Respect the office

If he withholds subsidies, which he's said he wants to do - yes, he absolutely does. And the notion that the ACA was perfect from day one is absurd - if social security wasn't touched one time after it was passed, it would have failed too. Letting a health care system collapse cause you don't like it, which affects miliions of Americans - most people would call that dereliction of duty.

For some reason, you seem to think the President isn't the LEADER of the free world. "This isn't my problem" isn't a freaking excuse when you're president. Yesterday, all he did was blame others - including Democrats for not coming to the table when they were never invited. When Obama took office, think he wanted to deal with the financial crisis that he didn't cause? No, but he didn't complain about it, pout and cross his arms and wait for others to fix it for him.

"The buck stops here" - except when you're Donald Trump, then it's someone else's problem.
oh stfu with this dereliction of duty, it's not like they haven't put bills forward.