who is Tim Waltz? Is he sleezy enough to fit in?

That article hits it out of the park..
...Harris & Walz neck & neck for who is the most wacked out crazy far left extremist radical.

America is going to love how he signed law on boys bathrooms in schools to be stocked with tampons. LOL 🤡🤡🤡🤡show

Yeah it’s really too bad that Minnesota ranks highly in many economic categories and that school kids get free lunches. What a demon.

Again, it would be great if anyone could argue on policy but it’s clear some of you would hate Jesus for helping the needy.
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Yeah it’s really too bad that Minnesota ranks highly in many economic categories and that school kids get free lunches. What a demon.

Again, it would be great if anyone could argue on policy but it’s clear some of you would hate Jesus for helping the needy.
It's not the lunch for school kids, most schools now do that because parents are too lazy to fix it for their kids, or they're not financially proficient in doing so. Our school system does it all summer with lunch and breakfast.

What's wrong with him, is he's on a par for being socialist and maybe more so than Kammi. Which is saying a lot.
It's not the lunch for school kids, most schools now do that because parents are too lazy to fix it for their kids, or they're not financially proficient in doing so. Our school system does it all summer with lunch and breakfast.

What's wrong with him, is he's on a par for being socialist and maybe more so than Kammi. Which is saying a lot.
What makes him a socialist? I’ve seen this word thrown around quite a bit on here and I’m pretty convinced most either don’t know what it is or just use the word because you read somewhere that democrats are socialists and that’s bad.

Again, Minnesota ranks very highly in many economic categories. You don’t dispute that at all and then just pivot to “parents are lazy”. You’re not helping your argument.
What makes him a socialist? I’ve seen this word thrown around quite a bit on here and I’m pretty convinced most either don’t know what it is or just use the word because you read somewhere that democrats are socialists and that’s bad.

Again, Minnesota ranks very highly in many economic categories. You don’t dispute that at all and then just pivot to “parents are lazy”. You’re not helping your argument.

Maybe I should have used the word "Progressive" to describe Walz. He certainly fits the category favoring and implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas. He and Kammi tend to lean toward the far left.
Maybe I should have used the word "Progressive" to describe Walz. He certainly fits the category favoring and implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas. He and Kammi tend to lean toward the far left.
And what are these “social reforms” and “new, liberal ideas” that are so bad? I mean all you’ve thrown out is parents are lazy (which, I’m sorry, is a stupid argument at best) because kids get free lunches (kids not going hungry. Can you imagine such a terrible thing?).

So far you’re batting 0.00. You actually have anything? Because you honestly sound desperate. I get no one is going to make everyone happy, but at least discuss your dislikes in good faith.
Yeah it’s really too bad that Minnesota ranks highly in many economic categories and that school kids get free lunches. What a demon.

Again, it would be great if anyone could argue on policy but it’s clear some of you would hate Jesus for helping the needy.
I have to give you and @BNIBoiler credit for disagreeing with most in a calm manner. Kudos for that. I'm going to rephrase your words just a bit to make them accurate. School kids do NOT get free lunches, but instead get lunches free. There is a big difference and that difference is lost on a lot of other things. There is nothing free...and especially from the government. A couple of decades ago or so when I was more involved in what was taking place in education the various information I was able to see indicated that "urban" areas "children" benefitted from having breakfast, but was unable to show improvement with rural children. What I can't recall was whether the data had longitudinal studies or not. Globally in TIMMS children in the USA did well in elementary, but fell behind the farther they were in school. Math was dominated by China, Taiwan and Japan and Russia generally...thinking Germany was in there as well. The Asian countries were always there in math. Some may have heard of Singapore math as a textbook. My daughter is using it for her first grader. I'm a supporter of Saxon math in schools as well. Now, back to TIMMS data I can maybe recall? I think it was similar in science, but has been a few years. The countries behind the USA were not educational powerhouses either.

I hate repeating myself and for those that have read this before...I'm sorry. ;) When the IDOE (Indiana) first moved to free breakfast they made the mistake of publishing their data I think, but know they published their ANOVA on that data. I called them and went through a few people asking to speak to the person that did the analysis. When I reached him I asked why their conclusion disagreed with the data (they were trying to get more money in education by comparing those on reduced lunches against those that were not. The ANOVA was clear. There was no significant difference and many times there can be a significant difference statistically and yet no difference realistically. I was asked if I was just trying to cause trouble and said even if the data didn't support a difference, they believed there was a difference. Next day the data was gone and the year and years later I could find no meaningful data published again. Perhaps they do now, but I'll bet they don't? Education is not guided by science typically. There is a LOT of ideology promoted in pedagogy and protectionism from non-teachers becoming teachers without all "methods" course. Anyway...I went a bit too far in education in this thread. ;)
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Yeah it’s really too bad that Minnesota ranks highly in many economic categories and that school kids get free lunches. What a demon.

Again, it would be great if anyone could argue on policy but it’s clear some of you would hate Jesus for helping the needy.

Obviously you did not read the story as it includes policy.

But you are policies they believe in....
⚠️High taxes. MN income tax ranges from 5.35-9.85. California if you make over $54K you pay 8-12.3%. They have plans to repeal Trump tax cuts and up estate, Cap gains taxes and business taxes.
⚠️Chemical castration of children. Tampons in little boys bathrooms as young as 4th grade. Removing supposed trans children form parents who don't want to go along with it
⚠️Open borders
⚠️ Green energy scam
⚠️ Energy regulations raising prices
⚠️ Tax money for illegals.
⚠️ Tax money for Ukraine
⚠️ Slow walking aid to Israel
⚠️ Govt spending increases
⚠️ Men dressing in front of women in locker rooms. Men competing against women in sports.
⚠️ Abortion upto & even after birth
⚠️ I could go on ....but above is scary enough.

None of the above works for me.

You think any of the above helps America???
Obviously you did not read the story as it includes policy.

But you are policies they believe in....
⚠️High taxes. MN income tax ranges from 5.35-9.85. California if you make over $54K you pay 8-12.3%. They have plans to repeal Trump tax cuts and up estate, Cap gains taxes and business taxes.
⚠️Chemical castration of children. Tampons in little boys bathrooms as young as 4th grade. Removing supposed trans children form parents who don't want to go along with it
⚠️Open borders
⚠️ Green energy scam
⚠️ Energy regulations raising prices
⚠️ Tax money for illegals.
⚠️ Tax money for Ukraine
⚠️ Slow walking aid to Israel
⚠️ Govt spending increases
⚠️ Men dressing in front of women in locker rooms. Men competing against women in sports.
⚠️ Abortion upto & even after birth
⚠️ I could go on ....but above is scary enough.

None of the above works for me.

You think any of the above helps America???
Again, Minnesota is a top economic state, and your retort looks like a copy/paste from some troll on Twitter. What do the above things have to do with anything anyway? Honestly, it just reads like you’re some scared old man whose mind is stuck in 1950 and scared because the world is passing you by. You’re not even being serious.
Again, Minnesota is a top economic state, and your retort looks like a copy/paste from some troll on Twitter. What do the above things have to do with anything anyway? Honestly, it just reads like you’re some scared old man whose mind is stuck in 1950 and scared because the world is passing you by. You’re not even being serious.

You asked on policy. I answered.
When does policy NOT matter?
So not sure how you can say the bolded above?

So again.....
Which of their policies helps America?

You chose to not answer...Thus I conclude it is actually you, who is not serious about the issues?
You asked on policy. I answered.
When does policy NOT matter?
So not sure how you can say the bolded above?

So again.....
Which of their policies helps America?

You chose to not answer...Thus I conclude it is actually you, who is not serious about the issues?
You didn’t list any policy though. What policy says “open borders”?

What policy says “abortion up to and after birth”? (Also, can you take a step back and look at just how incredibly stupid this sounds ?)

What policy says “green energy scam “?

And so on and so forth.

See that’s the problem. You lifted those points from somewhere else but you can’t articulate any of them but you’re SURE they’re bad.

You know how democrats are saying that republicans are just weird? Well you just highlighted why.
You didn’t list any policy though. What policy says “
See that’s the problem. You lifted those points from somewhere else but you can’t articulate any of them but you’re SURE they’re bad.

You know how democrats are saying that republicans are just weird? Well you just highlighted why.

Bold ...false.

Here are just 2 issues and why they are bad for America. Showing you I came up with the issue as I know WHY they are bad for America.

Open borders IS a left policy.
Why it's bad for America.....
1. is it takes tax money away from Americans to manage the illegals.
2. illegals compete for jobs with the poor and lower middle class who are actual Americans.
3. Finally, open borders have allowed increased fentanyl deaths & sex & labor trafficking.

High taxes IS a leftist policy.
1. Taxes take money away from poor & middle class and thus they have less to spend on the Economy and their families.
2. Business & corporation taxes raise the cost of doing business and thus inflate prices. The increases are passed in to the poor and middle class.
3. It also hurts business from growing their businesses and it takes away capital.
4. Finally, all the above are felt in market turndowns as we have had recently.

I could go on, but clearly you are not up on the actual issues and are not wanting to discuss actual issues. Hopefully, you at least know more about 2 of them now. But given your above responses, I am not sure comprehension will be high. Lol
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And what are these “social reforms” and “new, liberal ideas” that are so bad? I mean all you’ve thrown out is parents are lazy (which, I’m sorry, is a stupid argument at best) because kids get free lunches (kids not going hungry. Can you imagine such a terrible thing?).

So far you’re batting 0.00. You actually have anything? Because you honestly sound desperate. I get no one is going to make everyone happy, but at least discuss your dislikes in good faith.

Again, Minnesota is a top economic state, and your retort looks like a copy/paste from some troll on Twitter. What do the above things have to do with anything anyway? Honestly, it just reads like you’re some scared old man whose mind is stuck in 1950 and scared because the world is passing you by. You’re not even being serious.
Don't say you didn't have one.....what was your former username on here? Your posts smell of a former poster that was banned.
Bold ...false.

Here are just 2 issues and why they are bad for America. Showing you I came up with the issue as I know WHY they are bad for America.

Open borders IS a left policy.
Why it's bad for America.....
1. is it takes tax money away from Americans to manage the illegals.
2. illegals compete for jobs with the poor and lower middle class who are actual Americans.
3. Finally, open borders have allowed increased fentanyl deaths & sex & labor trafficking.

High taxes IS a leftist policy.
1. Taxes take money away from poor & middle class and thus they have less to spend on the Economy and their families.
2. Business & corporation taxes raise the cost of doing business and thus inflate prices. The increases are passed in to the poor and middle class.
3. It also hurts business from growing their businesses and it takes away capital.
4. Finally, all the above are felt in market turndowns as we have had recently.

I could go on, but clearly you are not up on the actual issues and are not wanting to discuss actual issues. Hopefully, you at least know more about 2 of them now. But given your above responses, I am not sure comprehension will be high. Lol
What policies are these though? Open borders isn’t a policy. I’m asking you to name specific policies and you can’t or won’t. I’m not asking for something complicated here. Nowhere is “open borders” an actual policy no matter how many times you post it here.

Higher taxes. Could you be any more vague? I live in Indiana and they have high gas taxes. The governor is republican. See how easy it is to knock your talking point since it lacks any depth and, you know, facts?

You’re free to tuck and run, but that confirms to me that you know you look like a clown here.
Don't say you didn't have one.....what was your former username on here? Your posts smell of a former poster that was banned.
Who would reincarnate themselves back to talk to the likes of you? Your response is the tell of someone in over his head and mad that you’re getting pushback. Don’t like it? 🤷🏻‍♂️
What policies are these though? Open borders isn’t a policy. I’m asking you to name specific policies and you can’t or won’t. I’m not asking for something complicated here. Nowhere is “open borders” an actual policy no matter how many times you post it here.

Higher taxes. Could you be any more vague? I live in Indiana and they have high gas taxes. The governor is republican. See how easy it is to knock your talking point since it lacks any depth and, you know, facts?

You’re free to tuck and run, but that confirms to me that you know you look like a clown here.

To say taxes & the border are not policies under consideration to Americans just wacko nuts.

They both will be considered & be discussed in the first KH/Trump they have in past debates.

Thus, your talking points are just nonsensical gibberish. But at least your vacuous nature is there's that.
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To say taxes & the border are not policies under consideration to Americans just wacko nuts.

They both will be considered & be discussed in the first KH/Trump they have in past debates.

Thus, your talking points are just nonsensical gibberish. But at least your vacuous nature is there's that.
It’s not nuts. You aren’t listing actual policies, and now you’re just trying to pivot by saying “under consideration”.

Sh!t or get off the pot with this. I mean really.
My guess is that there was no problem getting this clown's account and name cleared. He was a known previous cancer and will once again exit.
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Bold ...false.

Here are just 2 issues and why they are bad for America. Showing you I came up with the issue as I know WHY they are bad for America.

Open borders IS a left policy.
Why it's bad for America.....
1. is it takes tax money away from Americans to manage the illegals.
2. illegals compete for jobs with the poor and lower middle class who are actual Americans.
3. Finally, open borders have allowed increased fentanyl deaths & sex & labor trafficking.

High taxes IS a leftist policy.
1. Taxes take money away from poor & middle class and thus they have less to spend on the Economy and their families.
2. Business & corporation taxes raise the cost of doing business and thus inflate prices. The increases are passed in to the poor and middle class.
3. It also hurts business from growing their businesses and it takes away capital.
4. Finally, all the above are felt in market turndowns as we have had recently.

I could go on, but clearly you are not up on the actual issues and are not wanting to discuss actual issues. Hopefully, you at least know more about 2 of them now. But given your above responses, I am not sure comprehension will be high. Lol
Here is the matter what they say...the real policy is reflected in what the do. Way too many people are mesmerized by words and asleep on actions. If that wasn't true, this election would be a no brainer
That article hits it out of the park..
...Harris & Walz neck & neck for who is the most wacked out crazy far left extremist radical.

America is going to love how he signed law on boys bathrooms in schools to be stocked with tampons. LOL 🤡🤡🤡🤡show

Now that's really weird!
Bold ...false.

Here are just 2 issues and why they are bad for America. Showing you I came up with the issue as I know WHY they are bad for America.

Open borders IS a left policy.
Why it's bad for America.....

2. illegals compete for jobs with the poor and lower middle class who are actual Americans.
Exactly. They are not just "black Jobs".
Yeah it’s really too bad that Minnesota ranks highly in many economic categories and that school kids get free lunches. What a demon.

Again, it would be great if anyone could argue on policy but it’s clear some of you would hate Jesus for helping the needy.
It's also super important to put tampons in boys bathrooms (he approved that bill in MN) as well as letting children change their gender.
Yeh, Walz sounds like a winner.
And what are these “social reforms” and “new, liberal ideas” that are so bad? I mean all you’ve thrown out is parents are lazy (which, I’m sorry, is a stupid argument at best) because kids get free lunches (kids not going hungry. Can you imagine such a terrible thing?).

So far you’re batting 0.00. You actually have anything? Because you honestly sound desperate. I get no one is going to make everyone happy, but at least discuss your dislikes in good faith.
The law, which went into effect January 1, has language that allows access to menstrual products to transgender students. It states that products such as pads and tampons "must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12." Republican lawmakers had failed to amend the bill so that it would apply only to girls' bathrooms.
The law, which went into effect January 1, has language that allows access to menstrual products to transgender students. It states that products such as pads and tampons "must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12." Republican lawmakers had failed to amend the bill so that it would apply only to girls' bathrooms.
So then you should be mad at republicans then, no? They failed to amend the bill.

In the meantime, that law impacts you in no way, shape or form. Are you against free lunches? Because if so, that counters your argument that you really care about what goes on in a bathroom if you don’t care that kids are starving. I get that some folks aren’t gonna like it. And I guess if you’re a single-issue voter and that’s the issue, then that seals the deal. But looking big picture, it’s really hard to argue with how well Minnesota is doing across the board as a whole.
What policies are these though? Open borders isn’t a policy. I’m asking you to name specific policies and you can’t or won’t. I’m not asking for something complicated here. Nowhere is “open borders” an actual policy no matter how many times you post it here.

Higher taxes. Could you be any more vague? I live in Indiana and they have high gas taxes. The governor is republican. See how easy it is to knock your talking point since it lacks any depth and, you know, facts?
In recent years, Minnesota has doubled down on its status as a high-tax state even as most states have moved in a different direction. That may go some way toward explaining the state’s lackluster economic performance of late: in the past year, employment only grew by 0.7 percent in Minnesota, ranking 42nd nationwide. Net outmigration to other states is 6th highest for households with $200,000 or more in income, and 8th highest in terms of net outflow of income from all households.

Most states have cut taxes at least once since 2021, with a renewed emphasis on tax competition taking hold in red and blue states alike. Twenty-eight states have cut individual income tax rates, fifteen states have cut corporate income tax rates, and other states have cut sales tax rates or focused on property tax relief. Under Gov. Tim Walz (DFL), Minnesota has been an outlier, one of the few states to raise taxes in recent years—despite the state posting large surpluses.
You’re free to tuck and run, but that confirms to me that you know you look like a clown here.
So then you should be mad at republicans then, no? They failed to amend the bill.

In the meantime, that law impacts you in no way, shape or form. Are you against free lunches? Because if so, that counters your argument that you really care about what goes on in a bathroom if you don’t care that kids are starving. I get that some folks aren’t gonna like it. And I guess if you’re a single-issue voter and that’s the issue, then that seals the deal. But looking big picture, it’s really hard to argue with how well Minnesota is doing across the board as a whole.
Explain to me again how putting tampons in boys bathrooms is in any way, shape or form related to free school lunches?
Free school lunches is not something unique that Walz ushered in as a radical new idea in public schools. It's pretty commonplace across the entire country.

Now, putting tampons in boys bathrooms and allowing children to get their penises cut off is a different story.
Now, putting tampons in boys bathrooms

Any reason to believe that actually happened? Even once? Per your post, the language of the bill was to put them in all bathrooms used by people who menstruate. Seems like that wouldn't solely cover girl's bathrooms -- it would also cover bathrooms that are single person and therefore used by girls at times.

So-- is there any reason to believe that they were put in (or required to be put in) boy's only bathrooms? Even once?

I mean geez - if a bi-partisan bill that Walz signed off on, and that has zero real-world examples of misuse is one of the best inflection points for criticism of the guy? That would be some really weak sauce.
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In recent years, Minnesota has doubled down on its status as a high-tax state even as most states have moved in a different direction. That may go some way toward explaining the state’s lackluster economic performance of late: in the past year, employment only grew by 0.7 percent in Minnesota, ranking 42nd nationwide. Net outmigration to other states is 6th highest for households with $200,000 or more in income, and 8th highest in terms of net outflow of income from all households.

Most states have cut taxes at least once since 2021, with a renewed emphasis on tax competition taking hold in red and blue states alike. Twenty-eight states have cut individual income tax rates, fifteen states have cut corporate income tax rates, and other states have cut sales tax rates or focused on property tax relief. Under Gov. Tim Walz (DFL), Minnesota has been an outlier, one of the few states to raise taxes in recent years—despite the state posting large surpluses.
Thank you for laying out numbers and putting your thoughts into this. And I’m certainly not going to change your mind.

These things don’t make him a “radical socialist “ as some are trying to paint him, though. That’s the kind of nonsense gibberish that invalidates arguments someone is trying to make. (I’m not saying you said it but others have).

This is the kind of discussion I was looking for on here. Thank you.
Yeah it’s really too bad that Minnesota ranks highly in many economic categories and that school kids get free lunches. What a demon.

Again, it would be great if anyone could argue on policy but it’s clear some of you would hate Jesus for helping the needy.
The National School Lunch Program is a Federal Program. Not State. All States participate. All territories except some like CNMI operate under a block grant. Children in families with FPL under 130% eat free. Under 185% eat at reduced price. Additionally, schools participating in the Community Eligibility Provision provide free meals to everyone regardless of income. Same with P2P3 sites although they are becoming obsolete due to CEP. The decision to participate in NSLP is a local decision. Some schools find it easier to fund themselves and not have to follow the meal requirements.

So what exactly is he doing that red states aren’t. And be careful cuz I seem to really know what I am talking about.
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Thank you for laying out numbers and putting your thoughts into this. And I’m certainly not going to change your mind.

These things don’t make him a “radical socialist “ as some are trying to paint him, though. That’s the kind of nonsense gibberish that invalidates arguments someone is trying to make. (I’m not saying you said it but others have).

This is the kind of discussion I was looking for on here. Thank you.
What is your opinion of his Covid snitch li e where the State asked people to call a 1-800 number and leave anonymous reports of people violating Covid rules … like to many people at a house.

On an unrelated topic, are you familiar with the Stasi?
The National School Lunch Program is a Federal Program. Not State. All States participate. All territories except some like CNMI operate under a block grant. Children in families with FPL under 130% eat free. Under 185% eat at reduced price. Additionally, schools participating in the Community Eligibility Provision provide free meals to everyone regardless of income. Same with P2P3 sites although they are becoming obsolete due to CEP. The decision to participate in NSLP is a local decision. Some schools find it easier to fund themselves and not have to follow the meal requirements.

So what exactly is he doing that red states aren’t. And be careful cuz I seem to really know what I am talking about.
He’s been called a socialist for providing free school lunches. That’s why.
What is your opinion of his Covid snitch li e where the State asked people to call a 1-800 number and leave anonymous reports of people violating Covid rules … like to many people at a house.

On an unrelated topic, are you familiar with the Stasi?
My opinion is that it was stupid. But in hindsight, there were a lot of stupid things done during Covid. Lots of smart things done as well. By both sides. Not sure how this helps your argument but whatever.

And yes, I’m familiar. You gonna regale the board with some kind of connection you’ve short-circuited together between the Stasi and Walz?
My opinion is that it was stupid. But in hindsight, there were a lot of stupid things done during Covid. Lots of smart things done as well. By both sides. Not sure how this helps your argument but whatever.

And yes, I’m familiar. You gonna regale the board with some kind of connection you’ve short-circuited together between the Stasi and Walz?
Calling going as far as to set up a snitch line for people to report their neighbors just “stupid” shows your degree of leftist. It takes a certain authoritarian mind to turn neighbor against neighbor if some local coffee shop isn’t checking for vax cards. That happened in Chicago. Restaurants already getting killed paying fines because leftest Covidians called Lightfoot’s Stasi line and getting small business owners fined and closed.

And now you just say “stupid.” It was intentional.

And guess what. The Stasi operated with secret police having neighbors reporting on neighbors. Probably why so many people left these States.

Edit: remember Biden’s speeches calling it a pandemic of the Unvaxed when they knew it wasn’t. “Look I know you are getting frustrated with your unvaxed neighbors…”
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Explain to me again how putting tampons in boys bathrooms is in any way, shape or form related to free school lunches?
Free school lunches is not something unique that Walz ushered in as a radical new idea in public schools. It's pretty commonplace across the entire country.

Now, putting tampons in boys bathrooms and allowing children to get their penises cut off is a different story.
Alright, maybe a different approach. I’m just baffled at your consistent bashing of one of the smallest slivers of the population out there. And I freely admit to being biased here based on what I’ve already shared about my cousin.

But you act like this is some national crisis and I can assure you that it’s not. The bigger threat in the bathroom by far is a clogged toilet. The bigger threat in the bathroom by far is a straight man going into the women’s bathroom and hurting someone. The bigger threat in the bathroom by far are fights. But you never factor that into your discussions. Why not? I can appreciate that this is a big issue for you. But it’s not rooted in any kind of reality, and frankly it just looks like you’re picking on a group of people just to be a bully
Calling going as far as to set up a snitch line for people to report their neighbors just “stupid” shows your degree of leftist. It takes a certain authoritarian mind to turn neighbor against neighbor if some local coffee shop isn’t checking for vax cards. That happened in Chicago. Restaurants already getting killed paying fines because leftest Covidians called Lightfoot’s Stasi line and getting small business owners fined and closed.

And now you just say “stupid.” It was intentional.

And guess what. The Stasi operated with secret police having neighbors reporting on neighbors. Probably why so many people left these States.

Edit: remember Biden’s speeches calling it a pandemic of the Unvaxed when they knew it wasn’t. “Look I know you are getting frustrated with your unvaxed neighbors…”
You asked my opinion and I gave it to you, but because I didn’t flip open your brain, scoop out whatever word vomit you had in there and give it back to you on a plate, I’m a leftist. That’s quite the leap you made there, Stretch.

And lol at your stasi nonsense. You can try to sell it to one of the other rubes you rub shoulders with on here because you’re desperate to hit quota, but I’m just gonna laugh you off my front porch.
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He had some of the most oppressive Covid restrictions in the country and kept schools closed to favor the unions. Destroying lives.
So to me a guy with vomit in my brains seeing schools around the world open and some never closing my opinion is these people should be prosecuted for civil rights violations. The crazy thing is most sent their kids to private schools and lived by different rules.
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You asked my opinion and I gave it to you, but because I didn’t flip open your brain, scoop out whatever word vomit you had in there and give it back to you on a plate, I’m a leftist. That’s quite the leap you made there, Stretch.

And lol at your stasi nonsense. You can try to sell it to one of the other rubes you rub shoulders with on here because you’re desperate to hit quota, but I’m just gonna laugh you off my front porch.
So do you agree with neighbors snitching on neighbors?
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