Second attempted assassination on Trump not long ago

I am wondering if Bob knows or is related to the would-be assassin. Like Bob, he is from NC, was a 'builder', and suffered from severe TDS mental illness.

Also like Bob, the guy was obsessed with the 'democracy' of Ukraine, even going there to volunteer to fight and trying to recruit mercenaries for Ukraine. At one time I encouraged Bob to prove his Ukrainian flag avatar was more than just empty virtue signaling by going to Ukraine and volunteering like this guy did. In Bob's case, though, he was strictly virtue signaling - which is easy to do when there is no impact.

Like the virtue signalers on this forum who are fine with millions of illegal immigrants, 300,000 missing children, and the related drug and sex trafficking as long as it doesn't impact them personally. @BB62 , @Katscratch , @Purdue95Grad . Their hypocrisy is worthy of the elites they idolize in Martha's Vinyard.
The whole TDS thing, which is real, is something, I can't logically reconcile. It is NOT a new phenomena, but has been in place for almost a decade. I don't know anyone whose life has been affected negatively by Trump, but everybody's life has been adversely affected by Biden/Harris. If someone wants to vote Harris over Trump it certainly brings a LOT of questions as to her ability to improve the current situation she and the handlers have created. That by itself brings about a certain disconnect. So, if they decide she is the best option, what has Trump actually done to them starting with his campaign for 2016 that caused TDS?

Second relative to virtue signaling...what cognitive dissonance must take place to believe that the policies in place AND anticipated if Harris were to win, would somehow be more moral or even equal in morality to Trump's policies? Even if ignoring the border, suggested taxing, desire for national abortion, rather than the proper states decision, and inflation costs as well as the legitimate concern for DEI appointments and/or hires...shouldn't just the state run media, and politicized departments be enough of a concern for anyone with a smidgeon of history over the centuries?

BTW, how long does it take to learn a bit more on the Butler shooting or is Epstein's death taking all the resources? ;) Was that info with Hillary's emails? We know the border costs (not sure what we are getting for what we paid) is several times the budget for the USSS and so where is the money going? How many of the 87,000 proposed IRS people and some were to carry guns could be used more appropriately elsewhere with most not even being paid government employees.
I don't know anyone whose life has been affected negatively by Trump, but everybody's life has been adversely affected by Biden/Harris.
For the first part of that sentence? You need to get out more. Or start by Google-ing Herman Cain, Alexander Zindman, Brian Sicknick, Caroline Edwards, or Michael Fanone.

The second part of that sentence is objectively false. My life has not been adversely affected by the Biden years. It just hasn't. My wages kept up with the inflation that affected me, I'm not afraid of people with different gender or sexual orientations than mine, immigrants have not attempted to eat my pets (lol), and most importantly, the weight of an America that is led by someone who ignores and denigrates the rule of law has lifted, and sanity has been restored.

There is a reason why America does not want to go back to Donald Trump. If your statement was true that would not be the case. There are supporters of all candidates that are mis-informed, but generally America 'gets it'.
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Your TDS blinds you. Tys statement is 100% true. Detrimental prices their policies & regulations caused back that up.

How Trump acts does not blind me; it informs and disgusts me. Derangement would mean I don't understand ... and like a majority of the nation I understand quite well.
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For the first part of that sentence? You need to get out more. Or start by Google-ing Herman Cain, Alexander Zindman, Brian Sicknick, Caroline Edwards, or Michael Fanone.

The second part of that sentence is objectively false. My life has not been adversely affected by the Biden years. It just hasn't. My wages kept up with the inflation that affected me, I'm not afraid of people with different gender or sexual orientations than mine, immigrants have not attempted to eat my pets (lol), and most importantly, the weight of an America that is led by someone who ignores and denigrates the rule of law has lifted, and sanity has been restored.

There is a reason why America does not want to go back to Donald Trump. If your statement was true that would not be the case. There are supporters of all candidates that are mis-informed, but generally America 'gets it'.
If somehow Trump happens to win, I imagine there will be massive protests and rioting the next day.
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How Trump acts does not blind me; it informs and disgusts me. Derangement would mean I don't understand ... and like a majority of the nation I understand quite well.

But derangement makes you lie.

You said, "everybody's life has been adversely affected by Biden/Harris.".... Was false.

Every American, Dems, NTs included have had higher grocery prices higher energy prices because of B/H. That is adverse to 100% of their family pocketbooks....even those whose income has increased. That's simply a fact that is not disputed by even Dem media.
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But derangement makes you lie.

You said, "everybody's life has been adversely affected by Biden/Harris.".... Was false.

Every American, Dems, NTs included have had higher grocery prices higher energy prices because of B/H. That is adverse to 100% of their family pocketbooks. That's simply a fact that is not disputed by even Dem media.
He told you how he has not personally been negatively impacted by the current administration and you turn around and call him a liar. Your response to him is what derangement really is.
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But derangement makes you lie.

You said, "everybody's life has been adversely affected by Biden/Harris.".... Was false.

Every American, Dems, NTs included have had higher grocery prices higher energy prices because of B/H. That is adverse to 100% of their family pocketbooks. That's simply a fact that is not disputed by even Dem media.
It's also a fact that nearly every industrialized nation had large increases in inflation and consumer prices after the pandemic. It's also a fact that inflation is now coming down in those same countries. That's not a coincidence.

And no, the inflation reduction act didn't lower inflation.

Interest rate increases, lower fuel prices, and supply chains catching up is what is bringing inflation back down.
He told you how he has not personally been negatively impacted by the current administration and you turn around and call him a liar. Your response to him is what derangement really is.
Before you joined, katJM was proven to be a liar on this board - not to mention he ridiculed Gold Star families.

What is true derangement is the hypocritical, elitist view of dem libs like you and JM that as long as you have not been personally impacted, the crime, drugs, corruption, and 300,000 missing children are fine with you.
Before you joined, katJM was proven to be a liar on this board - not to mention he ridiculed Gold Star families.

What is true derangement is the hypocritical, elitist view of dem libs like you and JM that as long as you have not been personally impacted, the crime, drugs, corruption, and 300,000 missing children are fine with you.
I don’t know about any prior conversations you’ve had with him, nor do I care. It’s also irrelevant to this conversation.

The rest of your drivel is your usual moving the goalposts because you’re an unserious clown.
I don’t know about any prior conversations you’ve had with him, nor do I care. It’s also irrelevant to this conversation.

The rest of your drivel is your usual moving the goalposts because you’re an unserious clown.
Not irrelevant when you chastise Buck for calling katJM a liar when he was stating what has been proven on this board. You spoke in ignorance, again.

300,000 missing children is not moving the goalposts, but reminding you of the horrible person you plan to vote for and your own lib hypocrisy.
Not irrelevant when you chastise Buck for calling katJM a liar when he was stating what has been proven on this board. You spoke in ignorance, again.

300,000 missing children is not moving the goalposts, but reminding you of the horrible person you plan to vote for and your own lib hypocrisy.
Again, I wasn’t privy to that and it has no bearing on this so IDGAF.
It's also a fact that nearly every industrialized nation had large increases in inflation and consumer prices after the pandemic. It's also a fact that inflation is now coming down in those same countries. That's not a coincidence.

And no, the inflation reduction act didn't lower inflation.

Interest rate increases, lower fuel prices, and supply chains catching up is what is bringing inflation back down.

Well done. Not everyone can answer a post and at the same time demonstrate their complete ignorance and sciolism of economics. Just fabulous. Congrats.
For the first part of that sentence? You need to get out more. Or start by Google-ing Herman Cain, Alexander Zindman, Brian Sicknick, Caroline Edwards, or Michael Fanone.

The second part of that sentence is objectively false. My life has not been adversely affected by the Biden years. It just hasn't. My wages kept up with the inflation that affected me, I'm not afraid of people with different gender or sexual orientations than mine, immigrants have not attempted to eat my pets (lol), and most importantly, the weight of an America that is led by someone who ignores and denigrates the rule of law has lifted, and sanity has been restored.

There is a reason why America does not want to go back to Donald Trump. If your statement was true that would not be the case. There are supporters of all candidates that are mis-informed, but generally America 'gets it'.
Well, I contend that your life has been adversely affected, even if you are unaware and the open border is exhibit 1. BTW, I don't use google. Currently use duckduckgo and have for a few years.
Again, I wasn’t privy to that and it has no bearing on this so IDGAF.
I can tell you are struggling with the news, kept from you by the corrupt regime media sources you blindly follow, that the people you support are responsible for 300,000 missing children in this country. I am glad you at least find that a little troubling - if you really do.
I can tell you are struggling with the news, kept from you by the corrupt regime media sources you blindly follow, that the people you support are responsible for 300,000 missing children in this country. I am glad you at least find that a little troubling - if you really do.
No struggles here, buddy. I mean it’s not like you’re doing anything for those 300k kids, nor do you care about them. Especially because most of them aren’t white.
TDS blinds posters here. @ least 2 posters here accused bomb threats in Springfield Ohio on MAGA people in advance without ANY evidence.

Of course they were wrong. That's what TDS does to you though. Clouds your judgement.

Here is more evidence the bomb threats were hoaxes and from foreign countries trying to taking advantage of the media here to get TDS & NT sheep to blame it on Trump's MAGA supporters.

When will the TDS & NTs learn their media LIES to them.....over & over. And they seem to be okay with that....and parrot the media lies anyway. 🤔🤔🤔.

Somehow they still trust Dem media??? Amazing.

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TDS blinds posters here. @ least 2 posters here accused bomb threats in Springfield Ohio on MAGA people in advance without ANY evidence.

Of course they were wrong. That's what TDS does to you though. Clouds your judgement.

Here is more evidence the bomb threats were hoaxes and from foreign countries trying to taking advantage of the media here to get TDS & NT sheep to blame it on Trump's MAGA supporters.

When will the TDS & NTs learn their media LIES to them.....over & over. And they seem to be okay with that....and parrot the media lies anyway. 🤔🤔🤔.

Somehow they still trust Dem media??? Amazing.

this sounds like foreign election interference. hope Garland is investigating.
For the first part of that sentence? You need to get out more. Or start by Google-ing Herman Cain, Alexander Zindman, Brian Sicknick, Caroline Edwards, or Michael Fanone.

The second part of that sentence is objectively false. My life has not been adversely affected by the Biden years. It just hasn't. My wages kept up with the inflation that affected me, I'm not afraid of people with different gender or sexual orientations than mine, immigrants have not attempted to eat my pets (lol), and most importantly, the weight of an America that is led by someone who ignores and denigrates the rule of law has lifted, and sanity has been restored.

There is a reason why America does not want to go back to Donald Trump. If your statement was true that would not be the case. There are supporters of all candidates that are mis-informed, but generally America 'gets it'.
My God. You think your life hasn't been adversely affected? Over 10 million people have entered this country and been allowed against the law to be released w/o detention. What's the cost alone? Denigrate the rule of law? This administration has done it 10 million times over. When they "parole" a 19 year old Venezuelan and allow them to move freely around the country do you think this person was vetted? Do you think Maduro is checking some data base and confirming for the US the kid is some aspiring accountant? I literally can't comprehend the derangement of people on this board who don't understand the shit that has been created because of these intentional border policies. You have to hate your citizens to subject them to this. So spare me the "rule of law."

To again prove my rep, a few months ago I posted about the border that if people really knew the dangers wrought there would be panic in the streets. I specifically referenced a SA militarized criminal gang (which nobody heard of) dumping people in this country thanks to Biden/Harris policy with a large presence forming in Pilsen & Little Village area of Chicago. Guess what, they popped up Aurora, CO first. There are thousands of them here. CPB knows who they are. They have tats they tell you. But they are fvucking released by order of guess who. What a job huh? You are forced by your politically-appointed bosses to release people you know will hurt Americans.

So i am glad you dont think you have not been affected. I bet a lot of people who have had loved ones murdered and raped by people apprehended and released thought like you. Me, I am having dinner next week with a close friend who is with DHS. I am having a discussion re: lining up my post-career work which was to be hunting human traffickers - non-government. But he knows that I won't if Harris wins because she (and Biden) are not serious about stopping this. He'll tell me that people could really use me and not think about it. This is not a bug, its the feature. And before you spout some dumbass "bi-partisan bill" the President has by Constitutional and Statutory authority granted by Congress the ability to shut the border by one signature. I have provided USC citation a dozen x.

Time for people like you and the other blind sheep to understand you are a pawn, And the longer they get you to talk about some felonies for some made up crime from 8 years ago that nobody can explain and multiple jurisdictions previous passed on (because there was no crime), then the longer you won't fixate on the SA gang member they waved on in with a lifetime history of violent felonies who is an actual threat to your family.

But hey. They don't make lawn signs for the latter, huh?
My God. You think your life hasn't been adversely affected? Over 10 million people have entered this country and been allowed against the law to be released w/o detention. What's the cost alone? Denigrate the rule of law? This administration has done it 10 million times over. When they "parole" a 19 year old Venezuelan and allow them to move freely around the country do you think this person was vetted? Do you think Maduro is checking some data base and confirming for the US the kid is some aspiring accountant? I literally can't comprehend the derangement of people on this board who don't understand the shit that has been created because of these intentional border policies. You have to hate your citizens to subject them to this. So spare me the "rule of law."

To again prove my rep, a few months ago I posted about the border that if people really knew the dangers wrought there would be panic in the streets. I specifically referenced a SA militarized criminal gang (which nobody heard of) dumping people in this country thanks to Biden/Harris policy with a large presence forming in Pilsen & Little Village area of Chicago. Guess what, they popped up Aurora, CO first. There are thousands of them here. CPB knows who they are. They have tats they tell you. But they are fvucking released by order of guess who. What a job huh? You are forced by your politically-appointed bosses to release people you know will hurt Americans.

So i am glad you dont think you have not been affected. I bet a lot of people who have had loved ones murdered and raped by people apprehended and released thought like you. Me, I am having dinner next week with a close friend who is with DHS. I am having a discussion re: lining up my post-career work which was to be hunting human traffickers - non-government. But he knows that I won't if Harris wins because she (and Biden) are not serious about stopping this. He'll tell me that people could really use me and not think about it. This is not a bug, its the feature. And before you spout some dumbass "bi-partisan bill" the President has by Constitutional and Statutory authority granted by Congress the ability to shut the border by one signature. I have provided USC citation a dozen x.

Time for people like you and the other blind sheep to understand you are a pawn, And the longer they get you to talk about some felonies for some made up crime from 8 years ago that nobody can explain and multiple jurisdictions previous passed on (because there was no crime), then the longer you won't fixate on the SA gang member they waved on in with a lifetime history of violent felonies who is an actual threat to your family.

But hey. They don't make lawn signs for the latter, huh?
As usual, right on target. This was a huge concern when they started encouraging unknown, unvetted people from 180 countries. They know for a fact that some terrorist are here. The country has a REAL media problem with truth, the promotion of untruths and deletion of truths with "many" using the same verbiage as an attempt to portray a consistent agreement in content when in fact it only serves tru propaganda for those with an eye to see. Now we are finding a LOT more about Routh, much known before and not watched. FWIW, when Routh was detected it was stated he was 300-500 yards away, but had he moved towards the next hole or towards Routh undetected, then that AK variant being only 60 or so yards was highly deadly! I personally wonder if the gun was semi (legal) or auto (illegal) since he was involved with gun deals and other countries.

Ryan Routh ‘wanted to kill most world leaders’: Chelsea Walsh
TDS blinds posters here. @ least 2 posters here accused bomb threats in Springfield Ohio on MAGA people in advance without ANY evidence.

Of course they were wrong. That's what TDS does to you though. Clouds your judgement.

Here is more evidence the bomb threats were hoaxes and from foreign countries trying to taking advantage of the media here to get TDS & NT sheep to blame it on Trump's MAGA supporters.

When will the TDS & NTs learn their media LIES to them.....over & over. And they seem to be okay with that....and parrot the media lies anyway. 🤔🤔🤔.

Somehow they still trust Dem media??? Amazing.

An obvious question for me is why the mention of DeWine's age? Was there a subtle effect intended? What was the reason? Any 35 year old that continues to live will expand his knowledge as he ages until a "possible" point of memory loss. In the USA thoughts by "older" people are devalued while in Asian countries more valued. We see the same approach to "new" data that because of it being new, it is believed better and that just isn't so. It may, if it disproves older data, but it may also be just another data point in an inquiry. Sorry to get off on a tangent, but I see quite often "words" helping drive thoughts. Now what foreign interference drives most media to mention what they do? ;)
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My God. You think your life hasn't been adversely affected? Over 10 million people have entered this country and been allowed against the law to be released w/o detention. What's the cost alone? Denigrate the rule of law? This administration has done it 10 million times over. When they "parole" a 19 year old Venezuelan and allow them to move freely around the country do you think this person was vetted? Do you think Maduro is checking some data base and confirming for the US the kid is some aspiring accountant? I literally can't comprehend the derangement of people on this board who don't understand the shit that has been created because of these intentional border policies. You have to hate your citizens to subject them to this. So spare me the "rule of law."

To again prove my rep, a few months ago I posted about the border that if people really knew the dangers wrought there would be panic in the streets. I specifically referenced a SA militarized criminal gang (which nobody heard of) dumping people in this country thanks to Biden/Harris policy with a large presence forming in Pilsen & Little Village area of Chicago. Guess what, they popped up Aurora, CO first. There are thousands of them here. CPB knows who they are. They have tats they tell you. But they are fvucking released by order of guess who. What a job huh? You are forced by your politically-appointed bosses to release people you know will hurt Americans.

So i am glad you dont think you have not been affected. I bet a lot of people who have had loved ones murdered and raped by people apprehended and released thought like you. Me, I am having dinner next week with a close friend who is with DHS. I am having a discussion re: lining up my post-career work which was to be hunting human traffickers - non-government. But he knows that I won't if Harris wins because she (and Biden) are not serious about stopping this. He'll tell me that people could really use me and not think about it. This is not a bug, its the feature. And before you spout some dumbass "bi-partisan bill" the President has by Constitutional and Statutory authority granted by Congress the ability to shut the border by one signature. I have provided USC citation a dozen x.

Time for people like you and the other blind sheep to understand you are a pawn, And the longer they get you to talk about some felonies for some made up crime from 8 years ago that nobody can explain and multiple jurisdictions previous passed on (because there was no crime), then the longer you won't fixate on the SA gang member they waved on in with a lifetime history of violent felonies who is an actual threat to your family.

But hey. They don't make lawn signs for the latter, huh?
Your indignant post seems so convincing, but it may be the biggest load of crap talking-point fest I have ever read. Don't agree? let's take it apart:

Illegal immigration? Keep it under control and do something about those that are caught... sure! But illegal immigration has been a constant for ... let's see... SINCE THE INCEPTION OF AMERICA. And the majority of it happens via visa overstays.

People have been raped and murdered since the inception of the nation. And by all kinds of people; black, white, brown, immigrant, citizen, visitors, every religion.

Demonizing immigrants is the oldest political trick in the book. In the USA it has been done to the Irish, the Japanese, Germans, Jews ... you name it. Here's the latest example from that 'liberal rag' The Wall Street Journal:

WSJ LINK: How the Trump Campaign Ran With Rumors About Pet-Eating Migrants—After Being Told They Weren’t True

**Here's a thought; since it's so personal, how has immigration PERSONALLY affected YOU? (now everyone wait for non-specific, 'not-personally' answer). **

Finally, the most ridiculous line from your post... a 'tell' as they say: You say you are about to pursue a job as a 'non-government human trafficking hunter?' LOL that is not really a job my friend, but good luck with that.

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No struggles here, buddy. I mean it’s not like you’re doing anything for those 300k kids, nor do you care about them. Especially because most of them aren’t white.
Are you thereby saying the people you are voting for who actually could do something for those 300,000 children are not because those kids are not white?

Biden is a long-time racist - but what about Harris. Has she tried to do something to locate those kids as the border czar?

You are voting for lib dem racists.
Your indignant post seems so convincing, but it may be the biggest load of crap talking-point fest I have ever read. Don't agree? let's take it apart:

Illegal immigration? Keep it under control and do something about those that are caught... sure! But illegal immigration has been a constant for ... let's see... SINCE THE INCEPTION OF AMERICA. And the majority of it happens via visa overstays.

People have been raped and murdered since the inception of the nation. And by all kinds of people; black, white, brown, immigrant, citizen, visitors, every religion.

Demonizing immigrants is the oldest political trick in the book. In the USA it has been done to the Irish, the Japanese, Germans, Jews ... you name it. Here's the latest example from that 'liberal rag' The Wall Street Journal:

WSJ LINK: How the Trump Campaign Ran With Rumors About Pet-Eating Migrants—After Being Told They Weren’t True

**Here's a thought; since it's so personal, how has immigration PERSONALLY affected YOU? (now everyone wait for non-specific, 'not-personally' answer). **

Finally, the most ridiculous line from your post... a 'tell' as they say: You say you are about to pursue a job as a 'non-government human trafficking hunter?' LOL that is not really a job my friend, but good luck with that.

So as long as things don’t affect you personally it’s no concern. The heck with anyone else.
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So as long as things don’t affect you personally it’s no concern. The heck with anyone else.
Solid job putting words in my mouth lol. You would be far more accurate if you quoted me: "Illegal immigration? Keep it under control and do something about those that are caught... sure!" Because that's exactly what I wrote.

And the question posed was how illegal immigration affects me and am I adversely affected by the past four years. So that is the question I answered.

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Your indignant post seems so convincing, but it may be the biggest load of crap talking-point fest I have ever read. Don't agree? let's take it apart:

Illegal immigration? Keep it under control and do something about those that are caught... sure! But illegal immigration has been a constant for ... let's see... SINCE THE INCEPTION OF AMERICA. And the majority of it happens via visa overstays.

People have been raped and murdered since the inception of the nation. And by all kinds of people; black, white, brown, immigrant, citizen, visitors, every religion.

Demonizing immigrants is the oldest political trick in the book. In the USA it has been done to the Irish, the Japanese, Germans, Jews ... you name it. Here's the latest example from that 'liberal rag' The Wall Street Journal:

WSJ LINK: How the Trump Campaign Ran With Rumors About Pet-Eating Migrants—After Being Told They Weren’t True

**Here's a thought; since it's so personal, how has immigration PERSONALLY affected YOU? (now everyone wait for non-specific, 'not-personally' answer). **

Finally, the most ridiculous line from your post... a 'tell' as they say: You say you are about to pursue a job as a 'non-government human trafficking hunter?' LOL that is not really a job my friend, but good luck with that.

I love he honestly expects anyone to believe him. Every time he posts about his time at the border it gets more outlandish. Knee-slapping stuff!
Are you thereby saying the people you are voting for who actually could do something for those 300,000 children are not because those kids are not white?

Biden is a long-time racist - but what about Harris. Has she tried to do something to locate those kids as the border czar?

You are voting for lib dem racists.
Starting the day with some off the rails projection, I see.
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But but but but...he's gonna be a NON-GOVERNMENT HUMAN TRAFFICKING HUNTER!

So he's got that going for him. Hahahahaha
All I envision with that is some fat slob wearing cargo shorts who can barely wheeze down the sidewalk strapped to the hilt standing at the border. And I bet I’m not far off in my description.
Your indignant post seems so convincing, but it may be the biggest load of crap talking-point fest I have ever read. Don't agree? let's take it apart:

Illegal immigration? Keep it under control and do something about those that are caught... sure! But illegal immigration has been a constant for ... let's see... SINCE THE INCEPTION OF AMERICA. And the majority of it happens via visa overstays.

People have been raped and murdered since the inception of the nation. And by all kinds of people; black, white, brown, immigrant, citizen, visitors, every religion.

Demonizing immigrants is the oldest political trick in the book. In the USA it has been done to the Irish, the Japanese, Germans, Jews ... you name it. Here's the latest example from that 'liberal rag' The Wall Street Journal:

WSJ LINK: How the Trump Campaign Ran With Rumors About Pet-Eating Migrants—After Being Told They Weren’t True

**Here's a thought; since it's so personal, how has immigration PERSONALLY affected YOU? (now everyone wait for non-specific, 'not-personally' answer). **

Finally, the most ridiculous line from your post... a 'tell' as they say: You say you are about to pursue a job as a 'non-government human trafficking hunter?' LOL that is not really a job my friend, but good luck with that.

relative to overstays
relative to overstays
Per your link, those are not overstays nor illegals. Seems to be expanding legal immigration to cover war-torn places like Haiti and Ukraine. Of course, no politician will deliberately demonize legal immigration from Ukraine when they could demonize legal immigrants from Haiti.

Wonder why? Hmmmmm... it's not like the leader of the free world called Haiti a "sh!thole country." Cause, dark skin ya know.
Starting the day with some off the rails projection, I see.
Then tell us, why do you think Biden/Harris allowed 300,000 kids to go missing ? Just sheer incompetence - always believable with those two hacks.

And tell us further why you had never heard of the 300,000 despite an IG report from Biden's DHS - refusing to believe it until I linked the actual report?
All I envision with that is some fat slob wearing cargo shorts who can barely wheeze down the sidewalk strapped to the hilt standing at the border. And I bet I’m not far off in my description.
What do you envision about 300,000 missing children thanks to Biden/Harris, the people you support?
. the most ridiculous line from your post... a 'tell' as they say: You say you are about to pursue a job as a 'non-government human trafficking hunter?' LOL that is not really a job my friend, but good luck with that.


LOL. Ohhhhh really you say?
Sometimes you are on target, sometimes not so much.....and those LOL.


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