19 children

Please answer my question someone , would that non assault rifle shoot as fast as he pulled the trigger And therefor as fast as he can put a legal magazine in how Many round magazine is legal and how many magazines can a back pack carry and for the person who said guns haven’t evolved much over the past few decades. I seem to remember reading about the whistle blowing and men lept out of trenches into machine gun fire
They have to DNA test the parents to identify the kids. That’s what happens. You sickos that care more about your guns are mentally unwell.
I don’t care about my guns as I don’t even own one. Take some time to calm down and know that you’re dead wrong when you generalize a political party and every member of it after a tragedy. We know you’re not very bright but you can at least try to think clearly. Until then, everybody knows you’re a partisan hack who can’t think on his own.
They have to DNA test the parents to identify the kids. That’s what happens. You sickos that care more about your guns are mentally unwell.
You haven't answered my questions about Black on Black killings and why Dem cities are reducing Cops? Not to mention reducing sentences that basically allows perps to steal and get released to steal again. Speaking of mentally unwell
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I shed a few tears just looking at the pictures of these strangers whom I do not know. These are 16 of the 19 kids that were killed 😭

I hope people can stop seeing them as statistic, and feel the insurmountable pain that their families must be going through.

Yes, because a deranged 18 year old lunatic with a death wish decided to go through with shooting up a school of young children. Reportedly he tried to get into the school earlier (a week or so before) but was locked out/couldn’t get in.

Blame an inanimate object not the lunatic who actually pulled the trigger. That’s just what you Progressives always do. The lunatic posted a number of things on-line saying what he was planning to do.
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Please answer my question someone , would that non assault rifle shoot as fast as he pulled the trigger And therefor as fast as he can put a legal magazine in how Many round magazine is legal and how many magazines can a back pack carry and for the person who said guns haven’t evolved much over the past few decades. I seem to remember reading about the whistle blowing and men lept out of trenches into machine gun fire

Not sure what he used, but yes, semi automatic rifles are fairly common and you can get various sized magazines depending on the caliber and make.

And since everyone is so focused on AR type guns, the advantage of a high power rifle ultimately is firing range. So from a practicality standpoint, they are actually a poor choice by the shooter in these close range situations. That's why most people buy them for hunting and target shooting and use other options for defense purposes.
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The person that did this posted his plans online and no one did anything so his has nothing to do with the 2A or even owning a gun. Had they acted when they saw those posts, then this tragedy (likely) doesn't happen.

Edit: I would also add that there have been guns in our culture for generations and when they were easy to get, we didn't have mass shootings like this. So the object used or access to it isn't the problem, but something has changed over the last 30 years that needs to be investigated.
I'm not engaging in this debate but, FYI he did not "post" anything. They have discovered that he sent a Facebook message to a girl in Germany.
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If you cared then you would support actions to keep this from keep happening. Instead you make excuse after excuse on why we need to let these mass shootings just keep going on.
I've never put anyone on ignore and I won't you though you tend to lie Indy. I've not made one excuse for these murders, and I can't keep them from happening. Unfortunately it's the times we live in which started in '99 by two sick punks. Why aren't you as a black male screaming at the top of your lungs about the murders in Chicago or Baltimore? How about the murder rate in Indy and the shootings on the East side every night and day. Are they okay because most aren't AR's but handguns? Where's your outcry to Hogsett about them and where's your solution? Solution don't have one.

No, you can't do that because the Chicago and Baltimore and Indy mayors all fit your profile of excellence.

You're a phony Indy. You're a political hack who doesn't give two shits about those kids in Chicago, Baltimore, or your city ran by Little Joe Hogsett. My guess, you really don't give two shits about the kids in Texas either.

I've actually liked some of your posts, but you've now crossed that line.

As for caring Indy....I'd have given my life for any of those kids or teachers.

Would you?
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It's really ironic reading you say the left cares about kids yet you all want to allow abortions after a baby is born. Only reason you "care" about the shooting in Texas is to push a narrative. That's it.

If you REALLY cared about any of this, you would of cleaned up Chicago years ago. So just stop with the hypocrisy already.
How, exactly, does one allow an abortion after a baby is born?
Yes, because a deranged 18 year old lunatic with a death wish decided to go through with shooting up a school of young children. Reportedly he tried to get into the school earlier (a week or so before) but was locked out/couldn’t get in.

Do you have a link to your report? What I've read was that the gunman's birthday was 5/16, and he got one of his guns on 5/17, another on the 20th, so it doesn't sound like it matches the timeline that you said.

Blame an inanimate object not the lunatic who actually pulled the trigger. That’s just what you Progressives always do. The lunatic posted a number of things on-line saying what he was planning to do.

But lunatic is not unique to America. Every country has their crazies. But somehow US has 8x the gun death rate as Canada and 100x as UK. If we know that there are so many lunatic and crazies out there, why do we make guns so easily assessable for them to get? In Texas, one can get one without permit, without training, and without any psychologic evaluation.
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But why is it that deranged lunatics are the ones typically doing these mass shootings?

If we can't get rid of all the deranged lunatics, maybe at least make it harder for them to get these weapons? I suppose the deranged lunatic carrying a butter knife will kill fewer people (if at all) than if he carries a gun.
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PF...You and any others who post that anyone is good with children being killed in Texas are as sick as the gunman who shot them. And that is fact. I'll guarantee you that not one person on this little forum feels or believes that way.
Thanks for your OPINION.

I also don’t believe you. More of your buddies are on here arguing the semantics of what constitutes an assault rifle than they are actually proposing anything. Plus I been the Republican Party right now is owned by the NRA so I’m sorry, but until you tell me that it should be harder to buy a gun than a beer, then no, I don’t believe you.
Thanks for your OPINION.

I also don’t believe you. More of your buddies are on here arguing the semantics of what constitutes an assault rifle than they are actually proposing anything. Plus I been the Republican Party right now is owned by the NRA so I’m sorry, but until you tell me that it should be harder to buy a gun than a beer, then no, I don’t believe you.
Post wasn't about me. It was about your asinine statements, which continue to become more and more radical.
Your party won’t allow any to pass, watch again tells me that you’re good with them being killed.
in the last 2 1/2 years 73 people have been murdered by violent felons who were on home monitor due to no cash bail or very low bail (some in situations where no ail should have been offered). Can you comment on the party that won't prosecute or properly sentence violent gun offenders, or support "bail reform" which by stats and documented evidence results in more gun violence victims. Like the mass murder last week in Chicago two blocks from Mag Mile.

Or here's a guy who was a 3x multiple felony gun offender and he was on the street in a couple years to kill again. Republican or Democratic judge?

Justin Gamino was killed last week by a man who received just 2 years for his third felony gun case, according to prosecutors - CWB Chicago

So with your strong concern for gun violence will you stand with me to oppose any George Soros-funded non-prosecutors and support no bail for any gun crimes and 20 year minimum for crimes committed with a gun?

Thanks for your support in stomping out gun violence.
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Criminals always have guns. Even in gun free zones.

Really? Schools are gun-free zone in every country on earth, and yet school shootings are 6.5x in the US than the rest of the world combined. If criminals always have guns, how do you explain the disparity between school shootings in the US and the rest of the world?

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I'm not engaging in this debate but, FYI he did not "post" anything. They have discovered that he sent a Facebook message to a girl in Germany.
Hence the term "post" since that is what you literally do on facebook and I took my post from the Governor and what he said they found.

It's a weird thing you are choosing to argue about all things considered, but okay.
in the last 2 1/2 years 73 people have been murdered by violent felons who were on home monitor due to no cash bail or very low bail (some in situations where no ail should have been offered). Can you comment on the party that won't prosecute or properly sentence violent gun offenders, or support "bail reform" which by stats and documented evidence results in more gun violence victims. Like the mass murder last week in Chicago two blocks from Mag Mile.

Or here's a guy who was a 3x multiple felony gun offender and he was on the street in a couple years to kill again. Republican or Democratic judge?

Justin Gamino was killed last week by a man who received just 2 years for his third felony gun case, according to prosecutors - CWB Chicago

So with your strong concern for gun violence will you stand with me to oppose any George Soros-funded non-prosecutors and support no bail for any gun crimes and 20 year minimum for crimes committed with a gun?

Thanks for your support in stomping out gun violence.
Lol all sorts of crazy shit in here. George Soros? You’re definitely a reason we need better mental health access in this country. Whacko.
Lol all sorts of crazy shit in here. George Soros? You’re definitely a reason we need better mental health access in this country. Whacko.
Are you familiar with anything he’s talking about here? No need to call him a whacko because what he’s stating here makes Democrats look bad and very soft on crime. And for you of all people to talk about others needing better mental health access.
If only there were good guys with guns there. Oh wait, there were. Your arguments are so weak. Then again, that’s what I expect from someone who doesn’t care about dead kids.
When have I argued for guns in school? You're so incomprehensibly silly after all these years you think I'm a Repub? I actually have kids. What do you do all day?