Fox News Editorial says Harris won the debate...


Aug 24, 2020
...whatever that means, but I agree with the writer that Harris had a good debate -- especially, in my view, in deflecting Biden/Harris blame for inflation, the Afg withdrawal debacle, and the open border and its horrible impact on the nation. Brit Hume and Harold Ford of Fox said pretty much the same after the debate - and a Fox focus group said Harris won.

I am posting this for libs on this forum who automatically disparage Fox, one in particular who posts the same Pavlovian comment over and over about "Faux News". You know who you are.

I thought she did well, the bar was pretty low though as just answering coherently was the bar.

Also thought the moderators did as much to get under Trumps skin and off track as anyone.

If ABC wanted to do anything to try and at least appear neutral, they should've jumped on her "Good people on both sides" use as that one has been well discussed and debunked by everyone now. That was clear low hanging fruit for them to jump on to be able to appear that they were neutral, and they didn't touch it. I turned it off shortly after that because, I was tired, and you could clearly tell how this was going.
Hume is a respectable journalist. Ford is a democrat so yes they are going to say that Harris won the debate. Similarly with Martha and Brett Baier. However, the Faux News evening fools all say that Chump won the debate. Hannity was gushing about Chump winning.

While driving to work to my "black job", I was listening to Faux News this morning, the pro Chump show, "Faux & Friends". They interviewed Chump live and asked him whether he would do another debate perhaps with Faux News. He actually said no if Brett Baier and Martha were the moderators. He went on to say he would rather have Jesse Watters, Hannity, or Ingraham moderate the Faux News debate.
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...whatever that means, but I agree with the writer that Harris had a good debate -- especially, in my view, in deflecting Biden/Harris blame for inflation, the Afg withdrawal debacle, and the open border and its horrible impact on the nation. Brit Hume and Harold Ford of Fox said pretty much the same after the debate - and a Fox focus group said Harris won.

I am posting this for libs on this forum who automatically disparage Fox, one in particular who posts the same Pavlovian comment over and over about "Faux News". You know who you are.

Not a regular Fox TV guy, but had it on last night post debate to see what they would say. All of the post debate panel called the debate for K2. All said exactly what I did, is that ABC was terrible.

Impressed with the honest & strait forward coverage of the Fox panel, something you don't see on other networks.

Can't speak to the Hannity mentioned above as he was in the spin room later and I am sure like all spin rooms on all networks, were 100% for their candidate..... so did not watch.

Great thing for Trump as bad as he was last night, policy wise, K2 is by far a worse candidate for the middle class.....and that's still not close.
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Trump is not a strong speaker and Harris is a good debater. But, she can say whatever she wants, but her actions speak louder than words.
Yeah, I don't know about good debater, she dodged everything and mostly non-answered all the questions.

I think if she was on stage with another good debater and didn't have moderators providing cover for her, she could quickly end up in trouble.

When the moderators are squarely in your corner, it would take a great debater to pull her out, and that Trump is clearly not.
Trump is not a strong speaker and Harris is a good debater. But, she can say whatever she wants, but her actions speak louder than words.

K2 was NOT a great debator last night. She won because she prepared and executed mini speeches. Those speeches appealed to independent voters because they only look at the surface. Thus she won.

ABC was historically horrendous and wildly unfair. Their was no drilling down on her flip flops, her far left values, her corporate tax, or her crazy price "Gaging" policy. No drilling down on how her policy has caused these high prices.

Because of that Independents know nothing about her leftist values. Thus, America was the biggest loser last night.
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As posted in another thread…

I am not sure Kamala swayed any voters with her pivot in the economy. Hey, everything will be better in the future.

She also did a nice pivot on the border. Great debate tactic, but in terms of winning over voters, I’m not sure voters are just looking for a better debater than Biden but go ahead and democrats will break their arms patting Kamala on the back for her pivots.

None of “that information” (air quotes because she just pivoted) should convince voters that she is “the change candidate”

ESPECIALLY after she copied Biden’s policies. That’s the real genius there!!

Kamala - Hey I’m the Change Candidate and I’m not Biden.

Kamala - OK staff, go copy Joes policies 😉

I think voters are looking for actions….not words. Kamala and Biden are not big on actions. But hey, 3 1/2 years to close the border. 😉. Democrats must be proud. Independents….🤔
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Also thought the moderators did as much to get under Trumps skin and off track as anyone.

If ABC wanted to do anything to try and at least appear neutral, they should've jumped on her "Good people on both sides" use as that one has been well discussed and debunked by everyone now. That was clear low hanging fruit for them to jump on to be able to appear that they were neutral, and they didn't touch it. I turned it off shortly after that because, I was tired, and you could clearly tell how this was going.

I thought the moderators were weak. They keep letting Trump repeatedly jumping in to rebut, but when Harris wanted to say she and Walz were both gun owners so Trump's accusation of confiscating guns was nonsense, the moderators wouldn't let her (she has to sneak it in during her next chance to respond). What's the point of a muted mic when they keep reopening the mic for Trump to rebut?

I haven't fact-checked this but heard someone saying Trump speaking like 5 more minutes than Harris. If the moderators did their job, it should be even. Everyone gets the same amount of time.
she dodged everything and mostly non-answered all the questions.

She did dodge a lot of questions, but so did Trump (and basically all politicians when it was not a topic they wanted to talk about). I think it is up to their debate opponent to hold them accountable that s/he is avoiding the question.

Trump was asked specifically about why he killed the bipartisan border bill and he never answered. He just talked about how great his rallies were instead.

I do give him credit for answering the question of replacing Obamacare, that he had a "concept of an idea." Way to go. After 9 years and a 3rd time running for president, he finally had a "concept of an idea."
Honest question: Clearly I am not in the loop, but what's up with the dog-eating or cat-eating immigrants? How true is that?
I thought the moderators were weak. They keep letting Trump repeatedly jumping in to rebut, but when Harris wanted to say she and Walz were both gun owners so Trump's accusation of confiscating guns was nonsense, the moderators wouldn't let her (she has to sneak it in during her next chance to respond). What's the point of a muted mic when they keep reopening the mic for Trump to rebut?

I haven't fact-checked this but heard someone saying Trump speaking like 5 more minutes than Harris. If the moderators did their job, it should be even. Everyone gets the same amount of time.
moderators as expected were bad with leading questions and cutting off when they desired. It was ABC and so it was expected. I'm still trying to find "women rights" in the constitution, but guess it must be close to "men rights" and nowhere close to "people" rights that is in the constitution. They played to the dumb of which there are many
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Honest question: Clearly I am not in the loop, but what's up with the dog-eating or cat-eating immigrants? How true is that?
Trump so wants to believe conspiracy theories.

I kid you not...Trump's debate prep team and companion the day of the debate included this mentally ill individual.

Angry Laura Loomer GIF by GIPHY News

She sold her anti-immigrant idiocy to Trump, and being a 78 year old nutcase, he rolled with it. These are her recent social media posts:
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Hume is a respectable journalist. Ford is a democrat so yes they are going to say that Harris won the debate. Similarly with Martha and Brett Baier. However, the Faux News evening fools all say that Chump won the debate. Hannity was gushing about Chump winning.

While driving to work to my "black job", I was listening to Faux News this morning, the pro Chump show, "Faux & Friends". They interviewed Chump live and asked him whether he would do another debate perhaps with Faux News. He actually said no if Brett Baier and Martha were the moderators. He went on to say he would rather have Jesse Watters, Hannity, or Ingraham moderate the Faux News debate.
Surprised he said no (if he actually did) about Baier and Martha.

My point to you in the lead threat is that Fox published an editorial on its online news page for all the world to see saying Harris won the debate - and added in results from a Fox focus group saying the same.

You cannot bring yourself to acknowledge that because it goes against your Pavlovian dem groupthink, right?
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K2 was NOT a great debator last night. She won because she prepared and executed mini speeches. Those speeches appealed to independent voters because they only look at the surface. Thus she won.

ABC was historically horrendous and wildly unfair. Their was no drilling down on her flip flops, her far left values, her corporate tax, or her crazy price "Gaging" policy. No drilling down on how her policy has caused these high prices.

Because of that Independents know nothing about her leftist values. Thus, America was the biggest loser last night.
Well said, but Trump knew the mods were biased on the way in. He should have been more effective at pointing out her absurd price-control plan, which I don't think he even mentioned.

They actually asked her a tough question at the very start - do you think voters are better off now than when you took office - which she completely ducked with a tired story about her middle-class upbringing as the daughter of two college professors.

I thought Trump would crush her on that one - but he rambled off and let her off the hook and the mods did not press her, letting her get away with a complete duck.
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Well said, but Trump knew the mods were biased on the way in. He should have been more effective at pointing out her absurd price-control plan, which I don't think he even mentioned.

They actually asked her a tough question at the very start - do you think voters are better off now than when you took office - which she completed ducked with a tired story about her middle-class upbringing as the daughter of two college professors.

I thought Trump would crush her on that one - but he rambled off and let her off the hook and the mods did not press her, letting her get away with a complete duck.
Most debates are fluff and directed. Still, maybe as I type she is heading down to D.C. to close the border and such right now or do other things right now instead of the wolf pretending to be a vegetarian hopeful the sheep vote for her in pretense of doing something right now.
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Surprised he said no (if he actually did) about Baier and Martha.

My point to you in the lead threat is that Fox published an editorial on its online news page for all the world to see saying Harris won the debate - and added in results from a Fox focus group saying the same.

You cannot bring yourself to acknowledge that because it goes against your Pavlovian dem groupthink, right?
but the "controlled response" does teach which buttons to push
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Most debates are fluff and directed. Still, maybe as I type she is heading down to D.C. to close the border and such right now or do other things right now instead of the wolf pretending to be a vegetarian hopeful the sheep vote for her in pretense of doing something right now.
As Trump said, she could wake Joe up if she gets there after 4p.
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Most debates are fluff and directed. Still, maybe as I type she is heading down to D.C. to close the border and such right now or do other things right now instead of the wolf pretending to be a vegetarian hopeful the sheep vote for her in pretense of doing something right now.
Is this you Donald?
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Surprised he said no (if he actually did) about Baier and Martha.

My point to you in the lead threat is that Fox published an editorial on its online news page for all the world to see saying Harris won the debate - and added in results from a Fox focus group saying the same.

You cannot bring yourself to acknowledge that because it goes against your Pavlovian dem groupthink, right?
As far as Martha and Brett Baier, Chump actually did say that. I heard it with my own ears. You can look it up I'm sure yourself. Like I said I listened to it driving to my "black job" and I wished that I was able to watch it because listening you can tell that Doocey or whoever aske him if he would do a Faux News debate, was quite taken by surprised. I wish I could have seen their faces.

Chump doesn't like Martha and Brett as they gave their honest opinion of the debate and previous debates as they are real journalists. Chump turns on Faux News when they report polls that do not show him leading. The Faux News editorial that you referenced to was most likely done by their hard news folks like Martha, Brett, or Hemmer. That editorial was definitely not done by the Faux News Flavor Aiders like Watters, Hannity, and Ingraham. Or any of the "Faux & Friends" hosts.
The victimhood on display by the diehard Trumpers, while not surprising, is just really pathetic. 'It was biased against him'. Wah wah wah. Again, isn't this just exhausting? He got five more minutes than her to speak. He got fact-checked on things like 'I've seen on TV that immigrants are eating pets'. That's not bias, folks. He has a 'concept of an idea' about healthcare even though he was president for four years, promised a new plan every other week, and never delivered.

You all deserve better than that, even those of you on here that would justify him running your entire family over. You deserve better. But instead, what you've been reduced to is whining and airing your grievances, just like he does, because he has nothing to offer.
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That editorial was definitely not done by the Faux News Flavor Aiders like Watters, Hannity, and Ingraham. Or any of the "Faux & Friends" hosts.
Ok, I will take your word as an alleged Purdue grad that he said it.

The editorial, which you obviously haven't read (not that that would keep you from commenting on it), was done by a dem political pollster and consultant who regularly appears on Fox news:

"Douglas E. Schoen has more than 40 years of experience as a pollster and political consultant. He served as an adviser to President Bill Clinton and to the presidential campaign of Michael Bloomberg. Schoen is founder and partner of Schoen Cooperman Research."

Ready to admit yet that Fox is a far more balanced news outlet than the hacks you listen to on urban radio and msnbc? Of course you're not.
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Right on cue, katJM posts another childish meme, which appears to be his only talent.
The point of the meme is that TRUMP IS NOW HANGING OUT WITH AND TAKING HIS CUES FROM LAURA LOOMER! It's not just that she was at an even or in a room with him. She's on his debate team plane in his small group of advisers and feeding crazy-xenophobic ideas to him.

Do you have any idea how completely bonkers that is? She makes Alex Jones and Dinesh D'Souza look like Nobel Laureates.
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Ok, I will take your word as an alleged Purdue grad that he said it.

The editorial, which you obviously haven't read (not that that would keep you from commenting on it), was done by a dem political pollster and consultant who regularly appears on Fox news:

"Douglas E. Schoen has more than 40 years of experience as a pollster and political consultant. He served as an adviser to President Bill Clinton and to the presidential campaign of Michael Bloomberg. Schoen is founder and partner of Schoen Cooperman Research."

Ready to admit yet that Fox is a far more balanced news outlet than the hacks you listen to on urban radio and msnbc? Of course you're not.
Faux News hasn't been balanced since 2008. When Chump was president, Faux News was State run TV. There are still propagandists on that network.
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As opposed to you and other lib hypocrites who are fine with criminals in the country illegally killing other people (but not you, of course) and trafficking children?
Please talk to me when you give this much energy to kids getting their heads blown off at school. Until then, keep your faux outrage to yourself.
The victimhood on display by the diehard Trumpers, while not surprising, is just really pathetic. 'It was biased against him'. Wah wah wah. Again, isn't this just exhausting? He got five more minutes than her to speak. He got fact-checked on things like 'I've seen on TV that immigrants are eating pets'. That's not bias, folks. He has a 'concept of an idea' about healthcare even though he was president for four years, promised a new plan every other week, and never delivered.

You all deserve better than that, even those of you on here that would justify him running your entire family over. You deserve better. But instead, what you've been reduced to is whining and airing your grievances, just like he does, because he has nothing to offer.
Glad you believe Kamala is better. There are 50+% following the lead up to the election that aren’t convince she is better.

60*% of voters want change and Kamala gives everyone Biden’s policies.. but she’s not Biden…(but follows the same policies)

The point of the meme is that TRUMP IS NOW HANGING OUT WITH AND TAKING HIS CUES FROM LAURA LOOMER! It's not just that she was at an even or in a room with him. She's on his debate team plane in his small group of advisers and feeding crazy-xenophobic ideas to him.

Do you have any idea how completely bonkers that is? She makes Alex Jones and Dinesh D'Souza look like Nobel Laureates.
With your frequent posting of childish memes, I don't pay attention to them.

If you were a serious poster who was not busted on this forum for lying and ridiculing Gold Star families, I would pay more attention to whatever it is you are struggling to articulate with the help of childish memes.
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Ok, I will take your word as an alleged Purdue grad that he said it.

The editorial, which you obviously haven't read (not that that would keep you from commenting on it), was done by a dem political pollster and consultant who regularly appears on Fox news:

"Douglas E. Schoen has more than 40 years of experience as a pollster and political consultant. He served as an adviser to President Bill Clinton and to the presidential campaign of Michael Bloomberg. Schoen is founder and partner of Schoen Cooperman Research."

Ready to admit yet that Fox is a far more balanced news outlet than the hacks you listen to on urban radio and msnbc? Of course you're not.
Schoen has historically been about as fair as could be expected. He, like everyone has his bias, but he can state the obvious

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Glad you believe Kamala is better. There are 50+% following the lead up to the election that aren’t convince she is better.

60*% of voters want change and Kamala gives everyone Biden’s policies.. but she’s not Biden…(but follows the same policies)

That is a pretty funny report from what is usually a dem cheerleading rag.

Looking at his name, I wonder if the guy who wrote it is a pro-Hamas dem who hates Biden and thus Harris.
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Glad you believe Kamala is better. There are 50+% following the lead up to the election that aren’t convince she is better.

60*% of voters want change and Kamala gives everyone Biden’s policies.. but she’s not Biden…(but follows the same policies)

So, were Joe's policies actually Kamala's and she was directly in control of this mess since her values haven't changed or was Joe actually in charge and she just agreed with Joe on everything? Both bad, but one choice takes away any semblance of her pretending to distance herself from Joe.
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With your frequent posting of childish memes, I don't pay attention to them.

If you were a serious poster who was not busted on this forum for lying and ridiculing Gold Star families, I would pay more attention to whatever it is you are struggling to articulate with the help of childish memes.
You guys don't pay attention to anything that's negative about trump. That's how you rationalize your positions......among other ways like saying policy is all that matters or it's about actions, not words.

Laura Loomer is batcrap crazy. She's MTG with bad plastic surgery. One has to thoroughly question the judgement of a man who has her involved in his campaign, let alone debate prep. The only reason she's there is because she worships him and displays her loyalty constantly.

This is what you guys don't seem to understand. Trump put loyalty above what was best for him.......a qualified person to prep him for the debate. He does it in other ways too. He went hard after Kemp in Georgia a couple weeks ago because Kemp dared to stand up to him and refuses to give trump the credit he wants for helping Kemp in the past. In doing so he actually hurt his chances in a battleground state.......because Kemp is very popular. Trump put his need for retribution ABOVE his need for votes. His self control and judgment take a backseat to his narcissism. That's one big reason many of us oppose him. If he becomes president his impulses will once again control what he does and the decisions he makes.
I am completely opposed to that, and strongly favor armed guards in schools and metal detectors and all the rest of it. What is Kam's view on that, with her 'defund the police' history?

Advocating for armed guards at every school shows that you don't care at all. Uvalde proved just how ineffective that is. IT's also not fiscally feasible. Active shooter drills in schools should not be what kids are used to doing. You're really just advocating for making a bad situation worse. Once again, when you demonstrate that you give a damn, let's talk. Until then, spare me.
You guys don't pay attention to anything that's negative about trump. That's how you rationalize your positions......among other ways like saying policy is all that matters or it's about actions, not words.

Laura Loomer is batcrap crazy. She's MTG with bad plastic surgery. One has to thoroughly question the judgement of a man who has her involved in his campaign, let alone debate prep. The only reason she's there is because she worships him and displays her loyalty constantly.

This is what you guys don't seem to understand. Trump put loyalty above what was best for him.......a qualified person to prep him for the debate. He does it in other ways too. He went hard after Kemp in Georgia a couple weeks ago because Kemp dared to stand up to him and refuses to give trump the credit he wants for helping Kemp in the past. In doing so he actually hurt his chances in a battleground state.......because Kemp is very popular. Trump put his need for retribution ABOVE his need for votes. His self control and judgment take a backseat to his narcissism. That's one big reason many of us oppose him. If he becomes president his impulses will once again control what he does and the decisions he makes.
Still, with all that said...was the USA and world in a better place under him than the last 3 1/2 years no matter his personality flaws? I say yes and cannot point to any background or accomplishments to suggest that Kamala could do as well and not sure I could take pant suits everyday in the news...but of course pantsuits wouldn't stop me from voting for her if I thought she had a record of suggesting she could accomplish what Trump has. I did catch a picture of her in jeans and that was refreshing.
Glad you believe Kamala is better. There are 50+% following the lead up to the election that aren’t convince she is better.

60*% of voters want change and Kamala gives everyone Biden’s policies.. but she’s not Biden…(but follows the same policies)

This has exactly zero to do with anything I said in my post.