I'm curious...what few counties in teh USA contribute to most of the deaths and are they where dems are in power? Going further, do these murders take place where it is known to be "gun free areas"? Good information if both things are true. It appears most shootings are by dems against dems. 400,000,000 guns in the USA with few involved in shootings pretty much makes it easy to see that guns are not the issue or there would be a lot more deaths. As stated previously, guns have been around for a lot of years and
mass murders (not shootings since that is a play on words to try to tie in all the law abiding guns held by citizens) were pretty much nonexistent for decades with easier gun access and much fewer gun laws. Outside the emotional appeal to many that have little to no understanding of guns in general, gun control has contributed to many more deaths across the world than no gun control.
Even in the USA , the "
Meadows Massacre" in Utah was accomplished by taking away guns. The gazillions of deaths over the years across the globe can be found here
The History of Gun Control across the globe . Course pursuing the age of 21 will cut down a lot of murders since the killers are all under 21.
My guns have never shot anyone and why should I or the millions of other gun owners have our "rights" (not to be infringed) limited due to any gun control measure to prohibit the murderers from killing others? When a drunk or someone high kills others with his vehicle, my "desires" (not rights) are not infringed. Instead, only the person responsible is addressed. This whole topic like so many other things fall between the contrained and unconstrained views Thomas Sowell wrote about here
A Conflict of Visions.
Relative to that is a book I haven't read, but sounds very interesting on so many things...gun control being but just one is the book on "Unintended Consequences" which indirectly ties into the "Uncontrained Vision" Sowell writes in Conflict of Visions-
Unintended Consequences . Not part of the book, but to get a flavor is one of many short videos