What do we know about Cincy?

Originally posted by kipp724:
I was at that vcu game and they were truly aweful, crumbled under vcus pressure (sound familiar?). Put that was their first game without Cronin (and I belive the players found out that morning about the situation) so I have to believe that played into the bad performance.

This post was edited on 3/15 8:56 PM by kipp724
Do you think it would it be a good move for Purdue to bring some full-court pressure from time-to-time in this game?

I know Cincy really only plays 3 guards (which I assume are their only 3 players that are legitimate ball-handlers) in Caupain, Cobb, and Kevin Johnson (4 if Deshaun Morman is brought back from suspension, which is doubtful).
Originally posted by Heller:
Gold Star is way better than Skyline
I seriously have to ask why anyone would ruin a perfectly good pot of chili by dumping cinnamon into it. WTF?!?!?
It's not uncommon to spice tomato based sauces with cinnamon. It's actually quite good especially in greek food. Get out a little more ;)