Right Wing Calling for Assassinations

An isolated case of minor vandalism is your evidence that NYC is BURNING? lol ok dude.

And, Mr Gaslighter, I never said there has been no "rioting/looting." I said I haven't seen it and neither has anyone else I know here. Clearly making the point that if this were a true scourge, we would all be cowering in fear with our own battle stories.
100k in property damage is minor to you? I guess that would make sense considering the BILLIONS in property damage that took place in June.

You are a liar if you live in midtown and say you haven't seen evidence of rioting and looting. Plain and simple.
He wouldn't be able to make it in these cities he hates so much. That's why he hates them.
High Crime Rate
High Cost of Living
Big City Traffic
Dirty Streets

You are correct that I would never live in a city like that.
Oh wow, so you're saying the perception of red state America being overrun by prescription drug and heroin addiction is unfair..?

And yes, I'm aware that there is a significant amount of extremely dishonest content out there filmed by right wing instigators. I prefer to trust what I see with my own eyes and data from trusted sources.

Anyway, not interested in yet another pissing match with you and your childish insults. Take care.
My rural Indiana town doesn't have homeless tent cities, drug addicts, rioters or looters.
It's not perfect and I have had my anhydrous tanks tapped into a couple of times. (Ammonia is used to make meth)
And if I want to take a run at night I just have to watch out to not step on an opossum or deer scat.
You would need to wear body armor and boots. I understand the Streets in NYC are full of human facies.
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My rural Indiana town doesn't have homeless tent cities, drug addicts, rioters or looters.
It's not perfect and I have had my anhydrous tanks tapped into a couple of times. (Ammonia is used to make meth)
And if I want to take a run at night I just have to watch out to not step on an opossum or deer scat.
You would need to wear body armor and boots. I understand the Streets in NYC are full of human facies.

lol these are hilarious but untrue caricatures.

I've run a handful of times at night along the Hudson because it's very well lit in the skyline looks gorgeous reflecting on the water. But I'm still paranoid about turning an ankle on a hidden obstruction or something.

When I visit my parents in rural Indiana, all of my running routes have been blocked off because of neighbors with unleashed dogs. Have to go to the local high school and run at the track...or drive 10 miles out to a nature park.
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100k in property damage is minor to you? I guess that would make sense considering the BILLIONS in property damage that took place in June.

You are a liar if you live in midtown and say you haven't seen evidence of rioting and looting. Plain and simple.

As mentioned, the looting was happening in localized commercial areas of luxury chains. I don't live there. I live in a neighborhood of bodegas, small restaurants, and boutiques. Anybody who is familiar with NYC would laugh at the concept of "this thing happened in Midtown and you claim you didn't see it?! LIAR!"

The idea that 1) it's still ongoing and 2) that it was ever widespread throughout the city is just incorrect. Not sure what else to tell you.
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As mentioned, the looting was happening in localized commercial areas of luxury chains. I don't live there. I live in a neighborhood of bodegas, small restaurants, and boutiques. Anybody who is familiar with NYC would laugh at the concept of "this thing happened in Midtown and you claim you didn't see it?! LIAR!"

The idea that 1) it's still ongoing and 2) that it was ever widespread throughout the city is just incorrect. Not sure what else to tell you.
I already provided you with evidence that it is still ongoing as recently as 2 weeks ago. It will pick up again when the officers in Louisville are not charged. Interesting to see you are okay with it though. Hopefully they don't come destroy your neighborhood tonight...
I already provided you with evidence that it is still ongoing as recently as 2 weeks ago. It will pick up again when the officers in Louisville are not charged. Interesting to see you are okay with it though. Hopefully they don't come destroy your neighborhood tonight...

There was literally zero mention of "looting" in that article. Nor any link between that minor vandalism and this apparent antifa conspiracy theory boogeyman you all believe in.
There was literally zero mention of "looting" in that article. Nor any link between that minor vandalism and this apparent antifa conspiracy theory boogeyman you all believe in.
Rioting and looting go hand in hand. Both cost business owners whether their property is stolen or destroyed. Who said anything about antifa? They are focusing their efforts in Portland right now, but are likely on their way to Louisville to join the upcoming riots.

Again, I hope there is no riot in your neighborhood tonight...
I live in Midtown. I've seen boarded up windows due to general closing, I assume some could have been smashed in. Couldn't care less if you believe me or not. Lol

Is your small Republican run town being overrun with opioid and heroin addicts? Would that be a fair impression for someone who's never been to your town to hold?

And I generally let proper analysis and data guide my worldviews. I don't get triggered by videos from right wing instigators.
Bet you miss Rudy
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lol these are hilarious but untrue caricatures.

I've run a handful of times at night along the Hudson because it's very well lit in the skyline looks gorgeous reflecting on the water. But I'm still paranoid about turning an ankle on a hidden obstruction or something.

When I visit my parents in rural Indiana, all of my running routes have been blocked off because of neighbors with unleashed dogs. Have to go to the local high school and run at the track...or drive 10 miles out to a nature park.
The dogs can smell a Liberal miles away. J/K, not J/K? o_O
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Rioting and looting go hand in hand. Both cost business owners whether their property is stolen or destroyed. Who said anything about antifa? They are focusing their efforts in Portland right now, but are likely on their way to Louisville to join the upcoming riots.

Again, I hope there is no riot in your neighborhood tonight...

lol appreciate the concern.

There won't be.
You are about 32. Anyway why are so many people moving out of your city?

Because they can work remotely and pay lower rent elsewhere while still getting their sky-high NYC salary. With the city largely on lockdown, the benefits of living here aren't outweighing the costs for many.

As soon as those cost-of-living adjustments kick in on salaries and the various world class museums, entertainment, restaurants,, they'll probably be back.
Because they can work remotely and pay lower rent elsewhere while still getting their sky-high NYC salary. With the city largely on lockdown, the benefits of living here aren't outweighing the costs for many.

As soon as those cost-of-living adjustments kick in on salaries and the various world class museums, entertainment, restaurants,, they'll probably be back.
I would agree with you on this. I would also think the violence along with police abuse has to be a factor. I would be surprised if the majority comes back this time.
I would agree with you on this. I would also think the violence along with police abuse has to be a factor. I would be surprised if the majority comes back this time.

Violent crime has spiked about 50% Y/Y, but it was already historically low and declining (i.e. this is nowhere near the levels in the 80s and 90s). Once the economy and employment picks back up, the rate will likely revert back to its old trend.
This is mostly bs. What protections has he rolled back for people of color? I'm sure it was his racism that signed the prison reform act and increased funding for HBC's right?

The Paris accords would have accomplished nothing IF the IPCC assumptions were correct. Since they aren't correct, the Paris accords were a giant waste of time and money. Anthroprogenic climate change is a farce. The theory is entirely based off of flawed data. The ice cores and it's C02 proxy. There are much better proxies for C02 and all of them invalidate the climate change narrative, which is why they solely use ice core data.

Everyone keeps saying it was incompetence in dealing with Covid, yet they tend to forget that the projections were 1.5-3 million deaths in the US alone. This is armchair quarterbacking at best. Not only that, Trump isn't responsible with how each state handles it's business. The worst offenders are all democratically run states.
Facts over feelings, right?

Those are just a few links for you on all the bullshit that Trump has done to hurt African-Americans.

Here are some links on climate change. Not my problem that you refute science.

You are, once again, missing the point. Cuba’s not the point.

You said BLM wasn’t a Marxist organization because they didn’t advertise themselves as such. Marxists never do, until AFTER they have attained power.

Name one country ever governed by Marxism. I'll wait ...
Rioting and looting go hand in hand. Both cost business owners whether their property is stolen or destroyed. Who said anything about antifa? They are focusing their efforts in Portland right now, but are likely on their way to Louisville to join the upcoming riots.

Again, I hope there is no riot in your neighborhood tonight...

Pro Tip: try seeing the world. Until you've visited real war zones, your insane ramblings that New York is being looted and rioted make you sound like someone who is absolutely clueless.

Take a trip to the Gaza Strip, take a trip to the favelas in Brazil, and look at the destroyed buildings in Luhansk in the Ukraine. Perhaps once you've seen those you might understand the bullshit that is being fed to you as propaganda and maybe you'll be more incensed with the real enemies of the United States.
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Pro Tip: try seeing the world. Until you've visited real war zones, your insane ramblings that New York is being looted and rioted make you sound like someone who is absolutely clueless.

Take a trip to the Gaza Strip, take a trip to the favelas in Brazil, and look at the destroyed buildings in Luhansk in the Ukraine. Perhaps once you've seen those you might understand the bullshit that is being fed to you as propaganda and maybe you'll be more incensed with the real enemies of the United States.
Pro Tip: This is America. It shouldn't be happening here at all. The officer who killed Floyd is being charged and will be convicted. There is zero reason for this to be happening.

Wait until tonight when the Louisville case is dismissed as it should be. There will be riots in ever major city once again.
Name one country ever governed by Marxism. I'll wait ...
What an odd question. Of course there has been no country governed by "Marxism", which is a set of discredited political and economic theories that can never work in practice.

Rather, murderous totalitarian thugs such as Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Xi Jinping and others have used "Marxism" as a pretext to rule by force and terror. You knew that, right?

Saying you are a Marxist is equivalent to saying you are a Nazi and the like - willing to murder for the "greater good of the cause."
CP has been absolutely delightful this summer without all of the tourists.
Must have really hurt the mugging business though.

Could that explain the big increase in NYC murders - that is, frustrated muggers just trying to make a living to put food on the table?
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You're adorable.
Thanks, but don't disappoint us since you are an expert on NYC. Explain why the murder rate is up so much in the city. If not frustrated muggers, just what is the cause?

Please, share your insider information and expertise.
Thanks, but don't disappoint us since you are an expert on NYC. Explain why the murder rate is up so much in the city. If not frustrated muggers, just what is the cause?

Please, share your insider information and expertise.

An "expert?" Man you guys use some bizarre and juvenile terminology. Lol

I explained this earlier in the thread. Feel free to peruse.

A 50% increase on an already historically low crime rate is not cause for panic. It's a short term spike that will dissipate once employment rebounds. Not my fault if you guys are data illiterate and want to draw some stupid causal relationship to "Dem governance" when, by definition, Dems have also governed during historically low crime rates until an unprecedented disaster hit.

Republican-governed cities have seen the exact same Y/Y spike.
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The actual facts don’t show NYC is a violent hellhole. Maybe Fox News is creating a false narrative for their viewers.

Maybe you should get in touch with the local paper to start spreading the news because they seem confused by the whole thing:

Admittedly, it is not much of a paper, but they don't make it sound all that good. However, I suppose the local people really like to be able to strut about Central Park without having to share it with muggers and tourists.

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