All you Durham Report prognosticators ........

The only news you've been paying attention to instructs you to believe this is a big fcking deal.......just as all have you have been promising from Durham for years.

You should find another act, this one is played out. Trying to put the onus on others to hide your obvious embarrassment that the Durham report amounts to squat is pretty bush league.
Who is embarrassed about a report that hasn’t even been completed yet?
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The only news you've been paying attention to instructs you to believe this is a big fcking deal.......just as all have you have been promising from Durham for years.

You should find another act, this one is played out. Trying to put the onus on others to hide your obvious embarrassment that the Durham report amounts to squat is pretty bush league.
@BuilderBob6 must be embarrassed

We all make mistakes Bob, just step up and be counted!! That’s all we ask
Don't count on it. As far as I know, Bob has still not admitted what should be obvious even to him, that closing Bagram air base before removing our people and allies was a massive and unforgivable blunder - as was removing our troops before the same.
Don't count on it. As far as I know, Bob has still not admitted what should be obvious even to him, that closing Bagram air base before removing our people and allies was a massive and unforgivable blunder - as was removing our troops before the same.
But, but Biden saved our democracy from that bad boy Trump as said from those suffering from TDS
They don't know. They don't see any actual news. Everything they get is carefully packaged and then disbursed to control them.
Have you finally realized that the news you see is carefully packaged and disbursed to control you? Where have you been? Too embarrassed to comment on dear leader being so unpopular and such a failure? The adults will be back in charge soon. Look at Virginia. You’ll be reporting to Republicans soon. Your cult has failed you!!!
I'm here. Life got in the way on several levels.

Nothing has been proven here. I'll treat this just like I did the Mueller report. Wait until it's done and accept the results. if your dreams come true and Hillary was really behind all this I'll be happy to eat crow.

You all treating this like the dems did with the dossier. Many believed the accusation and you didn't like it. Now you're buying into Durham when nothing has been settled...........but it's different this time because you agree with it. This is real, right?

Do I get to complain about how long this is taking and how much money it's costing the taxpayer? Do I get to argue that Durham is a political hack appointed by a compromised partisan AG who was acting at the direction of Trump.........who mischaracterized the Mueller report and made false and misleading statements about it? Do I get to point out that the Dossier was only one aspect of the investigation into Trump and Russia? Did it have anything to do with the Putin authorizing Russia's attempts to help the Trump campaign or their cyberattacks or Manafort collaborating with the Russians or Wikileaks or Trump Tower or firing Comey or Flynn's meetings and lies......or all the other reasons for the investigation? Of course no.
  • Haha
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I'm here. Life got in the way on several levels.

Nothing has been proven here. I'll treat this just like I did the Mueller report. Wait until it's done and accept the results. if your dreams come true and Hillary was really behind all this I'll be happy to eat crow.

You all treating this like the dems did with the dossier. Many believed the accusation and you didn't like it. Now you're buying into Durham when nothing has been settled...........but it's different this time because you agree with it. This is real, right?

Do I get to complain about how long this is taking and how much money it's costing the taxpayer? Do I get to argue that Durham is a political hack appointed by a compromised partisan AG who was acting at the direction of Trump.........who mischaracterized the Mueller report and made false and misleading statements about it? Do I get to point out that the Dossier was only one aspect of the investigation into Trump and Russia? Did it have anything to do with the Putin authorizing Russia's attempts to help the Trump campaign or their cyberattacks or Manafort collaborating with the Russians or Wikileaks or Trump Tower or firing Comey or Flynn's meetings and lies......or all the other reasons for the investigation? Of course no.
No... people agree with it because there's actual evidence and people are being prosecuted vs the kangaroo court that the Dems used vs Trump.
I'm here. Life got in the way on several levels.

Nothing has been proven here. I'll treat this just like I did the Mueller report. Wait until it's done and accept the results. if your dreams come true and Hillary was really behind all this I'll be happy to eat crow.

You all treating this like the dems did with the dossier. Many believed the accusation and you didn't like it. Now you're buying into Durham when nothing has been settled...........but it's different this time because you agree with it. This is real, right?

Do I get to complain about how long this is taking and how much money it's costing the taxpayer? Do I get to argue that Durham is a political hack appointed by a compromised partisan AG who was acting at the direction of Trump.........who mischaracterized the Mueller report and made false and misleading statements about it? Do I get to point out that the Dossier was only one aspect of the investigation into Trump and Russia? Did it have anything to do with the Putin authorizing Russia's attempts to help the Trump campaign or their cyberattacks or Manafort collaborating with the Russians or Wikileaks or Trump Tower or firing Comey or Flynn's meetings and lies......or all the other reasons for the investigation? Of course no.
Serious question do you really think Putin wanted Trump to beat Hillary or Biden? My instinct says a big no due to the financial windfall Putin gets from the US not being energy independent along with the Dems weakness on Defense