Did Harris win? Did Trump lose? Agree/Disagree?

Well if you're not hiring someone because they are white... And everyone knows that colleges deny Asians because they don't want to many Asians on campus.
Again, there would not be any affirmative action or now DEI if there weren't racism and in the first place.
Again, there would not be any affirmative action or now DEI if there weren't racism and in the first place.
It was never needed. Government forced racism is racism. It doesn't matter in what form. It shouldn't exist and never should have. Things are better off when they happen naturally and happen based of merit.
It was never needed. Government forced racism is racism. It doesn't matter in what form. It shouldn't exist and never should have. Things are better off when they happen naturally and happen based of merit.
So, if that is the case, why aren't you against legacy admissions at the IVY League, in particular and other schools? That is not happening naturally or based on merit.
So, if that is the case, why aren't you against legacy admissions at the IVY League, in particular and other schools? That is not happening naturally or based on merit.
Because I don't care about legacy admissions. They mean nothing. That's a kids last name. I'm more worried about Ivy League school denying Asians because they got their "quota" and dropping standards for other races.
Because I don't care about legacy admissions. They mean nothing. That's a kids last name. I'm more worried about Ivy League school denying Asians because they got their "quota" and dropping standards for other races.
I know you don't care about legacy admissions because most of them are white. Perhaps the legacy admissions, and you know some of them ain't meeting the minimum standards of getting in, are taking up spots for the Asian students.
I know you don't care about legacy admissions because most of them are white. Perhaps the legacy admissions, and you know some of them ain't meeting the minimum standards of getting in, are taking up spots for the Asian students.
Maybe they are, but they aren't discriminating against race when it comes to legacy admissions. It's just names.
Y'all always assume that the black person that is hired due to affirmative action or DEI is not qualified. But that's why we've had affirmative action and now DEI because historically qualified black people have been passed up for employment or education.

Then when it comes to legacy admissions, particularly in the IVY League schools, that's the biggest fault in my opinion. Bush the Younger comes to mind. Y'all say nothing about legacy admissions. How many legacy students are not qualified to enter these schools but get in because of their parents? But the Asian student law suit blamed affirmative action without looking into the legacy admission issue.
As an example considering the population break down, sure looks like a disproportionate amount of blacks are on television as news reporters and the like. Not saying they aren’t qualified, just many have been hired somewhat recently.
As an example considering the population break down, sure looks like a disproportionate amount of blacks are on television as news reporters and the like. Not saying they aren’t qualified, just many have been hired somewhat recently.
Oooh! More black news reporters. Watch out.

Dude that’s a good thing. Sorry that diversity bothers you.