You do realize that Lev Parnas has nothing to do with the GAO statment...correct? The GAO statement has do with compliance. Do you understand that?

If you don't, ask 70.
ecouch: SIR: Have NO idea why you're including me in your effort to discuss Les Parnas & what, if any, connection there is with the GAO stuff.
Am NOT connected with any of that at all. Good luck in sorting it out.
I never mentioned Lev Parnas. The GAO believes the administration obstructed their investigation. Noncompliance. Obstruction. Unconstitutional. Funny how often those words are used these days.

No. The GAO never said the admin obstructed their investigation.

It actually says they recived files from the the OBM and the Exec branch. The DoD did not respond. LOL, Certainly nothing uncontitutional.

The report is public.

You are not telling the truth.

Honestly, what are you doing ?

Why are you doing this?

Why are you gaslighting?

Why won't you read the report?
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Lol. If the president declares a national emergency, like Trump did with his wall, he/she can direct congressionally approved funds wherever the hell they want to. You don't know much about this works.

And BTW, when you idiots pull your "what about Obama" BS you don't seem to realize you're saying that when Obama did something wrong or broke the rules it was wrong.......but that it makes ok for trump to break the rules too. Not that Trump is better, more lawful, or has more integrity. Just that its ok because Obama did it too.
"Republicans. We're not better than the dems. We just use them as an excuse to break the rules too."

Do you guys really not understand noncompliance vs criminal activity?
Let's just all take the non-stop flight to the destination, here.
The Impoundment Control Act is law that, here, comes into play in ruling on the OMB's decision to hold up the Congressionally authorized appropriation of the Ukrainian military funds.
Forget Impeachment.
Forget the questions that GOP Senators might have after reading the GAO ruling on the hold-up.

Like I said: No problem, here !! At such time as a future Democratic president orders the OMB to put a hold on Congressionally authorized funding......that President will just tell the GOP to go f___ laws broken/indeterminant authority of the GAO to deal with matters as such !!
"Absolutely nothing" NOW... ".absolutely nothing " LATER.

You're assuming there will be another Democrat Prez. After Trump wins and declares himself King, your side will be gone forever.
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Do you guys really not understand noncompliance vs criminal activity?
I am sure there are many like you who are of the thought that if the violation is non-criminsl it is necessarily unimportant. I would disagree.
We all know of the Constitutional concept of Separation of Powers. As the GAO explains Congress enacted the law requiring certain activities and the President, for whatever reason, declined to perform them as required.
The actions alleged of noncompliance of that law in his official capacity do not appear to be criminal, since there is no criminal penalty associated with them, whether they were policy or politically driven. The action would simply be a failure to discharge what was his public duty under that law, that it, to forward aid to Ukraine.
The failure to properly discharge a public duty by a public official is commonly known by the terms malfeasance or misfeasance or nonfeasance and can certainly vary in degree. The President's actions were simply a failure by him to perform his fiduciary duty of complying with and performing acts in furtherance of effectuating laws passed by Congress.
The Constitution provides that impeachment is the remedy for undertaking various acts including "high crimes and misdemeanors."
As explained in this commentary published by the Federalist Society, the term "high crimes and misdemeanors" as utilized at the time of the ratification of the Constitution was not limited to criminal violations. Rather, as that commentary posits, "We best capture the meaning of the phrase 'high . . . Misdemeanors' when we think of it as referring to breaches of fiduciary duty. High misdemeanors are not limited to commission of crimes, but they do not include mere political differences. While violations of the criminal law provide grounds for impeachment, high misdemeanors encompass breaches of the duties of loyalty, good faith, and care, and of the obligations to account and to follow instructions (including the law and Constitution) when administering one’s office."
Thus, while not criminal in modern parlance, "mere noncompliance" can certainly have substantial, significant and serious consequences under traditional Constitutional views.
You're assuming there will be another Democrat Prez. After Trump wins and declares himself King, your side will be gone forever.
Kings all over the world, in the last several centuries, have unfortunately had serious issues with that LIFE EXPECTANCY thing...….involving violence , ..if they're manifestly unpopular......
Giuliani: "I'd love to be a witness" at Senate impeachment trial.

Please please please let this happen. Every time Giuliani opens his mouth he says something more incriminating.
So far it looks like the White House lawyers and Republican House managers don't realize that they are speaking to the Senate and the Chief Justice, and not a Fox News host.
Pat Cipollone gets caught in a lie during his prepared remarks that Republicans weren't allowed into the SCIF during the impeachment investigation. This is of course an outright lie.
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So far it looks like the White House lawyers and Republican House managers don't realize that they are speaking to the Senate and the Chief Justice, and not a Fox News host.
Pat Cipollone gets caught in a lie during his prepared remarks that Republicans weren't allowed into the SCIF during the impeachment investigation. This is of course an outright lie.
Do you ever do anything but Lie? Are you actually watching this or dreaming?

Any Republicans willing to be honest? Anyone capable of feeling shame for the lies?
There could not be a more stark difference between the Democratic House managers and the Republican House managers and White House lawyers. They were prepared and eloquent, stated the facts of the case perfectly. Excellent all around.
At this point, any Republican Senator willing to go along with Trump is only shining a spotlight to the moral decay on the right. I don't agree with Amash on much politically, but have to respect that he was the one Republican willing to stand up.
Eric Ciaramella. Say it out loud, Bob. Eric Ciaramella.
Maybe he is in here?

Maybe he is in here?

Cracks me up how the Marxists won't even dare mention his name on a message board. The Dem operative who started this entire thing is beyond reproach and must not be known to the public.

Don't you dare say his name! Get in line or else.
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There could not be a more stark difference between the Democratic House managers and the Republican House managers and White House lawyers. They were prepared and eloquent, stated the facts of the case perfectly. Excellent all around.
At this point, any Republican Senator willing to go along with Trump is only shining a spotlight to the moral decay on the right. I don't agree with Amash on much politically, but have to respect that he was the one Republican willing to stand up.

I noticed you ran away in the other thread we were going back and forth.
See who is telling the truth and who is lying. If you take the time to do that it’ll be incredibly clear.
Right wing media and politicians are saying that Republicans weren’t allowed in the impeachment meetings, allowed to call witnesses, or ask questions. The “MSM” reports that Republicans were allowed to do all of those things. We actually know that Republicans were in the meetings, several of the witnesses they called did testify, and we have video evidence and transcripts of them asking questions.
Now in this very specific example, who is lying? This should be very easy to answer, it’s black and white.
I noticed you ran away in the other thread we were going back and forth.
See who is telling the truth and who is lying. If you take the time to do that it’ll be incredibly clear.
Right wing media and politicians are saying that Republicans weren’t allowed in the impeachment meetings, allowed to call witnesses, or ask questions. The “MSM” reports that Republicans were allowed to do all of those things. We actually know that Republicans were in the meetings, several of the witnesses they called did testify, and we have video evidence and transcripts of them asking questions.
Now in this very specific example, who is lying? This should be very easy to answer, it’s black and white.
You run away from any conversation that doesnt go your way so what is your point?
That's because there are no Marxists on this message board.
Why won’t Bob the Builder and Indy say the name Eric Ciaramella? Why are they so afraid?

Trump tweets too much and acts like an idiot at times. See, it’s not that hard to be critical of your side.

They think they’re worshiping their leaders of the state by not even acknowledging his name. How pathetically silly. Karl would be proud.
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Why won’t Bob the Builder and Indy say the name Eric Ciaramella? Why are they so afraid?

Trump tweets too much and acts like an idiot at times. See, it’s not that hard to be critical of your side.

They think they’re worshiping their leaders of the state by not even acknowledging his name. How pathetically silly. Karl would be proud.

Trying to force people to say the unverified name of a now unimportant (and extremely corroborated) person is the dumbest sword I've seen anyone die on in the board.

Nobody is going to take you seriously. Great introduction.
Trying to force people to say the unverified name of a now unimportant (and extremely corroborated) person is the dumbest sword I've seen anyone die on in the board.

Nobody is going to take you seriously. Great introduction.
Now unimportant? Eric Ciaramella is the one who started this entire mess. He blew the whistle. How is he unimportant?

He’s now unimportant to you because he corroborated with Showtime. Keep defending your fellow comrades.

Why would I care if a bunch of brainwashed loser liberals who breathlessly defend the state take me seriously? You’re on the wrong side. Along with Eric Ciaramella. Keep spinning those wheels while making no impact.
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Now unimportant? Eric Ciaramella is the one who started this entire mess. He blew the whistle. How is he unimportant?

He’s now unimportant to you because he corroborated with Showtime. Keep defending your fellow comrades.

Why would I care if a bunch of brainwashed loser liberals who breathlessly defend the state take me seriously? You’re on the wrong side. Along with Eric Ciaramella.
Actually Trump started this whole thing when he decide his re-election was more important than the national security and laws of our country. You can lay the blame squarely at his feet. You are on the wrong side, history will judge the Republicans harshly.
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Actually Trump started this whole thing when he decide his re-election was more important than the national security and laws of our country. You can lay the blame squarely at his feet. You are on the wrong side, history will judge the Republicans harshly.
Can you say the name Eric Ciaramella? Just type it out. Your masters won’t punish you.
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Cool. More dumb trolling. Keep at it.
You troll yourself every day banging away and wasting time discussing your heroes failing you.

I can’t believe you’re so scared to recognize Eric Ciaramella. Tehran Nancy and Showtime aren’t monitoring this board. Let er rip.
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Now unimportant? Eric Ciaramella is the one who started this entire mess. He blew the whistle. How is he unimportant?

He’s now unimportant to you because he corroborated with Showtime. Keep defending your fellow comrades.

Why would I care if a bunch of brainwashed loser liberals who breathlessly defend the state take me seriously? You’re on the wrong side. Along with Eric Ciaramella. Keep spinning those wheels while making no impact.

Read my post again and learn to use basic reason. Off to ignore you go, troll.
Yea , what's with the name he keeps repeating?

They *think* it's the whistleblower... though there's no evidence to suggest it.

Instead, they'd prefer to run the risk of doxxing an innocent US citizen while flouting the intent of whistleblower laws (in spite of the whistleblower complaint being abundantly and publicly corroborated), simply so they can potentially own a lib.

These are very unpatriotic people.
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They *think* it's the whistleblower... though there's no evidence to suggest it.

Instead, they'd prefer to run the risk of doxxing an innocent US citizen while flouting the intent of whistleblower laws (in spite of the whistleblower complaint being abundantly and publicly corroborated), simply so they can potentially own a lib.

These are very unpatriotic people.
Wow. You truly are brainwashed.

And take a look at your media heroes if you want to see true doxxing.
Actually Trump started this whole thing when he decide his re-election was more important than the national security and laws of our country. You can lay the blame squarely at his feet. You are on the wrong side, history will judge the Republicans harshly.
Come on Jar, say the name. You won’t get into trouble, I promise.
Silencing those who think differently than you. Standard.
Perhaps the idea of putting someone on ignore, on this board, has escaped your understanding.
**** No one is being "silenced" . Another poster has decided not to be able to SEE what are YOUR posts, only. So YOU are not, of course, being denied the opportunity to post anything you desire.
Hence,..….no silencing.
Actually Trump started this whole thing when he decide his re-election was more important than the national security and laws of our country. You can lay the blame squarely at his feet. You are on the wrong side, history will judge the Republicans harshly.

This is a squirrel alt. Same juvenile, insulting, and uneducated tone.

Just wait to see if they ever post simultaneously. I bet they don't.
Perhaps the idea of putting someone on ignore, on this board, has escaped your understanding.
**** No one is being "silenced" . Another poster has decided not to be able to SEE what are YOUR posts, only. So YOU are not, of course, being denied the opportunity to post anything you desire.
Hence,..….no silencing.

Lol he replied anyway? What a doofus. Sound and fury or something, eh?
Perhaps the idea of putting someone on ignore, on this board, has escaped your understanding.
**** No one is being "silenced" . Another poster has decided not to be able to SEE what are YOUR posts, only. So YOU are not, of course, being denied the opportunity to post anything you desire.
Hence,..….no silencing.
I’m denied the opportunity to communicate with him so yes, that is silencing. I don’t need an explanation. But thank you.
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