FEMA running out of money?

Yep. Taking advantage of the uninformed.

Is it misinformation when Trump and Fox and right wing bloggers imply.......or just flat out lie.......when they say the residents in Western NC are only gonna get $750 from FEMA?
When did Trump and Fox 'imply' that? I missed it.
Yep. Taking advantage of the uninformed.

Is it misinformation when Trump and Fox and right wing bloggers imply.......or just flat out lie.......when they say the residents in Western NC are only gonna get $750 from FEMA?
So, you're admitting both sides lie or take advantage of the misinformed?
Is selective reporting worse than ignorance of the public or spreading misinformation?
You used the word "worse." I used the word "insidious." Yes, selective reporting is indeed worse than spreading misinformation because it is far more insidious. Misinformation can be and is fact-checked. But if the news media refuses to report a story, e.g. Biden's cognitive ability, Harris' word salad gaffes, then the public is misled to believe that everything is hunky-dorey.
No, I don't. I have see enough of both candidates to know that your candidate is an empty pant suit.
Maybe you should spend more time listening to him and less time auto defending him. You're admittedly uninformed about your own candidate yet you attack the other side daily. You can't even make a simple reply without doing it, like your last one.

How can you say you've seen enough to make a judgement on trump when you don't listen to what he says lol?

You don't listen to trump because you don't want to be embarrassed to be voting for him. Easier on your conscience if you ignore him.
Maybe you should spend more time listening to him and less time auto defending him. You're admittedly uninformed about your own candidate yet you attack the other side daily. You can't even make a simple reply without doing it, like your last one.

How can you say you've seen enough to make a judgement on trump when you don't listen to what he says lol?

You don't listen to trump because you don't want to be embarrassed to be voting for him. Easier on your conscience if you ignore him.
Anyone that listens to him in snipets given by the MSM is equally uninformed because they intentionally misrepresent what he says constantly.
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How? You’re saying that we weren’t lied into a war in Iraq?

So you’re in favor of the destruction of the pipeline? You’re aware that costs of energy are way way up in Europe since then? Why should the average American care if US multinationals supply Europe with natural gas instead of Russia? Have you looked around at our crumbling society? Eisenhower spoke common sense on this.

Americans are the most propagandized people in the world but they don’t know they are.
Because when Europe buys oil from Russia and China buys oil from Iran, Russia and Iran get rich.
And when Iran and Russia have money to blow they invade Ukraine and attack Israel.
I didn't think I had to explain it to you.
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Maybe you should spend more time listening to him and less time auto defending him. You're admittedly uninformed about your own candidate yet you attack the other side daily. You can't even make a simple reply without doing it, like your last one.

How can you say you've seen enough to make a judgement on trump when you don't listen to what he says lol?
He was president for 4 years and his policies were very good for the nation. I am far more interested in actions than words. Lol.

Harris has been Vice Puppet for 4 years and Biden has been the worse president since LBJ. Harris said just yesterday on a frivolous talk show that there is nothing she would have done differently than Biden.

What else do we need to hear?
Still not true.

Is selective reporting worse than ignorance of the public or spreading misinformation?
What’s with you people and this spreading misinformation and censoring stuff?

First of all, the biggest misinformation of my life was saddam has WMDs. Pushed by the New York Times at the top of their lungs.

Second, I don’t need elites to hear things that my poor sensitive ears are too shitty to hear. We have a first amendment. There are limits on that speech. People should have the right to be wrong and the way you should beat bad speech is with better speech. I don’t need anything censored dipshit.

Misinformation - the vaccine stops the spread. Pfizer admitted in European Parliament that they never even tested to see if it did, because “we were moving at the speed of science.” But then people on that side were going to censor what I can hear?
Because when Europe buys oil from Russia and China buys oil from Iran, Russia and Iran get rich.
And when Iran and Russia have money to blow they invade Ukraine and attack Israel.
I didn't think I had to explain it to you.
We have the right to stop people from getting rich by blowing up a pipeline that prevents people from buying natural gas from who they want to?

Don’t act like history started when russia invaded. The US coup’d a democratically elected leader and Ukraine was shelling ethnic Russians who didn’t want to go with the new government in the Donbas. Has Russia ever been bombing in 7 countries in your lifetime?

How can you know that Iraq happened and yet you’re righteous.

Do you want to start with the history of the Middle East going back to the early 1900s. Without even getting into Israel where I’m sure I don’t take many of your givens as given, why not just start with mosedek? If not earlier
Iknowiknowikmow. He doesn't lie. It's the media. Even when it's video of him the media are misrepresenting what he says.

Where did I say he never lies? You know what I originally said was true. Here's some prime examples:

-Fine people on both sides quote
-Bloodbath quote

These are the easiest ones to find that are blatant misrepresentations of what Trump actually said.
What’s with you people and this spreading misinformation and censoring stuff?

First of all, the biggest misinformation of my life was saddam has WMDs. Pushed by the New York Times at the top of their lungs.

Second, I don’t need elites to hear things that my poor sensitive ears are too shitty to hear. We have a first amendment. There are limits on that speech. People should have the right to be wrong and the way you should beat bad speech is with better speech. I don’t need anything censored dipshit.

Misinformation - the vaccine stops the spread. Pfizer admitted in European Parliament that they never even tested to see if it did, because “we were moving at the speed of science.” But then people on that side were going to censor what I can hear?
Just picking fights at random or what?

People have the right to lie and spread misinformation. Are we supposed to let this stuff go because there was a bigger lie at another point in history? Shouting at the rain here.
We have the right to stop people from getting rich by blowing up a pipeline that prevents people from buying natural gas from who they want to?

Don’t act like history started when russia invaded. The US coup’d a democratically elected leader and Ukraine was shelling ethnic Russians who didn’t want to go with the new government in the Donbas. Has Russia ever been bombing in 7 countries in your lifetime?

How can you know that Iraq happened and yet you’re righteous.

Do you want to start with the history of the Middle East going back to the early 1900s. Without even getting into Israel where I’m sure I don’t take many of your givens as given, why not just start with mosedek? If not earlier
What you talking about WILLIS!!
🤔You portray yourself as uniformed. And you do that well!

Your posts are indicative of someone who waits for the MSNBC response to a topic, and then parrots it here.

Whereas, I read the chart as well as footnotes when it came out from ICE.
I guess your favorite president is uninformed and not well read.

"In a radio interview with conservative host Hugh Hewitt, Mr Trump said: "How about allowing people to come through an open border, 13,000 of which were murderers?

Then you had 425,000 people come into our country that shouldn't be here that are criminals."

The statistics, however, spanned decades and included the years of Mr Trump's administration."
"In a radio interview with conservative host Hugh Hewitt, Mr Trump said: "How about allowing people to come through an open border, 13,000 of which were murderers?

Then you had 425,000 people come into our country that shouldn't be here that are criminals."

The statistics, however, spanned decades and included the years of Mr Trump's administration."
Which admin would you guess had a far higher number during their terms -- Trump or Biden/Harris?
Just picking fights at random or what?

People have the right to lie and spread misinformation. Are we supposed to let this stuff go because there was a bigger lie at another point in history? Shouting at the rain here.
No! Because we have the first amendment. If by not let it go you mean respond with a reason they are wrong, by all means …

But Facebook and other social media censored a lot of “misinformation” during COVID that nobody now contests. “They’re a private company.” That needs to be regulated
No! Because we have the first amendment. If by not let it go you mean respond with a reason they are wrong, by all means …

But Facebook and other social media censored a lot of “misinformation” during COVID that nobody now contests. “They’re a private company.” That needs to be regulated
Lol. When you're seemingly against both parties and anything establishment and are left to freely criticize everything, you're going to have lots of targets and plenty to bitch about. Sorry, governing 330 million people in a democracy with free speech is messy.

And I say freakin word about censoring ANYTHING dipstick. You did. All I said was people who lie and spread misinformation, especially when it hurts people, need to be held accountable. You turned it into censorship, which is obviously a constant source of annoyance for you.
Lol. When you're seemingly against both parties and anything establishment and are left to freely criticize everything, you're going to have lots of targets and plenty to bitch about. Sorry, governing 330 million people in a democracy with free speech is messy.

And I say freakin word about censoring ANYTHING dipstick. You did. All I said was people who lie and spread misinformation, especially when it hurts people, need to be held accountable. You turned it into censorship, which is obviously a constant source of annoyance for you.
Should Fauci be prosecuted for spreading misinformation?

Who determines what is misinformation? Is there an arbiter of who decides what is true, sort of true and not at all true?
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Should Fauci be prosecuted for spreading misinformation?

Who determines what is misinformation? Is there an arbiter of who decides what is true, sort of true and not at all true?
Is that now your position on trumps serial lying? The facts are the arbiter. Wtf is wrong with you? WHO DECIDES WHAT IS TRUE? Your mind is trump toast.

$750 is all you get from FEMA is a GD lie.

The government controls the weather and sends storms to Republican states.

Is that now your position on trumps serial lying? The facts are the arbiter. Wtf is wrong with you? WHO DECIDES WHAT IS TRUE? Your mind is trump toast.

$750 is all you get from FEMA is a GD lie.

The government controls the weather and sends storms to Republican states.

95% of the time, when the left claims Trump lied, it's because his statement was taken out of context.
He lies about as much as any other pol, including Biden and Harris.

And yeh, there are some crazy people out there who think the government controls the weather, just like there are crazy people who believe a man can get pregnant.
Lol. When you're seemingly against both parties and anything establishment and are left to freely criticize everything, you're going to have lots of targets and plenty to bitch about. Sorry, governing 330 million people in a democracy with free speech is messy.

And I say freakin word about censoring ANYTHING dipstick. You did. All I said was people who lie and spread misinformation, especially when it hurts people, need to be held accountable. You turned it into censorship, which is obviously a constant source of annoyance for you.
What you say suggests that the two party duopoly is the only way. It’s not. They are corrupt about making sure there is no other options. It’s the fault of those who have stopped drinking the kool aid that there is plenty to criticize about two parties who give you no option to vote:

Against endless war
Against big banks
For single payer health care

Remember.. here are your biggest voting blocks in order

People who don’t vote
Whoever is more popular between the democrats and republicans

Held accountable how? You mean like we are going to have accountability for all of the taxpayer dollars wasted for lying us into a war in Iraq that killed a million people and then instituting a torture program to cover it up? Because guess what dumbass… what’s lost in all of your righteousness is that not only does Cheney walk the earth free, but your selected candidate celebrates his endorsement.

You’re full of shit … professional class so called liberal
What you say suggests that the two party duopoly is the only way. It’s not. They are corrupt about making sure there is no other options. It’s the fault of those who have stopped drinking the kool aid that there is plenty to criticize about two parties who give you no option to vote:

Against endless war
Against big banks
For single payer health care

Remember.. here are your biggest voting blocks in order

People who don’t vote
Whoever is more popular between the democrats and republicans

Held accountable how? You mean like we are going to have accountability for all of the taxpayer dollars wasted for lying us into a war in Iraq that killed a million people and then instituting a torture program to cover it up? Because guess what dumbass… what’s lost in all of your righteousness is that not only does Cheney walk the earth free, but your selected candidate celebrates his endorsement.

You’re full of shit … professional class so called liberal
You're wrong yet again. Nothing I would like more than a third party. This is what happens when you jump into a conversation and start making judgments about people you don't know.

Im not sure what your infatuation is with the Iraq war. You seem to drag it into every conversation you have. I was against that war but yet again, you wouldn't know that either.

You do remind me of all the angry trumpers out their who call people liberals because they're not MAGA. I don't know wtf you are, nor do I care. Go argue with somebody else.
You're wrong yet again. Nothing I would like more than a third party. This is what happens when you jump into a conversation and start making judgments about people you don't know.

Im not sure what your infatuation is with the Iraq war. You seem to drag it into every conversation you have. I was against that war but yet again, you wouldn't know that either.

You do remind me of all the angry trumpers out their who call people liberals because they're not MAGA. I don't know wtf you are, nor do I care. Go argue with somebody else.
You might want one all day, but you are aware that the main thing stopping it are the two parties. They will sue candidates off the ballot all day and have argued in court that they can choose their own candidate in a smoke filled room if that’s what they want to do. You may want one, the people you support will never allow it to happen.

lol you aren’t! So just because your masters in the news decide not to talk about it and memory hole it it’s like it didn’t happen? You want accountability. The people you support, whether you want it or not, want to censor people and avoid disinformation. You want to prosecute trump (they’re all criminals so of course he is one, but a rather odd one to be the one who must be prosecuted). But George w. Bush won’t be held accountable. Mainstream news won’t have to do a public retraction for lying us into a war or be kicked off YouTube for that or a ton of other lies (Covid!).

I’m a real lefty. You’re a supporter of the republicans who are down with gay marriage and abortion who have hijacked the Democratic Party starting in about 1968. Thomas frank wrote a book about it called listen liberal.

Here’s the part you don’t get. You support bill clinton and Kamala Harris. You think if I disagree with you, you should look right and decide I support Trump. Turn left, all the way left, toward FDR, Eugene Debs and their ilk and that’s who I actually support.

Attacking Democrats for being complicit in the Iraq war is not a right wing idea dipshit
Is that now your position on trumps serial lying? The facts are the arbiter. Wtf is wrong with you? WHO DECIDES WHAT IS TRUE? Your mind is trump toast.

$750 is all you get from FEMA is a GD lie.


The government controls the weather and sends storms to Republican states.
Trump didn't say that, Bob. Nor did he tell someone the gov was causing hurricanes or taking houses from those who accept the 750. Right?

You are telling serial lies if you say he did.
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Bob, the thing with this routine with Trump, is I’ve seen it before.

George bush was the woooorst person on the planet. I bought into all the liberal outlets the because I still think that. And none of the conservatives who argue with you will acknowledge how awful bush was to this day. Then Obama got elected and I realized that every so called lefty in news was just playing for a team. Endless wars? Didn’t matter if Obama went from 2 countries to 7, cause it was their teams guy. Letting cops go bust the heads of peaceful protestors doing occupy Wall Street? It was Obama now. Those banks.. they got bailed out and got to kick 5.2 million families out of their homes and keep the houses. But that’s okay cause Obama.

But then mitt Romney came along. And for about a few weeks good ole milquetoast mitt looked like he might be capable. And all the sudden he was a monster! A new low! Dangerous.

This is just a playbook this Trump shit dude. It’s like running a bubble screen. The players change but the play is the same. When Trump is gone the next guy will be a new danger never before seen! And to save themselves, all that good liberals will need to do is agree to a bunch of Republican lite policies that make their lives worse too slowly to notice all at once.
Trump didn't say that, Bob. Nor did he tell someone the gov was causing hurricanes or taking houses from those who accept the 750. Right?

You are telling serial lies if you say he did.
By your own admission you don't listen to him speak. You don't know squat about what he says. You'll critique every link I post but refuse to look for yourself. It's almost like you're embarrassed to see what your choice for president says.

Yeah, he's said several times that FEMA is going to pay $750. Your house is destroyed and you get $750. He never mentions you can get a lot more. NEVER. Just like J6, you guys claim he never TOLD them to storm the Capitol. He never said $750 was all you could get. He just talked about the death and destruction and led you to believe there was no more money. That's all he has to do. All the Fox and Newsmax people then framed it the SAME way. Off to the races. Now it's a fact in MAGA world. Just as he said the Biden admin wasn't helping those living in the Republican areas that were hit by the storm.

He didn't say anything about the weather. But MTG did, in a tweet, and that took off too. Bloggers and social media took over. The government is controlling the weather and made it rain where the lithium mines are in NC so don't sign any FEMA forms because they'll take your land to get to the lithium. All of it or some of it, the uninformed MAGA spread it with a firehose.
By your own admission you don't listen to him speak. You don't know squat about what he says. You'll critique every link I post but refuse to look for yourself. It's almost like you're embarrassed to see what your choice for president says.

Yeah, he's said several times that FEMA is going to pay $750. Your house is destroyed and you get $750. He never mentions you can get a lot more. NEVER. Just like J6, you guys claim he never TOLD them to storm the Capitol. He never said $750 was all you could get. He just talked about the death and destruction and led you to believe there was no more money. That's all he has to do. All the Fox and Newsmax people then framed it the SAME way. Off to the races. Now it's a fact in MAGA world. Just as he said the Biden admin wasn't helping those living in the Republican areas that were hit by the storm.

He didn't say anything about the weather. But MTG did, in a tweet, and that took off too. Bloggers and social media took over. The government is controlling the weather and made it rain where the lithium mines are in NC so don't sign any FEMA forms because they'll take your land to get to the lithium. All of it or some of it, the uninformed MAGA spread it with a firehose.
Storm the capital, yeah right. CNN must have told you so many times that it’s ingrained in the brain.

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