Couldn't be because all the right-wing media outlets made a big deal out of it, could it? You think that might be why people "noticed" it this year as compared to previous years? But I'll give you credit for finally acknowledging that this wasn't the first year and that YOU brought Obama into it, not me.
Is that what the day is about? Or is about raising awareness of discrimination?
And with this again. Even if I granted that it's a mental illness (which, according to the best determination of experts, it isn't), how exactly would recognizing it ignore others? You're basically saying that if he recognizes Flag Day on Flag Day, he's ignoring Veteran's Day, and that makes zero sense.
But, for the record, here are some Biden proclamations about other things that clearly aren't being ignored in favor of TDOV:
During National Mental Health Awareness Month, we honor the absolute courage of the tens of millions of Americans living with
During National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, we shine a light on these serious health conditions, which impact nearly 1 in 10 people
During National Recovery Month, we celebrate the more than 20 million Americans who have had the courage to seek help for substance
America was founded on the idea that all people are created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout their lives. Today, we
And there are many more. Seriously, you should check
THIS out. There are literally, like, multiple proclamations per day. Plenty of things here for you to get similarly upset about, I'm sure.
In this case "we know" = "I think"
Ooo, got 'em!
I'm good, and I'm glad you've finally come around to the fact that this wasn't just a this year thing. I'm hopeful you'll be able to now recognize that, in all likelihood, Easter had precisely zero to do with anything.