DeSantis channels his inner Trump

What I'm saying, is when you get special treatment, it can get taken away. Disney had an exemption. If oil leases are a special treatment for one company, and not everyone, then yes, if you piss of a politician, it'll get ugly for you.

You think speaking out against a politician or a law they want to pass is going to get you on a fast track for favorable legislation to get passed for your company? It's the same f'ing thing.
Of course it can get taken away. But I have said and Droid also pointed out, for what REASON was it taken away? You don't care what the reason was? You should. It's free speech.

Your example is not even close to the same thing. If the law is passed I'm gaining something I didn't have before, like 50 years of established policy. It's in my interest to shut up. If I speak out, I don't get something I didn't have anyway. Besides, there's no way Disney had an expectation of being harshly punished by the STATE for simply expressing an opinion.

The fact that Disney had a special exemption is irrelevant. It just created a means to an end. If Disney were operating as a normal corporation in Florida, what could DeSantis have done to them? I don't know.....but it certainly would not have been as easy as it is now.

I'm flabbergasted that the republican party is fine with the government, who is supposed to stay the hell out of our lives, taking an action like this against a business. Not because they broke ANY law.......but because they took an opinion on a culture war hot button. The party of Reagan, who rails against socialism, freely accepts the state punishing a business for speaking out against the government's policy. Blatantly. No defiance allowed. Tow the government line or well will retaliate. Thats what this is......
no matter what kind of spin you want to put on it.
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Disney is losing an exemption because Ron DeSantis a pussy ass bitch, and nothing more.
You're so blinded by what you think sexual identity rights should be that you can't see other people's views on it. There is absolutely ZERO need to talk about sexual identity in school, whether that's straight or LGBT. Not talking about it doesn't remove any rights from you or any other LGBT person.
Of course it can get taken away. But I have said and Droid also pointed out, for what REASON was it taken away? You don't care what the reason was? You should. It's free speech.

Your example is not even close to the same thing. If the law is passed I'm gaining something I didn't have before, like 50 years of established policy. It's in my interest to shut up. If I speak out, I don't get something I didn't have anyway. Besides, there's no way Disney had an expectation of being harshly punished by the STATE for simply expressing an opinion.

The fact that Disney had a special exemption is irrelevant. It just created a means to an end. If Disney were operating as a normal corporation in Florida, what could DeSantis have done to them? I don't know.....but it certainly would not have been as easy as it is now.

I'm flabbergasted that the republican party is fine with the government, who is supposed to stay the hell out of our lives, taking an action like this against a business. Not because they broke ANY law.......but because they took an opinion on a culture war hot button. The party of Reagan, who rails against socialism, freely accepts the state punishing a business for speaking out against the government's policy. Blatantly. No defiance allowed. Tow the government line or well will retaliate. Thats what this is......
no matter what kind of spin you want to put on it.
And when you speak out, you risk losing something that's not a right of yours, like an exemption. An exemption is a privilege, not a right. As I already said, I don't like it. But if Disney would have kept their mouth shut, they wouldn't have lost a privilege...
Droid, don't you think that teaching gender dysphoria to 4-yr-olds is a bit over the top?
I don't think anyone is teaching gender dysphoria to 4-year-olds (that's what makes your argument a straw man), nor do I even know what it would mean to do so.
You're so blinded by what you think sexual identity rights should be that you can't see other people's views on it. There is absolutely ZERO need to talk about sexual identity in school, whether that's straight or LGBT. Not talking about it doesn't remove any rights from you or any other LGBT person.
Then I want zero talk of anything related to families etc in school. I don’t want any discussion of moms and dads or anything. I mean fair is fair.
Of course it can get taken away. But I have said and Droid also pointed out, for what REASON was it taken away? You don't care what the reason was? You should. It's free speech.

Your example is not even close to the same thing. If the law is passed I'm gaining something I didn't have before, like 50 years of established policy. It's in my interest to shut up. If I speak out, I don't get something I didn't have anyway. Besides, there's no way Disney had an expectation of being harshly punished by the STATE for simply expressing an opinion.

The fact that Disney had a special exemption is irrelevant. It just created a means to an end. If Disney were operating as a normal corporation in Florida, what could DeSantis have done to them? I don't know.....but it certainly would not have been as easy as it is now.

I'm flabbergasted that the republican party is fine with the government, who is supposed to stay the hell out of our lives, taking an action like this against a business. Not because they broke ANY law.......but because they took an opinion on a culture war hot button. The party of Reagan, who rails against socialism, freely accepts the state punishing a business for speaking out against the government's policy. Blatantly. No defiance allowed. Tow the government line or well will retaliate. Thats what this is......
no matter what kind of spin you want to put on it.
Simply put, they’re a bunch of hypocritical, brainwashed dolts who are spoon fed words such as “woke “ and “groomer” and are told that Disney, an organization that has been around for decades and who these same people have giddily given their money to in the past, is now supporting nonsense like pedophilia. In regular times, that kind of thinking would warrant a call to men in white coats. Sadly, though, many people now believe this because, well, that’s what cults do.
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So, I wonder, then, what you think should be taught during sex education. Or do you think sex education is a topic schools should stop teaching?
Sex education doesn't belong in schools. Parents should be dealing with that in whatever way they see fit. That may include a classroom setting outside of school, which parents choose to endorse based on their beliefs.
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Then I want zero talk of anything related to families etc in school. I don’t want any discussion of moms and dads or anything. I mean fair is fair.
Fine. Not sure why there should be talk of family in school to begin with. Is discussion of family what has you so puffed up about this law?
Except corporations should be able to express their opinions without fear of government retaliation, which of course is what is happening. DeSantis is a baby and this is his response. Let’s also not pretend Disney doesn’t line Republican pockets either. It’s a childish look by DeSantis. Then again, he’s a child.
"Except corporations should be able to express their opinions without fear of government retaliation"

Captain Regurgitate, how many locations was Chick-fil-a denied access to? They actually had contracts and permits cancelled. Desantis isn't denying Disney the opportunity to conduct business (like the woke progressives legislators and public officials did to Chick-fil-A) he simply took away their anti-free market crony capitalist deal they got from paying off legislators.
Of course it can get taken away. But I have said and Droid also pointed out, for what REASON was it taken away? You don't care what the reason was? You should. It's free speech.

Your example is not even close to the same thing. If the law is passed I'm gaining something I didn't have before, like 50 years of established policy. It's in my interest to shut up. If I speak out, I don't get something I didn't have anyway. Besides, there's no way Disney had an expectation of being harshly punished by the STATE for simply expressing an opinion.

The fact that Disney had a special exemption is irrelevant. It just created a means to an end. If Disney were operating as a normal corporation in Florida, what could DeSantis have done to them? I don't know.....but it certainly would not have been as easy as it is now.

I'm flabbergasted that the republican party is fine with the government, who is supposed to stay the hell out of our lives, taking an action like this against a business. Not because they broke ANY law.......but because they took an opinion on a culture war hot button. The party of Reagan, who rails against socialism, freely accepts the state punishing a business for speaking out against the government's policy. Blatantly. No defiance allowed. Tow the government line or well will retaliate. Thats what this is......
no matter what kind of spin you want to put on it.
"No defiance allowed. Tow the government line or well will retaliate."

You mean like this?
Sex education doesn't belong in schools. Parents should be dealing with that in whatever way they see fit. That may include a classroom setting outside of school, which parents choose to endorse based on their beliefs.
Ok. Again I disagree, as parents beliefs about sex may or may not have anything to do with people learning how to do it safely or with people accurately learning how their bodies work, etc., but appreciate your consistency.
I don't think anyone is teaching gender dysphoria to 4-year-olds (that's what makes your argument a straw man), nor do I even know what it would mean to do so.
So i'll take it that you are just talking out your arse and haven't actually read the publicly available guidance published by select progressive run States. To begin I'll start w/the Illinois State Board of Education's SUPPORTING TRANSGENDER, NONBINARY AND GENDER NONCONFORMING STUDENTS. Please notice the age range that school officials may insert themselves into gender issues. If you don't have kids, 4 is pre-school age. And please also note that the State of Illinois instructs teachers that they have no obligation to tell the parents of a four-year old that they treat their lil' boy like a girl and then tell them not to tell their parents about it. Next time inform yourself before you speak.

C-3. What are the best practices for creating and implementing a Gender Support Model?

Be mindful of how students’ chronological and developmental age, as well as family supports,
may affect the process. For preschool and elementary school-aged children, the level of parental
involvement may look different than for middle school and high school-aged students. However,
supporting a student’s health, well-being, and safety is always paramount. When a transgender,
nonbinary, or gender nonconforming student does not have a supportive home environment,
regardless of their age, the Gender Support Coordinator can work with the student to identify
what course of action will prioritize their safety.

L. Parent/Guardian Involvement L-1. What legal provisions apply to parent or guardian involvement when providing support for transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming students?

In many instances, schools are not required to seek parental consent to support transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming students, especially when the safety of the student is a concern. For example, just as a school would not typically seek parent/guardian permission to use a child’s nickname at school, affirmative permission from a parent/guardian is not necessary to use a student’s affirmed name.
Fine. Not sure why there should be talk of family in school to begin with. Is discussion of family what has you so puffed up about this law?
I’m not puffed up about anything. You’re the one ranting and raving and lying about Disney grooming kids. I mean how on earth it’s not just beyond absurd to you is beyond me. Then again, you’re the one in the cult.

So if you’re going to take the asinine stance you are, then I don’t want to hear anything at all about things like oh my five year old son has a little girlfriend now, etc etc etc. If you want to sit there and marginalize and harass and lie about segments of the population, then you should be fair game for the same exact thing.
So i'll take it that you are just talking out your arse and haven't actually read the publicly available guidance published by select progressive run States. To begin I'll start w/the Illinois State Board of Education's SUPPORTING TRANSGENDER, NONBINARY AND GENDER NONCONFORMING STUDENTS. Please notice the age range that school officials may insert themselves into gender issues. If you don't have kids, 4 is pre-school age. And please also note that the State of Illinois instructs teachers that they have no obligation to tell the parents of a four-year old that they treat their lil' boy like a girl and then tell them not to tell their parents about it. Next time inform yourself before you speak.

C-3. What are the best practices for creating and implementing a Gender Support Model?

Be mindful of how students’ chronological and developmental age, as well as family supports,
may affect the process. For preschool and elementary school-aged children, the level of parental
involvement may look different than for middle school and high school-aged students. However,
supporting a student’s health, well-being, and safety is always paramount. When a transgender,
nonbinary, or gender nonconforming student does not have a supportive home environment,
regardless of their age, the Gender Support Coordinator can work with the student to identify
what course of action will prioritize their safety.

L. Parent/Guardian Involvement L-1. What legal provisions apply to parent or guardian involvement when providing support for transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming students?

In many instances, schools are not required to seek parental consent to support transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming students, especially when the safety of the student is a concern. For example, just as a school would not typically seek parent/guardian permission to use a child’s nickname at school, affirmative permission from a parent/guardian is not necessary to use a student’s affirmed name.
1. There is nothing in here about gender dysphoria.
2. This is not about curriculum (aka what's being "taught").


It has no relevance to my comment about the concept of gender dysphoria not being taught to 4-year-olds.
I’m not puffed up about anything. You’re the one ranting and raving and lying about Disney grooming kids. I mean how on earth it’s not just beyond absurd to you is beyond me. Then again, you’re the one in the cult.

So if you’re going to take the asinine stance you are, then I don’t want to hear anything at all about things like oh my five year old son has a little girlfriend now, etc etc etc. If you want to sit there and marginalize and harass and lie about segments of the population, then you should be fair game for the same exact thing.
You are a dipshit. Go back up in the thread and read my statement where I said it was ridiculous to believe Disney is grooming kids. Now you're so riled up you're accusing me of something completely the opposite of what I've said.

"But I also can't sit here and make a ridiculous claim that they're somehow grooming kids. Sorry, kids don't turn gay. Kids are born that way."

Now answer my original question where I asked you specifically how NOT talking about LGBT issues in schools constitutes "harassment"?
Ok. Again I disagree, as parents beliefs about sex may or may not have anything to do with people learning how to do it safely or with people accurately learning how their bodies work, etc., but appreciate your consistency.
Exactly, because based on certain religious beliefs parents have, they may disagree with how schools portray sex.
Except corporations should be able to express their opinions without fear of government retaliation, which of course is what is happening. DeSantis is a baby and this is his response. Let’s also not pretend Disney doesn’t line Republican pockets either. It’s a childish look by DeSantis. Then again, he’s a child.
Expressing an opinion is one thing, but they weren't simply expressing their opinion. They were trying to teach children things that the state didn't want them to.
Expressing an opinion is one thing, but they weren't simply expressing their opinion. They were trying to teach children things that the state didn't want them to.

And said they would actively fight against the states law. Disney wants to play political games they get political consequences.

Disney is politically grooming kids to accept Trans BS as "normal". It isn't and never should be. Why the left celebrates pushing children into a lifestyle that has a 45% or so suicide attempt rate is a little alarming.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like the reasons for rescinding the privilege are irrelevant as far as you're concerned? So, in my hypothetical, you'd hold the same opinion? I disagree with you, but appreciate that you're consistent.

Largely, I think corporations take political stances for business reasons, not because of any fundamental belief, but that may just be my cynical side speaking. Movie studios, for instance, often get flack for promoting liberal messages in their films. While the artists who make the films might hold those beliefs, I'd bet hard that the movies wouldn't get made if they didn't make money for the studio. The studios, or other companies, don't REALLY care about the message, they just have a pretty good idea of what will sell.

I don't know how a corporation can have a collective belief, anyway, it's not a person (despite certain court rulings to the contrary). In the current issue, Disney initially didn't speak out and then started to after pressure from their employees. But, surely, a bunch of their employees also support the law. Same thing when Hobby Lobby wanted an exemption from providing birth control through their insurance plans because it violated their religious beliefs. How can Hobby Lobby, as an entity, believe in god? It makes little sense to me.
Not entirely sure what you're saying about the movie studios, but it's very well known the the entire movie industry is very left.

I think Disney has every right to say whatever they want to say. The issue here is that they were saying they were going to do everything they can to repeal the bill.

Here's the biggest question. Why in the fukking hell would anyone want to repeal this bill? The only thing this is doing is preventing NON family members from talking to a K-3rd grade student about things they cannot possibly comprehend or know about at that time. It should be up to the family/parents to talk about these things with kids (if it really needs to happen at all at those ages). Not teachers, not corporations, not political parties, NOBODY else. IMO this bill should have been pushed out to at least 6th grade. There is no way in hell kids before the age of 13 have any clue about sexuality. Even at that time, they don't know shit and can be easily confused.
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And said they would actively fight against the states law. Disney wants to play political games they get political consequences.

Disney is politically grooming kids to accept Trans BS as "normal". It isn't and never should be. Why the left celebrates pushing children into a lifestyle that has a 45% or so suicide attempt rate is a little alarming.
FFS. Politically grooming kids. Do you ever stop to think how absurd that sounds?

Also, why do you hate people? You’re the one saying it’s fine to marginalize other people and harass them and belittle them. But let me guess, you’re a “Christian” too aren’t you.
No one said Disney is doing that. It's the woke teachers' agenda. You are badly confused.
Woke teachers agenda. Lmaoooo. A true potato brain indeed. You guys just run with the scary word of the month that gets pulled out of the hat.
Yes, yes you are.
No you are. And so is this teacher. The bill doesn't say that you can't say gay in the classroom, but she believes it does. She also wrong about everything else she says here. This is the type of person that would inappropriately tell things to young kids that would fukk them up in the head.

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No you are. And so is this teacher. The bill doesn't say that you can't say gay in the classroom, but she believes it does. She also wrong about everything else she says here. This is the type of person that would inappropriately tell things to young kids that would fukk them up in the head.

And that’s inappropriate. There will individual cases, just like we’ve seen individual cases of teachers trying to teach their kids to disrespect Biden. But you really need to stop equating a one off to an agenda for every teacher, especially because you know it’s a load of shit.
No you are. And so is this teacher. The bill doesn't say that you can't say gay in the classroom, but she believes it does. She also wrong about everything else she says here. This is the type of person that would inappropriately tell things to young kids that would fukk them up in the head.

Also, Turning Point? Lmaoooo. Is there an even more right wing rag than that? Your credibility here is worse than atrocious.
And that’s inappropriate. There will individual cases, just like we’ve seen individual cases of teachers trying to teach their kids to disrespect Biden. But you really need to stop equating a one off to an agenda for every teacher, especially because you know it’s a load of shit.
I've never seen any cases of teachers teaching their kids to disrespect Biden (not that it doesn't happen). I'd be more than willing to bet that the teacher I linked is much more the norm than teachers disrespecting Biden.

Disrespecting Biden is inappropriate. Teaching kids these things before their brain can comprehend it is disastrous. Especially if it ends up causing a kid to commit suicide because they got caught up in all of the BS and discovered later in life they were just a normal kid that made a bad decision due to pressures.
Also, Turning Point? Lmaoooo. Is there an even more right wing rag than that? Your credibility here is worse than atrocious.
Please show me the part where Turning Point said anything at all in that video. You're acting as if the group that is the host of the video has any influence at all of the content of the video. Get a brain dude...
I've never seen any cases of teachers teaching their kids to disrespect Biden (not that it doesn't happen). I'd be more than willing to bet that the teacher I linked is much more the norm than teachers disrespecting Biden.

Disrespecting Biden is inappropriate. Teaching kids these things before their brain can comprehend it is disastrous. Especially if it ends up causing a kid to commit suicide because they got caught up in all of the BS and discovered later in life they were just a normal kid that made a bad decision due to pressures.
Oh I see how this works now. So folks like DeSantis passing bills that specifically target marginalized groups of people, especially a demographic that already has a high suicide rate, is absolutely fine though. Got it, got it. Because that’s what you’re effectively saying.

Also, you’re just a hypocrite. A supposed core Republican value is less government. Yet this is anything but. If you could just admit that the Republican Party of today is nothing more than a hate group that you’re more than happy to support, I would at least respect you for speaking your truth
Oh I see how this works now. So folks like DeSantis passing bills that specifically target marginalized groups of people, especially a demographic that already has a high suicide rate, is absolutely fine though. Got it, got it. Because that’s what you’re effectively saying.

Also, you’re just a hypocrite. A supposed core Republican value is less government. Yet this is anything but. If you could just admit that the Republican Party of today is nothing more than a hate group that you’re more than happy to support, I would at least respect you for speaking your truth
First of all, I'm a Libertarian. Limited government IS what is important, but not NO government. In fact LOCAL government is what's best, so I fully support DeSantis here. He's doing the right thing.

Second, how does this bill target marginalized people? Sounds like you don't have a clue what the bill is actually doing. Also sounds like you have no idea the fragility of young people and how easily they are influenced into things they wouldn't have in a normal environment. It ALSO sounds like you're cool with outside influences on people's children. I'm sorry, but these things are family matters and NOT up to some jackass activist like the teacher in the video.
You are a dipshit. Go back up in the thread and read my statement where I said it was ridiculous to believe Disney is grooming kids. Now you're so riled up you're accusing me of something completely the opposite of what I've said.

"But I also can't sit here and make a ridiculous claim that they're somehow grooming kids. Sorry, kids don't turn gay. Kids are born that way."

Now answer my original question where I asked you specifically how NOT talking about LGBT issues in schools constitutes "harassment"?
So @PurdueFan1 , not gonna respond now? Why don't you answer the question?