Cohen gets 3 years


Dec 14, 2006
Like so many other things, this didn't age well.

so russian collusion has been downgraded to high end hookers? nice...
Yep, because this is the absolute end of the story. Mueller is done and this is what they have...oh wait. You pretend to be otherwise but every post is dripping with partisan hackery.
so russian collusion has been downgraded to high end hookers? nice...

Here in lies the problem. If anything less than smoking gun evidence of collusion is evident, folks like you will chalk this up as a huge waste of time and crown Trump as squeaky clean and vindicated. The fact that this investigation has already identified over 30 criminals and putting people very close to Trump in jail is irrelevant to you all.

I, for one, hope there is no collusion, because that would mean that Trump is just an idiot who surrounds himself with idiots, but our POTUS is not a traitor.
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Here in lies the problem. If anything less than smoking gun evidence of collusion is evident, folks like you will chalk this up as a huge waste of time and crown Trump as squeaky clean and vindicated. The fact that this investigation has already identified over 30 criminals and putting people very close to Trump in jail is irrelevant to you all.

I, for one, hope there is no collusion, because that would mean that Trump is just an idiot who surrounds himself with idiots, but our POTUS is not a traitor.
Yep. It also doesn't take away from the fact that Trump had AMI and Cohen pay off his mistresses so they wouldn't spill the beans weeks before the election. They wouldn't have spent his money without his approval. Whether it is illegal is up to the courts, but should that matter? He tried to influence the election. That's wrong but his supporters only worry about the legality.
.....will chalk this up as a huge waste of time and crown Trump as squeaky clean.
I've been in contact with my lawyers and they will soon be issuing to you a cease and desist letter to ensure you withdraw the previous misrepresentation of myself and any further comparisons between the current president and my persona.

Thank you for your understanding.

: )
so russian collusion has been downgraded to high end hookers? nice...

Al Capone sent to prison because of tax evasion, Lucky Luciano for running a prostitution racket, Meyer Lansky for illegal gambling, etc. I am not suggesting that President Trump is a gangster or member of the mafia but when they can not get a "big fish" on a serious charge they go for a lesser charge. I do not know if that is what is happening here because so far not enough has come out about Russians and the election, etc.
Here in lies the problem. If anything less than smoking gun evidence of collusion is evident, folks like you will chalk this up as a huge waste of time and crown Trump as squeaky clean and vindicated. The fact that this investigation has already identified over 30 criminals and putting people very close to Trump in jail is irrelevant to you all.

I, for one, hope there is no collusion, because that would mean that Trump is just an idiot who surrounds himself with idiots, but our POTUS is not a traitor.
It is entirely possible that General Flynn will have his charges reduced or dropped entirely in the next few days by Judge Sullivan. Mueller and his team of henchmen have not provided Flynn's legal team "all exculpatory evidence" as required to date, and Judge Sullivan will not allow this, based on his past precedent.
It is entirely possible that General Flynn will have his charges reduced or dropped entirely in the next few days by Judge Sullivan. Mueller and his team of henchmen have not provided Flynn's legal team "all exculpatory evidence" as required to date, and Judge Sullivan will not allow this, based on his past precedent.
Could be but the prosecutors already have what they really wanted from Flynn.
Yep, because this is the absolute end of the story. Mueller is done and this is what they have...oh wait. You pretend to be otherwise but every post is dripping with partisan hackery.
should i not get to know if the president is a russian agent within 2 years of his first term? i mean seems pretty reasonable to me. i dont care about some minor capaign finance violation. i know you need your drop of bloods to keep you alive but i dont.
“We will use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well,” Letitia James told NBC News in an interview published Tuesday.

Will anyone defend this statement?
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“We will use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well,” Letitia James told NBC News in an interview published Tuesday.

Will anyone defend this statement?
what's there to defend? If the President is clean, he has nothing to worry about.
“We will use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well,” Letitia James told NBC News in an interview published Tuesday.

Will anyone defend this statement?
Since the President and his family are using the office to enrich themselves from foreign entities, yes it absolutely needs to be investigated. All the talk of drain the swamp, this is about as blatant corruption there's ever been.
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Since the President and his family are using the office to enrich themselves from foreign entities, yes it absolutely needs to be investigated. All the talk of drain the swamp, this is about as blatant corruption there's ever been.
The Mueller investigation was supposed to be about Russian collusion and the election. This entire investigation has turned away from the collusion. It is about paying off 2 or more blackmailing parties with his own money to keep the information quiet. If this information had been public news, Trump would not have been elected. This is what is implied. I did not vote for Trump because of who he had sex with and when. I voted for change. I did not like the way our country was being run. It is only 2 years and we get to make a choice again.
The Mueller investigation was supposed to be about Russian collusion and the election. This entire investigation has turned away from the collusion. It is about paying off 2 or more blackmailing parties with his own money to keep the information quiet. If this information had been public news, Trump would not have been elected. This is what is implied. I did not vote for Trump because of who he had sex with and when. I voted for change. I did not like the way our country was being run. It is only 2 years and we get to make a choice again.
The investigation hasn't turned away from collusion. More investigation have been initiated as a result of information gathered during the collusion investigation. You will hear from Mueller very soon.

Can you show me any evidence the women Trump cheated on his wife with were blackmailing him?

You did vote for a change in the presidency. You voted for a president who is an adulterer who denied it and lied about it, paid off his mistresses to help his chances at being elected, and now doesn't deny the affairs but claims if he did make the payments they weren't illegal.

I don't care if it was illegal or not. I don't want a president who acts that way. You seem to be fine with it because the economy is good........or because the country is being run so well? lol
The investigation hasn't turned away from collusion. More investigation have been initiated as a result of information gathered during the collusion investigation. You will hear from Mueller very soon.

Can you show me any evidence the women Trump cheated on his wife with were blackmailing him?

You did vote for a change in the presidency. You voted for a president who is an adulterer who denied it and lied about it, paid off his mistresses to help his chances at being elected, and now doesn't deny the affairs but claims if he did make the payments they weren't illegal.

I don't care if it was illegal or not. I don't want a president who acts that way. You seem to be fine with it because the economy is good........or because the country is being run so well? lol
in 2 years you can vote him out, and all the other liars, but there wont be anyone left on the hill.
in 2 years you can vote him out, and all the other liars, but there wont be anyone left on the hill.
So.....they're all liars anyway, Trump is no different. Since everybody else does it.......which is a convenient excuse but untrue....... we just accept his behavior as normal and move on? I guess they all all cheat on their wives and pay off their mistresses and lie about it as well? That about cover it?
Since the President and his family are using the office to enrich themselves from foreign entities, yes it absolutely needs to be investigated. All the talk of drain the swamp, this is about as blatant corruption there's ever been.

No. This isn't how law enforcement works. You just repeated a talking point. Selective prosecution is an attack on our sacred institutions.

For those that don't know, that quote was from the incoming AG for NY.
So.....they're all liars anyway, Trump is no different. Since everybody else does it.......which is a convenient excuse but untrue....... we just accept his behavior as normal and move on? I guess they all all cheat on their wives and pay off their mistresses and lie about it as well? That about cover it?
what do you think is gonna happen? clinton raped people and banged out his staff and still didnt get the boot. gwb had no weapons of mass destruction. obama gave money to banks and terrorists and ran guns in mexico. hillary ran her own private email. clapper lied to every american and congress. and some dumbass thought guam was gonna tip over if we put too many tanks on it. the bar is low.
what do you think is gonna happen? clinton raped people and banged out his staff and still didnt get the boot. gwb had no weapons of mass destruction. obama gave money to banks and terrorists and ran guns in mexico. hillary ran her own private email. clapper lied to every american and congress. and some dumbass thought guam was gonna tip over if we put too many tanks on it. the bar is low.

Some people lie and get jobs at CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, etc....

Why can some people lie but not others?
what's there to defend? If the President is clean, he has nothing to worry about.
Jesus Christ....

Thanks for being honest.
No. This isn't how law enforcement works. You just repeated a talking point. Selective prosecution is an attack on our sacred institutions.
if you aren't doing anything illegal, why worry

its the exact thing we hear from republicans when they continue passing legislation for unlawful surveillance (ironically in spite of trumps circumstance)
The investigation hasn't turned away from collusion. More investigation have been initiated as a result of information gathered during the collusion investigation. You will hear from Mueller very soon.

Can you show me any evidence the women Trump cheated on his wife with were blackmailing him?

You did vote for a change in the presidency. You voted for a president who is an adulterer who denied it and lied about it, paid off his mistresses to help his chances at being elected, and now doesn't deny the affairs but claims if he did make the payments they weren't illegal.

I don't care if it was illegal or not. I don't want a president who acts that way. You seem to be fine with it because the economy is good........or because the country is being run so well? lol
So you’re saying that the whole Mueller investigation is an investigation in search of a crime, any crime, in order to take Trump down. This is not how the American justice system is supposed to work. But you’re fine with looking past all of the Clinton cartel crimes. And there are a multitude of them.

Collusion with Russia? There is none. Obstruction of justice? There is none. Campaign finance? At worst a fine, if that.
No. This isn't how law enforcement works. You just repeated a talking point. Selective prosecution is an attack on our sacred institutions.

For those that don't know, that quote was from the incoming AG for NY.

There is evidence, and when there's evidence it has to be investigated. Hilarious hearing a Trump supporter talking about attacks on our sacred institutions. Have you paid one bit of attention to what Trump and his administration have been doing? ?That's the problem with supporting Trump, he's so awful that any argument you guys want to make comes back 10 times worse when looking at what Trump's done.
This is not how the American justice system is supposed to work.

the positive thing is its happening to the political elite now too.

they dont like it? hmmmm just like the thousands/millions of average citizens who shouldn't tolerate bogus arrests, judges, prosecution
the positive thing is its happening to the political elite now too.

they dont like it? hmmmm just like the thousands/millions of average citizens who shouldn't tolerate bogus arrests, judges, prosecution
Trump is the “political elite”? Come on, you can’t be serious.
There is evidence, and when there's evidence it has to be investigated. Hilarious hearing a Trump supporter talking about attacks on our sacred institutions. Have you paid one bit of attention to what Trump and his administration have been doing? ?That's the problem with supporting Trump, he's so awful that any argument you guys want to make comes back 10 times worse when looking at what Trump's done.
It's hate for the President of the United States. Plain and simple. The person who won the electoral vote. So instead of accepting it, it is 24-7 attack to discredit him, his family, anybody who supports him. Well, there are a lot of people who voted for him. They will also vote for him in 2020. We are not stupid, ignorant, unsuccessful. Again, the 24-7 vitriol will not work. Tell us how you are going to make life better for us. Please do not bring up insurance for all. We already have the young lady from NY and Bernie telling us free college and insurance at the expense of people and corporations who pay the most tax. Let's focus on how we can make our basketball team better.
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Sorry, Trump is the anti-"political elite". He ran against the Bushes. He ran against the Clintons. He beat 17 other R candidates. Trump is not a politician and that's a good portion of the reason he won in 2016. And no, he will not lose in 2020.
No. Selective prosecution is an attack on our sacred institutions.
I am a black man. Please do not talk to me about selective prosecution, law enforcement or policing. That's has been the lived experience of many folks like me for generations. Heck people get upset because some people kneeled to bring attention to that very issue.
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So you’re saying that the whole Mueller investigation is an investigation in search of a crime, any crime, in order to take Trump down. This is not how the American justice system is supposed to work. But you’re fine with looking past all of the Clinton cartel crimes. And there are a multitude of them.

Collusion with Russia? There is none. Obstruction of justice? There is none. Campaign finance? At worst a fine, if that.

Congress, etc concluded that there was Russian interference in our 2016 election which strikes at the very heart of our democracy. I personally do not consider a foreign power attempting to decide American elections on the same level as some of the stuff that is being mentioned on this board. Marina Butina has already entered a guilty plea and I expect that there will be more.
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Congress, etc concluded that there was Russian interference in our 2016 election which strikes at the very heart of our democracy. I personally do not consider a foreign power attempting to decide American elections on the same level as some of the stuff that is being mentioned on this board. Marina Butina has already entered a guilty plea and I expect that there will be more.
I don't understand your point. Mueller began this charade of an investigation for supposed "Russian collusion by the Trump campaign." The investigation was started on false pretenses and handled by agent(s) with obvious animus against Trump. The more that comes out the more this is obvious to anyone paying attention.

There is no evidence of Trump campaign Russian collusion. None. No collusion. No obstruction. And campaign finance allegations that MIGHT warrant a fine. So HRC and the Ds have wasted two years agitating for something that is a sham. The people implicated were nailed for lying to the FBI, tax evasion, and dealing with Ukrainians prior to 2016. And the majority of them will never face any consequences because they are not under American jurisdiction.

Should the US be concerned about Russian, Chinese, North Korean, etc., interference in our elections? Yes. Is there any evidence that any of these countries have broken into the election systems and changed results? No.
I truly don't understand your post???
Your post implies that Mueller decided somehow on his own to investigate which is not the case. ["Mueller began this charade . . . "] It was the Justice Department that named Robert Mueller as special counsel to oversee the department's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Second: People have been accused of tampering with the election and in some cases, have accepted deals to testify about what they know. See link

As the investigation has proceeded more and more criminal activities have come to light and have had to be dealt with. [e.g. Manafort] Collusion is a word that the President uses all the time but I have not heard that from the committee. Any attorney knows that collusion is very difficult to prove [see Colin Kaepernick case] and would not be the sole object of an investigation.
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I truly don't understand your post???
Your post implies that Mueller decided somehow on his own to investigate which is not the case. ["Mueller began this charade . . . "] It was the Justice Department that named Robert Mueller as special counsel to oversee the department's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Second: People have been accused of tampering with the election and in some cases, have accepted deals to testify about what they know. See link

As the investigation has proceeded more and more criminal activities have come to light and have had to be dealt with. [e.g. Manafort] Collusion is a word that the President uses all the time but I have not heard that from the committee. Any attorney knows that collusion is very difficult to prove [see Colin Kaepernick case] and would not be the sole object of an investigation.
Bullshit. This whole investigation was started because of the FISA warrant saying Russian collusion by the Trump campaign was suspected. They used the discredited Russian dossier obtainedby Christopher Steele and shared with Fusion GPS and others as the basis for the FISA warrant. The FISA warrant was signed off on 5 times through the months.