CJ COX...not CMP's first choice. Nice read.

I understand the history......But Title a little misleading as it almost sounds like settling for his 2nd choice, which was the opposite of reality. Within day or two of seeing Cox he was offered. That sounds pretty decisive choice to me......the opposite of "not CMPs first choice" Cant offer who you haven't seen. Semantics, I guess, but don't like the title.

As someone who lives in SEC country

I’m beyond nauseated by the special consideration the domaz get for EVERYTHING related to football, and their wunderkind head coach who wasn’t worth a tinker’s damn at Purdue…

Go B1G — our conference deserves and needs to grab the limelight from the insufferable SEC and ridiculously pampered ND.

No special love for OSU, but this is an obvious and easy choice!
This 100% and that would be 2 NCs in a row for the B1G

As someone who lives in SEC country

Don't like either but no way am I ever cheering for ND. So much special treatment and entitlement along with so many obnoxious fans most of which couldn't find South Bend on a map. I had the "joy" of sitting next to a Domer once on a plane. Asked him what year he graduated (of course he never attended). Asked him where South Bend was in IN and i swear he answered as if I was stupid "in southern Indiana of course". hate them, hate them, hate them. Go Bucks in a big way!

Colvin and Heide yikes

Benter will be impactful next year I think. You can't discount kids that aren't successful as sophs right away. Plenty of very fine players that didn't put it together till they were upperclassmen. I'm sure Paint will weigh all the options. But I also won't be worried if they stand pat.
If everyone is back. Not sure where the mins come from. Not saying he’s not good. But who does he take mins from?

CJ COX...not CMP's first choice. Nice read.

Freshman guard CJ Cox, who has cracked a prominent spot in Purdue’s rotation after only months with the program, wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for a strike of luck.

It happened, as it often does, in Las Vegas.

Purdue head coach Matt Painter was there to see recruits from the Indiana All-Stars AAU team compete in a premier tournament in the Nevada desert. And as he watched his targets’ defensive sets in a game against a Massachusetts team, he got distracted.

His guys kept giving up baskets, and all to the same guy – No. 2 on this team from the Boston suburbs. It was Cox.

“He had 26 in the game,” Painter said almost a year-and-a-half later.

One good game wasn’t enough for Painter to recruit Cox, though. The guard was totally off the Power Five radar, ignored by major recruiting rankings. Only when things got more out of the ordinary did the Purdue coach get to thinking.

“Everybody on the team hugged him,” Painter said. “What the hell are we hugging somebody for after an AAU game on July 27?”

Turns out, the game Painter had seen was Cox’s last with his AAU team, a club he’d played with since third grade. And everybody loved him, his AAU coach told Painter later – hence the hugs.

Impressed by all of that, Painter decided to pursue the young East Coast guard. And as he quickly discovered, Cox was the real deal (“Just off the charts substance and off the charts toughness”). And while it was up to chance that Painter watched him, it was no fluke that the Purdue coach noticed him.

Cox averaged nearly 19 points and shot 43% from 3 in the Las Vegas tournament against competition bound for name-brand schools; he’s the kind of player who seems tailor-made for stepping up when needed.

“You don't know who's in the stands, so you got to play hard no matter what,” Cox said his dad and coaches told him through his prep career. “Maybe you'll get that opportunity.”

Already, in Cox’s first game of record for Purdue, he showed the kind of chutzpah Painter saw in Vegas: with Purdue tied at home in an uneven first half against a Southland conference opponent, Cox hit a contested 3 to put his team ahead. He nabbed a steal shortly after to aid a Boilermaker surge.

Before that day in Vegas, Purdue was out of Cox’s league, which was then the Ivy League – he had offers from Yale, Dartmouth and several others. The way things unfolded after that was like a dream, he said. How else could he describe one of the best coaches in the country plucking him from the pile? He committed as soon as Painter offered him.

In his first game in Mackey Arena, an exhibition held last week, he was confronted with one of the payoffs of reaching this level of his sport.

He stood in the tunnel, beckoned by the thundering chants of, “Whose house? Our house,” from the thousands assembled above the court. When he sprinted onto the hardwood, he saw them for the first time: The crowd he described as “crazy,” the huge band.

“A rush of adrenaline,” he said of the moment.

“At first I was a little bit nervous. You know, first time playing in Mackey, but then once I started to get into the flow of things, it kind of went away.”

It's clear already, CJ Cox belonged in a Purdue jersey.

CJ Cox X factor this year and next

Caleb's points are topping. Caleb's ability to defend by moving his feet helps a lot on screens, ball screens in particular. His ability to run the court adds pressure as Braden pushes the ball and his ability to rebound or at least keep the ball alive is also helpful. He knows his future is not in basketball and so he has NO personal goal outside of the team and doing all he can to advance the team. He has been a starter and he has sat the bench, but this is his last chapter in his book of his life in basketball and he hopes it is the best.

None of this is to dismiss CJ or Giccari as I have typed about them quite a few times.
Furst and the 3 scoring guys have been consistent and we know what to expect from them. It's a good mix of skill sets. Cox defense is really good and he certainly can score.

Purdue football Kyndrich Breedlove leaves team, transferring to Arizona State

Purdue cornerback Kyndrich Breedlove has transferred to Arizona State after previously withdrawing from the transfer portal.

This was in motion for a few weeks, but an on the record/off the record situation kept me from reporting.

Makes the additions of Chad Brown, Ryan Turner and Tony Grimes that much more important.

Any idea who Coach Painter is talking about?

Ok so everyone thinks Painter is a great judge of character and talent right? But somehow we keep citing examples where one or both didn't happen somewhere else?

Do those qualities disappear because the kid is in the portal?
What? I was just responding to bone saying teams are buying championships and I have no problem with it. And was stating that paying these guys that amount money isn’t worth it for the most part cuz they aren’t performing. I guess $1M for Ballo isn’t too bad tbh. He is giving them a double double but he certainly isn’t going to win game solely because of his skill. Would have been great to have him on our team but he seems out of shape and lazy and paint and coach B would have had none of that.

And i feel I’m the lone one agreeing we need to add 1-3 pieces in the portal 😂

Michigan at Purdue

Can’t do that but I understand your point. A lot of that is the Coach bringing in girls in their last season that don’t really care anymore. If she’s bringing in transfers next season let’s bring in former 4 star players that might need a change, not mid level players that averaged 8 a game at a MAC level school. I’m not talking about former 5 star players, I realize those would be tough to get, might be able to get 4 stars that are buried on good teams benches.

I agree with you in principal, but those 4 stars still have lots of options, and returning a call from a bad program with a (at best inexperienced and at worst awful) coach they never heard of is not going to be high on their list of options when they get calls from schools that are winning programs. CKG is getting the absolute best transfers she can get, which is mostly mediocre to poor players that are not team oriented. And then she plays them to the detriment of the underclassmen who transfer out, lather rinse repeat. CKG is stuck in a downward spiral of her own making and the only real change I see coming is a new coach with a real offense and someone willing to give this team an attitude adjustment.

You cannot sit the whole team, but you can make practices absolute hell. Bring out 1 ball, show it to them and put it in a bag and toss it behind the bench. Then spend the rest of the practice running them and doing burpees or crunches while you sit on the microphone listing out their stats as a team from each game and how pathetic it has been. Tell them until they start playing with heart, intensity and focus, practices will continue just like this.

Michigan at Purdue

The women need a tough lesson on what it means to play hard and compete. I would bench most of these players and take a forfeit. It’s that bad.
They definitely don't understand what it means to play hard and compete.

The most disappointing thing about this game to me was that nobody other than maybe Kendall Puryear seemed pissed off. You are losing by 30 points on your home court to a good but not great Michigan team and nobody seems pissed. Just more of an acceptance of the situation. Very disappointing.

I agree with playing the Freshmen and Sophomores the bulk of the minutes with a little Lombard and Bass sprinkled in. Really have nothing to lose at this point. Might as well speed up their development.

Michigan at Purdue

The women need a tough lesson on what it means to play hard and compete. I would bench most of these players and take a forfeit. It’s that bad.
Can’t do that but I understand your point. A lot of that is the Coach bringing in girls in their last season that don’t really care anymore. If she’s bringing in transfers next season let’s bring in former 4 star players that might need a change, not mid level players that averaged 8 a game at a MAC level school. I’m not talking about former 5 star players, I realize those would be tough to get, might be able to get 4 stars that are buried on good teams benches.

Michigan at Purdue

Disclaimer, I did not see the game or follow it as I had other plans all weekend.

New starting lineup this game. After not playing at all for a game or two Poole started instead of Amiyah, with similar results: only a couple of points, more turnovers than assists and pulled early to sit at the end of the bench until the second half. Also Puryear started at center instead of McCarthy, which confuses me as it seems Puryear is the more foul prone of the two, but they are pretty equivalent in performance overall.

From looking at the box score:
Collier still a waste of minutes, 21 minutes, 2 points on 6 shots and no free throws once again.0 rebounds two assists and two steals.
Swanson fouled out in only 11 minutes of playing time.
Layden had a poor shooting night, going 2-7. Still once again better than Collier.
Jones played 30 minutes off the bench and is still the only credible point guard we have, getting 3 assists for a team high but also 3 TOs. She was also the leading scorer with 11 points on 2-3 shooting and 7-8 fts.
Too few rebounds, too many fouls and way too many turnovers... all hallmarks of a Gearlds/Versyp coached team against any NCAA level tournament team.

Next up a trip to the pacific northwest for two games against OU and UWash on Plum's jersey retirement night. Guessing two more blowouts.

Creme has 13 teams from the BigTen in the NCAA tournament, so I guess that means we have 4 games we might have a chance in against the other winless in conference teams and UWisc at home.
At this point Lombard and Bass are the only Sr’s that should be playing more than 10 minutes a game, might as well be bad with Frosh and Soph’s instead of Sr’s. This rinse and repeat strategy where Coach picks up 4-5 portal players from small schools needs to end, get girls from big time school that may have gotten lost on good team benches that have a high pedigree instead of bringing in lower level players that averaged 8 a game. As much a Reynolds has disappointed it’s wise to play her 20 minutes a night, same with Poole, Puryear, McCarthy, maybe Swanson and Leyden as well. Teams lousy, at least be lousy playing youngsters.
