What's the Defense to This?

If this person is the whistleblower, his background is not real fond of Trump. All his background is with anti Trump, ex Obama associates. This was orchestrated by somebody, possibly Schiff. If it is true, it will be verified.
WTF does this even mean? So you, cinboiler, call the police about a drug deal you witnessed but you're saying the police can't investigate because you're not fond of drug dealers? Only those people fond of drug dealers can nark on drug dealers? Is that your stance?

Edit: you witness a murder, but since you don't like murderers the police can't do anything, you hate wife beaters, see domestic abuse, but nothing can be done, because you know, you're biased against wife beaters.
WTF does this even mean? So you, cinboiler, call the police about a drug deal you witnessed but you're saying the police can't investigate because you're not fond of drug dealers? Only those people fond of drug dealers can nark on drug dealers? Is that your stance?

Edit: you witness a murder, but since you don't like murderers the police can't do anything, you hate wife beaters, see domestic abuse, but nothing can be done, because you know, you're biased against wife beaters.

You're close. You not only can't report any of these crimes you probably actively participated in a crime that was probably all made up and orchestrated by the DA (aka Schiff)

Man the illogical twists the Trumpers are having to make are just fascinating.

From an outside perspective of history it is fascinating to see. This is how authoritarians take control....

Lucky for us I still believe our founding fathers were geniuses in creating 3 equal branches of government for precisely these moments in history.

For someone to be on the right side of history there has to be others on the wrong side of history.

Trumpers you are the latter....
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Given what we know so far about the efforts to withhold aid to Ukraine in return for an investigation into the Bidens, why does the whistleblower still matter? So what if he was a Dem with connections to the Bidens? It certainly looks like his claims are based in fact, and facts should dictate the outcome of this inquiry, not personal animus.
You're correct, it doesn't matter. The witnesses of the last couple weeks are all that matters now.
But since Trump is fixated on the WB, his followers will be too.

It doesn't matter what the truth is.......if the WB is a dem, everything he said is false.

We have gotten to the point that the party affiliation of the accuser or the witness determines if the information is true. No one can be objective, no one has honor, everyone has a political agenda. Vindman might be the most extreme example we've seen. It's fvcked up man.
Tomorrow Tim Morrison who listened to the Ukraine call is to testify. Today, he quit his job in the Administration.
Hmmm, how is this gonna play, do you suppose?

Doesn't matter. Schiff and the whistleblower made him do it.

These guys were super smart and infiltrated the WH and State Department to undermine Trump.

They were so smart that they even got Trump and Pompeo to nominate and invite these "conspirators" into the administration.

I mean Schiff was just so smart to do this, but also dumb because he is Shiffty Schiff and is a libtard Dem so he by default can't be smart....

Follow the logic?
Incidentally, if anyone is unaware, John Bolton was offered the opportunity to testify next week. His lawyer indicated that he was declining to appear voluntarily, but was certainly prepared to accept a subpoena.
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WTF does this even mean? So you, cinboiler, call the police about a drug deal you witnessed but you're saying the police can't investigate because you're not fond of drug dealers? Only those people fond of drug dealers can nark on drug dealers? Is that your stance?

Edit: you witness a murder, but since you don't like murderers the police can't do anything, you hate wife beaters, see domestic abuse, but nothing can be done, because you know, you're biased against wife beaters.
You do realize this is an orchestrated smear campaign against Trump. This started from day 1. Defeat Trump at all costs. This latest impeachment campaign will not work, but they hope to sway enough supporters to turn against him with enough negative campaigns. Politics at all levels have turned to this tactic. It will backfire on them and only fire up people who do not like the constant attacks. They will look at the condition of the economy, the fact that at least we have tried to deal with North Korea, we have wiped out Isis, we have spoken out about trade imbalances with China, tax credits for businesses to spur on expansion, tax credits for middle class for greater take home pay. Shall we talk about immigration.
You do realize this is an orchestrated smear campaign against Trump. This started from day 1. Defeat Trump at all costs. This latest impeachment campaign will not work, but they hope to sway enough supporters to turn against him with enough negative campaigns. Politics at all levels have turned to this tactic. It will backfire on them and only fire up people who do not like the constant attacks. They will look at the condition of the economy, the fact that at least we have tried to deal with North Korea, we have wiped out Isis, we have spoken out about trade imbalances with China, tax credits for businesses to spur on expansion, tax credits for middle class for greater take home pay. Shall we talk about immigration.
It's not a smear campaign if it's all true. Which all the facts show that Trump is corrupt and a criminal. You need to really start researching more and not just taking whatever the right wing propaganda tells you is true.
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You do realize this is an orchestrated smear campaign against Trump. This started from day 1. Defeat Trump at all costs. This latest impeachment campaign will not work, but they hope to sway enough supporters to turn against him with enough negative campaigns. Politics at all levels have turned to this tactic. It will backfire on them and only fire up people who do not like the constant attacks. They will look at the condition of the economy, the fact that at least we have tried to deal with North Korea, we have wiped out Isis, we have spoken out about trade imbalances with China, tax credits for businesses to spur on expansion, tax credits for middle class for greater take home pay. Shall we talk about immigration.

Get your head out of the sand and stop gaslighting.
You do realize this is an orchestrated smear campaign against Trump. This started from day 1. Defeat Trump at all costs. This latest impeachment campaign will not work, but they hope to sway enough supporters to turn against him with enough negative campaigns. Politics at all levels have turned to this tactic. It will backfire on them and only fire up people who do not like the constant attacks. They will look at the condition of the economy, the fact that at least we have tried to deal with North Korea, we have wiped out Isis, we have spoken out about trade imbalances with China, tax credits for businesses to spur on expansion, tax credits for middle class for greater take home pay. Shall we talk about immigration.

Lol. Yes orchestrated. Shifty Schiff was so smart to get Trump's own nominees to corroborate and participate in this smear campaign. Genius dems at it again out-smarting the smartest, best President ever.
Okay, one you support what is going on in the House today? Do you believe that it's politics or real?

This whole incident has proven one thing to me. We have a president that has an inner circle of morons and yes men that were too stupid to figure out what they were doing in the Ukraine would blow up in their face. That to me is more scary than the phone call. Any person with a brain in his administration and the ability to give him any semblance of good advice was canned.

While my dream is that he resigns and the Republicans can find a rationale person to run in 2020, I am resigned to the fact that Reps and Senators that are scared to death about getting run out by the religious zealots running the Republican party will turn a blind eye and put the last nail in the coffin for their party in the long term.
You do realize this is an orchestrated smear campaign against Trump. This started from day 1. Defeat Trump at all costs. This latest impeachment campaign will not work, but they hope to sway enough supporters to turn against him with enough negative campaigns. Politics at all levels have turned to this tactic. It will backfire on them and only fire up people who do not like the constant attacks. They will look at the condition of the economy, the fact that at least we have tried to deal with North Korea, we have wiped out Isis, we have spoken out about trade imbalances with China, tax credits for businesses to spur on expansion, tax credits for middle class for greater take home pay. Shall we talk about immigration.

The guys we turned our back on in Syria actually defeated ISIS, his tax credits have inflated the deficit to ridiculous levels and are running out of steam to create additional growth, and we didn't just speak about trade imbalances with China, we are using tariffs to solve the problem which every economist alive will say doesn't work.
The guys we turned our back on in Syria actually defeated ISIS, his tax credits have inflated the deficit to ridiculous levels and are running out of steam to create additional growth, and we didn't just speak about trade imbalances with China, we are using tariffs to solve the problem which every economist alive will say doesn't work.
In addition:

1) " Tried to deal with North Korea " ??
By declaring one's undying love for N. Korea's degenerate head of state ?? By elevating a country's international standing without getting anything in return ??
2) " Wiped out ISIS " ??
We think that we'll check with the US Military and its intel, before taking your ( & Trump's) word for it.
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Army Officer Who Heard Trump’s Ukraine Call Reported Concerns and is ready to testify tomorrow per NY Times We had a speaker come to a meeting and he said that 15 percent hate Trump and 15 percent love him and the other 70 percent wish the 30 percent would shut up
You dimbulb, the GOP isn't where near it. Cry us some big tears in 2020.
Was being completely non-serious........dimbulb.......
Can you come up with some other allegorical reference to the 2020 election other than "tears" ???
You've kinda already worn that one out.....
WaPo reports in addition to the White House National Security lawyer, John Eisenberg, having placed the Ukraine call "transcript" on the National Security highly classified server from its normal location, that he also instructed Lt. Col. Vindman to not discuss the call with anyone outside of the White House.
That's just such a terrible way to treat a "perfect" phone call. What could that lawyer possibly have been thinking?
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WaPo reports in addition to the White House National Security lawyer, John Eisenberg, having placed the Ukraine call "transcript" on the National Security highly classified server from its normal location, that he also instructed Lt. Col. Vindman to not discuss the call with anyone outside of the White House.
That's just such a terrible way to treat a "perfect" phone call. What could that lawyer possibly have been thinking?
Congress may still be looking into how the Javelin missiles were originally supplied to Ukraine, there is some thinking that they only came about after a key witness against Paul Manafort and the administration was allowed to return to Russia that they had been holding. Supposedly the witness could have tied together much of what the Russian investigation was about but they had few options other than to cooperate as they were losing thousands of people due to the invasion by Russia. Ukraine got it’s Javelin’s but the cost was a key witness into the Russian inquiry. Again this is just a rumor whether it will come up in the impeachment hearings we’ll see.
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Congress may still be looking into how the Javelin missiles were originally supplied to Ukraine, there is some thinking that they only came about after a key witness against Paul Manafort and the administration was allowed to return to Russia that they had been holding. Supposedly the witness could have tied together much of what the Russian investigation was about but they had few options other than to cooperate as they were losing thousands of people due to the invasion by Russia. Ukraine got it’s Javelin’s but the cost was a key witness into the Russian inquiry. Again this is just a rumor whether it will come up in the impeachment hearings we’ll see.
I believe that the Javelins and the White House visit by former Ukraine President Poroshenko both occurred a brief period after Rudy Giuliani had meetings with Ukraine officials, and that between the Giuliani meeting and the Javelins being delivered as well as a Poroshenko visit being arranged an amazing thing happened - the Ukraine investigation into Paul Manafort's actions was transferred from the normal investigative agencies to the office of the Ukrainian President and shortly thereafter was terminated.
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Congress may still be looking into how the Javelin missiles were originally supplied to Ukraine, there is some thinking that they only came about after a key witness against Paul Manafort and the administration was allowed to return to Russia that they had been holding. Supposedly the witness could have tied together much of what the Russian investigation was about but they had few options other than to cooperate as they were losing thousands of people due to the invasion by Russia. Ukraine got it’s Javelin’s but the cost was a key witness into the Russian inquiry. Again this is just a rumor whether it will come up in the impeachment hearings we’ll see.
Geesh Bill....imagine that...another rumor being propagated.
WaPo reports in addition to the White House National Security lawyer, John Eisenberg, having placed the Ukraine call "transcript" on the National Security highly classified server from its normal location, that he also instructed Lt. Col. Vindman to not discuss the call with anyone outside of the White House.
That's just such a terrible way to treat a "perfect" phone call. What could that lawyer possibly have been thinking?
Question sir....why should any information from inside the WH be shared outside the WH...especially discussions with other countries. Is this only for Trump? Will Warren if elected be held to the same standards?
Question sir....why should any information from inside the WH be shared outside the WH...especially discussions with other countries. Is this only for Trump? Will Warren if elected be held to the same standards?
There would be the required chain of command and the ethics lawyer who should be notified out of the White House if one raises issues that are disregarded, would probably be for starters.
If the norm was that there was an instruction for non-White House discussion there would be no need to specifically instruct. Additionally, this begs the issue of the concurrent transfer to a high security server for no actual governmental/military security purpose.
Geesh Bill....imagine that...another rumor being propagated.
You mean like the server being in Ukraine, the whole Russian involvement in the election scenario was a setup by the Ukranians? THOSE are actually being pushed by this administration RIGHT NOW to defend the holdup of the weapons.
Your tax dollars are being spent to investigate that garbage. Are you fine with that? You believe those rumors don't you?
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You mean like the server being in Ukraine, the whole Rusdian involvement in the election scenario was a setup by the Ukranians? THOSE are actually being pushed by this administration RIGHT NOW to defend the holdup of the weapons.
Your tax dollars are being spent to investigate that garbage. Are you fine with that? You believe those rumors don't you?
I'm not fine with the sham impeachment garbage right now Bob. This shit has been going on since before Trump took office, they've really found nothing that is an impeachable offense, yet they keep going and going and going.

I know you hate Trump, but at least be honest that this attempt to impeach is just what I said...garbage. And why not let the voters decide in 2020? Oh, I know....Pelosi and Schiff and the rest of their cronies know they have no candidate that can defeat Trump. And that both you and I know. Not even if Hillary comes out which I think she will. Your Democrat/Socialist leadership is killing the Democrat party with their actions.

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