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I guess the difference between you and me is that I think you can effectively get your message across to an official without being an ass and getting T'd up. I also think that getting T'd up more often than not hurts the team who's coach was being an ass.

Everybody remembers the "Boy, the coach really fired the team up when he got T'd up and they came back and won". They forget all the times the opposite occurs.
I DO I DO! I would love the opportunity to yet again call you on something you have no clue about. How do you KNOW there weren't any adjustments? Because there clearly were, like when people are switched off to another player to guard or when a different lineup is in and so on and so on. Those are little things called ADJUSTMENTS, you may want to look up what that term means.

This is what I love about you negative nitwits you only see what you want to see just so you can post about it here. The problem for all of you is what you see is clouded by ignorance and not one lick of understanding of how the game is played or coached or anything tangible other than saying HEY IT WORKED WHEN I DID IT ON MADDEN SO IT MUST WORK IN REAL LIFE.

Here let me summarize it for you so you might understand: Top 20 team, 20 plus win season, potential 5 seed or better in the NCAA tourney. So yeah, all your whining and crying about Painter is unfounded, without merit and just full of stupidity.

You freakin tools need a new hobby and to take something for you PMS.
One of the better posts I've read on here lately and sooooooo true
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Looked to me that he was more like his quote "We just accepted it and tried to play"
I interpret this quote as saying that our players were men about it and didn't whine and cry every time they got a bad call, they played through it as men should. There can be other interpretations, but the WE is generally used to represent the team of players and the I is used to represent the coach.