked his opinion.

I posted facts and if you would like to tear into one of them with your viewpoint I will be glad to listen. However, if just half of what I stated can be agreed on, I pray that you open your mind and realize that Trump was probably the best President in your lifetime.
A poster who told me he was a lawyer said nasty things about Trump with zero facts but warped statements generated by the media and Big Tech. I am a media expert and I understand how the media sensationalize the news to develop ratings. They attacked Trump with warped statements and repeat this propaganda enough times that even intelligent people believe it. I am shocked 11 posters liked his opinion.

I posted facts and if you would like to tear into one of them with your viewpoint I will be glad to listen. However, if just half of what I stated can be agreed on, I pray that you open your mind and realize that Trump was probably the best President in your lifetime.
Ok thanks, o stable genius of media; I understand now:

Any right-wing talking point you post is a “fact”, BUT any item that demonstrates Cheeto Jesus:
- as a repeated failure in business ( multiple bankruptcies, tax cheat, obviously leveraged far beyond his means);
- as a pathological moral degenerate (multiple divorces, porn stars galore, and pu$$y-grabbin’);
- as a liar and seditionist (impeached TWICE, largest inaugural crowd ever, advocating ingesting bleach to cure COVID, insisting he would “lead” the assault on the Capitol)

…are, without exception, “warped statements”😂😂

However, if just a THIRD of what I stated can be agreed upon, I pray that you open your mind and realize that Cheeto Jesus’ fluke win in 2016 over an un-inspiring, over-confident Democratic candidate triggered an assault on democracy, comity, and basic decency that will take decades for our Nation to recover from.

I’m done with the political garbage- Hail Purdue!
Ok thanks, o stable genius of media; I understand now:

Any right-wing talking point you post is a “fact”, BUT any item that demonstrates Cheeto Jesus:
- as a repeated failure in business ( multiple bankruptcies, tax cheat, obviously leveraged far beyond his means);
- as a pathological moral degenerate (multiple divorces, porn stars galore, and pu$$y-grabbin’);
- as a liar and seditionist (impeached TWICE, largest inaugural crowd ever, advocating ingesting bleach to cure COVID, insisting he would “lead” the assault on the Capitol)

…are, without exception, “warped statements”😂😂

However, if just a THIRD of what I stated can be agreed upon, I pray that you open your mind and realize that Cheeto Jesus’ fluke win in 2016 over an un-inspiring, over-confident Democratic candidate triggered an assault on democracy, comity, and basic decency that will take decades for our Nation to recover from.

I’m done with the political garbage- Hail Purdue!
For a lawyer, you should know a lot better. You cannot argue the facts so you deflect. You are IMO a big reason we need judicial reform. When you try a person on one case, do you bring up irrelevant opinions.

I gave facts to what Trump did as President and to what Biden undid. You bring up what the media told you Trump did as a businessman. And I admit, some of it is fact.

However, the bottom line remains as I pointed out that Trump fought for America First as a President against an administration that is pro Globalist Corporations. So what you say is fine with me even with your illogical embellishments. You see Trump the businessman WAS a Globalist Corporation. He did whatever he could to gain money and power. He legally declared multiple bankruptcies and was able not to pay vendors. This is exactly what Globalist Corporations do. As a business, I have no problem with THEM doing it. However, a President should be for America First!

The facts I gave you showed how Trump helped Americans. The NY Times ran an article few weeks back trying to discredit Trump by saying his Hotels lost money during his administration. I take that as a compliment. Joe Biden, his brothers, his son, and I believe even his nieces and nephews are all multiple millionaires. I heard that even as a Junior Senator, Biden had a home next to the DuPont's. I never liked Trump before 2015, but the fact that he lived a billionaire lifestyle before becoming President does not bother me. Biden living a millionaire lifestyle after gaining Political office does.
Ok thanks, o stable genius of media; I understand now:

Any right-wing talking point you post is a “fact”, BUT any item that demonstrates Cheeto Jesus:
- as a repeated failure in business ( multiple bankruptcies, tax cheat, obviously leveraged far beyond his means);
- as a pathological moral degenerate (multiple divorces, porn stars galore, and pu$$y-grabbin’);
- as a liar and seditionist (impeached TWICE, largest inaugural crowd ever, advocating ingesting bleach to cure COVID, insisting he would “lead” the assault on the Capitol)

…are, without exception, “warped statements”😂😂

Did you know I hung out with celebrities and athletes on the upper East Side of Manhattan and they all grabbed pussy and bragged about it? And what the media did not tell you is many of the women then bragged they slept with this and that star. It sounds like you are jealous as most lawyers only get to cheat people out of money.

And again you parrot what the media tells you. Please give me a link where President Trump SAID that he advocates ingesting bleach for any reason. As a matter of fact, please listen to what he actually said (not a reporter's speculation) and you will be impressed with what Trump actually suggested. But thank you, this is a GREAT example of "warped statements"!
Not going to read a single reply as I understand the mentality with which I am dealing.

"Let's go Brandon" has no place in our society.

"IU Sucks" is rather harmless fun compared to the former.
This sounds, sadly, like yet another person who either flunked/cut Civics class in high school , or who doesn’t comprehend democracy….

The overwhelming majority of voting citizens repudiated Cheeto Jesus in 2020, for GOOD reason- and by a gargantuan margin.

Biden has been anything but perfect in attempting to fix the absolute $hit show he inherited, but we’re a helluva lot better off now than we would be with the alternative.


Let's review the facts:

1. Obama said that our annual GDP will not reach 2% for many years to come. Trump accomplished that.
2. Obama asked with what MAGIC wand would Trump create new jobs. Trump did AND wages went up dramatically for ALL Americans and more people got off of food stamps.
3. In 2016, our biggest fears were getting into WWIII with either N Korea or Islamic Terrorists. N Korea respected Trump and gave us the Korean War remains that the US has been begging for for over 55 years. N Korea also gave back hostages and unlike Obama, Trump did not have to pay for it.
Unlike Obama, Trump stopped funding Iran which in turn stop funding ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Hezbollah.
How soon we forget.
4. We also quit funding countries that chanted, "Death to America" and we got most of NATO to pay their fair share.

Red China had gone from a 3rd World Nation to one of the strongest in the world. Trump was tough with them so Red China unleashed Covid from Wuhan and let their infected citizens travel the world, Several months later when the WHO figured this out and pointed at Red China, their answer was that it wasn't contagious. The media blamed all Covid deaths on Trump and the economy tanked.

The Globalist Corporations insert Biden, so let's review the facts:

1. Biden stopped our pipelines saying they are bad for the environment. We are now buying our oil from OPEC and Russia, whose economies need the money. They are both using pipelines which are (are not) bad for the environment. Plus they ship it to us via tankers which are (are not) bad for the environment. And as we all know gas prices have skyrocketed.
2. We had peace in the Middle East where Trump orchestrated several peace treaties after declaring Jerusalem the Capital of Israel. Already there has been bombings in Israel and Biden does the unthinkable and pulls out our military leaving behind many American civilians and our Afghan allies in Afghanistan.
3. Biden leaves a military base complete with munitions, arms, and weapons to fully fortify the Taliban. Russia and Red China are now benefitting and Red China has set up a base to mine strategic metal.
4. Covid deaths since last November are significantly higher under Biden despite the fact that the media swore that the vaccines and masks would curtail it. The media called Trump racist for securing the border. The border was secure with great assistance from President Obrador. An open border means cheap labor for Globalist Corporations and now Biden opened the border. Hundreds of INFECTED people are crossing the border every day. My speculation is that this may be the reason Covid deaths are up. Remember the hard drug epidemic in 2016? Maybe that is increasing. Since I work with at-risk youths, I can tell you for a fact that the child/sex trafficking is up considerably.

I left out a lot of things that Trump and his team were working on like Prison and Judicial Reform. If you care to discuss. please let me know.

Did you know I hung out with celebrities and athletes on the upper East Side of Manhattan and they all grabbed pussy and bragged about it? And what the media did not tell you is many of the women then bragged they slept with this and that star. It sounds like you are jealous as most lawyers only get to cheat people out of money.

And again you parrot what the media tells you. Please give me a link where President Trump SAID that he advocates ingesting bleach for any reason. As a matter of fact, please listen to what he actually said (not a reporter's speculation) and you will be impressed with what Trump actually suggested. But thank you, this is a GREAT example of "warped statements"!
Are they jealous he had the opportunity to grab pussy? ( Facts are that he did not) Or are they jealous that Biden was taking inappropriate showers with his daughter? (Verified diary). Given the typical pro-deviant democrat, I surmise they wish they were taking showers with minors (girls and boys, alike)
Not going to read a single reply as I understand the mentality with which I am dealing.

"Let's go Brandon" has no place in our society.

"IU Sucks" is rather harmless fun compared to the former.
posts like this... comments like this... tell me that people have absolutely NO idea about the political acrimony when this country was founded.

You think it's bad NOW?

People have no clue.

This is not new.

"Let's go Brandon" is tame, in comparison to what some of the political commentators were spewing at that time.

It 'has no place in our society'?


I think it hits too close to home and is taken personally.
Ok thanks, o stable genius of media; I understand now:

Any right-wing talking point you post is a “fact”, BUT any item that demonstrates Cheeto Jesus:
- as a repeated failure in business ( multiple bankruptcies, tax cheat, obviously leveraged far beyond his means);
- as a pathological moral degenerate (multiple divorces, porn stars galore, and pu$$y-grabbin’);
- as a liar and seditionist (impeached TWICE, largest inaugural crowd ever, advocating ingesting bleach to cure COVID, insisting he would “lead” the assault on the Capitol)

…are, without exception, “warped statements”😂😂

However, if just a THIRD of what I stated can be agreed upon, I pray that you open your mind and realize that Cheeto Jesus’ fluke win in 2016 over an un-inspiring, over-confident Democratic candidate triggered an assault on democracy, comity, and basic decency that will take decades for our Nation to recover from.

I’m done with the political garbage- Hail Purdue!
Did you also hate JFK for banging out Marilyn, Clinton cigar pussies in the oval office, or do you just change your standards when corporate media tells you to? No comment about the Durham indictments regarding Hillary attempting to rig the 2016 election by feeding fake stories to the media and fbi? no? just spoonfed cnn talking points. yawn
posts like this... comments like this... tell me that people have absolutely NO idea about the political acrimony when this country was founded.

You think it's bad NOW?

People have no clue.

This is not new.

"Let's go Brandon" is tame, in comparison to what some of the political commentators were spewing at that time.

It 'has no place in our society'?


I think it hits too close to home and is taken personally.
But I bet the founders at least had the decency not to clutter up their football message boards (made of actual boards at the time) with politics.
Biden has been a disaster. We are in worse shape in every area that matters. He’s incompetent, has surrounded himself with imbeciles and is on a fast track to full on dementia. It’s no longer funny what he says and what he’s doing to our country. All that said, that chant is a bad look and I wouldn’t want to hear it coming from 60 thousand at Ross Ade. Just because it’s true, doesn’t mean we have to let the rest of the world know it during a football game. Just my 2 cents.
Not going to read a single reply as I understand the mentality with which I am dealing.

"Let's go Brandon" has no place in our society.

"IU Sucks" is rather harmless fun compared to the former.

An iu douche coming on here to admonish Purdue fans....that's fun.

You're more than welcome to post here and I hope you continue to do so, but be prepared to take shots from many angles.

While you're wringing your hands over it, I just gotta say "LET'S GO BRANDON!"
posts like this... comments like this... tell me that people have absolutely NO idea about the political acrimony when this country was founded.

You think it's bad NOW?

People have no clue.

This is not new.

"Let's go Brandon" is tame, in comparison to what some of the political commentators were spewing at that time.

It 'has no place in our society'?


I think it hits too close to home and is taken personally.
I am sure these weak liberals who are complaining now were stone quite when comedians were holding heads of Trump, or political commentators were calling for raping his daughters. The "brandon" chant is tame. I liken their responses to the liberal male cowards who wear masks in their cars or in their own front yards.
I am sure these weak liberals who are complaining now were stone quite when comedians were holding heads of Trump, or political commentators were calling for raping his daughters. The "brandon" chant is tame. I liken their responses to the liberal male cowards who wear masks in their cars or in their own front yards.
Internet tough guys are friggin hilarious!!
I am sure these weak liberals who are complaining now were stone quite when comedians were holding heads of Trump, or political commentators were calling for raping his daughters. The "brandon" chant is tame. I liken their responses to the liberal male cowards who wear masks in their cars or in their own front yards.
Have you ever met a tough liberal? I sure haven’t!!
Internet tough guys are friggin hilarious!!
My definition of an Internet Tough Guy is someone who reads and disagrees with 8 facts that can be debated and instead of giving a rebuttal decides to place ha ha emojis.

You would think an open minded Purdue graduate would think that maybe the MEDIA is perverting what is really going on in this country. Gee maybe Trump wasn't a smooth talking politically correct person but he got things done and the country moving in the right direction.
My definition of an Internet Tough Guy is someone who reads and disagrees with 8 facts that can be debated and instead of giving a rebuttal decides to place ha ha emojis.

You would think an open minded Purdue graduate would think that maybe the MEDIA is perverting what is really going on in this country. Gee maybe Trump wasn't a smooth talking politically correct person but he got things done and the country moving in the right direction. feelings got hurt. That's the problem with society today. Some were brought up to be soft and thin skinned. Honestly, I believe in democracy as everyone should have their opinion. The difference is the opinion between the 2 were brought by the media and not policy's.

I've worked in government pretty much my whole adult life and realized that I'll most likely never meet a President and have no clue what his true intentions are besides his policy approach. We need to get back to the approach of what does their policies do for our country.
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