DeSantis channels his inner Trump

GD. I knew you were gonna do this. Just knew it. Talk about everything but the real issue.

Gonna put this in bold print in the hope you actually read and comprehend it. It's not the revocation of the privileges that's the the issue or that is unconstitutional. He could have revoked the exemption in 2019, 2020, or in 2021...........for any reason he wanted. He didn't even need a reason. Neither would have all the other governors going back 50 freakin years. But when he did it IN REACTION TO Disney's public stance, he was punishing Disney for speaking out against the bill. You need a slide rule here. DeSantis SAID as much.

You think someone's right to free speech under the first amendment means it has to be stripped? Taken away?
Well then I hope Disney sues. If what he did was unconstitutional, he should be stopped.
Yes, Disney and any business in Florida is free to say whatever they want. But now, there has been a clear warning sent to all of them. If you speak out against DeSantis, he may seek retribution.......under the law or his interpretation of it of course. But he can make your business much more difficult. Are these businesses MORE or LESS LIKELY to speak out in the future? You're good with that? You're good with anyone being afraid to criticize the state for fear of what might happen to them? Just because the act of taking the way the exemption isn't ILLEGAL doesn't mean the reasons for doing are the way a republic should operate. It's just trump shit on a smarter level. Like you guys ALWAYS say......well it's not illegal.
Well most lawyers are saying that what Desantis did was legal. (other than the constitutional lawyers) And as I said above. IF it was unconstitutional, then I hope they sue. I still believe that Disney's position was 100% wrong, but I am not for anyone's rights to be trampled on.
What I mean about wokeism is that the issues that define it are important to you.

Who manufactured the issue in Florida? Where are they teaching 5 year olds about transitioning? Who manufactured the idea that schools are teaching CRT? All hard right politicians who KNOW how to push your buttons. Take a look at the threads on this site from you guys. How many are about social and cultural issues?
How do you know the issue in Florida is manufactured? Why would 60%+ of the state be for the bill if it wasn't a real issue. (I've seen video of mothers complaining about teachers doing these things so I know it's not manufactured)

How do you know that the CRT thing is manufactured? (I know it's not, because I've seen the schools own paperwork stating that it is).

I think you need to take a look outside of the left media and you will see that these issues are real.
Disney's rights haven't been stripped. But now they know, as do all businesses in Florida, that they better go along with what Ron wants or there will be consequences. Just as all of you are saying, and you see nothing wrong with the state taking that position. Cause you like tough guys who stand up to the evil corporations and the long as they are pushing your agenda and screaming about the issues you are told to care about.
Well, looking into it further I agreed with you. IF it was unconstitutional then they NEED to do something about it. Outside of constitutionality, what Desantis did was legal. As I said, I think Disney is 100% wrong, but I think the constitution is more important.
GD. I knew you were gonna do this. Just knew it. Talk about everything but the real issue.

Gonna put this in bold print in the hope you actually read and comprehend it. It's not the revocation of the privileges that's the the issue or that is unconstitutional. He could have revoked the exemption in 2019, 2020, or in 2021...........for any reason he wanted. He didn't even need a reason. Neither would have all the other governors going back 50 freakin years. But when he did it IN REACTION TO Disney's public stance, he was punishing Disney for speaking out against the bill. You need a slide rule here. DeSantis SAID as much.

You think someone's right to free speech under the first amendment means it has to be stripped? Taken away?

Yes, Disney and any business in Florida is free to say whatever they want. But now, there has been a clear warning sent to all of them. If you speak out against DeSantis, he may seek retribution.......under the law or his interpretation of it of course. But he can make your business much more difficult. Are these businesses MORE or LESS LIKELY to speak out in the future? You're good with that? You're good with anyone being afraid to criticize the state for fear of what might happen to them? Just because the act of taking the way the exemption isn't ILLEGAL doesn't mean the reasons for doing are the way a republic should operate. It's just trump shit on a smarter level. Like you guys ALWAYS say......well it's not illegal.

What I mean about wokeism is that the issues that define it are important to you.

Who manufactured the issue in Florida? Where are they teaching 5 year olds about transitioning? Who manufactured the idea that schools are teaching CRT? All hard right politicians who KNOW how to push your buttons. Take a look at the threads on this site from you guys. How many are about social and cultural issues?

Disney's rights haven't been stripped. But now they know, as do all businesses in Florida, that they better go along with what Ron wants or there will be consequences. Just as all of you are saying, and you see nothing wrong with the state taking that position. Cause you like tough guys who stand up to the evil corporations and the long as they are pushing your agenda and screaming about the issues you are told to care about.

Let me ask you a question Bob. Now that Elon purchased Twitter, and you have Senator Elizabeth Warren openly talking about a wealth tax because its "dangerous" for Elon to own Twitter. How is this not a retaliatory statement, by an official of the US government? Kinda of the same thing as happened in Florida, right?

And isn't it kind of funny how Elizabeth Warren is amazingly worth $67MM while working as a public servant? But yet, let's beat on DeSantis some more because we like hypocrisy...

Let me ask you a question Bob. Now that Elon purchased Twitter, and you have Senator Elizabeth Warren openly talking about a wealth tax because its "dangerous" for Elon to own Twitter. How is this not a retaliatory statement, by an official of the US government? Kinda of the same thing as happened in Florida, right?

And isn't it kind of funny how Elizabeth Warren is amazingly worth $67MM while working as a public servant? But yet, let's beat on DeSantis some more because we like hypocrisy...

Is it dangerous that Jeff Bezos owns WaPo?
Let me ask you a question Bob. Now that Elon purchased Twitter, and you have Senator Elizabeth Warren openly talking about a wealth tax because its "dangerous" for Elon to own Twitter. How is this not a retaliatory statement, by an official of the US government? Kinda of the same thing as happened in Florida, right?

And isn't it kind of funny how Elizabeth Warren is amazingly worth $67MM while working as a public servant? But yet, let's beat on DeSantis some more because we like hypocrisy...

Well @BuilderBob6 ??
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If you're going to call me out it should be for something better than this.

It is a retaliatory statement........and it's stupid and partisan and is red meat for her base. Besides, despite what Musk may have said, no one knows what he's going to do with Twitter.......and I think his attitude and position may change when he actually digs into it.

But on to yet another ridiculous comparison from you....... it's a STATEMENT. It's not an ACTION. Warren does not have any power over Musk. She can't punish him. How the hell is this remotely like DeSantis and Disney? She can't do anything against him on him on her own. He doesn't have to worry about her taking action against him in her own state.

You keep trying to come up with some whataboutism.......and you're failing badly. This Florida stuff is what it is. If you can't actually admit that the governor of Florida used his position and power over the legislature to take a specific ACTION to punish Disney for what they SAID, then just stop with all the efforts to justify it.......and move on.

I don't know what Warren's finances have to do with anything......except this is a tactic the pubs use to add more fuel to the fire you think you pointed out with her statement. It means nothing. What hypocrisy?

I don't know where she got her money. Maybe it was family, maybe she owns a business or real estate. I don't GAS enough to find out. Do you? Or do you just throw around accusations about dem politicians because it makes you feel better? Can I give you some examples of rich, republican senators? You think this BS is limited to one party?
Corporate criticism of laws made by the state are not allowed. The state will take measures to punish you if you don't fall in line with our agenda. You can think the laws are wrong, just don't say it. Culture is more important than free speech. The power of the state to control it is more important than free speech.

Just like trump. You criticize him or don't support him, vengeance awaits.

See you in court.

Mind you, I'm not taking a stance here on the law itself, just the state retaliation.......please tell me what else it is......against a corporation speaking out against a law.

Elections have consequences.
If you're going to call me out it should be for something better than this.

It is a retaliatory statement........and it's stupid and partisan and is red meat for her base. Besides, despite what Musk may have said, no one knows what he's going to do with Twitter.......and I think his attitude and position may change when he actually digs into it.

But on to yet another ridiculous comparison from you....... it's a STATEMENT. It's not an ACTION. Warren does not have any power over Musk. She can't punish him. How the hell is this remotely like DeSantis and Disney? She can't do anything against him on him on her own. He doesn't have to worry about her taking action against him in her own state.

You keep trying to come up with some whataboutism.......and you're failing badly. This Florida stuff is what it is. If you can't actually admit that the governor of Florida used his position and power over the legislature to take a specific ACTION to punish Disney for what they SAID, then just stop with all the efforts to justify it.......and move on.

I don't know what Warren's finances have to do with anything......except this is a tactic the pubs use to add more fuel to the fire you think you pointed out with her statement. It means nothing. What hypocrisy?

I don't know where she got her money. Maybe it was family, maybe she owns a business or real estate. I don't GAS enough to find out. Do you? Or do you just throw around accusations about dem politicians because it makes you feel better? Can I give you some examples of rich, republican senators? You think this BS is limited to one party?
She is threatening similar retaliatory action as Desantis. If she could make it happen, she would. So I fail to see how this is so different...
She can't make it happen. She has zero power over Musk ......and it's an action vs a statement. Yeah, little difference at all. Just stop it.
Desantis wouldn't have power at all over Disney if he didn't have the backing of the Florida Legislature. But let's not consider that either...

If Warren had the backing of the Senate, there would be consequences. That's what you don't seem to understand. This is a UNITED STATES SENATOR making these statements...
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She can't make it happen. She has zero power over Musk ......and it's an action vs a statement. Yeah, little difference at all. Just stop it.
And here's yet another threat from a United States Senator.

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Desantis wouldn't have power at all over Disney if he didn't have the backing of the Florida Legislature. But let's not consider that either...

If Warren had the backing of the Senate, there would be consequences. That's what you don't seem to understand. This is a UNITED STATES SENATOR making these statements...
The pub legislature is a rubber stamp for DeSantis. They also caved on the their redistricting plan and did what he wanted, which is a story that hasn't even been mentioned here.

It's a freakin STATEMENT AND NOT AN ACTION you moron. And one senator doesn't make policy. JFC dude. Senators and house members from both sides make threats all the time.
The pub legislature is a rubber stamp for DeSantis. They also caved on the their redistricting plan and did what he wanted, which is a story that hasn't even been mentioned here.

It's a freakin STATEMENT AND NOT AN ACTION you moron. And one senator doesn't make policy. JFC dude. Senators and house members from both sides make threats all the time.
Got it. So intent doesn't count until you actually take action...even though that's what you campaign on...

I guess Biden shouldn't get any credit or blame for his intent to get Build Back Better passed thru the legislature...

And Trump shouldn't get any blame for Jan 6th because he wasn't the one in the crowds who took action on it...
I believe all parties are wrong in this Disney vs Florida Republican fiasco.

Disney should not be giving political opinion. They should just simply stay out of it. 50+% of their customers are Republican. They shouldn’t be making statements to alienate those customers. The same is also true in reverse. They shouldn’t be making statements that alienate their liberal customers either. Their stance should be that they don’t comment on political issues.

Now, even though Disney should not be commenting on political issues, DeSantis and the other Florida Republicans should not be going at Disney the way they are. No good will come from it. Disney is the states biggest employer and pays the most taxes.

Furthermore, the only people that will truly be hurt by this feud are property owners in Orange and Osceola counties. As someone who owns 5+ million dollars worth of properties in these counties, a 20%-25% property tax increase is not a good thing. DeSantis should swallow his pride and back off. Reedy Creek is a good thing for all involved.
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I believe all parties are wrong in this Disney vs Florida Republican fiasco.

Disney should not be giving political opinion. They should just simply stay out of it. 50+% of their customers are Republican. They shouldn’t be making statements to alienate those customers. The same is also true in reverse. They shouldn’t be making statements that alienate their liberal customers either. Their stance should be that they don’t comment on political issues.

Now, even though Disney should not be commenting on political issues, DeSantis and the other Florida Republicans should not be going at Disney the way they are. No good will come from it. Disney is the states biggest employer and pays the most taxes.

Furthermore, the only people that will truly be hurt by this feud are property owners in Orange and Osceola counties. As someone who owns 5+ million dollars worth of properties in these counties, a 20%-25% property tax increase is not a good thing. DeSantis should swallow his pride and back off. Reedy Creek is a good thing for all involved.
Do you believe Disney (and thus ABC) should not criticize China for its ongoing genocide program?
Opposition to China's genocide is also bipartisan, at least I hope it is.
There is no need for Disney to issue a statement on that matter. Again, unless it’s absolutely necessary to make a statement (like joining the rest of the world in boycotting/leaving Russia), then they shouldn’t be making statements on it.
I believe all parties are wrong in this Disney vs Florida Republican fiasco.

Disney should not be giving political opinion. They should just simply stay out of it. 50+% of their customers are Republican. They shouldn’t be making statements to alienate those customers. The same is also true in reverse. They shouldn’t be making statements that alienate their liberal customers either. Their stance should be that they don’t comment on political issues.

Now, even though Disney should not be commenting on political issues, DeSantis and the other Florida Republicans should not be going at Disney the way they are. No good will come from it. Disney is the states biggest employer and pays the most taxes.

Furthermore, the only people that will truly be hurt by this feud are property owners in Orange and Osceola counties. As someone who owns 5+ million dollars worth of properties in these counties, a 20%-25% property tax increase is not a good thing. DeSantis should swallow his pride and back off. Reedy Creek is a good thing for all involved.

I agree.

The other thing you didn't mention is that a certain % of their employees are also Republican/Conservative. So when they take a public position to satisfy a portion of their employees, they also alienate the others.

And if Disney wants to take a position against the law internally, all they have to do is give the employees of theirs who take issue with the law the freedom to demonstrate against it without any repercussion. They don't have to take a public position on it.
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Well then I hope Disney sues. If what he did was unconstitutional, he should be stopped.

Well most lawyers are saying that what Desantis did was legal. (other than the constitutional lawyers) And as I said above. IF it was unconstitutional, then I hope they sue. I still believe that Disney's position was 100% wrong, but I am not for anyone's rights to be trampled on.

How do you know the issue in Florida is manufactured? Why would 60%+ of the state be for the bill if it wasn't a real issue. (I've seen video of mothers complaining about teachers doing these things so I know it's not manufactured)

How do you know that the CRT thing is manufactured? (I know it's not, because I've seen the schools own paperwork stating that it is).

I think you need to take a look outside of the left media and you will see that these issues are real.

Well, looking into it further I agreed with you. IF it was unconstitutional then they NEED to do something about it. Outside of constitutionality, what Desantis did was legal. As I said, I think Disney is 100% wrong, but I think the constitution is more important.
I'm not a lawyer but there are some distinctions that need to be made.

Desantis and the legislature didn't create a law here, they just took away an exemption imo. He had the authority to do it, without a doubt. So it's not a matter of being legal. I don't think if the act was ruled unconstitutional it would mean Desantis broke the law. I don't how the courts would rule because he did have the authority.

I don't doubt there have been individual acts of CRT being taught or kids being exposed to conversations about LGBTQ.......but I don't believe for a second that it is organized or promoted by school systems........nor is it policy.

I acknowledge your willingness to consider the act might be unconstitutional and your unambiguous statement that if it is deemed as such, it should not be allowed. It's clear you believe in the importance of the first amendment. Kudos.
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I don't doubt there have been individual acts of CRT being taught or kids being exposed to conversations about LGBTQ.......but I don't believe for a second that it is organized or promoted by school systems........nor is it policy.
It was 100% being promoted by school systems. It was in their documentation as such. Not ALL school systems, but there are more than enough for it to be a concern that people should know about. Here is the case with Virginia schools where the governor himself pushed the idea of CRT onto the schools and they picked it up.

I acknowledge your willingness to consider the act might be unconstitutional and your unambiguous statement that if it is deemed as such, it should not be allowed. It's clear you believe in the importance of the first amendment. Kudos.
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Let me ask you a question Bob. Now that Elon purchased Twitter, and you have Senator Elizabeth Warren openly talking about a wealth tax because its "dangerous" for Elon to own Twitter. How is this not a retaliatory statement, by an official of the US government? Kinda of the same thing as happened in Florida, right?

And isn't it kind of funny how Elizabeth Warren is amazingly worth $67MM while working as a public servant? But yet, let's beat on DeSantis some more because we like hypocrisy...

What's the saying........."If it weren't for double standards, Democrats would have no standards at all."

I'd love for someone like Peter Doocey to call Warren out during a press conference and ask her how much of her 'wealth' ($67M) she's willing to give to the federal government in the form of a check written to the IRS.
If you're going to call me out it should be for something better than this.

It is a retaliatory statement........and it's stupid and partisan and is red meat for her base. Besides, despite what Musk may have said, no one knows what he's going to do with Twitter.......and I think his attitude and position may change when he actually digs into it.

But on to yet another ridiculous comparison from you....... it's a STATEMENT. It's not an ACTION. Warren does not have any power over Musk. She can't punish him. How the hell is this remotely like DeSantis and Disney? She can't do anything against him on him on her own. He doesn't have to worry about her taking action against him in her own state.

You keep trying to come up with some whataboutism.......and you're failing badly. This Florida stuff is what it is. If you can't actually admit that the governor of Florida used his position and power over the legislature to take a specific ACTION to punish Disney for what they SAID, then just stop with all the efforts to justify it.......and move on.

I don't know what Warren's finances have to do with anything......except this is a tactic the pubs use to add more fuel to the fire you think you pointed out with her statement. It means nothing. What hypocrisy?

I don't know where she got her money. Maybe it was family, maybe she owns a business or real estate. I don't GAS enough to find out. Do you? Or do you just throw around accusations about dem politicians because it makes you feel better? Can I give you some examples of rich, republican senators? You think this BS is limited to one party?

So, by your logic, Trump had nothing to do with Jan 6th? After all, it was just a statement, right?
Disney's known for standing up for the oppressed, right Bob?

Disney used to be a great company. In fact, I worked there at one point (ok, get the 'goofy' jokes out). But then, they've become woke and got on the social justice warrior trail.
This from a company that used to control your hair, make up, facial hair, tattoos, earrings, length of fingernails and weight, of it's cast members.
I believe Disney should stay completely out of politics.
I believe all companies should take this position. Even though I'm a Disney shareholder, I'm a little less inclined to go visit the parks and spend a $hit ton of money there.

The company I work for now is on the whole IDE BS train. Drives me nuts. Let me just hire the best candidate for my team, period!
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I believe all companies should take this position. Even though I'm a Disney shareholder, I'm a little less inclined to go visit the parks and spend a $hit ton of money there.

The company I work for now is on the whole IDE BS train. Drives me nuts. Let me just hire the best candidate for my team, period!
But don't you think there are situations so extreme that companies should take a stand.

For example, how about Nazi collaborating companies like Porsche? Until they apologize and make amends, you won't have anything to do with them, right?

Companies have taken this stand in opposing Russia, and good for those that did.

Shouldn't companies like Disney oppose genocide in China by doing likewise?
But don't you think there are situations so extreme that companies should take a stand.

For example, how about Nazi collaborating companies like Porsche? Until they apologize and make amends, you won't have anything to do with them, right?

Companies have taken this stand in opposing Russia, and good for those that did.

Shouldn't companies like Disney oppose genocide in China by doing likewise?
You want Porsche to apologize for something that happened in the 1930s? Why? Who would feel better about an apology?

But, to your larger question, no, I don't think companies should take a position on any political positions because it's going to make half their customers happy and half upset. Stay neutral, stay vague and keep everyone if nothing else, just wondering.

Should companies take a position on abortion?

How about taxation?
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