They are/were the focal point of the offense. You didn’t name one “role” player. Those guys get all the attention in the offense and shoot the most (rightfully so). And look like they’re developing the most. It’s not easy to go from best player on your HS team/whole life to a role player that quickly and then also be expected to hit your only 3pt shot of the game or if you haven’t shot it in a game for 3 games, to all of a sudden hit a shot. For example, myles has developed his defensive game pretty well.
But what is a “prominent role” as a role player in your eyes?
So as a devils advocate, I will say that lack of production of guys like Heide and Colvin could be considered a function resulting from Paints offense. There are a ton of plays in the playbook and the vast majority of them are run specifically for 2 or 3 players. Painter repeatedly has said that. He tells recruits that if you are one of my top 2-3 players we’re gonna run stuff for you…
I believe this makes the offense more rigid and predictable. If you are top 3 then things are developed to accentuate your strengths In the plays being run. So in essence things are focusing on your strengths of your game. You aren’t being forced into a role not utilizing your greatest talents.
I’d also say in the two other roles the players aren’t necessarily being used in a manner consistent with optimal utilization of their specific talents. You’re possibly putting a player in a role where some of best skills don’t necessarily fit the role he’s being told to play. He’s still good but are his strengths being utilized to the fullest?
So instead should you design your offense to try to optimize the strengths of all 5 guys and not just focus on 3 with a couple guys forced into roles that don’t involve them as readily and utilize their strengths.
Case in point would be Colvin and Heide being asked to come off the bench and often be utilized as 4-5 option outlet snipers. That can be hard to develop a shooters rhythm on just a few attempts. They are Rarely being looked to for scoring and no plays to get them involved taking advantage of other possible strengths of their individual games besides being pure shooters. No motion offense to create more possible opportunities.
I think both likely possess the ability to drive the ball more than is shown but its limited by the offensive scheme of which I believe Painter is a likely a stickler about following with limited freelancing taking place.