Two incidents of domestic terrorism in two weeks...

This isn't a journalist? SPLC is the best authority we have for civil rights and monitoring of hate groups.

You just desperately want BLM to be a hate group.

Ehhh....very few public intellectuals view the SPLC as a legitimate source of information. They have been pretty much calling all conservative groups a hate group for a while. The straw that broke the camel's back was the classification of Maajid Nawaz and Ayaan Hirsi Ali as leaders of hate groups. They have no standing anymore.

Referencing the SPLC is a losing position.
Like Trump said both sides were wrong. I know you don't see it that way, but that's what happened. And I didn't like it one bit.

I'm sure you may believe Trump is a racist. So riddle me this on Obama, when BLM was yelling "pigs in a blanket fry em like bacon". What did Mr. "non racist" Obama do about that issue?

Yeah, I didn't reference anything about 'both sides'. I don't think there's a problem saying there's no place for violence to ever break out - but the reason it became out of hand with a small group was because fears and anger was stoked so much based on the complete hate speech being spewed by these people.

I'm horrified that he defended the protests saying there were many "very fine" people there protesting, but we just focused on the bad ones. He's emboldened white supremacists, KKK and neo-nazis. If you can't understand that, I don't know what else to say. Even the heads of the branches of military basically are rebuking the President- and we all know how much he loves the generals.
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Who said that the white guys are not the blame?

Anyone taking sides on this is just stupid, period. Fortunately free speech goes for everyone in this country and that means everyone. Hatred and violence are wrong regardless of anyone's politics. I am sure the vast majority of Americans deplore the hate on both sides. Anyone who defends either side needs to get their head out of the sand. After reviewing the articles on the major networks I give Kudos to the Star for showing the whole story.
From your post with the Star pictures, you are saying the white guys are not to blame. Nothing in that post but blamong the anti protesters. "White nationalist knocked unconscious by counterprotester." Really? Like we know what happened before that picture was taken?
The reality is the white nats and Antifa probably each started fights....and both were probably attacked by the other. There is no high ground here when it comes to the violence.
The white nats had a right to protest. But please don't shovel the BS that they weren't looking for a fight when they show up with weapons, shields, and helmets. The same can be said about Antifa.
From your post with the Star pictures, you are saying the white guys are not to blame. Nothing in that post but blamong the anti protesters. "White nationalist knocked unconscious by counterprotester." Really? Like we know what happened before that picture was taken?
The reality is the white nats and Antifa probably each started fights....and both were probably attacked by the other. There is no high ground here when it comes to the violence.
The white nats had a right to protest. But please don't shovel the BS that they weren't looking for a fight when they show up with weapons, shields, and helmets. The same can be said about Antifa.

I didn't say the white guys were not to blame.
From your post with the Star pictures, you are saying the white guys are not to blame. Nothing in that post but blamong the anti protesters. "White nationalist knocked unconscious by counterprotester." Really? Like we know what happened before that picture was taken?
The reality is the white nats and Antifa probably each started fights....and both were probably attacked by the other. There is no high ground here when it comes to the violence.
The white nats had a right to protest. But please don't shovel the BS that they weren't looking for a fight when they show up with weapons, shields, and helmets. The same can be said about Antifa.

I praised the Star report because they showed the tradgedy from both perspectives. I never said white guys were not to blame. My point is that both sides need to be brought to justice.
Ehhh....very few public intellectuals view the SPLC as a legitimate source of information. They have been pretty much calling all conservative groups a hate group for a while. The straw that broke the camel's back was the classification of Maajid Nawaz and Ayaan Hirsi Ali as leaders of hate groups. They have no standing anymore.

Referencing the SPLC is a losing position.

Better let Apple know they're donating $1M to an org that "very few public intellectuals a legitimate source of information."
And what's your enlightened take on "I can't breathe"?
Look, I have never said cops are perfect. There have been instances of white persons being killed also. They just don't make MSM headlines.
The guy died because he was selling cigarettes illegally, what a shame. Again he was wrong, he had been warned a number of times, give up the damned illegal cigarettes and leave the scene as the cops asked. Get a job at a tobacco store selling cigarettes legally. He would probably have made more money and he'd probably still be alive.
What's hilarious is the crowd that always says this is the same "they can take my guns from my cold dead hands" crowd. Who do you think will take your guns? Will you just comply?
The last gun I bought the cashier gave me the receipt, he said you better hang on to that so the Feds will know how much to give you for the gun when they take it away.
I looked at the receipt for the shells and said, if they try to take my guns they'll get it at 75 cents a pop. For you non gun enthusiasts, that's the price for a 30-06 round.
Well, I don't know if this is what the left wanted but...what, a dozen monuments have come down since this weekend some by vigalantes while the Democratic mayors tell the police to stand down, graves are being dug up in Tennessee, public leaders in Chicago are calling for a scrubbing of Jefferson and Washington, leaders in Philly call for the removal of a statue of Mayor Rizzo who served in the 80's because he was "tough on crime", and Governor Cuomo announced he is scrubbing CUNY schools including removing Lee and Jackson from the American Museum....the next logical step is to change the name of New York itself since it named after a slave trader.

Meanwhile CNN and Wapo equate antifa with the US military invading Normandy in WWII.

Good work, guys.
The last gun I bought the cashier gave me the receipt, he said you better hang on to that so the Feds will know how much to give you for the gun when they take it away.
I looked at the receipt for the shells and said, if they try to take my guns they'll get it at 75 cents a pop. For you non gun enthusiasts, that's the price for a 30-06 round.

but if it was law, you would then listen to police/ government officials and surrender any illegal weaponry ?
Well, I don't know if this is what the left wanted but...what, a dozen monuments have come down since this weekend some by vigalantes while the Democratic mayors tell the police to stand down, graves are being dug up in Tennessee, public leaders in Chicago are calling for a scrubbing of Jefferson and Washington, leaders in Philly call for the removal of a statue of Mayor Rizzo who served in the 80's because he was "tough on crime", and Governor Cuomo announced he is scrubbing CUNY schools including removing Lee and Jackson from the American Museum....the next logical step is to change the name of New York itself since it named after a slave trader.

Meanwhile CNN and Wapo equate antifa with the US military invading Normandy in WWII.

Good work, guys.
Better get rid of black history month in the schools while their at it.
The video isn't discredited because of the source but you sure are. You just can't get over the fact one chant from one video proves nothing. Who gives a shit about how many likes i have?
you know you all have lost it. A young lady died. I don't go into the hood and protest MS13 and I disagree as much with them as I do the racists. There are better ways. I understand the moral outrage and you are right but you've got to have some damn sense. These people weren't worth her life. I ****ing guarantee you that.
but if it was law, you would then listen to police/ government officials and surrender any illegal weaponry ?
I currently have no illegal weapons and have a life time permit to carry concealed weapons.
Now if some lib gets elected and passes laws through the United Nations and some commy comes and tries to take my guns? I have enough .223, .22, .243, 30-06. 9mm, .380, .308, AK and shot gun rounds to hold off for quite a while. It would take a tank or air strike.
I currently have no illegal weapons and have a life time permit to carry concealed weapons.
Now if some lib gets elected and passes laws through the United Nations and some commy comes and tries to take my guns? I have enough .223, .22, .243, 30-06. 9mm, .380, .308, AK and shot gun rounds to hold off for quite a while. It would take a tank or air strike.

Just do what they say and you won't get hurt
If the left ever gets to the point where they can come take guns from law-abiding citizens it would quickly become a disaster for them in elections as soon as people are hit by the reality of the situation. Every time an unarmed innocent person is murdered by someone with an illegal gun, and it would happen all the time, the public outcry would build and voters would start to flood to the right on that issue.
If the left ever gets to the point where they can come take guns from law-abiding citizens it would quickly become a disaster for them in elections as soon as people are hit by the reality of the situation. Every time an unarmed innocent person is murdered by someone with an illegal gun, and it would happen all the time, the public outcry would build and voters would start to flood to the right on that issue.

You seem to have missed the point of the gun conversation, but preach on!
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FFS man, I know you're not dumb, so consider re-reading the previous page or so. Context is important

I usually don't read every post in these threads. Many of these I read the first few sentences and move on. Sorry if I missed some side debate going on. I don't want or need to get involved in that. I simply explained what would happen if the government ever got to the point of confiscating guns from law-abiding citizens.
you know you all have lost it. A young lady died. I don't go into the hood and protest MS13 and I disagree as much with them as I do the racists. There are better ways. I understand the moral outrage and you are right but you've got to have some damn sense. These people weren't worth her life. I ****ing guarantee you that.

You wouldn't go into their "hood", but what if they were in your neighborhood? Would you just sit there and respect their free speech and permit?
You wouldn't go into their "hood", but what if they were in your neighborhood? Would you just sit there and respect their free speech and permit?

Also, imagine being a person of color, especially one who lives in Charlottesville. How disheartening would it have been to have seen these assholes go unchallenged? The folks who think we should just ignore them are being really short-sighted about this.

People deserve to feel safe and have peace of mind. If you see nazis and racists marching unchallenged, it must make you really wonder if people will have your back when push comes to shove.

People like to think there isn't an under current and swelling of racism in this country but it's getting worse. The anecdotes I've heard from friends are almost endless at this point. I've even witnessed it myself. Some asshole on the subway told a group of friends of mine to "go back home" (they were all born and raised in Queens).

When people stand up, much like the guys in Portland and in Kansas, that means something. It shows something. Ignoring this will not make it go away.
Also, imagine being a person of color, especially one who lives in Charlottesville. How disheartening would it have been to have seen these assholes go unchallenged? The folks who think we should just ignore them are being really short-sighted about this.

People deserve to feel safe and have peace of mind. If you see nazis and racists marching unchallenged, it must make you really wonder if people will have your back when push comes to shove.

People like to think there isn't an under current and swelling of racism in this country but it's getting worse. The anecdotes I've heard from friends are almost endless at this point. I've even witnessed it myself. Some asshole on the subway told a group of friends of mine to "go back home" (they were all born and raised in Queens).

When people stand up, much like the guys in Portland and in Kansas, that means something. It shows something. Ignoring this will not make it go away.

Yes. I'm sure those counter protests made everyone feel safer. I know from the videos I'd have felt completely at ease.
Yeah, that's a different discussion, and I'm not sure where I stand on the issue, I tend to think there is more harm erasing and recreating history, but then it can be argued that's what the monuments are doing. I'm not southern so it's not my fight to make and these towns are choosing to do this, not being forced.

What bothers me far more here is there is no monument on Sullivan's Island to mark the spot where I have seen estimates that nearly 50% of AA could be able to trace an ancestors entering into America. A horrific Ellis Island no doubt, but still...

I heard an argument this evening on a podcast that I had never thought of before...asking black people to pay taxes for the upkeep of a statue of Jefferson Davis on public property. Not a statue like Cory Booker is trying to have removed from Capitol Hill Statuary Hall...but the JD statue put up on the corner of 5th and Main in 1929 for seemingly no reason. There are some good arguments on both sides of this one.

What does have to stop is the vigilante destruction. I mean...they tried to burn a statue of Abe Lincoln. I feel that the left is over virtual signaling here and it is resulting in lawlessness.

I have no ties to the south as well.

Just don't come after my soldiers' and sailors' monument. :)

This was the view for my wedding reception and subsequent...ahem....night.

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