When criminals are held unaccountable

lol. Sometimes you have to wonder if Trump isn't just sitting around trying to think of stupid things to say to see how far he can go and still have these people defend him.

He creates a new low every week. Yet they are still there.
FBI Director Wray, May 7: “if any public official or member of any campaign is contacted by any nation-state or anybody acting on behalf of a nation-state about influencing or interfering with our election, then that’s something that the FBI would want to know about.

“The FBI director is wrong.”
“Give me a break,” Trump said. “Life doesn’t work that way.”
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Trump and his pub lackeys are now trying to paint all oppo research as the same thing as oppo research from a foreign government.

Not even close to the same thing but this is what they do.
I think what the Pres needs to do is propose legislation to legalize foreign provision of information and money, then we can see what our Congress people and Senators' views actually are... lmao at what such a discussion would likely be.
And you voted for Bill and Hillary?
Completely false equivalence. Or are you one of those people that think the Clinton's have left a trail of bodies in their wake? I know that's a favorite topic on the spam sites that right wingers frequent.
Completely false equivalence. Or are you one of those people that think the Clinton's have left a trail of bodies in their wake? I know that's a favorite topic on the spam sites that right wingers frequent.

I've never understood trying to leverage who someone voted for as a debate point. Voting for someone doesn't lock you in to allegiance for the entirety of their time in office. I am comfortable saying I voted for Hillary. I am also comfortable saying I do not have malice or judge people solely based on voting for Trump. One of the two was going to be president, so I like many voted for the one hat best aligned with my policy wants.

Hillary sucks, and it is OK for some of you to admit that Trump, as a President, sucks as well. His administration is full of abusers and crooks, and they should be held accountable. Same goes for any D.
Completely false equivalence. Or are you one of those people that think the Clinton's have left a trail of bodies in their wake? I know that's a favorite topic on the spam sites that right wingers frequent.

I've never understood trying to leverage who someone voted for as a debate point. Voting for someone doesn't lock you in to allegiance for the entirety of their time in office. I am comfortable saying I voted for Hillary. I am also comfortable saying I do not have malice or judge people solely based on voting for Trump. One of the two was going to be president, so I like many voted for the one hat best aligned with my policy wants.

Hillary sucks, and it is OK for some of you to admit that Trump, as a President, sucks as well. His administration is full of abusers and crooks, and they should be held accountable. Same goes for any D.
This is where I disagree. Trump sucks as a person but has been a good president thus far.
Completely false equivalence. Or are you one of those people that think the Clinton's have left a trail of bodies in their wake? I know that's a favorite topic on the spam sites that right wingers frequent.

I've never understood trying to leverage who someone voted for as a debate point. Voting for someone doesn't lock you in to allegiance for the entirety of their time in office. I am comfortable saying I voted for Hillary. I am also comfortable saying I do not have malice or judge people solely based on voting for Trump. One of the two was going to be president, so I like many voted for the one hat best aligned with my policy wants.

Hillary sucks, and it is OK for some of you to admit that Trump, as a President, sucks as well. His administration is full of abusers and crooks, and they should be held accountable. Same goes for any D.
I felt the same about Clinton. Sucked as a person but was a good president.
I've never understood trying to leverage who someone voted for as a debate point. Voting for someone doesn't lock you in to allegiance for the entirety of their time in office. I am comfortable saying I voted for Hillary. I am also comfortable saying I do not have malice or judge people solely based on voting for Trump. One of the two was going to be president, so I like many voted for the one hat best aligned with my policy wants.

Hillary sucks, and it is OK for some of you to admit that Trump, as a President, sucks as well. His administration is full of abusers and crooks, and they should be held accountable. Same goes for any D.

Go past the allegiance part. Voting for someone or either something does not mean one likes everything about the person or topic. That is not understood by many and maybe a handful at most here.
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lol. Sometimes you have to wonder if Trump isn't just sitting around trying to think of stupid things to say to see how far he can go and still have these people defend him.

He creates a new low every week. Yet they are still there.

Unbelievable, I wonder if he, while holding the POTUS office, fabricated lies about his opponent, (utilizing the intelligence agency of the US and foreign countries to create these lies) all to steal an election?
He needs impeached and thrown in jail.
Go past the allegiance part. Voting for someone or either something does not mean one likes everything about the person or topic. That is not understood by many and maybe a handful at most here.
So many of us here who have voted for years have liked everything about the people we voted for?
Of course people understand they may not like everything about the person they vote for.........they experience it themselves.The only ones who don't are the true believers who don't think for themselves.
Sounds like you're trying to run cover for the Trump supporters who used to defend his every word and action while denying his character issues and ineptitude. Revisionist history is popping up everywhere. If his voters had issues with him when he was elected they sure didn't talk about it.

So many of us here who have voted for years have liked everything about the people we voted for?
Of course people understand they may not like everything about the person they vote for.........they experience it themselves.The only ones who don't are the true believers who don't think for themselves.
Sounds like you're trying to run cover for the Trump supporters who used to defend his every word and action while denying his character issues and ineptitude. Revisionist history is popping up everywhere. If his voters had issues with him when he was elected they sure didn't talk about it.

Nope not running cover for anyone. Even one of the most ardent Trump supporters here said he thinks Trump sucks as a person. Heck, made a comparison to BC.

Honestly, I have seen plenty of conservatives/Reps/Trump supporters critique his tweeting, constant attacks, twitter use, etc. Did not like his behavior toward women etc.

Been doing it for quite some time. Many here at time of election said they thought it was lesser of two evils.

The true believers are more the liberal and progressive crowd. A politician on the right never does anything correct, the left dors no wrong. JMO
If he “sucks as a person”and he treats and talks about women as if they are nothing but sexual objects, constantly uses Twitter, and constantly attacks people, how can you support him? There are many other reasons to not support him (corruption, increase in national debt, no respect for rule of law, destruction of environmental). Do you believe that the “end justifies the means” as that is what your post suggests?
[QUOTE=There are many other reasons to not support him (corruption, increase in national debt, no respect for rule of law, destruction of environmental).

A lot of accusations, can we show a little proof of the above.
Only one in aware of is the increase in National debt. Is the deficit decreasing? Trumps policies have increased the revenue and he has tried to cut the spending but Congress has given him no support. Obama care is a budget killer.
One could bother to read a newspaper once in a while. I know Hannity won't cover the numerous emoluments issues, but it's pretty easy to find. Rolling back environmental protections also takes no effort at all to find.
I didn't realize Kellyanne Conway was named Donald Trump. All POTUS have had persons in their administrations mess up. This IMO is pretty minor. Do you think if it was in the Obama administration It would be newsworthy?
"No, I’m not going to fire her. I think she's a terrific person... I think you’re entitled to free speech in this country."
I'm sick of hearing this is an unimportant violation, and that is an unimportant violation about this Administration when I am in court regularly with Defendants and hearing judges excoriate them as they send them to jail or prison for their current offenses because their traffic record and/or their disrespectful high school disciplinary record demonstrate their disregard for the rule of law.
You are representative the people who are going batshit crazy over illegal immigrants for breaking the law for coming into the country seeking asylum from the Central American violence. Just stop with the nonsense.
So where is the line drawn. Conway can't make positive comments for Trump but FBI officials, involved in a collusion investigation, are allowed to donate to the HRC campaign? All 15 of them?
So where is the line drawn. Conway can't make positive comments for Trump but FBI officials, involved in a collusion investigation, are allowed to donate to the HRC campaign? All 15 of them?
Post a link to that.....please.
And stop deflecting for freaking sake.
Post a link to that.....please.
And stop deflecting for freaking sake.
I don't have a link to the not so festive HRC after the election non celebration. But if I did you would find a number of these public officials in attendance.
So where is the line drawn. Conway can't make positive comments for Trump but FBI officials, involved in a collusion investigation, are allowed to donate to the HRC campaign? All 15 of them?

It was not "making positive comments for Trump" it was the disparaging comments about candidates running for office that is the problem. As a federal employee, she is not allowed to stand in front of the White House or on a TV show and do that which she did repeatedly. Even after she was warned, by letter, to stop as she was breaking the law, she continued. By the way, both Houses of Congress passed the law.
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I don't have a link to the not so festive HRC after the election non celebration. But if I did you would find a number of these public officials in attendance.
One was Andrew Weissman. You are nothing but a Trump hack who believes all the BS he spouts.
Link your accusations or STFU. I'm tired of all the lies and the dipsticks that repeat them religiously without authentication.

Mueller and his team cleared Trump of collusion. So either they were smart enough and non partisan enough to do so or they are all liberal hacks. You don't get to have it both ways.
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One was Andrew Weissman. You are nothing but a Trump hack who believes all the BS he spouts.
Link your accusations or STFU. I'm tired of all the lies and the dipsticks that repeat them religiously without authentication.

Mueller and his team cleared Trump of collusion. So either they were smart enough and non partisan enough to do so or they are all liberal hacks. You don't get to have it both ways.

I don't agree with what Kellyanne did, I just do t think its a big deal.
And Weissman was more than an investigator, he was a supervisor who directed agents.
And I am entitled to my opinion about the Mueller partisan hacks. I can have it both ways and I do. The agents were very partisan, falsified information to obtain warrants, spied on only one candidate to find collusion, inserted opinions on their findings yet found no crimes.
I think repeatedly breaking the law is a big deal especially when you are an attorney, as she is, who is sworn to uphold the law.
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I don't agree with what Kellyanne did, I just do t think its a big deal.
And Weissman was more than an investigator, he was a supervisor who directed agents.
And I am entitled to my opinion about the Mueller partisan hacks. I can have it both ways and I do. The agents were very partisan, falsified information to obtain warrants, spied on only one candidate to find collusion, inserted opinions on their findings yet found no crimes.
The Mueller commission didn't spy on anybody you incompetent boob. You've got them mixed up with the evil FBI, among other things.
You are entitled to your ridiculous, uninformed opinion. According to some of you brain surgeons, including Trump, Mueller was a partisan hack who got EVERYTHING WRONG.......except that there was no collusion. He somehow got that part right. That is not logical and I DGAF what your opinion is, it makes no sense.
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So where is the line drawn. Conway can't make positive comments for Trump but FBI officials, involved in a collusion investigation, are allowed to donate to the HRC campaign? All 15 of them?
Those are two entirely different issues that have no relationship to each other.
1- If Trump and Conway don't like the Hatch Act get Congress to change or repeal it, because it IS in actual fact the law, a law which has existed since 1939 and been reviewed and determined to be constitutional by the Supreme Court,
2- If FBI or Independent Counsel Office members violated something, first explain precisely what law they violated, and then, lobby for whatever agency may have jurisdiction to pursue violations of the same,
3- there are simply no points for you to win by attempting to conflate the two issues.