Antisemitic Hate March held at Purdue University

Actually it is. That’s why it’s more from the white cops. With the black cops, there is a small minority that don’t value the lives of black suspects. I bet you they never roughed up any white suspects like they did Tyree Nichols.
This is a ridiculous take. There are more white cops by the sheer fact that there are more white people. More white cops mean incidents are more likely to happen with them. That doesn't mean it's a race issue. On top of that, unfortunately, the black community commits a disproportionate amount of crime, therefore there's going to be a disproportionate amount of contact with the police. Common man. Use your brain. Stop letting the left race bait you.

What was it, something like 2016 the WaPo did a study and found that only 12 black people that were unarmed were shot and killed. ONE was an incident where the guy wasn't trying to resist and fight back in some way. That's the reality. It's best you start to recognize that, because everything you see happening to the black community, happens to the hispanic community, white community, etc. If it was only happening to blacks, then I'd say you have an argument. But you don't.
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A few questions for those who downplay January 6th. These are serious questions, if someone has time to answer them individually, I'd appreciate it. I'd really like to understand the perspective of those that don't think January 6th was a big deal:
  1. Do you accept that Biden won the election by over 7 million votes and the electoral college by 74?
  2. If not, which states do you think he won?
  3. How did the combination of democratic and republican led state governments conspire to help Biden win?
  4. What do you say to all the recounts? In particular those done in Republican led states like Georgia and Arizona that concluded Biden won those states?
  5. Do you believe Trump was attempting to stay in power, even though state delegates from democratic and republican led states sent their certified results to DC to be counted on January 6?
  6. Do you believe Trump asked Pence to not certify the results on the 6th?
  7. Why did the rally on January 6th move to the Capital?
  8. If successful do you believe Trump and the "protester" believed it would have delayed or stopped the transition of power?
  9. And finally do you believe it was Trumps intention to stay in power beyond January 20th if there was any possible way it could happen?
You see in my world it sure seems like Trump lost the election but didn't want to accept the outcome. He then encouraged a group of people to go to the capital and those people tried to physically stop the proceedings to confirm the results of the elections. By doing so it appears they believed they could delay (or somehow overturn) the electoral college count. I know it sounds crazy and sitting in our living rooms we believed and still believe that could never happen, but it seems like that's what the protesters who entered the capital were trying to do. That seems like a pretty big deal.

And by the way I think in an ideal world we could all agree that storming the capital, looting stores, increased crime and bad cops are all bad things.

Anyway, I enjoy a lot of the thoughts shared by many of you on the basketball board and I know I won't change anyone's mind, but I just thought I'd ask.
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A few questions for those who downplay January 6th. These are serious questions, if someone has time to answer them individually, I'd appreciate it. I'd really like to understand the perspective of those that don't think January 6th was a big deal:
  1. Do you accept that Biden won the election by over 7 million votes and the electoral college by 74?
I accept that, although given the way election procedures were quicky changed because of covid (in some cases, as in Pa, apparently in ways contrary to a state's constitution), I will not be the least bit surprised if sometime in the future we find out voter fraud was far more widespread than the conventional thinking now says.

Do you accept that Biden told blatant lies in his campaign to cover up the criminal activity of his family members (at the very least), and that the FBI lied about and covered up the famous laptop to help their establishment puppet get elected?
A few questions for those who downplay January 6th. These are serious questions, if someone has time to answer them individually, I'd appreciate it. I'd really like to understand the perspective of those that don't think January 6th was a big deal:
  1. Do you accept that Biden won the election by over 7 million votes and the electoral college by 74?
  2. If not, which states do you think he won?
  3. How did the combination of democratic and republican led state governments conspire to help Biden win?
  4. What do you say to all the recounts? In particular those done in Republican led states like Georgia and Arizona that concluded Biden won those states?
  5. Do you believe Trump was attempting to stay in power, even though state delegates from democratic and republican led states sent their certified results to DC to be counted on January 6?
  6. Do you believe Trump asked Pence to not certify the results on the 6th?
  7. Why did the rally on January 6th move to the Capital?
  8. If successful do you believe Trump and the "protester" believed it would have delayed or stopped the transition of power?
  9. And finally do you believe it was Trumps intention to stay in power beyond January 20th if there was any possible way it could happen?
You see in my world it sure seems like Trump lost the election but didn't want to accept the outcome. He then encouraged a group of people to go to the capital and those people tried to physically stop the proceedings to confirm the results of the elections. By doing so it appears they believed they could delay (or somehow overturn) the electoral college count. I know it sounds crazy and sitting in our living rooms we believed and still believe that could never happen, but it seems like that's what the protesters who entered the capital were trying to do. That seems like a pretty big deal.

And by the way I think in an ideal world we could all agree that storming the capital, looting stores, increased crime and bad cops are all bad things.

Anyway, I enjoy a lot of the thoughts shared by many of you on the basketball board and I know I won't change anyone's mind, but I just thought I'd ask.
While I'm curious to see what the Trump supporters say, these are such well-formed questions that I would like to give my answers. To set the tone, I will only (and directly) answer the questions that are asked:
  1. Do you accept that Biden won the election by over 7 million votes and the electoral college by 74? YES
  3. How did the combination of democratic and republican led state governments conspire to help Biden win? THEY DID NOT CONSPIRE, THEY ACCURATELY COUNTED VOTES TO THE BEST OF THEIR CAPABILITIES
  4. What do you say to all the recounts? In particular those done in Republican led states like Georgia and Arizona that concluded Biden won those states? THE RECOUNTS RE-VERIFIED THE VERIFIED RESULTS
  5. Do you believe Trump was attempting to stay in power, even though state delegates from democratic and republican led states sent their certified results to DC to be counted on January 6? YES
  6. Do you believe Trump asked Pence to not certify the results on the 6th? YES
  8. If successful do you believe Trump and the "protester" believed it would have delayed or stopped the transition of power? YES
  9. And finally do you believe it was Trumps intention to stay in power beyond January 20th if there was any possible way it could happen? ABSOLUTELY
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A few questions for those who downplay January 6th. These are serious questions, if someone has time to answer them individually, I'd appreciate it. I'd really like to understand the perspective of those that don't think January 6th was a big deal:
  1. Do you accept that Biden won the election by over 7 million votes and the electoral college by 74?
  2. If not, which states do you think he won?
  3. How did the combination of democratic and republican led state governments conspire to help Biden win?
  4. What do you say to all the recounts? In particular those done in Republican led states like Georgia and Arizona that concluded Biden won those states?
  5. Do you believe Trump was attempting to stay in power, even though state delegates from democratic and republican led states sent their certified results to DC to be counted on January 6?
  6. Do you believe Trump asked Pence to not certify the results on the 6th?
  7. Why did the rally on January 6th move to the Capital?
  8. If successful do you believe Trump and the "protester" believed it would have delayed or stopped the transition of power?
  9. And finally do you believe it was Trumps intention to stay in power beyond January 20th if there was any possible way it could happen?
You see in my world it sure seems like Trump lost the election but didn't want to accept the outcome. He then encouraged a group of people to go to the capital and those people tried to physically stop the proceedings to confirm the results of the elections. By doing so it appears they believed they could delay (or somehow overturn) the electoral college count. I know it sounds crazy and sitting in our living rooms we believed and still believe that could never happen, but it seems like that's what the protesters who entered the capital were trying to do. That seems like a pretty big deal.

And by the way I think in an ideal world we could all agree that storming the capital, looting stores, increased crime and bad cops are all bad things.

Anyway, I enjoy a lot of the thoughts shared by many of you on the basketball board and I know I won't change anyone's mind, but I just thought I'd ask.
The MAGA cult members either dismiss everything on your list.
Black cops, white cops. Even though it happens more with white cops, it don’t matter. A cop is a cop. Tyree Nichols’ life did not matter. 3 out of the 6 cops that killed Freddie Gray in Baltimore were black. Gray is handcuffed in the back of the police transport and they purposely drive erratic killing him. How were the lives of the cops endangered then? Tell me how. Some of these cops are sadistic.
Poor Freddy hoo. Gang banging drug dealer dies. If he didn't die in the back of a paddy wagon, he was gonna die at the hands of a fellow drug dealing gang banger. How is society not better off?
So you are ok with someone getting the crap beat out of them by police and dying for no reason? So you are ok with cops purposely driving erratic killing a hand cuffed dude in the back of the police transport? You, the Boneman and others are some sadistic people.
Not only am I OK with him, I encourage it.
Why couldn't Gray get a job like the rest of us? Him choosing to be a life long criminal is his fault. There are consequences to poor decisions.
I am concerned about innocent victims and not so much with criminals. If that makes me sadistic in your mind then so be it. You seem to be concerned about the well being of criminals. You are supporting the wrong people. Keep up the good fight.
There's nothing more democrat than sympathy for the criminals. BNI is just following orders.
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While I'm curious to see what the Trump supporters say, these are such well-formed questions that I would like to give my answers. To set the tone, I will only (and directly) answer the questions that are asked:
  1. Do you accept that Biden won the election by over 7 million votes and the electoral college by 74? YES
  3. How did the combination of democratic and republican led state governments conspire to help Biden win? THEY DID NOT CONSPIRE, THEY ACCURATELY COUNTED VOTES TO THE BEST OF THEIR CAPABILITIES
  4. What do you say to all the recounts? In particular those done in Republican led states like Georgia and Arizona that concluded Biden won those states? THE RECOUNTS RE-VERIFIED THE VERIFIED RESULTS
  5. Do you believe Trump was attempting to stay in power, even though state delegates from democratic and republican led states sent their certified results to DC to be counted on January 6? YES
  6. Do you believe Trump asked Pence to not certify the results on the 6th? YES
  8. If successful do you believe Trump and the "protester" believed it would have delayed or stopped the transition of power? YES
  9. And finally do you believe it was Trumps intention to stay in power beyond January 20th if there was any possible way it could happen? ABSOLUTELY
What does any of this have to do with J6 NOT being an insurrection?
Not only am I OK with him, I encourage it.
Why couldn't Gray get a job like the rest of us? Him choosing to be a life long criminal is his fault. There are consequences to poor decisions.
Since Ashii Babbitt made poor decisions of being in a cult and to break the window at the Capitol and climb through it, she deserved what she got, correct?
A few questions for those who downplay January 6th. These are serious questions, if someone has time to answer them individually, I'd appreciate it. I'd really like to understand the perspective of those that don't think January 6th was a big deal:
  1. Do you accept that Biden won the election by over 7 million votes and the electoral college by 74?
  2. If not, which states do you think he won?
  3. How did the combination of democratic and republican led state governments conspire to help Biden win?
  4. What do you say to all the recounts? In particular those done in Republican led states like Georgia and Arizona that concluded Biden won those states?
  5. Do you believe Trump was attempting to stay in power, even though state delegates from democratic and republican led states sent their certified results to DC to be counted on January 6?
  6. Do you believe Trump asked Pence to not certify the results on the 6th?
  7. Why did the rally on January 6th move to the Capital?
  8. If successful do you believe Trump and the "protester" believed it would have delayed or stopped the transition of power?
  9. And finally do you believe it was Trumps intention to stay in power beyond January 20th if there was any possible way it could happen?
You see in my world it sure seems like Trump lost the election but didn't want to accept the outcome. He then encouraged a group of people to go to the capital and those people tried to physically stop the proceedings to confirm the results of the elections. By doing so it appears they believed they could delay (or somehow overturn) the electoral college count. I know it sounds crazy and sitting in our living rooms we believed and still believe that could never happen, but it seems like that's what the protesters who entered the capital were trying to do. That seems like a pretty big deal.

And by the way I think in an ideal world we could all agree that storming the capital, looting stores, increased crime and bad cops are all bad things.

Anyway, I enjoy a lot of the thoughts shared by many of you on the basketball board and I know I won't change anyone's mind, but I just thought I'd ask.

I'm simply tuning in to see if they will be willing to directly answer all nine of the questions that were asked by SCBoiler1.


Fine, I'll respond.

A few questions for those who downplay January 6th. These are serious questions, if someone has time to answer them individually, I'd appreciate it. I'd really like to understand the perspective of those that don't think January 6th was a big deal:
  1. Do you accept that Biden won the election by over 7 million votes and the electoral college by 74?
Do I think he won? Yes. Do I think he won fairly? Fukk no.
  1. If not, which states do you think he won?
Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania are the one's he most likely won. You have to remember that from an electoral side of things, Trump only lost by 40,000 votes. The election was MUCH closer than people here try to make it sound.
  1. How did the combination of democratic and republican led state governments conspire to help Biden win?
There were plenty of Republicans that wanted to get rid of Trump. However, you don't necessarily need Republicans colluding with Democrats. The Covid rule changes opened the door for mass cheating, and that's how Biden won. People on video stuffing ballots into drop boxes in every single swing state at 2 and 3 am proves that there were bad actors. Biden only won Georgia by a little over 11,000 votes for example.
  1. What do you say to all the recounts? In particular those done in Republican led states like Georgia and Arizona that concluded Biden won those states?
A recount is a recount. What we wanted was a full audit, which never happened.
  1. Do you believe Trump was attempting to stay in power, even though state delegates from democratic and republican led states sent their certified results to DC to be counted on January 6?
Yes of course he was, but he was doing so legally. He filed many law suits, most of which were thrown out due to procedural error. Most claimed that the person filing the suit had no basis to do so, which IMO was BS. The few cases that were seen, they won, but the judge would also claim that it wasn't enough to overturn the election because it was something like 400 votes. If all cases had been heard, I think we'd be in a different place. There were many that I think would have gone nowhere, but there were very real area's of voter fraud that never saw it's day in court.
  1. Do you believe Trump asked Pence to not certify the results on the 6th?
Yes, and he had precedent to do so. What Trump was asking Pence to do was to send the matter back to the state legislatures, so they could look into the matter and see if we needed a re-vote. I watched most of the testimony that was brought to the swing state legislatures and there was a TON of evidence that there was mass wrongdoing.
  1. Why did the rally on January 6th move to the Capital?
Trump asked people to go to the Capitol, to have their voices heard peacefully and patriotically. Bad actors, arrived at the Capitol while Trump was still speaking and broke through the barricades. When the people from the Trump rally finally made it to the Capitol, there were already people on the steps by the doors. Bad actors like Epps and many others like the dude in the tower with the bull horn telling people to move up and go into the Capitol. MOST Trump supporters got caught up in the moment, not knowing that they weren't supposed to move up onto the steps.
  1. If successful do you believe Trump and the "protester" believed it would have delayed or stopped the transition of power?
Who knows what they really believed. I think most knew that their presence did nothing to effect the outcome. They were just there to show support for their President.
  1. And finally do you believe it was Trumps intention to stay in power beyond January 20th if there was any possible way it could happen?
No. I think he truly believed he was screwed and wanted to have his cases heard. I do not think he would do anything possible to stay in power, because if he would have, why didn't he? He didn't concede because he believed he was screwed, but ultimately he stepped down, right? It's not like we had to send in the MP's to physically remove him, right? He felt screwed and IMO rightfully so.
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I accept that, although given the way election procedures were quicky changed because of covid (in some cases, as in Pa, apparently in ways contrary to a state's constitution), I will not be the least bit surprised if sometime in the future we find out voter fraud was far more widespread than the conventional thinking now says.

Do you accept that Biden told blatant lies in his campaign to cover up the criminal activity of his family members (at the very least), and that the FBI lied about and covered up the famous laptop to help their establishment puppet get elected?
See this is what I don't think many Trump supporters understand.

I voted for Biden, but if there was credible evidence that Biden participated in criminal activity, I would want him prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I could easily be persuaded to vote for a different democrat, an independent or even a moderate republican.
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I accept that, although given the way election procedures were quicky changed because of covid (in some cases, as in Pa, apparently in ways contrary to a state's constitution), I will not be the least bit surprised if sometime in the future we find out voter fraud was far more widespread than the conventional thinking now says.

Do you accept that Biden told blatant lies in his campaign to cover up the criminal activity of his family members (at the very least), and that the FBI lied about and covered up the famous laptop to help their establishment puppet get elected?
I voted for Biden, but if there was credible evidence that Biden participated in criminal activity, I would want him prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I could easily be persuaded to vote for a different democrat, an independent or even a moderate republican.

Could you say the same thing about Trump?
Fine, I'll respond.

Do I think he won? Yes. Do I think he won fairly? Fukk no.

Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania are the one's he most likely won. You have to remember that from an electoral side of things, Trump only lost by 40,000 votes. The election was MUCH closer than people here try to make it sound.

There were plenty of Republicans that wanted to get rid of Trump. However, you don't necessarily need Republicans colluding with Democrats. The Covid rule changes opened the door for mass cheating, and that's how Biden won. People on video stuffing ballots into drop boxes in every single swing state at 2 and 3 am proves that there were bad actors. Biden only won Georgia by a little over 11,000 votes for example.

A recount is a recount. What we wanted was a full audit, which never happened.

Yes of course he was, but he was doing so legally. He filed many law suits, most of which were thrown out due to procedural error. Most claimed that the person filing the suit had no basis to do so, which IMO was BS. The few cases that were seen, they won, but the judge would also claim that it wasn't enough to overturn the election because it was something like 400 votes. If all cases had been heard, I think we'd be in a different place. There were many that I think would have gone nowhere, but there were very real area's of voter fraud that never saw it's day in court.

Yes, and he had precedent to do so. What Trump was asking Pence to do was to send the matter back to the state legislatures, so they could look into the matter and see if we needed a re-vote. I watched most of the testimony that was brought to the swing state legislatures and there was a TON of evidence that there was mass wrongdoing.

Trump asked people to go to the Capitol, to have their voices heard peacefully and patriotically. Bad actors, arrived at the Capitol while Trump was still speaking and broke through the barricades. When the people from the Trump rally finally made it to the Capitol, there were already people on the steps by the doors. Bad actors like Epps and many others like the dude in the tower with the bull horn telling people to move up and go into the Capitol. MOST Trump supporters got caught up in the moment, not knowing that they weren't supposed to move up onto the steps.

Who knows what they really believed. I think most knew that their presence did nothing to effect the outcome. They were just there to show support for their President.

No. I think he truly believed he was screwed and wanted to have his cases heard. I do not think he would do anything possible to stay in power, because if he would have, why didn't he? He didn't concede because he believed he was screwed, but ultimately he stepped down, right? It's not like we had to send in the MP's to physically remove him, right? He felt screwed and IMO rightfully so.
Like the old saying, when you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one that was hit.

The first response out of the box is from the lead MAGA cult member, right on queue with the BS.

Didn't Chump have a full audit in AZ that actually found more votes for Biden?

Procedure error? Does that mean that the case was thrown because Chump's consiglieres could not provide any evidence, perhaps? 400 votes. Of course that is not enough to overturn an election. That 400 votes was part of the 0.0001% voter fraud that happens in all elections.

Pence did his constitutional duty and certify the result of the election. Pence had no constitutional obligation to send back to the states for a re-vote. He would have been in trouble if he did. Also, there is no need for a re-vote because THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF VOTER FRAUD.

The point of the rally at the WH was to have their voices heard peacefully and patriotically. There is no need to go down to the Capitol. Unless you go down to the Capitol to try and stop Pence from certifying the election. And that was exactly what happened. You say people were already on the steps by the doors prior to the rally folks arriving. That is my point I've been making about the video showing people walking around inside. That was before the deplorables from the rally arrived. Then a zombie movie broke out. ALL of the folks beating cops, breaking into the Capitol, climbing the walls onto balconies and rooftops were Chumps supporters belonging to the sad MAGA cult.
What a typical lefty lib response.
Next thing your going to tell me is that the BLM protests were "Mostly peaceful"......

By the way, what return have you seen from your financial contributions to BLM (besides their leadership laughing as they watch their banks accounts soar).
Jesus, you bring nothing. 12 months of BLM murder is a lie. But that’s what you do.

I don’t need to tell you the protests were mostly peaceful. Read something for once. But that’s not your thing. You have all the info you need. The blacks and the browns are the problem.

I have not and will not support BLM financially. Why would you think I do? Because I call out your lies about their protests? From my perspective, you’re totally fine telling lies about people that you dislike or believe to be evil. They’re bad guys anyway so what’s the diff.
Didn't Chump have a full audit in AZ that actually found more votes for Biden?
Nope. Recount.
Procedure error? Does that mean that the case was thrown because Chump's consiglieres could not provide any evidence, perhaps? 400 votes. Of course that is not enough to overturn an election. That 400 votes was part of the 0.0001% voter fraud that happens in all elections.
Procedure error can be many things. One that it ISN'T is not having evidence. That would be.... not having evidence.

Like I said, and you refuse to acknowledge, is that if every case was heard, there's be thousands upon thousands of fraudulent votes. Or did you think that mail in voting fraud dropped from 3% to .03% because we just magically got better at mail in ballot checking when we increased the amount of mail in ballots by 10x? Don't be naive.
Pence did his constitutional duty and certify the result of the election. Pence had no constitutional obligation to send back to the states for a re-vote. He would have been in trouble if he did. Also, there is no need for a re-vote because THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF VOTER FRAUD.
Pence did what he thought he had to do, but again, there was precedent for him to do what Trump was asking him to do. Trump wasn't even asking him to declare Trump the winner. He just wanted the State Legislatures to have a say because many of the voting laws were changed illegally.

The point of the rally at the WH was to have their voices heard peacefully and patriotically. There is no need to go down to the Capitol. Unless you go down to the Capitol to try and stop Pence from certifying the election. And that was exactly what happened.
So you're saying that there was no need for them to go to the place that something is happening in which they are protesting? Isn't that pretty much what every protest does? Isn't that why people protested in front of the Supreme Court when Roe v Wade was overturned? I mean, there's literally no reason for them to protest there, right? This is your logic.
You say people were already on the steps by the doors prior to the rally folks arriving. That is my point I've been making about the video showing people walking around inside. That was before the deplorables from the rally arrived. Then a zombie movie broke out. ALL of the folks beating cops, breaking into the Capitol, climbing the walls onto balconies and rooftops were Chumps supporters belonging to the sad MAGA cult.
Accept there's literally zero evidence of this. ZERO. The shaman was inside waling around with a police escort long after the violence ended. The protesters were on the steps after the first group broke through the barricades. Then some shithead cop started throwing non lethal grenades into the crowd, provoking the fight. I know you don't want to hear that point, but it's a fact and the video will come out to prove me right.
I voted for Biden, but if there was credible evidence that Biden participated in criminal activity, I would want him prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I could easily be persuaded to vote for a different democrat, an independent or even a moderate republican.

Could you say the same thing about Trump?
I don't know him, but I'm sure Trump would never vote for a different dem or an independent, although in the future he might vote for a mod repub.

There is substantial evidence that the Biden family was involved in criminal activity, and that Joe, at the very least, knew about it and took no steps to stop it, which would make him culpable.
Jesus, you bring nothing. 12 months of BLM murder is a lie. But that’s what you do.

I don’t need to tell you the protests were mostly peaceful. Read something for once. But that’s not your thing. You have all the info you need. The blacks and the browns are the problem.

I have not and will not support BLM financially. Why would you think I do? Because I call out your lies about their protests? From my perspective, you’re totally fine telling lies about people that you dislike or believe to be evil. They’re bad guys anyway so what’s the diff.
Wasn't the blm flag one of your virtue-signaling avatars before you switched to Ukraine?
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Nope. Recount.

Procedure error can be many things. One that it ISN'T is not having evidence. That would be.... not having evidence.

Like I said, and you refuse to acknowledge, is that if every case was heard, there's be thousands upon thousands of fraudulent votes. Or did you think that mail in voting fraud dropped from 3% to .03% because we just magically got better at mail in ballot checking when we increased the amount of mail in ballots by 10x? Don't be naive.

Pence did what he thought he had to do, but again, there was precedent for him to do what Trump was asking him to do. Trump wasn't even asking him to declare Trump the winner. He just wanted the State Legislatures to have a say because many of the voting laws were changed illegally.


So you're saying that there was no need for them to go to the place that something is happening in which they are protesting? Isn't that pretty much what every protest does? Isn't that why people protested in front of the Supreme Court when Roe v Wade was overturned? I mean, there's literally no reason for them to protest there, right? This is your logic.

Accept there's literally zero evidence of this. ZERO. The shaman was inside waling around with a police escort long after the violence ended. The protesters were on the steps after the first group broke through the barricades. Then some shithead cop started throwing non lethal grenades into the crowd, provoking the fight. I know you don't want to hear that point, but it's a fact and the video will come out to prove me right.
Dude, is there any other conservative that you can support other than Chump?
Nope. Recount.

Procedure error can be many things. One that it ISN'T is not having evidence. That would be.... not having evidence.

Like I said, and you refuse to acknowledge, is that if every case was heard, there's be thousands upon thousands of fraudulent votes. Or did you think that mail in voting fraud dropped from 3% to .03% because we just magically got better at mail in ballot checking when we increased the amount of mail in ballots by 10x? Don't be naive.

Pence did what he thought he had to do, but again, there was precedent for him to do what Trump was asking him to do. Trump wasn't even asking him to declare Trump the winner. He just wanted the State Legislatures to have a say because many of the voting laws were changed illegally.


So you're saying that there was no need for them to go to the place that something is happening in which they are protesting? Isn't that pretty much what every protest does? Isn't that why people protested in front of the Supreme Court when Roe v Wade was overturned? I mean, there's literally no reason for them to protest there, right? This is your logic.

Accept there's literally zero evidence of this. ZERO. The shaman was inside waling around with a police escort long after the violence ended. The protesters were on the steps after the first group broke through the barricades. Then some shithead cop started throwing non lethal grenades into the crowd, provoking the fight. I know you don't want to hear that point, but it's a fact and the video will come out to prove me right.
No No. Not procedural error. You need to do some research.
Maybe you’re referring to “lack of standing “, which isn’t necessarily what it sounds like.
PLEASE give some links to these procedural errors. You’ve got like 60 chances to find one.

What precedent is there for Pence?
Fine, I'll respond.

Do I think he won? Yes. Do I think he won fairly? Fukk no.

Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania are the one's he most likely won. You have to remember that from an electoral side of things, Trump only lost by 40,000 votes. The election was MUCH closer than people here try to make it sound.

There were plenty of Republicans that wanted to get rid of Trump. However, you don't necessarily need Republicans colluding with Democrats. The Covid rule changes opened the door for mass cheating, and that's how Biden won. People on video stuffing ballots into drop boxes in every single swing state at 2 and 3 am proves that there were bad actors. Biden only won Georgia by a little over 11,000 votes for example.

A recount is a recount. What we wanted was a full audit, which never happened.

Yes of course he was, but he was doing so legally. He filed many law suits, most of which were thrown out due to procedural error. Most claimed that the person filing the suit had no basis to do so, which IMO was BS. The few cases that were seen, they won, but the judge would also claim that it wasn't enough to overturn the election because it was something like 400 votes. If all cases had been heard, I think we'd be in a different place. There were many that I think would have gone nowhere, but there were very real area's of voter fraud that never saw it's day in court.

Yes, and he had precedent to do so. What Trump was asking Pence to do was to send the matter back to the state legislatures, so they could look into the matter and see if we needed a re-vote. I watched most of the testimony that was brought to the swing state legislatures and there was a TON of evidence that there was mass wrongdoing.

Trump asked people to go to the Capitol, to have their voices heard peacefully and patriotically. Bad actors, arrived at the Capitol while Trump was still speaking and broke through the barricades. When the people from the Trump rally finally made it to the Capitol, there were already people on the steps by the doors. Bad actors like Epps and many others like the dude in the tower with the bull horn telling people to move up and go into the Capitol. MOST Trump supporters got caught up in the moment, not knowing that they weren't supposed to move up onto the steps.

Who knows what they really believed. I think most knew that their presence did nothing to effect the outcome. They were just there to show support for their President.

No. I think he truly believed he was screwed and wanted to have his cases heard. I do not think he would do anything possible to stay in power, because if he would have, why didn't he? He didn't concede because he believed he was screwed, but ultimately he stepped down, right? It's not like we had to send in the MP's to physically remove him, right? He felt screwed and IMO rightfully so.
I think it's excellent that you directly addressed the questions.

No No. Not procedural error. You need to do some research.
Maybe you’re referring to “lack of standing “, which isn’t necessarily what it sounds like.
PLEASE give some links to these procedural errors. You’ve got like 60 chances to find one.

What precedent is there for Pence?
That’s what he does. With no merit he dismiss stuff. We all no that the courts, yes 60 through the case out because the Chump consiglieres could not provide any evidence of fraud to go forward with a case. There ain’t no links to provide.

Also, there ain’t no precedent for Pence either.

Boilermaker03 has been had, hoodwinked, bamboozled, run astray, run amuck.
Wasn't the blm flag one of your virtue-signaling avatars before you switched to Ukraine?

Usually 'either' is followed by 'or', Uncle Fauxgrad.

You sound more like Joe Crow every day.

Your obsessiveness is starting to make me wonder if you are in the pro-Hamas wing of the dems.

Your approval must mean so much to 03.
A succession of zero-substance, exhausting posts. Prayers for your "(?)friends(?)" and family.
A succession of zero-substance, exhausting posts. Prayers for your "(?)friends(?)" and family.
Of course it is of zero substance to you, HoFan, as it is all well over your head.

Uncle Bni has the same limitation, but at least he has enough self-respect not to be a Leo-osier fan.
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No No. Not procedural error. You need to do some research.
Maybe you’re referring to “lack of standing “, which isn’t necessarily what it sounds like.
PLEASE give some links to these procedural errors. You’ve got like 60 chances to find one.

What precedent is there for Pence?

Lack of standing is a procedural error and it has nothing to do with not having a case. The courts claimed, that the people bringing the case didn't have standing, meaning they weren't the ones being harmed.

Lack of Standing:

"If the party cannot show harm, the party does not have standing and is not the right party to be appearing before the court."

So again, it has nothing to do with not having a case. The courts were claiming that they weren't the right plaintiffs.
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Total count of post-election lawsuits
New Mexico100001

So you can see here that 14 cases were dropped for various reasons, 33 were dismissed. Most of those were for lack of standing. 2 were ongoing at the time, not sure if they've resolved, and only 5 were ruled against. The vast majority never went to court.

Lack of standing is a procedural error and it has nothing to do with not having a case. The courts claimed, that the people bringing the case didn't have standing, meaning they weren't the ones being harmed.

Lack of Standing:

"If the party cannot show harm, the party does not have standing and is not the right party to be appearing before the court."

So again, it has nothing to do with not having a case. The courts were claiming that they weren't the right plaintiffs.
So, if voter fraud was as serious as y’all said it was, why weren’t the right plaintiffs involved. It’s not hard. What you are saying is bogus.

So, what about the fake electors. Explain away that for us.

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