Biden's Easter Message....


Aug 8, 2009
North Central Indiana
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It's an international holiday that has been a thing that falls on March 31st since 2009. shatup
Having been a civil rights leader, I voted for Obama. He pushed the "I am a victim" agenda, but what he did was great for Moslems. I was fine with that until I saw that he increased foreign aid to countries that chanted, "Death to America." What really got my goat was his peace treaty with Iran, which funded Islamic terrorism. His releasing Iranian frozen assets and then paying for Iranian hostages were complete idiotic acts.

I say this, because many states run by Democrats are against Israel. Yet Israel is America's best friend by far in the Middle East. However, today, even Jews in America seem to favor Palestine. Does this not seem strange to everyone? Is this not a backlash to the Abrahamic Accords? Does it seem like the Democrats want to continue war in the Middle East? After all, statistics show the economy does great during wartime even though, for me, the dollar is not doing as well as it did under Trump (before the Wuhan Flu was released). Since the news says the economy is doing great, I must assume it is doing well for the rich and the members of the Swamp!

And this week, I am seeing many FB feeds with people saying that Jesus did not preach the Trinity or Christianity. Instead, he preached Tawhid. BTW, I would love to debate this. Do people realize that blacks were a higher percentage of Christian Churchgoers through most of the twentieth century?
Yea, the .00001% of attention seeking confused need their day.
The mentally ill have always been with us. There are more today for a lot of reasons with maybe the largest being excessive drug use. What is different today is trying to get people to believe that mental illness was normal, but the very definition of "normal" does not agree. How the twisted logic works in the minds of some, I have no idea...but it too is much too prevalent. What started this was not an accident. If there was a desire to not have a mental day coincide with Easter, but still want to honor the mental it like voting. Make the second Thursday of April be the mental illness day, but that was not the was a similar event that took place in the Marienplatz in Munchen when I was there. That place/event was chosen as well. These are not random events, but strategically desired.
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The mentally ill have always been with us. There are more today for a lot of reasons with maybe the largest being excessive drug use. What is different today is trying to get people to believe that mental illness was normal, but the very definition of "normal" does not agree. How the twisted logic works in the minds of some, I have no idea...but it too is much too prevalent. What started this was not an accident. If there was a desire to not have a mental day coincide with Easter, but still want to honor the mental it like voting. Make the second Thursday of April be the mental illness day, but that was not the was a similar event that took place in the Marienplatz in Munchen when I was there. That place/event was chosen as well. These are not random events, but strategically desired.
Hillary Clinton is the epitome of Machavaelian politics. Her Clinton Foundation was the inspiration for the Biden Crime Family. However, Hillary was right that it takes a village to raise a child. I will go one step further and I think the Russian plan to attack the foundation of religion and family back in the 50's started showing results in the 60's. This is when divorce started to rise and the government favored one parent families. Kids need two parents, and the mother staying home until the kids became teenagers helped curtail this mental illness. Plus, I wish they would bring back mental hospitals. Having said that, people who have conditions that are different or that I don't understand are not mentally ill, and they deserve the same rights as everyone else. However, downplaying Christianity in a Christian foundation country is idiotic, and highlighting something that affects a small percentage of people should not ne highlighted during the major Christian Holiday.
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Hillary Clinton is the epitome of Machavaelian politics. Her Clinton Foundation was the inspiration for the Biden Crime Family. However, Hillary was right that it takes a village to raise a child. I will go one step further and I think the Russian plan to attack the foundation of religion and family back in the 50's started showing results in the 60's. This is when divorce started to rise and the government favored one parent families. Kids need two parents, and the mother staying home until the kids became teenagers helped curtail this mental illness. Plus, I wish they would bring back mental hospitals. Having said that, people who have conditions that are different or that I don't understand are not mentally ill, and they deserve the same rights as everyone else. However, downplaying Christianity in a Christian foundation country is idiotic, and highlighting something that affects a small percentage of people should not ne highlighted during the major Christian Holiday.
No doubt whether Russia started it, or just socialistic promotion started it I don’t know. Some would blame the influence of the Frankfurt Schools right after the war into the USA. For them, Gramsci and Hegel’s dialectic influence into education was a start. Fundamentally, there is a fork in the road in the basic understanding that each must take. Most believe that your rights and responsibilities come from God individually as just a person, or the government (which is anything other than the individual) and those paths are paved very differently and go in very different directions.

I don’t share the village to raise a child as the implication being, because I don’t believe that social norms and mores are necessarily the best “today”…especially in various locations. I do believe it can be a positive influence “if”…I’m not a fan of “group promotion” in schools through study, projects, reports, and such. We know or should know Price’s law in practicality and serving to start a foundation of dependence on others and group sharing of the results. FWIW, when I was 12, I went to Canada with my father and brother-in-law to fish and hunt bear at one of my father’s best friends’ places (Parker Dunham a cousin to Obama’s mother). I remember asking Parker about the clothes lines that were soooooooooo much longer than any I had ever seen before. Parker said, “They receive money from the government for each child they have and that some families had close to 20 children.” The government in the sixties in a similar fashion hurt the nuclear black family which in turn led to not only the preceding decades of financial growth increases, but in fact started the decrease in wealth as single families grew. No question divorce is a huge problem and/or single parent homes.

I too wish there were mental hospitals, but understand that “today” much of that is due to drug use and FWIW the open border also feeds that issue amongst the very many other problems that not only exist today, but will become an even larger problem down the road. Relative to people that are different, they deserve their rightful place with dignity. What we can’t do or should not do is to pretend that abnormal is normal and expect society to accept abnormal as normal. It makes no sense to accept that people in general have the same aptitude as a Mensa that is abnormal. Nor does it make sense to expect people to accept that trannies are normal, because they too are not. Promoting that something is abnormal as “normal”, is illogical and yet that too is what the government is promoting and, in some cases, accepted as illogical as it is. As I said, the problem in addition to attacking Christianity can be solved by not specifying a date, but a day such as the second Thursday of April which eliminates Easter sharing the date. It happens in voting and could happen with this as well. BTW, should we now expect Biden to make a day for Mensa’s? They too are not normal. We know that won’t happen and we should know the reasons…
TJ, you and I love debating sports, politics, and religion. And as always, you make some great points.

I was born and raised in a small village on Long Island. When I think about the phrase, "It takes a village." I remember that everyone in a forty mile radius knew either my father or mother. So, if I did something out of line, they knew about it. And if an adult said I did something wrong, Clarance Darrow could not get me off. In retrospect, I wish I was more confrontational, because many of these adults were idiots. However, as flawed as it was, I wish more neighbors and villagers today got more involved.

And the one thing right that I did as a parent was to start attending Church together, and praying with my kids, especially when we went out to eat.
TJ, you and I love debating sports, politics, and religion. And as always, you make some great points.

I was born and raised in a small village on Long Island. When I think about the phrase, "It takes a village." I remember that everyone in a forty mile radius knew either my father or mother. So, if I did something out of line, they knew about it. And if an adult said I did something wrong, Clarance Darrow could not get me off. In retrospect, I wish I was more confrontational, because many of these adults were idiots. However, as flawed as it was, I wish more neighbors and villagers today got more involved.

And the one thing right that I did as a parent was to start attending Church together, and praying with my kids, especially when we went out to eat.
When I was young the neighbors knew each other as well. It was a small town and I think it was common practice that the norms and mores were similar in those small towns. Work was more local as was TV and the media in general. There was an identity that was somewhat insulated from the rest of the world and even larger city issues leading to the possibility of more similar thought and experience. This insulation was both good and bad, but it was insulated. As you described divorce or single family homes was not near as devastating as today in quantity. Another thing that took place around your age I'm guessing and mine was the increase of consolidations in schools and the death of those smaller towns where people gathered in various avenues for activities in school. In spite of the increased academic opportunities and cost structure, consolidations had some problems as well.

Today those people are gone and the overall culture seems to have taken a dive and as we know there are several things at play in education, in the media, attitudes formed ,and placing at the apex perhaps is the pursuit of happiness rather than purpose which by its very nature can obviously lead to a lot of problems.

My father was nicknamed senator by people in the town due to his interest in politics and many people in surrounding towns or cities knew him and the family in general and some through his athletic abilities as I just last year ran into an attorney I didn't know at a Butler game that knew my sister and as I was talking to her told me his dad used to run track against my dad . Most are gone and every now and then I'll encounter a person that knows me through the family that I don't know. People moving around so much anymore due to jobs or opportunities don't allow the same long term relationships. It is understood that people prefer flight over fight and so not being confrontational just places you more similar to many.
I don't know why this would matter with respect to whether or not the day exists, but I'm sure if you really wanted to know you could find out.
I'm not going to go through the whole thread, but was under the impression this started with Biden making a big deal of Trannies rather than just a mental illness day and proclaiming such publicly. There are lots of people suffering from mental illness...many caused by drugs flowing across the open border that he could have lumped all the illnesses together and brought awareness to them, but didn't.

Then there was the concern that he not only made awareness of a single mental illness, but neglected all the other mental illnesses by doing such and this got elevated by him not doing it last year or the year before, and such, but when it fell on Easter and people knowing he did it on Easter when he could have done it before were not happy.

That is when I it like "documented legal" voting or something like the second Thursday in April every year and therefore Easter has it's own day as it has for many years before...but I just don't think it was an accident in choosing a particular date that would change days each year
I'm not going to go through the whole thread, but was under the impression this started with Biden making a big deal of Trannies rather than just a mental illness day and proclaiming such publicly. There are lots of people suffering from mental illness...many caused by drugs flowing across the open border that he could have lumped all the illnesses together and brought awareness to them, but didn't.
You're welcome to call it a mental illness, but the mental health community doesn't agree, so recognition of the day does not bring "awareness of a single mental illness, but neglect(ed) all the other mental illnesses..." in any official capacity.
Then there was the concern that he not only made awareness of a single mental illness, but neglected all the other mental illnesses by doing such and this got elevated by him not doing it last year or the year before
From 2023:
From 2022:
From 2021:

Be mad about it because you don't like trans people if you want, but at least don't make shit up.
That is when I it like "documented legal" voting or something like the second Thursday in April every year and therefore Easter has it's own day as it has for many years before...but I just don't think it was an accident in choosing a particular date that would change days each year
So you think, March 31st was deliberately chosen in 2009 (by someone who was decidedly NOT, Joe Biden) so that, every once in a while, it would coincide with Easter?
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I have a sexual preference that a few people may label a perversion, so I am careful not to judge others. However, IMO, the majority of homosexuality and transgenderism are a mental disease, possibly amplified by a chemical imbalance. However, I do not know enough to comment. I am commenting here, because Transgender Day and Easter fell on the same day, and Biden shafted Easter religious traditions and promoted Transgender Day instead, which I find abhorrent.
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You're welcome to call it a mental illness, but the mental health community doesn't agree, so recognition of the day does not bring "awareness of a single mental illness, but neglect(ed) all the other mental illnesses..." in any official capacity.

From 2023:
From 2022:
From 2021:

Be mad about it because you don't like trans people if you want, but at least don't make shit up.

So you think, March 31st was deliberately chosen in 2009 (by someone who was decidedly NOT, Joe Biden) so that, every once in a while, it would coincide with Easter?
O'Bummer? Well, I guess since there was controversy over Easter, Biden is about ready to schedule it on the some weekday in some week of the month like the second Thursday of April. Any idea when he will correct the day O'Bummer put in place? Yeah, they have mental issues. Could they be a nice people...yes, but so can other people with mental issues
I have a sexual preference that a few people may label a perversion, so I am careful not to judge others. However, IMO, the majority of homosexuality and transgenderism are a mental disease, possibly amplified by a chemical imbalance. However, I do not know enough to comment.
Ok to have your opinion, as long as you're willing to acknowledge that while YOU think it's a mental illness, the mental illness professionals do not. As long as you're cool with disagreeing with experts, while admittedly having no expertise of your own, more power to ya.
I am commenting here, because Transgender Day and Easter fell on the same day, and Biden shafted Easter religious traditions and promoted Transgender Day instead, which I find abhorrent.
No he didn't:;

Also, I'm betting you wouldn't care if, say, Cancer awareness day happened to fall on Easter and he made a proclamation about that. It's only because "transgenderism," as you call it, is all wrapped up in religious nonsense that it bothers you.
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Now you're suggesting Obama chose the date?
Well, I guess since there was controversy over Easter, Biden is about ready to schedule it on the some weekday in some week of the month like the second Thursday of April.
Biden didn't set the date and it's not a government holiday. How would he go about changing it?
Any idea when he will correct the day O'Bummer put in place?
Again, you think Obama chose the date? Where are you getting that?
Yeah, they have mental issues.
And once again, that's your opinion, but, I supposed that since most people have mental issues of some kind and of varying severity, you're probably safe in saying this. Though the current mental health experts don't regard simply being trans itself as a mental illness. Gender dysphoria? Sure, but that's not the same thing. One can be trans and NOT suffer from gender dysphoria.
Could they be a nice people...yes, but so can other people with mental issues
How magnanimous of you.
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I have a sexual preference that a few people may label a perversion, so I am careful not to judge others. However, IMO, the majority of homosexuality and transgenderism are a mental disease, possibly amplified by a chemical imbalance. However, I do not know enough to comment. I am commenting here, because Transgender Day and Easter fell on the same day, and Biden shafted Easter religious traditions and promoted Transgender Day instead, which I find abhorrent.
You did it now! He or she came after you with full vengeance on your religious nonsense! This gets so confusing with boys identifying as girls and girls identifying as boys and either identifying as dogs or cats or even birds…whatever the imagination holds. It seems like it would be easier to have them identify as a worm and then they could hold both sexes. Not sure what this says

with a well known therapist...perhaps the most well known
You did it now! He or she came after you with full vengeance on your religious nonsense!
I'm not sure that "came after" is a fair assessment, but I do think when the post in question says "Biden shafted Easter religious traditions and promoted Transgender Day instead, which I find abhorrent," that it is reasonable to conclude that religion plays a role.. If not, it would've been abhorrent on any day, not just because it was Easter.

Also, I notice that you didn't really address anything I said, so a few questions for which I'd appreciate a simple yes or no response:

1. Do you acknowledge that Biden did not choose Easter for his proclamation regarding Transgender Day of Visibility as an affront to Christians?

2. Do you acknowledge that Biden had recognized Transgender Day of Visibility before 2024, therefore he did not recognize it this year specifically because it fell on Easter as an affront to Christians?

3. Do you acknowledge that Barack Obama did not choose March 31st to be Transgender Day of Visibility?

4. Do you acknowledge that the people who chose the date for Transgender Day of Visibility likely did not do so with the intention that it would occasionally fall on Easter as an affront to Christians?

We don't need to go into the debate of whether or not being trans or homosexual is a mental illness --I highly doubt we'll change each other's minds about that -- I would just appreciate if you would acknowledge simple facts about Biden's proclamation and the proximity of Transgender Day of Visibility to Easter.
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I'm not sure that "came after" is a fair assessment, but I do think when the post in question says "Biden shafted Easter religious traditions and promoted Transgender Day instead, which I find abhorrent," that it is reasonable to conclude that religion plays a role.. If not, it would've been abhorrent on any day, not just because it was Easter.
What we do know is Biden can change it. I'm betting he doesn't for a lot of reasons.
Do we know that? Why would it be up to the president of one country to set the date of an international event?

Whatever reasons there might be not to move it (and I'd be interested to hear what you think those reasons are), what reason is there TO move it?
Of course Biden can change it for the USA. The other countries can do as they wish assuming of course the people have any power to do such which they may have already given that up? There are a lot of religious people that consider Easter sacred. There are a lot of people fully aware that Christ existed, but may hold back on whether He is the second person of the Trinity. They consider him extremely good as a person and don't want his sacrifice diminished, as they see him as an exemplary man, even if they fall short of seeing him as the second person of the trinity. They share in that honor. Then there are agnostics that see no reason in diminishing a tradition they see as important even if they are still mixed up as to what they believe. So Biden can change it if he desired, but I doubt he does. We had similar attacks on Christmas in the past with the censorship of the word Christmas in some places.

Biden is unaware of where he is and what he may say if not controlled carefully, but his handlers have no desire to move it. They have their game plan of Intersectionality at play and prefer that people believe their rights come from the government rather than inalienable rights . People that believe in inalienable rights are not as easy to be controlled and everything the dems do and some pubs is about control. Therefore you start out with a fundamental fork in the road and they want to control what path you take in the woods because it makes all the difference.

Religion was an obstacle for Russia to overcome as it was for China and Christianity which had its start 600/800 years before Islam is in the crosshairs of many Islamic countries as well. Yet Christianity is the only religion that told of Christ hundred of years before and the only religion that the growth took place as a result of the death whereas other religions grew as the the leaders life grew. So Easter for many is important. Even Muhammed considered Mary superior to his own daughter Fatima and so this country has always had a strong lean to Christianity and so those inalienable rights keep posing a problem.

There are more I'm sure you know, but there are all kinds of examples of wanting to control beyond shutting down a country, firing people that never got the shot and publicly blaming those without getting the shot for spreading Covid when in fact there was never any inclination that getting the shot prevented transmission. Many lives were ruined, many business lost, many people fired and many doctors threatened through the control and censorship that took place. We still have censorship and has been commonplace
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Of course Biden can change it for the USA.
Do you think this is a federal holiday we're talking about here? TDOV is March 31st. No government decided that, advocates did. Biden has simply chosen to acknowledge it. Be mad at his choice to do so if you want, but this notion that he should change it because one time it happened to overlap with another holiday is just stupid.
The other countries can do as they wish assuming of course the people have any power to do such which they may have already given that up? There are a lot of religious people that consider Easter sacred. There are a lot of people fully aware that Christ existed, but may hold back on whether He is the second person of the Trinity. They consider him extremely good as a person and don't want his sacrifice diminished, as they see him as an exemplary man, even if they fall short of seeing him as the second person of the trinity. They share in that honor. Then there are agnostics that see no reason in diminishing a tradition they see as important even if they are still mixed up as to what they believe. So Biden can change it if he desired, but I doubt he does. We had similar attacks on Christmas in the past with the censorship of the word Christmas in some places.
Acknowledging another thing that happens to fall on the same day as Easter does not diminish Easter.

And show me one example of the word "Christmas" being censored. Otherwise this is just the Christian persecution complex rearing it's head.
Biden is unaware of where he is and what he may say if not controlled carefully, but his handlers have no desire to move it. They have their game plan of Intersectionality at play and prefer that people believe their rights come from the government rather than inalienable rights . People that believe in inalienable rights are not as easy to be controlled and everything the dems do and some pubs is about control. Therefore you start out with a fundamental fork in the road and they want to control what path you take in the woods because it makes all the difference.
So because the "dems" want to control us, they secretly conspired to make sure that TDOV would get created and be put on a day that, every once in a while, overlaps with Easter, thus ensuring that people will be less Christian and believe their rights only become from the government?
Religion was an obstacle for Russia to overcome as it was for China and Christianity which had its start 600/800 years before Islam is in the crosshairs of many Islamic countries as well. Yet Christianity is the only religion that told of Christ hundred of years before and the only religion that the growth took place as a result of the death whereas other religions grew as the the leaders life grew. So Easter for many is important. Even Muhammed considered Mary superior to his own daughter Fatima and so this country has always had a strong lean to Christianity and so those inalienable rights keep posing a problem.
Then it's a good thing Biden acknowledged and celebrated Easter in the manner the president and White House has done for decades, yes? But also, the lecture about the superiority of Christianity over other religions is not relevant to this discussion. Yes, I agree, lots of people are Christian and Easter is important to them. The celebration of Easter was in no affected by the recognition of TDOV on the same day.
There are more I'm sure you know, but there are all kinds of examples of wanting to control beyond shutting down a country, firing people that never got the shot and publicly blaming those without getting the shot for spreading Covid when in fact there was never any inclination that getting the shot prevented transmission.
Many lives were ruined, many business lost, many people fired and many doctors threatened through the control and censorship that took place. We still have censorship and has been commonplace
You criticized Biden for being "unaware of where he is," but you can't maintain a train of thought. Why is the COVID response a part of this discussion? It has ****-all to do with anything.
Do you think this is a federal holiday we're talking about here? TDOV is March 31st. No government decided that, advocates did. Biden has simply chosen to acknowledge it. Be mad at his choice to do so if you want, but this notion that he should change it because one time it happened to overlap with another holiday is just stupid.

Acknowledging another thing that happens to fall on the same day as Easter does not diminish Easter.

And show me one example of the word "Christmas" being censored. Otherwise this is just the Christian persecution complex rearing it's head.

So because the "dems" want to control us, they secretly conspired to make sure that TDOV would get created and be put on a day that, every once in a while, overlaps with Easter, thus ensuring that people will be less Christian and believe their rights only become from the government?

Then it's a good thing Biden acknowledged and celebrated Easter in the manner the president and White House has done for decades, yes? But also, the lecture about the superiority of Christianity over other religions is not relevant to this discussion. Yes, I agree, lots of people are Christian and Easter is important to them. The celebration of Easter was in no affected by the recognition of TDOV on the same day.

You criticized Biden for being "unaware of where he is," but you can't maintain a train of thought. Why is the COVID response a part of this discussion? It has ****-all to do with anything.
You keep saying I'm mad and yet you don't get it. I have a LOT of things I'm much more concerned...starting with the border and his spending, but you have no idea it appears. If Biden wanted to change it he could. What I tried to show was that there were a lot of people not happy and if that was a concern he can simply change it. It is that simple. Covid was about control. I said that an you missed that as well.

I'm not on here to continue to discuss things with you, because I don't think you have the background to make it worthy. Now, your talk about not diminishing Easter. Not too long ago while the democrats were allowing burning and looting of cities to go on a white person spoke out about ALL lives mattered and that was shouted down saying it "diminished" the movement about the drug dealer and BLM.

They thought it diminished the importance of BLM to mention that all lives matter and so we just saw a public debacle, where the ignorant competed with the ignorant in a race to stupidity. This thread was about Easter and the mentally ill. I tried to show how and why many consider Easter more significant in the USA than other religions and one area that separated Christianity from the other religions. I attempted to state that if Biden considers a lot of the population upset he had an easy avenue to eliminate the problem...if he choses.

I mentioned he handlers wouldn't do that and they want to grow the blob however they can, because they want total control. If you do believe what is in front of your eyes...who am I to say you shouldn't? This whole wokeness and Intersectionality has no home in a solid mind.
You keep saying I'm mad and yet you don't get it. I have a LOT of things I'm much more concerned...starting with the border and his spending, but you have no idea it appears.
Again, WTF does this have to do with the topic at hand?
If Biden wanted to change it he could. What I tried to show was that there were a lot of people not happy and if that was a concern he can simply change it. It is that simple.
So apparently presidents should only ever do things that will avoid making "a lot of people not happy." Good luck with that. And again, you keep saying he could change it, but how is it up to him? He didn't choose it in the first place?
Covid was about control. I said that an you missed that as well.
COVID, again, has nothing to do with TDOV. You made the point that you think the proclamation was about control, but there's no reason to then say "also COVID was about control, also X is about control, also Y is about control." It doesn't help your argument to make a bunch of other claims.
I'm not on here to continue to discuss things with you, because I don't think you have the background to make it worthy.
Judge not, lest ye be judged. What do you think you know of my background from this conversation?
Now, your talk about not diminishing Easter. Not too long ago while the democrats were allowing burning and looting of cities to go on a white person spoke out about ALL lives mattered and that was shouted down saying it "diminished" the movement about the drug dealer and BLM.
The "all lives matter" statement was offered in direct opposition to the message of BLM. One was actually connected to the other. TDOV and Easter are completely unrelated. A question: April 2 (a day that could and will again be Easter at some point in the future) is Autism Acceptance Day. Biden did a similar proclamation. Should whoever is president the next time Easter falls on April 2 decide to similarly recognize Autism Acceptance Day, will you be similarly unhappy and come on here saying it diminishes Easter?
This thread was about Easter and the mentally ill. I tried to show how and why many consider Easter more significant in the USA than other religions and one area that separated Christianity from the other religions.
But it's not relevant. Easter wasn't ignored, and another religion was not recognized in the place of Christianity. Also, there are lots of Christians who WEREN'T unhappy about it, so for you to speak of Christians as a monolithic group that all think the same thing is unwarranted. If Biden HADN'T recognized TDOV, that would've made a lot of people unhappy, too.
I attempted to state that if Biden considers a lot of the population upset he had an easy avenue to eliminate the problem...if he choses.
My issue is that you're calling a "problem" that needs to be solved in the first place and also, as I've said multiple times, it's not clear to me how Biden could unilaterally change the date of an internationally-recognized day. But also, clearly he didn't think it was a problem, so there was nothing to eliminate.
I mentioned he handlers wouldn't do that and they want to grow the blob however they can, because they want total control. If you do believe what is in front of your eyes...who am I to say you shouldn't? This whole wokeness and Intersectionality has no home in a solid mind.
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You keep saying I'm mad and yet you don't get it. I have a LOT of things I'm much more concerned...starting with the border and his spending, but you have no idea it appears. If Biden wanted to change it he could. What I tried to show was that there were a lot of people not happy and if that was a concern he can simply change it. It is that simple. Covid was about control. I said that an you missed that as well.

I'm not on here to continue to discuss things with you, because I don't think you have the background to make it worthy. Now, your talk about not diminishing Easter. Not too long ago while the democrats were allowing burning and looting of cities to go on a white person spoke out about ALL lives mattered and that was shouted down saying it "diminished" the movement about the drug dealer and BLM.

They thought it diminished the importance of BLM to mention that all lives matter and so we just saw a public debacle, where the ignorant competed with the ignorant in a race to stupidity. This thread was about Easter and the mentally ill. I tried to show how and why many consider Easter more significant in the USA than other religions and one area that separated Christianity from the other religions. I attempted to state that if Biden considers a lot of the population upset he had an easy avenue to eliminate the problem...if he choses.

I mentioned he handlers wouldn't do that and they want to grow the blob however they can, because they want total control. If you do believe what is in front of your eyes...who am I to say you shouldn't? This whole wokeness and Intersectionality has no home in a solid mind.
Rather than respond to the my previous post, which has a lot in it, as did yours, let's see if we can wrap this up with just a couple short questions, and let's stay on topic. We don't need to talk about COVID or the border or BLM. Here you go, first question:

You said that Biden didn't recognize TDOV "last year or the year before," implying that he did so this year specifically because it happened to be Easter. Do you now accept that he did, in fact, recognize it in 2023, 2022, and 2021 as well as 2024?
And I ask again…WTF is TDOV.

Do we congratulate trannies for something?
Dudes that like to dress like women… gee, that’s worth celebrating.
Is there a day to recognize the straight heterosexual people or are they just considered the wackos of our society?
And I ask again…WTF is TDOV.
Did you not recognize that I answered your question? If you're looking for further details, Google is your friend.
Do we congratulate trannies for something?
Dudes that like to dress like women… gee, that’s worth celebrating.
If you think such a day should not exist, that is your opinion and you're welcome to it, your use of a slur notwithstanding. You asked what it was, and I told you.
Did you not recognize that I answered your question? If you're looking for further details, Google is your friend.

If you think such a day should not exist, that is your opinion and you're welcome to it, your use of a slur notwithstanding. You asked what it was, and I told you.
You missed the joke.
But you’re correct in that I don’t think a special day for trannies should exist. I do find it ironic that the actual number of these people is such a small fraction of general society, but they receive a hugely disproportionate amount of attention.
If a dude wants to dress like a woman, act like a woman and believe he’s a woman, great, knock yourself out. But, I’m not going to join in the fantasy world and I’m damn sure not going to allow you into the women’s restroom or locker room when my wife or daughters are in there.
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Rather than respond to the my previous post, which has a lot in it, as did yours, let's see if we can wrap this up with just a couple short questions, and let's stay on topic. We don't need to talk about COVID or the border or BLM. Here you go, first question:

You said that Biden didn't recognize TDOV "last year or the year before," implying that he did so this year specifically because it happened to be Easter. Do you now accept that he did, in fact, recognize it in 2023, 2022, and 2021 as well as 2024?
The actual topic of the thread was Biden sends Easter Message. The photo pasted talks about Biden’s issuing the first presidential Transgender Day of Visibility. What followed was some disgusted that Biden issued the first presidential proclamation on Trans Day of Visibility . You went on to state that actually Obama started this as part of his fundamentally transform America years before and even stated that other countries did this…recognition specifically of this mentally ill demographic. I tried to show without the obvious stating of this country the Judeo-Christian background. I went further to show the huge difference in all the other religions from Christianity. The other religions grew as a result of their leader growing. Christianity grew the opposite, or as a result of death. You took that as an indication of my stating that Christianity was superior…which it is.

However, you should have picked out the difference between Christianity and the other religions tied to Easter…which is the topic of the thread. There are many different days recognized in Christianity, but generally Easter is recognized as the most important .

So now we are back to the thread title of Biden sends Easter Message and how that went over for some since Biden issued the first presidential proclamation trans day visibility as noted in the above link. Relative to that I stated how easy it would be to avoid this problem area by not using a specific date, but a relative date that would not fall on Friday or Sunday. You stated that Obama in his fundamental transforming America recognized this date generated in some other countries. I don’t know why we would care what idiotic things other countries would do, but you stated it. So, changing the date in the USA could solve some issues , but Biden’s handlers are not going to do that as I stated, although he could.
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