Yes. I was personally affected by the BLM riots as were many of my friends. I left Chicago because of them and what came after. I saw your Antifa buddies in my street. While you cheered on from whatever white enclave in some suburbs someplace I asked people like you who cheered on if you were going to go bring in baby formula diapers and prescriptions to the low income black and brown people who saw their Walgreens looted. That Walgreens never came back. BLM is a Marxist group who literally published their intentions. I bet you gave them money. And they used it to buy themselves real estate. Name one city that experienced a BLM riot?So it’s all about how long the respective protests lasted or how many there were? Those are the important takeaways lol?
Or it’s the dollar amount of the damage that’s most important? Or the number of lives lost?
It’s NOT that for the first time in our history there was a serious attempt to over turn the results of an election… the greatest democracy in the world? It’s NOT that the lives of every American would have been changed by the sitting president staying in office? It’s NOT that Russia, China, NK, Iran and others get to push their propaganda that the US is broken and democracy doesn’t work? It’s NOT the MOST dangerous threat to democracy when the people don’t believe in the most fundamental aspect of our system, the elections?
What’s the lasting effect of the BLM protests? Were you affected? What would be the lasting effect of a sitting president successfully overturning an election and staying in office? Huh? Can you answer that question honestly?
And you keep your dumbass straw man that the election was almost overturned. Can you breakdown just exactly how that was going to happen. You have to be the biggest fool amongst fools to think that our system would collapse because what? They didn’t certify an election that day? That every branch of government, the military, every State Governor, every federal employee was gonna say, well a couple hundred people stopped the certification so I guess Trump is President. Has your childish brain ever walked through exactly how this was going to happen? How a couple hundred people without guns was going to install themselves as the new government over 350 million people?
You’re so worried about our democracy. You ever get worried that a duly elected President was almost impeached based upon a fake dossier and phony “intelligence.” We came a lot closer to having a President removed based on lies and collusion with government officials and elected representatives in 2016 than 2020. Those people knew the dossier was a lie just like Trump knew he lost. But you don’t care about the former.