Jesus is Mocked By Harris & Supporters @ Rally

If the repubs truly want 25% or higher black voter turnout in future elections. they will have to be more inclusive with DEI and not to be or appear to be so racist. Get rid of that MAGA BS.

Quite the opposite.

NOT DEI, but if Rs want votes they have to do the same thing that attracts ALL people. Great policy that works for the middle class. Only a racist would think black or brown skin color requires something extra.

That's why more Latinos and Blacks have polled for Rs this cycle.

Now you claim the polls are wrong & great policy will barely effect black voting % this cycle......and Blacks or Latinos won't vote for T in more than the past.....perhaps under 1% more at most according to you.

According to Pew, 2020 for Trump....
Blacks 8%
Latinos 38%

Regardless of who wins, one of us will get an education in 15 days.
I can learn if wrong. You?

Jesus is Mocked By Harris & Supporters @ Rally

You are another one in this forum that is fighting so hard for Chump. Why are you so obsessed with blacks voting for Chump? I thought color didn't matter to y'all. The reality is that, sure Chump may get a few additional black person here, black person there but polling blacks have always been historically problematic for decades for some reason. Polls the last couple of election cycles had 15% to 25% black Chump support. Then the actual numbers were 8% and 12% in 2016 and 2020 respectively. Either way whether it's just a few more black Chump voters or a lot more, it's most likely due to dis-information on social media particularly from the young whippersnappers. Moreover, lower black turnout in this election will be more of a benefit to Chump and the down ballot repubs than a few more addition percentage points. However, I predict a very high black voter turnout this election which always benefit the democrats.

I've said this before. If the repubs truly want 25% or higher black voter turnout in future elections. they will have to be more inclusive with DEI and not to be or appear to be so racist. Get rid of that MAGA BS.
Color clearly matters to your hero Barack 'Black Messiah" Obama since he lectured only black men they should vote as they are told, but not white men.

You reap what you sow

No, the entirety of mankind thinks words matter. Your position is based on the fact trumps words embarrass you so much that you have to take a ludicrous position so you can ignore them.
To cite you from just above, "You've got to the point you're now telling people what you know they really think so you can beat your point even farther into the ground."

Given that those are your words, they don't matter at all to me except to once more point out your near-total lack of self-awareness.

Sebastian Williams Adams recruiting update

This doesn’t necessarily speak to SWA, but it seems to me that the perception that the roster will be loaded next season is working against filling the 25 class.
Yeah if he wants to have a good amount of playing time he will have to beat out 2nd year burgess, DJ, 4th year Berg and 5th year TKR…tough to do in a complex system. So don’t blame him haha.

You reap what you sow

There’s no mandate for them to be in men’s bathrooms at schools. I would tell you to look it up but since you want to stay mad and dumb, I did it for you.

You didn't because I don't have access to regime media like NYT. Are you capable of summarizing it in a few sentences - such as "the bill Timpon signed funds the installation of tampon dispensers in boys' restrooms for those schools who are so absurdly woke they think boys can have menstrual cycles"?

Give it try if you think you have what it takes to summarize an article.


He has averaged about 13 and 10 the last 2 years on one of the fastest paced teams in the country in a conference that had few, if any, comparable bigs.

I expect maybe a 10 and 8 from him for the year. A solid big, but has known and glaring weaknesses. Basically a homeless version Kofi Cockburn. He is excellent in post defense (gave Edey some issues with his size/strength) but isn't a great shot blocker nor very mobile. They will miss what Ware brought, he had a ton of physical tools Ballo just doesn't have that complemented Reneau and was an elite rim protector. Ballo just clogs stuff up for Reneau who isn't the same player as Keshad Johnson or KJ Lewis at Arizona who were more wings than bigs like Reneau is. Guessing that also leaves less space for Ballo rolling to the bucket. It worked well with Ware but he could get to any lob and Ballo won't be as effective there.

Very long winded response but I have discussed this a few times with people lol
Very good response. Thank you for the insight.

Lincoln Riley

They were always behind the 8-ball because of time zones. A noon start on the West Coast is a 3PM one in the Eastern Time Zone.
Yep, I agree about the time zones. Yet another factor, there is simply less interest in college football west of the Pecos. I lived in CA for two years and you just don't see the bumper stickers, hats and T-shirts for college teams like you do in the Midwest or the South. Another dead zone for college football is New England.

Gicarri Harris

Colvin has looked pretty good in his ability to get to his pull up but you're right across all of those guys, there's a lot yet to be seen.

I was thinking, if we could get a vintage Scotty Pippen replica for that wing role it would probably help us win a NC. Someone should call into the Painter radio show and give him a heads up.
pippen surely has a covid year left?!

Gicarri Harris

Haven't seen much of it from Colvin. If anything Heide has shown more of an ability to do that than Colvin.
GH and CJ haven't played a game yet.
Colvin has looked pretty good in his ability to get to his pull up but you're right across all of those guys, there's a lot yet to be seen.

I was thinking, if we could get a vintage Scotty Pippen replica for that wing role it would probably help us win a NC. Someone should call into the Painter radio show and give him a heads up. you have it? Or are you just a manipulated drone?

Well, that is obviously because Harris is just an exceptional magnificent candidate. Lol

Good to see you Dems getting all worked up & what reads as hostile, on what is supposed to be supposed to be an objective, mature look at politicians.

Puhlease leave your sarcasm aside.

YOU asked about an objective, "mature" look, and I linked an 80+ page policy paper for Harris, followed by the link to Trump's policy paper, WHICH IS NON_EXISTENT.

So all Trump has is his non-policy wish list with no plan, and his demonizing and name calling.

Purdue WBB Fan Day

That's your opinion and you are welcome to it. The fact is that many people no longer use X.

(And no, Russ, I am not taking the bait.) Smile.
I don't want to argue with you either Doc. You've always been one of my favorite posters on here. I was just surprised to read your comment. But as you said that's your opinion and you are welcome to it. I actually like all the posters on here except for one. And no it's not Michael. I tease him at times, but I have no doubt he is a huge fan. And he doesn't cross the line of getting into the players personal lives.
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You reap what you sow

You might want to seek help for your weird obsession. Literally no one is talking about this but you. And you’re obsessing about it. It’s so weird.
Google "trans voting issue" and see if it's not a campaign hot button.

I've explained why it's important to me and to millions of other parents in the country who want to protect their children, especially their daughters, sisters, mothers and wives. you have it? Or are you just a manipulated drone?

Well, that is obviously because Harris is just an exceptional magnificent candidate. Lol
While he speaks about deporting legal immigrants, calling in the National Guard and military against American elected officials, and continues to double down on demonizing immigrants, but only if they are immigrants that are of color.

Donald Trump is an offense to any and all civilized humanity and the entirety of the values that America stands for. His handlers try to explain him away, but as soon as Donald Trump opens his mouth there is no need for interpretation; he is an absolute piece of sh!t.

Good to see you Dems getting all worked up & what reads as hostile, on what is supposed to be supposed to be an objective, mature look at politicians.
