School Union Lies for Power & the Expense of Children they Serve

Not a bad list of potential solutions. However, some of those are good. Some have been or are currently doing. 2 for sure aren’t feasible. Good luck with removing kids from their parents for non-physical abuse.

As far as getting rid of unions, teachers ain’t going for that. School administrations have screwed teachers with collective bargaining. I can’t imagine how bad school administrations will screw teachers without union backing.
Why shouldn't teachers be held accountable for results? Every other industry holds employees accountable to perform and deliver.
If a teacher isn't doing their job, despite the challenges they face, maybe they need to find a new job. But that's where the union comes in and buys their loyalty.
Why shouldn't teachers be held accountable for results? Every other industry holds employees accountable to perform and deliver.
If a teacher isn't doing their job, despite the challenges they face, maybe they need to find a new job. But that's where the union comes in and buys their loyalty.
Nothing wrong with holding teachers accountable. And they are held accountable. Teachers are fired all the time for this and that even within a union shop. As far as test scores, I don't think teacher's promotions, bonuses or pay should not be based on student test scores. Like I said earlier, the students that score low on tests are usually the ones that don't care about learning in addition to behavior issues despite the valiant efforts of the teachers. Some of these kids are 2 and 3 grades behind in reading. How is that kid going to pass a standardize test? Then this potentially leads to teachers teaching to the test or potential to cheat like that teaching cheating scandal in the Atlanta schools a few years back. Because some districts use test score performance for teacher's promotions, bonuses or pay, I'm surprised that cheating hasn't been more prevalent. That bodes well of the professionalism of the teachers to not do this.
So, what did Education Sec. DeVoss do to improve the schools in Chicago?

We are talking about YOU. And YOUR personal responsibility for this education mess that leaves poor children in Union Schools.
Don't run away.
Don't blame others.
It is YOUR fault.
Hold YOURSELF accountable..
You voted for it.
So, what did Education Sec. DeVoss do to improve the schools in Chicago?
Typical BNI. Instead of answering why teachers shouldn't be accountable for performance, you want to point fingers at one Republican. Why not talk about the results of all?
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Nothing wrong with holding teachers accountable. And they are held accountable. Teachers are fired all the time for this and that even within a union shop. As far as test scores, I don't think teacher's promotions, bonuses or pay should not be based on student test scores. Like I said earlier, the students that score low on tests are usually the ones that don't care about learning in addition to behavior issues despite the valiant efforts of the teachers. Some of these kids are 2 and 3 grades behind in reading. How is that kid going to pass a standardize test? Then this potentially leads to teachers teaching to the test or potential to cheat like that teaching cheating scandal in the Atlanta schools a few years back. Because some districts use test score performance for teacher's promotions, bonuses or pay, I'm surprised that cheating hasn't been more prevalent. That bodes well of the professionalism of the teachers to not do this.
Once a teacher has tenure it’s pretty hard to fire them unless it’s a sexual incident with a student.
Typical BNI. Instead of answering why teachers shouldn't be accountable for performance, you want to point fingers at one Republican. Why not talk about the results of all?
I agree teachers should be held accountable but there is way more to the story.
My daughter teaches 3rd grade in the CPS and this year there was a little boy, who my daughter was sure was living in the park.
He's one we bought a coat for. She would bring him breakfast every morning. She reported her concerns to the authorities and after a week or so he quit showing up.
So we shouldn't blame the teachers for this mess.
Maybe we should put Kamala Harris or Dr. Jill Biden in charge of finding the ROOT CAUSE of the problem. lol

My daughter went to Chicago to teach because she loved the City and her fiance' had a good job there.
She went into teaching because she wanted to help children.
This was her last year there. Her and her husband had a little girl and she is going to stay home now. They can afford it.
The currently live in Edison park, a nice community in Cook County that consists of mostly Police, Fire and school teachers.
They have their house for sale and will be moving to the sub burbs. Housing and taxes are ridiculous in Cook County and she had to live in Cook County to teach in the CPS. A good way to reduce CPS teacher wages is to allow them to live outside of Cook County.
Anyway they are also moving because they don't want their kids to go to a CPS school.
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Typical BNI. Instead of answering why teachers shouldn't be accountable for performance, you want to point fingers at one Republican. Why not talk about the results of all?
I answered y'all a long time ago. I said the poor academic performance is on the kids that don't want to learn plus the behavior issues. Not the teachers. Most of the teachers are good teachers, of course some fall through the cracks and they are doing the best that can under the circumstances of the kids that they are trying to educate. They constantly have to tell the kids to sit down in their seats. Stop talking. Fight break out. Half the kids don't turn in the homework. When they do turn it in its wrong. Nowadays, in addition to the aforementioned, now teachers have to compete with the students on their cell phones in the class. You can blame the teachers and unions if you want to but 100% of the poor school performance is due to the students themselves.
My daughter teaches school in the CPS. She and her Mom and I donate each year coats and shoes to the kids in her class.
I agree no matter how much money you spend, it isn't getting better.
But let's not blame the teachers, it's the parents.
These children are neglected by their parents. The system isn't working in the inner cities.
It is both. Parents not instilling a desire to learn is a problem.. Teachers with horrible classroom management, horrible principals, poor pedagogical practices and a desire for social engineering over academics runs rampant as well.

As bonefish said…single parent homes are the single biggest predictor for failure and that was the result of several bad choices all under each person’s control. Money is NOT the answer as unions would suggest. Just compare the slope of money spent on k-12 since A Tide of Mediocracy was published with the NAEP during those same years. Those politicians that propose more money for schools are either trying to buy votes from the ignorant or ignorant his or her self.
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It is both. Parents not instilling a desire to learn is a problem.. Teachers with horrible classroom management, horrible principals, poor pedagogical practices and a desire for social engineering over academics runs rampant as well.

As bonefish said…single parent homes are the single biggest predictor for failure and that was the result of several bad choices all under each person’s control. Money is NOT the answer as unions would suggest. Just compare the slope of money spent on k-12 since A Tide of Mediocracy was published with the NAEP during those same years. Those politicians that propose more money for schools are either trying to buy votes from the ignorant or ignorant his or her self. Writing essays on financial markets and portfolio management required in-depth knowledge and analysis. I turned to for academic assistance, and their writers delivered essays that were thorough and well-argued. This service allowed me to deepen my understanding of financial concepts while preparing for my career in finance.
thanks for info!
Correction, most of the teachers are not morons. These folks have a very tough job trying to educate kids that don't want to learn. It's because of the behavior of the kids is most likely the reason her child is going to a private school. Believe me, I know first hand.
In this thread, it looks like you are turning your back on the plight of inner city black people. Again. It's a common theme with you. You want to appear not to be racist by grandstanding about statues (SMH), and then when you vote for the people who caused the inner city problem, you say the people stuck in your problem have to fix it themselves. But you keep voting against potential solutions.

And what the he!! are you doing stereotyping black children? Black children "don't want to learn"? Black children have "behavior problems"? Yet when a black child wants to transfer to a school where they can learn, you vote "NO". Ironic, considering the OP.
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In this thread, it looks like you are turning your back on the plight of inner city black people. Again. It's a common theme with you. You want to appear not to be racist by grandstanding about statues (SMH), and then when you vote for the people who caused the inner city problem, you say the people stuck in your problem have to fix it themselves. But you keep voting against potential solutions.

And what the he!! are you doing stereotyping black children? Black children "don't want to learn"? Black children have "behavior problems"? Yet when a black child wants to transfer to a school where they can learn, you vote "NO". Ironic, considering the OP.
I’m not turning my back on anyone. I just know reality. The democrats don’t force women in the inner cities to have kids. The democrats didn’t force these people to use drugs, sell drugs.

I have been observing these area most of my life and I’ve said many attempts of different programs have been implemented with very little results. The root causes in the problems of the inner city are single mothers, drug use, drug trafficking, and gangbanging. There are no policies, dem or republicans that can fix this, particularly the single mother issue. Guiliani did not solve this problem when was mayor of NYC did he?

I’m not stereotyping black children. I’m talking about the black kids living in the inner cities. Most of these kids don’t want to learn. They don’t have parents or mother in a lot of case to push them to learn. They don’t read to them when they are young. They don’t make sure that there work is done let alone turn in. Some of kids aren’t capable of learning due to the mother’s drug use or insufficient prenatal care. About the time they get to school age, their brains aren’t fully developed. This the reason for poor grades and behavior problems. Not to mention the PTSD these kids may have by seeing all this violence they see daily all of there lives. All that has nothing to do with the teachers in the schools. I went to elementary and middle school with some of these kids from the poor areas of my city. I’ve seen how they approached school and behaved. My mother taught some of these kids and told how they approached school and behaved. You have no receipts on this matter. I do.

You clearly don’t know how the inner city dynamics work. You and others do not know how black people in general think. You need to stay in your lane.

I’m not against school vouchers. They are a good thing for a kid that wants to learn. But I’m not a one issue voter.
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I’m not turning my back on anyone. I just know reality. The democrats don’t force women in the inner cities to have kids. The democrats didn’t force these people to use drugs, sell drugs.

I have been observing these area most of my life and I’ve said many attempts of different programs have been implemented with very little results. The root causes in the problems of the inner city are single mothers, drug use, drug trafficking, and gangbanging. There are no policies, dem or republicans that can fix this, particularly the single mother issue. Guiliani did not solve this problem when was mayor of NYC did he?

I’m not stereotyping black children. I’m talking about the black kids living in the inner cities. Most of these kids don’t want to learn. They don’t have parents or mother in a lot of case to push them to learn. They don’t read to them when they are young. They don’t make sure that there work is done let alone turn in. Some of kids aren’t capable of learning due to the mother’s drug use or insufficient prenatal care. About the time they get to school age, their brains aren’t fully developed. This the reason for poor grades and behavior problems. Not to mention the PTSD these kids may have by seeing all this violence they see daily all of there lives. All that has nothing to do with the teachers in the schools. I went to elementary and middle school with some of these kids from the poor areas of my city. I’ve seen how they approached school and behaved. My mother taught some of these kids and told how they approached school and behaved. You have no receipts on this matter. I do.

You clearly don’t know how the inner city dynamics work. You and others do not know how black people in general think. You need to stay in your lane.

I’m not against school vouchers. They are a good thing for a kid that wants to learn. But I’m not a one issue voter.
The Democrats fix for most of this is abortion. Kill the children and it solves many social problems. How can you rationalize voting for a party that is part of systematically exterminating the human race?
I’m not turning my back on anyone. I just know reality. The democrats don’t force women in the inner cities to have kids. The democrats didn’t force these people to use drugs, sell drugs.

I have been observing these area most of my life and I’ve said many attempts of different programs have been implemented with very little results. The root causes in the problems of the inner city are single mothers, drug use, drug trafficking, and gangbanging. There are no policies, dem or republicans that can fix this, particularly the single mother issue. Guiliani did not solve this problem when was mayor of NYC did he?

I’m not stereotyping black children. I’m talking about the black kids living in the inner cities. Most of these kids don’t want to learn. They don’t have parents or mother in a lot of case to push them to learn. They don’t read to them when they are young. They don’t make sure that there work is done let alone turn in. Some of kids aren’t capable of learning due to the mother’s drug use or insufficient prenatal care. About the time they get to school age, their brains aren’t fully developed. This the reason for poor grades and behavior problems. Not to mention the PTSD these kids may have by seeing all this violence they see daily all of there lives. All that has nothing to do with the teachers in the schools. I went to elementary and middle school with some of these kids from the poor areas of my city. I’ve seen how they approached school and behaved. My mother taught some of these kids and told how they approached school and behaved. You have no receipts on this matter. I do.

You clearly don’t know how the inner city dynamics work. You and others do not know how black people in general think. You need to stay in your lane.

I’m not against school vouchers. They are a good thing for a kid that wants to learn. But I’m not a one issue voter.
Again, you are showing your racism -- and ignorance. I have lived and worked in Chicago for a big part of my life. I volunteer at a community center that serves an "under-served" community. Didn't you state in an earlier post that you attended a private school? And you are telling other people that you understand the plight of innner city black kids? lol

You are not a one issue voter, but you vote to keep poverty stricken black children segregated in inner city slums and failed schools. What could be more racist?
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Again, you are showing your racism -- and ignorance. I have lived and worked in Chicago for a big part of my life. I volunteer at a community center that serves an "under-served" community. Didn't you state in an earlier post that you attended a private school? And you are telling other people that you understand the plight of innner city black kids? lol

You are not a one issue voter, but you vote to keep poverty stricken black children segregated in inner city slums and failed schools. What could be more racist?
Yeah, I went to a Catholic high school. I also went to a public elementary and middle school with a whole lot of kids on the free lunch program. They mostly lived in public housing in the same part of the city where we lived. The “projects” as we called them were just a few blocks away. I played little league with some of these kids. Played hoops in the local parks with these kids. My mother was a teacher to some of these kids. Dude, I know my people like the back of my hand.
Watch the DEM leader of these people & you will know these educators are not for our children.

NEA president mocked for copying 'The Office' character Dwight Schrute Mousilini Bit in 'totally unhinged' speech

The whole speech is a Marxist dream but her Mousilini Bit starts at the 28 minute mark. Give the crazy a look......
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Yeah, I went to a Catholic high school. I also went to a public elementary and middle school with a whole lot of kids on the free lunch program. They mostly lived in public housing in the same part of the city where we lived. The “projects” as we called them were just a few blocks away. I played little league with some of these kids. Played hoops in the local parks with these kids. My mother was a teacher to some of these kids. Dude, I know my people like the back of my hand.
"Your people"? Yeah, you are using terms like "grifters" and THEY "don't want to get educated" and THEY "have behavior problems". In your mind, you are clearly referring to them with the n-word. And you think they should overcome everything you vote for and "fix it themselves." Meanwhile you help them by courageously fighting the great "Statue War", which will not undue a thing you have done to them.

Keep voting to keep them trapped in failed schools, defunding their police protection, releasing violent criminals back into their communities, and allowing the free flow of drugs across the border into their neighborhoods. You certainly are NOT a one issue voter. Dude.

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