Does anyone know if the refs ever review game films?

Curious if it's a part of their job. But then too, if you got it "wrong" on the floor in the moment, maybe you can't see it differently in review. ??
The reality is that one team is adversely affected every single game more than the other team.. It would be a myth in life to think that outcomes should be 50-50 and a mathematical impossibility to think that doesn't happen. Now that does NOT mean the effect of the refs are a major reason why a team wins and the other team loses, but to believe that refs do not have an effect on the game is simply not true, but as I said the effect may not be large enough to swing a game. In every game there are many variables in play from the physical and mental state of all the players playing, the mental state of the coaches (physical if tired or sick), the shooting backgrounds, basketball, gyms, crowd proximity and referees.

Years ago Knight was asked about going to three refs from two and he thought it would be worse. Years ago there were two different sources of variation (2 refs) today we have 50% more sources of variation with three refs and with the shot clock you now have more things going on in a matter of seconds where that 50% more variation has a greater affect on the calls made or not made. Every game the refs are in play. You just hope their effect is little as do they...

IU's Next BB Coach is

I missed him by a few months unfortunately but have watched plenty of replays. Was practically unstoppable inside 16 feet.
I wanted to catch him before the game at Mackey. I had a story to tell him that concerned him in which he would be led to his high school coach when he was a soph (just after Christmas) and the summer before his senior year. I had a question about his high school coach shooting the basketball as he used to stand on stairs O/Bs and make shots. I spent a lot of nights up years ago after his (Gerald) games with a brother-in-law and Gerald talking about his team. ;)

Does CMP......

Or they pull a Newman or Morton and never really progress to the level you'd hoped. You could be right, I don't know the answer, but it's clear, IMO, that at least some of this may be circumstantial and not to write guys off. Certainly problematic that Cam and Myles are having such trouble shooting.
or they pull a Justin Jennings or Ryan Bernning and don't shine till later in their careers

Does CMP......

So as a devils advocate, I will say that lack of production of guys like Heide and Colvin could be considered a function resulting from Paints offense. There are a ton of plays in the playbook and the vast majority of them are run specifically for 2 or 3 players. Painter repeatedly has said that. He tells recruits that if you are one of my top 2-3 players we’re gonna run stuff for you…
I believe this makes the offense more rigid and predictable. If you are top 3 then things are developed to accentuate your strengths In the plays being run. So in essence things are focusing on your strengths of your game. You aren’t being forced into a role not utilizing your greatest talents.
I’d also say in the two other roles the players aren’t necessarily being used in a manner consistent with optimal utilization of their specific talents. You’re possibly putting a player in a role where some of best skills don’t necessarily fit the role he’s being told to play. He’s still good but are his strengths being utilized to the fullest?
So instead should you design your offense to try to optimize the strengths of all 5 guys and not just focus on 3 with a couple guys forced into roles that don’t involve them as readily and utilize their strengths.
Case in point would be Colvin and Heide being asked to come off the bench and often be utilized as 4-5 option outlet snipers. That can be hard to develop a shooters rhythm on just a few attempts. They are Rarely being looked to for scoring and no plays to get them involved taking advantage of other possible strengths of their individual games besides being pure shooters. No motion offense to create more possible opportunities.
I think both likely possess the ability to drive the ball more than is shown but its limited by the offensive scheme of which I believe Painter is a likely a stickler about following with limited freelancing taking place.
Maybe, but Paint has been very successful, so obviously hard to say they would be more successful……could go other way too

The Wisky loss wasn’t due to the O(more from BS would have helped), but D wasn’t there in 2nd half
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Portal Fix?

Not a lawyer. But my gut tells me very little of this would stand up to legal scrutiny in the era of NIL.

That being said, I would love if we get a 3-and-D athletic wing and a defensive stopper at the 4 or 5 before any of these rules go into place.
Making them employees with a CBA, binding contracts, etc is the only way to achieve any of this, most likely.

Does CMP......

Actually excellent point in TKR, soooo will Colvin and Cam really shine next year……Jr is the time !
Or they pull a Newman or Morton and never really progress to the level you'd hoped. You could be right, I don't know the answer, but it's clear, IMO, that at least some of this may be circumstantial and not to write guys off. Certainly problematic that Cam and Myles are having such trouble shooting.

Does anyone know if the refs ever review game films?

Braden looked exhausted. Not sure if not much rest during games has finally caught up or he had whatever has been going around but he didn’t seem himself, even if he had 12 assists to 1 TO (amazing). Something just seemed…off with him.
after his 2nd HORRIBLE pass followed by him leaving their best 3 shooter standing wide open then that corner shooter running right by him for an uncontested layup. And seemingly unable to shake his defenders, no matter WHO, I said: "I wonder if the Flu that's EVERYWHERE now has caught up with him. ?????????????? Had the same happen last year too.
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Does CMP......


I think Alabama has 7 guys with 20+ point games this year. Purdue has, 5 maybe, but only 3 are consistent threats

Team severely needs more starter talent.

Might, maybe get one in Jacobsen? But need more than that.....and no one knows if he can last a season.
kids now are playing year round at a high level if they belong there. This forced break for his rapidly growing body was likely very much needed. With 6 months rest and getting stronger lifting and the training table he can be a much different player next year.

"And will, to the best of my ability"

Of course not. Wtf are talking about? Who's saying they are? The examples you're giving are ridiculous. You're creating a straw man.

Does executive power allow the president to ignore the constitution? Does it allow the president to dismantle or defund agencies authorized by congress?

Tell me what rulings the federal judges have made so far regarding trumps actions that exceed their authority.

The WH has already started criticizing the judiciary........along with the co-president. Just the beginning. Before long rubes like you will be fine with trump ignoring court decisions. They're already reeling you in.
Some of the agencies Trump is proposing to be closed were initiated by executive order.
USAID, Department of education to name just 2.
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Does CMP......

They are/were the focal point of the offense. You didn’t name one “role” player. Those guys get all the attention in the offense and shoot the most (rightfully so). And look like they’re developing the most. It’s not easy to go from best player on your HS team/whole life to a role player that quickly and then also be expected to hit your only 3pt shot of the game or if you haven’t shot it in a game for 3 games, to all of a sudden hit a shot. For example, myles has developed his defensive game pretty well.

But what is a “prominent role” as a role player in your eyes?
So as a devils advocate, I will say that lack of production of guys like Heide and Colvin could be considered a function resulting from Paints offense. There are a ton of plays in the playbook and the vast majority of them are run specifically for 2 or 3 players. Painter repeatedly has said that. He tells recruits that if you are one of my top 2-3 players we’re gonna run stuff for you…
I believe this makes the offense more rigid and predictable. If you are top 3 then things are developed to accentuate your strengths In the plays being run. So in essence things are focusing on your strengths of your game. You aren’t being forced into a role not utilizing your greatest talents.
I’d also say in the two other roles the players aren’t necessarily being used in a manner consistent with optimal utilization of their specific talents. You’re possibly putting a player in a role where some of best skills don’t necessarily fit the role he’s being told to play. He’s still good but are his strengths being utilized to the fullest?
So instead should you design your offense to try to optimize the strengths of all 5 guys and not just focus on 3 with a couple guys forced into roles that don’t involve them as readily and utilize their strengths.
Case in point would be Colvin and Heide being asked to come off the bench and often be utilized as 4-5 option outlet snipers. That can be hard to develop a shooters rhythm on just a few attempts. They are Rarely being looked to for scoring and no plays to get them involved taking advantage of other possible strengths of their individual games besides being pure shooters. No motion offense to create more possible opportunities.
I think both likely possess the ability to drive the ball more than is shown but its limited by the offensive scheme of which I believe Painter is a likely a stickler about following with limited freelancing taking place.
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