

Apr 11, 2007
We need to see some adjustments.

We need to see Jenkins on the right edge. The do right by our guy and keep him here project is over. Madden is out and Sillah is terrible. It’s time to try to win games, and clearly Jenkins at edge is best. I hope Berglund or Davis or someone, anyone, is healthy and capable of playing a few snaps with Yanni. Set the edge. Stop waiting to be blocked at the 2nd level. Make a play. Let’s make a team throw and see what happens. Maybe a pick or two? A strip sack?

Offensively, right now we have a really really bad group of WRs with Edrine out and Smith, who we were counting on, probably never going to play a snap. But they’ve got to figure something out. Get Tibbs out of the slot. I was shocked when they broke camp with him there. Put Dixon Veal there or whoever has some quickness to get open for some quick throws to gain yardage and get into some sort of rhythm in the passing game. Klare is obviously good, use him. Not sure if Burhenn is playing, but if he is, scheme around your athletic TEs. Harrell dialed up some plays to the TE position last year, let’s try that again. We know we can run it, and that’s where it should all start. Harrell knows that I think.

I know this entire board is going to laugh at me, but I still don’t think this is the 1-11, worst team in the history of the world team that you all are saying it is. There are some real deficiencies personnel wise, and the coaches aren’t doing a good enough job. But I’m still holding out hope that they’ll improve.
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Offense needs to be QB run heavy. Card can’t offer you more in the pass game so get him out there using all his assets. Get the ball to Mock and Love and Klare as much as you can wether in the pass or run game. Those are our best players…why force it to anybody else if you’re forcing it? Offense still lacks any real deception. Until that’s fixed we are relying on sheer talent which will lead to 0 more wins.

Agree that KJ needs to be back at OLB. That said, this coach has never set the edge…I’m not expecting us to miraculously start tomorrow.

Would have been interesting to see Nyland Green in action but seeing as Nebraska won’t need to throw it it seems like those talents will be wasted. Another game that’s over when the ball is first kicked I’m afraid.
Offense needs to be QB run heavy. Card can’t offer you more in the pass game so get him out there using all his assets. Get the ball to Mock and Love and Klare as much as you can wether in the pass or run game. Those are our best players…why force it to anybody else if you’re forcing it? Offense still lacks any real deception. Until that’s fixed we are relying on sheer talent which will lead to 0 more wins.

Agree that KJ needs to be back at OLB. That said, this coach has never set the edge…I’m not expecting us to miraculously start tomorrow.

Would have been interesting to see Nyland Green in action but seeing as Nebraska won’t need to throw it it seems like those talents will be wasted. Another game that’s over when the ball is first kicked I’m afraid.
I have said this many, many times, but Card is not a running QB. You’re on here all condescending talking about you just understand football at a high level and you post nonsense like “offense needs to be qb run heavy.” I mean come on man. I’m sorry but that cannot be a serious suggestion.

Card can scramble and make plays. That’s about all he appears to be able to do, in fact. But you have to be joking. He is not good at the read option at all. If he was, last week would’ve probably been different. You’re asking for just straight QB runs like it’s Cam Newton I guess 🤣
I have said this many, many times, but Card is not a running QB. You’re on here all condescending talking about you just understand football at a high level and you post nonsense like “offense needs to be qb run heavy.” I mean come on man. I’m sorry but that cannot be a serious suggestion.

Card can scramble and make plays. That’s about all he appears to be able to do, in fact. But you have to be joking. He is not good at the read option at all. If he was, last week would’ve probably been different. You’re asking for just straight QB runs like it’s Cam Newton I guess 🤣
He’s looked his best when him running is an element of the offense. Look back to the IU and Minnesota games….you know…those few games we won last year… He even led the team in rushing in one of those…

YOU think he’s not a running QB. I’m not saying base the whole damn offense around it but when he’s not a threat to run we generally don’t have success. Remember the IU game and the late TD he threw? Mock was wide open because the whole team bit on his run fake because he had eaten them up on the ground to that point. It’s the most reliable way to get guys open in the pass game…why not use it? Then didn’t he take a called run to the end zone to win? Yeah he’s totally not a running QB…lol.

Instead of being so dense and stuck in this box that Harrell’s offense has you in…why not think dynamically? You’re one of the ones pushing the narrative that we don’t run Card because we were “saving” him for something. But what was that? He can’t really throw!

Use all of your weapons. All of your threats. Well, that is if you want to win…

Seeing as you were a Walters tugger all during the offseason…yeah I’d say that I understand football much better than you.

I called our turnaround in 2021 after the bad injuries in 2019 and the Covid year. I called us being substantially worse this year then we were even last. Do I just guess right…or do I have eyes and understand what I’m seeing? I said we would see what we are seeing and why all up and down this board for 8 months….but I personally do t know football?