What’s your take?

Iu is a has been that's been forgotten nationally...they have a rabid in state fan base that desperately wants to be respected but they keep getting owned by their bitter rival that they try to look down on...this year they were so ready to explode their clown pants with their hype but their epic collapse along with our meteoric rise has destroyed any hope for their future...they'll be back with optimism eventually but I think this year scarred them and it may be awhile before they get this excited about they know the uphill climb it would take to unseat painter's program in state...knowing that he'll be here for at least 10 more years has got to weigh on them mentally...probably why there has been a larger following of their women's team now....
Iu is a has been that's been forgotten nationally...they have a rabid in state fan base that desperately wants to be respected but they keep getting owned by their bitter rival that they try to look down on...this year they were so ready to explode their clown pants with their hype but their epic collapse along with our meteoric rise has destroyed any hope for their future...they'll be back with optimism eventually but I think this year scarred them and it may be awhile before they get this excited about they know the uphill climb it would take to unseat painter's program in state...knowing that he'll be here for at least 10 more years has got to weigh on them mentally...probably why there has been a larger following of their women's team now....
This season might set the IU record for the quickest about-face from, “WE’RE BACK! FINAL FOUR HERE WE COME!” to, “Oh no we suck again! Woodson isn’t the guy!”
Being a Boiler from birth (as my grandfather played baseball at Purdue) and living in southern Indiana my whole life, I am so sick and tired of hearing about the Gloomington Loosiers 5 dusty banners.

You can spit out fact after fact after fact on why Purdue has, is, and will continue to be the better program, and you just get “banners” as a response.

How many decades have to go by before the banners are irrelevant? The games obviously not the same as it was when they won their last and a whole lot different from their 1st.

My take: If you gauge your whole programs success on 1 statistic (winning a title) and your team fails for decades (some never winning one at all), why even watch the games and why be a fan of the sport?

Curious what your alls rebuttals, arguments, and comebacks are when the “banner” 🙄 comment comes up in conversation?
When I started work after college at a large midwestern manufacturing facility (why do I all of the sudden feel like I'm writing a letter to "Forum"?) most of the work force were IU fans, almost all of the engineers were Purdue grads. My dislike of IU stemmed primarily from that job; I had folks I didn't even know coming up to me after games (of which I may or may not have been aware of and could have cared less about) giving me the business about a Purdue loss and an IU victory. This was back in the late eighties when IU wasn't too far removed from an NC.

I hear none of it today. My best friend is an IU grad who was there for the last NC; I have to call and tell him what season it is (Football or BB). His significant other, a UK grad and native is probably less connected than he is (although all her family is still there in Kentucky. Then again, until football this year they haven't had much to cheer about either.)

Another of my good friends is an IU family (he, his wife and both daughters graduated from) and he played soccer in college, but he's so disgusted with the state of sports in general we never talk about it (he only watched some of the world cup this year to see some hated teams lose). I've got 1 80 year old friend/former co-worker who used to be one of the prime IU antagonists, we go out to lunch once a month and the subject never comes up (unless someone else brings it up, in which case he doesn't have too much to say).

So I guess I don't have a reply because I haven't had to for a long time.
I live in SC and I haven't met anyone who cares about any college basketball team. If I mention Purdue was ranked #1 in basketball, I get blank stares. A few Duke or Carolina fans here and there but that's about it.

College football is the only game in town down here.
My son was stationed at Ft. Gordon for several years. He lived on the SC side. Great place!
Interesting take! I'd also add the shrinking amount of young folks in schools and small towns overall.
This is a great take ... although I sub at one the 5 smallest schools in Indiana and my wife is at another small school system. It's almost like living in 1970. The INTENSE loyalty and ANGER if anyone suggest a larger school system would benefit the students. NO WAY will they ever join their bitter tiny school rivals.
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