To our liberal, progressive friends on here...

Oh you mean the policy the Supreme Court decided could be stopped because it was deemed to be inhumane? That was a good policy in your opinion? I know, I know, f*** those refugees. Yeah, tremendous policy stuff right there.

So back to my question. You gonna answer, or can I just tell you to move along so you can annoy someone else.
Refugees? How about illegal immigrants breaking the laws of our country.
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The NY Post isn't exactly a reliable source. Have anything different than that?

I've said it before....both sides kick the can down the road on the border. Look at bipartisan border bill. Kicked. And it was bipartisan. Wasn't perfect. It was something. Kicked. And it's barely mentioned (that I can see). Fingers can be pointed, but a lot of times it's semantics because no one truly shows much interest in it.

Would you be in favor of building an impenetrable wall and taking other steps to put physical barriers in place to make it extremely difficult for people to cross the border illegally other than at ports of entry?
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I don’t care about Hunter Biden. Ring me up when he runs for office.
I don't either, but the laptop had evidence of Joe's ties to Hunter's business. It would have hurt him in the election, which is why the establishment collaborated to cover it up until after the election.

No comment on the horrible crimes against children made possible by Biden and his Vice Puppet Border Czar?
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Would you be in favor of building an impenetrable wall and taking other steps to put physical barriers in place to make it extremely difficult for people to cross the border illegally other than at ports of entry?
No. A wall isn’t going you stop people who want to get over. We’ve already seen areas of the wall (that Mexico didn’t pay for mind you), fall over etc. Also, the logistics of a wall going all across the border are extremely difficult and would take years and years.

What I’m in favor of are both parties putting together a comprehensive and fair (which is a highly generic word, I realize) program/system that lays out clear standards, provides an attainable path to citizenship, and treats refugees humanely because many of them truly are escaping dire situations at home.

You and I cannot possibly fathom how bad it must be for people to leave their homes, travel for hundreds and hundreds of miles usually by foot, to escape something.

What I’m tired of are those same people being demonized and both parties failing to figure out a system that works. But take the wall money and allocate it differently.

I’m also in favor of deporting anyone who overstays visas etc as well. I don’t want it to be a free for all either, and I don’t want you misinterpreting anything I said above. So before you do, ask me to clarify anything I said first.
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I don't either, but the laptop had evidence of Joe's ties to Hunter's business. It would have hurt him in the election, which is why the establishment collaborated to cover it up until after the election.

No comment on the horrible crimes against children made possible by Biden and his Vice Puppet Border Czar?
Y’all have yammered on about this dumb laptop for years, yet there’s been nothing concrete to tie Joe Biden to anything. If there was, why hasn’t he been impeached? This should be a slam dunk if all the evidence is there. Go for it. But it’s been years. The house is dead. Move along.
No. A wall isn’t going you stop people who want to get over. We’ve already seen areas of the wall (that Mexico didn’t pay for mind you), fall over etc. Also, the logistics of a wall going all across the border are extremely difficult and would take years and years.

What I’m in favor of are both parties putting together a comprehensive and fair (which is a highly generic word, I realize) program/system that lays out clear standards, provides an attainable path to citizenship, and treats refugees humanely because many of them truly are escaping dire situations at home.

You and I cannot possibly fathom how bad it must be for people to leave their homes, travel for hundreds and hundreds of miles usually by foot, to escape something.

What I’m tired of are those same people being demonized and both parties failing to figure out a system that works. But take the wall money and allocate it differently.

I’m also in favor of deporting anyone who overstays visas etc as well. I don’t want it to be a free for all either, and I don’t want you misinterpreting anything I said above. So before you do, ask me to clarify anything I said first.
A wall is not impossible and it would work. If it wasn't going to work, why did Biden stop construction? We've sent $350B to Ukraine. In your words, "take the money and allocate it differently".

What's a "fair" plan and fair to whom? What's fair about my hard earned money and tax dollars going to support someone who broke the law?
There is a path to citizenship. It's attainable but requires work. My old nanny from Nicaragua completed it. Becoming a US citizen is a privilege, not a right. I'm sorry a lot of these people are coming from bad situations at home, but the US shouldn't accept the role of dumping ground. Why doesn't Canada take more of these illegals? What about Mexico?
No. A wall isn’t going you stop people who want to get over. We’ve already seen areas of the wall (that Mexico didn’t pay for mind you), fall over etc. Also, the logistics of a wall going all across the border are extremely difficult and would take years and years.

What I’m in favor of are both parties putting together a comprehensive and fair (which is a highly generic word, I realize) program/system that lays out clear standards, provides an attainable path to citizenship, and treats refugees humanely because many of them truly are escaping dire situations at home.

You and I cannot possibly fathom how bad it must be for people to leave their homes, travel for hundreds and hundreds of miles usually by foot, to escape something.

What I’m tired of are those same people being demonized and both parties failing to figure out a system that works. But take the wall money and allocate it differently.

I’m also in favor of deporting anyone who overstays visas etc as well. I don’t want it to be a free for all either, and I don’t want you misinterpreting anything I said above. So before you do, ask me to clarify anything I said first.
I'm all for helping refugees, but refugees aren't coming in the open border. They need to come through a port of entry to get the help they need. People crossing the open border are illegals and do not deserve our help. Come the right way or go somewhere else.
A wall is not impossible and it would work. If it wasn't going to work, why did Biden stop construction? We've sent $350B to Ukraine. In your words, "take the money and allocate it differently".

What's a "fair" plan and fair to whom? What's fair about my hard earned money and tax dollars going to support someone who broke the law?
There is a path to citizenship. It's attainable but requires work. My old nanny from Nicaragua completed it. Becoming a US citizen is a privilege, not a right. I'm sorry a lot of these people are coming from bad situations at home, but the US shouldn't accept the role of dumping ground. Why doesn't Canada take more of these illegals? What about Mexico?
What’s fair about my money going to a wall that I don’t think is going to work AND that I wasn’t supposed to pay for anyway? See how this works, bone? We disagree. It’s fine. I never said the US should become a dumping ground for refugees. That’s you trying to insert a narrative that you’ve been gaslit into believing. You’re going to have to try that shit with someone else. Not me.

Idk how many more times I have to say that until there is true bipartisan effort to fully address issues at the border, it’s just going to get kicked down the road and fingers will keep getting pointed. It is absolutely pointless for us to discuss it further because a) we actually fundamentally agree that the border is an issue but b) it’s dumb to get into a pissing contest because the government as a whole has historically sat back and done pretty much nothing about it.
I don’t ever need to stop talking about it. You and republicans do. You need “everyone to let it go” at thanksgiving. Because once your propaganda answers you in our, you’re cooked. You don’t have an original thought in your head. There comes a point, pretty early on, where you don’t have any answers that you can recall from Brian stelter or Chris Cuomo or Nancy grace. Or the young Turks.. or pod save America. Or Tucker Carlson.

You obviously like Joe Biden and Barack Obama, but you won’t defend their record. Not against attacks from the right. You’ll do that all day. Your favorite sources inform you on that. You cannot answer basic questions from the left.

And not the left as riveting things of it. Where he thinks Kamala Harris is a Marxist. The Jimmy dore/lee camp/RBN left.
I mean who even the hell are you talking to here? Just loony stuff. Go to church. Go to Bob Evans for a meal after. You’re a mess. Mercy.
A wall is not impossible and it would work. If it wasn't going to work, why did Biden stop construction? We've sent $350B to Ukraine. In your words, "take the money and allocate it differently".

What's a "fair" plan and fair to whom? What's fair about my hard earned money and tax dollars going to support someone who broke the law?
There is a path to citizenship. It's attainable but requires work. My old nanny from Nicaragua completed it. Becoming a US citizen is a privilege, not a right. I'm sorry a lot of these people are coming from bad situations at home, but the US shouldn't accept the role of dumping ground. Why doesn't Canada take more of these illegals? What about Mexico?
It never entered my mind that 180 countries were in dire straits and these people were in harms way and THAT was the legitimate reason to not know who they were...but just get them over here quickly. Nor did it enter my mind that those countries were supplying their best to the USA when I thought it was drug and sex trafficking made easier and others just looking for a better life with no container too small. Many will never assimilate since there is no reason to do that. Legal citizens are not only being assaulted physically, but financially. How did so many countries all of a sudden get so bad that the flood gates had to be opened? Must be similar to business only now getting greedy instead of when Trump was president. The USA is NOT getting the best, the brightest and the costs are huge NOW and will grow exponentially in the future. When the economy gets worse the crime grows. I just wonder how many people unaware of the disaster created have even spent time in Mexico to understand just how corrupt it is...let alone some other countries worse.
It never entered my mind that 180 countries were in dire straits and these people were in harms way and THAT was the legitimate reason to not know who they were...but just get them over here quickly. Nor did it enter my mind that those countries were supplying their best to the USA when I thought it was drug and sex trafficking made easier and others just looking for a better life with no container too small. Many will never assimilate since there is no reason to do that. Legal citizens are not only being assaulted physically, but financially. How did so many countries all of a sudden get so bad that the flood gates had to be opened? Must be similar to business only now getting greedy instead of when Trump was president. The USA is NOT getting the best, the brightest and the costs are huge NOW and will grow exponentially in the future. When the economy gets worse the crime grows. I just wonder how many people unaware of the disaster created have even spent time in Mexico to understand just how corrupt it is...let alone some other countries worse.

Is the caravan in the room with you now, tj? If you’re that scared, maybe you should have pressed for all of your concerns to be addressed when republicans had full control for two years when Trump was in office. Just a thought.
Is the caravan in the room with you now, tj? If you’re that scared, maybe you should have pressed for all of your concerns to be addressed when republicans had full control for two years when Trump was in office. Just a thought.
Sometimes things get delayed getting fixed when the problem relatively isn’t as severe as later. The reality is that it is a huge problem today and much worse than years ago. The problem today was a desired consequence. I know there was a bill for some to go to the wall, but was filled with so much pork Trump couldn’t approve it.

Are you actually suggesting that the illegals under Trump were as bad as under Harris and the big guy? Really, it that what you are suggesting? Hell I remember the race card being used when Trump was trying to stop the masses from walking across the border after being brought by bus close to the border. Did you intend to suggest that Trumps border approach was nearly as serious of a problem as the last 3 1:2 years?

There were times I’ve added air to a tire with a very slow leak rather than buy a new tire or repair something else or buy time until I could replace the tire. The dems did not want the wall built, threw out the race card when the topic came up concerning the border. They want the votes and more power and control
What’s fair about my money going to a wall that I don’t think is going to work AND that I wasn’t supposed to pay for anyway? See how this works, bone? We disagree. It’s fine. I never said the US should become a dumping ground for refugees. That’s you trying to insert a narrative that you’ve been gaslit into believing. You’re going to have to try that shit with someone else. Not me.

Idk how many more times I have to say that until there is true bipartisan effort to fully address issues at the border, it’s just going to get kicked down the road and fingers will keep getting pointed. It is absolutely pointless for us to discuss it further because a) we actually fundamentally agree that the border is an issue but b) it’s dumb to get into a pissing contest because the government as a whole has historically sat back and done pretty much nothing about it.
Do you know what percentage of illegals coming across the southern border actually come through a legal port of entry? Estimates range from 60-80%.
Essentially, these people are refusing to obey the law and are entering the country illegally. How do you prevent that outside of a physical barrier ?
Sometimes things get delayed getting fixed when the problem relatively isn’t as severe as later. The reality is that it is a huge problem today and much worse than years ago. The problem today was a desired consequence. I know there was a bill for some to go to the wall, but was filled with so much pork Trump couldn’t approve it.

Are you actually suggesting that the illegals under Trump were as bad as under Harris and the big guy? Really, it that what you are suggesting? Hell I remember the race card being used when Trump was trying to stop the masses from walking across the border after being brought by bus close to the border. Did you intend to suggest that Trumps border approach was nearly as serious of a problem as the last 3 1:2 years?

There were times I’ve added air to a tire with a very slow leak rather than buy a new tire or repair something else or buy time until I could replace the tire. The dems did not want the wall built, threw out the race card when the topic came up concerning the border. They want the votes and more power and control
Trump RAN his first election on building a wall, so apparently he thought it was a big enough problem in 2016 that it was essentially his entire platform. Seems to refute whatever other gibberish you’re going on about here.

Again, republicans had full control for two years. And not much to show for it. Tell your stories to someone else, tj. I know you’re trying to flood the zone with shit but you’re not fooling anyone.
Do you know what percentage of illegals coming across the southern border actually come through a legal port of entry? Estimates range from 60-80%.
Essentially, these people are refusing to obey the law and are entering the country illegally. How do you prevent that outside of a physical barrier ?
Like I have said multiple times on here, it was and is a bipartisan failure. You want to obsess about a wall, knock yourself out. I would have been fine with it if I wasn’t paying for it. But that didn’t turn out to be the case and I think it’s a waste of money. I would rather see meaningful and lasting and effective changes to the overall immigration process than throwing up a shitty wall that people will easily figure out how to get over or under. You’re free to disagree. I don’t care. Until Washington decides to actually come together and be fully serious, we will continue to come right back to this spot. It’s a waste of time.
Trump RAN his first election on building a wall, so apparently he thought it was a big enough problem in 2016 that it was essentially his entire platform. Seems to refute whatever other gibberish you’re going on about here.

Again, republicans had full control for two years. And not much to show for it. Tell your stories to someone else, tj. I know you’re trying to flood the zone with shit but you’re not fooling anyone.
As you should be able to recall...many republicans were not on board with Trump. That swamp although overloaded on one side has members on the other side. In comparing Trump to Harris/Biden on the desires for the wall and illegals specifically...Trump wanted it curtailed and vetted and Harris /Biden didn't. To pretend that Trump could do everything he wanted , is a false proposal. He had MANY more obstacles that Harris/Biden who we "KNOW" wanted an open border.

I'm not fooling anyone because those that are aware know I'm speaking the truth and are in agreement and those unaware...are too unaware to know better due to not possessing the faculties to be fooled. Now, do you really want to pretend that Trump vs. Harris/Biden shared similar desires on the open border or would you just rather not touch that. Maybe you also believe the economy is better today with much inflation since Trump?
Like I have said multiple times on here, it was and is a bipartisan failure. You want to obsess about a wall, knock yourself out. I would have been fine with it if I wasn’t paying for it. But that didn’t turn out to be the case and I think it’s a waste of money. I would rather see meaningful and lasting and effective changes to the overall immigration process than throwing up a shitty wall that people will easily figure out how to get over or under. You’re free to disagree. I don’t care. Until Washington decides to actually come together and be fully serious, we will continue to come right back to this spot. It’s a waste of time.
How did the wall compare in cost to the waste left in Afghanistan since "waste" is a consideration. Whatever effectiveness the wall had it was money better spent than what was left behind or many other studies or instances. What about the waste the USA spent on the defense of Nato that the other countries let the USA do since WW2 instead of ponying up their 2%. Even though wasted money takes place on both sides, the left has quite the lead on frivolous spending. Want to cut waste...cut the government and reduce the taxes so there is less chance for really is quite simple...I'm fine with that
Like I have said multiple times on here, it was and is a bipartisan failure. You want to obsess about a wall, knock yourself out. I would have been fine with it if I wasn’t paying for it. But that didn’t turn out to be the case and I think it’s a waste of money. I would rather see meaningful and lasting and effective changes to the overall immigration process than throwing up a shitty wall that people will easily figure out how to get over or under. You’re free to disagree. I don’t care. Until Washington decides to actually come together and be fully serious, we will continue to come right back to this spot. It’s a waste of time.
1) Are you OK with your money going to Ukraine?
2) If there's not a physical barrier, you essentially have open borders. Part of the immigration process is that the immigrants do it legally. The vast majority are not. Therefore, there has to be both a deterrent (physical, ie. a wall) and a consequence (quickly shipped back to where they came from). If you don't disincentivize the behavior, the behavior will continue.
Y’all have yammered on about this dumb laptop for years, yet there’s been nothing concrete to tie Joe Biden to anything. If there was, why hasn’t he been impeached? This should be a slam dunk if all the evidence is there. Go for it. But it’s been years. The house is dead. Move along.
95, the dems controlled Congress 2020-22, so of course there was no investigation then. The repubs started an investigation in 2023, which has been slow-walked at every step of the way by a corrupt WH and DoJ.

Even so, sworn testimony by two former business partners has shown Joe was well aware his name and position were being used to lure and seal customers. Thus, the WH has changed its narrative to first, Joe never discussed business with his son (the lie told during the 2020 election), to second, Joe was never in business with Hunter, to now, Joe never made any money from Hunter's "business." Of course, you may prefer to believe Hunter made millions from businesses in China, Ukraine etc because those businesses are always looking for drug addicts to 'advise' them.

You are still ducking my question about why you are supporting Biden/Harris despite their open border policy that has led to massive crimes against children. Can't think of a good answer?
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Like I have said multiple times on here, it was and is a bipartisan failure. You want to obsess about a wall, knock yourself out. I would have been fine with it if I wasn’t paying for it. But that didn’t turn out to be the case and I think it’s a waste of money. I would rather see meaningful and lasting and effective changes to the overall immigration process than throwing up a shitty wall that people will easily figure out how to get over or under. You’re free to disagree. I don’t care. Until Washington decides to actually come together and be fully serious, we will continue to come right back to this spot. It’s a waste of time.
Trump forced Mexico to accept the remain-in-Mexico policy. A lot cheaper and more effective than a wall. Biden/Harris ended that policy as soon as they entered office.

That was a Biden/Harris failure, not a "bipartisan" failure.
As you should be able to recall...many republicans were not on board with Trump. That swamp although overloaded on one side has members on the other side. In comparing Trump to Harris/Biden on the desires for the wall and illegals specifically...Trump wanted it curtailed and vetted and Harris /Biden didn't. To pretend that Trump could do everything he wanted , is a false proposal. He had MANY more obstacles that Harris/Biden who we "KNOW" wanted an open border.

I'm not fooling anyone because those that are aware know I'm speaking the truth and are in agreement and those unaware...are too unaware to know better due to not possessing the faculties to be fooled. Now, do you really want to pretend that Trump vs. Harris/Biden shared similar desires on the open border or would you just rather not touch that. Maybe you also believe the economy is better today with much inflation since Trump?
No one wants an open border, tj. Full stop with your bullshit.
Trump forced Mexico to accept the remain-in-Mexico policy. A lot cheaper and more effective than a wall. Biden/Harris ended that policy as soon as they entered office.

That was a Biden/Harris failure, not a "bipartisan" failure.
I will stand by the border being a bipartisan failure, no matter the administration, no matter what kind of semantics you want to try to drag into it. But you do you!
I will stand by the border being a bipartisan failure, no matter the administration, no matter what kind of semantics you want to try to drag into it. But you do you!
So, you want an open border, correct?

Otherwise, without a physical barrier or making it extremely physically difficult to enter the country illegally, then there's no disincentive for people doing so.

Why do you think prisons have walls, fences and other barriers? If there didn't, do you think more prisoners would try to escape?
So, you want an open border, correct?

Otherwise, without a physical barrier or making it extremely physically difficult to enter the country illegally, then there's no disincentive for people doing so.

Why do you think prisons have walls, fences and other barriers? If there didn't, do you think more prisoners would try to escape?
I’ve already made my point on here. If it’s not sinking in, then maybe go to the Ohio thread and lament about all those poor cats.
So, you want an open border, correct?

Otherwise, without a physical barrier or making it extremely physically difficult to enter the country illegally, then there's no disincentive for people doing so.

Why do you think prisons have walls, fences and other barriers? If there didn't, do you think more prisoners would try to escape?
In 2017 when the repubs had total control of the government, why didn't they allocate the $20 billions plus of dollars for a big beautiful wall when they had the chance?
The border isn’t open, soooo……….
The DHS IG reported in the link I posted that 300,000 children are missing from the Biden/Harris policy you say is not an open border.

That appears not to trouble you. Just collateral damage (along with the drugs, sex trafficking, crime, and burden on inner city resources) from the Biden/Harris zeal to serve their lobbyists/owners with the cheap labor they demand, right?

Trump worked to stop all of that with the remain in Mexico policy that Biden/Harris ended as soon as they could, following their orders from the establishment like good political puppets.
I’ve already made my point on here. If it’s not sinking in, then maybe go to the Ohio thread and lament about all those poor cats.
yeh, unfortunately for you, your point is wrong. Like most lefty libs, you really on emotion and feelings instead of facts and statistics.
The DHS IG reported in the link I posted that 300,000 children are missing from the Biden/Harris policy you say is not an open border.

That appears not to trouble you. Just collateral damage (along with the drugs, sex trafficking, crime, and burden on inner city resources) from the Biden/Harris zeal to serve their lobbyists/owners with the cheap labor they demand, right?

Trump worked to stop all of that with the remain in Mexico policy that Biden/Harris ended as soon as they could, following their orders from the establishment like good political puppets.
If it didn’t bother you when Trump was president, I’m sure it doesn’t bother you now, so you can take your gaslighting to someone else.
yeh, unfortunately for you, your point is wrong. Like most lefty libs, you really on emotion and feelings instead of facts and statistics.
I love how anyone who disagrees with you is just a lefty lib. That’s your only retort. No surprise since you lack any actual depth of knowledge.

If you actually cared about any of these issues, that would be different. But you don’t. Well unless it comes to someone’s genitals. That seems to get you really bothered.
If it didn’t bother you when Trump was president, I’m sure it doesn’t bother you now, so you can take your gaslighting to someone else.
It didn't have official US government enablement when Trump was president. Had there been an IG report like that when Trump was president I wouldn't have been fine with it. Would you and your fellow libs?

300,000 lost children. A Biden/Harris crime against humanity - but you are fine with it.
I love how anyone who disagrees with you is just a lefty lib. That’s your only retort. No surprise since you lack any actual depth of knowledge.

If you actually cared about any of these issues, that would be different. But you don’t. Well unless it comes to someone’s genitals. That seems to get you really bothered.
I care about the issue...a lot. I care about people coming into our country illegally, using our resources, breaking our laws, not going through the proper and legal paths. And all of this costs US tax payers.
You on the other hand, are willing to give them a pass.
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It didn't have official US government enablement when Trump was president. Had there been an IG report like that when Trump was president I wouldn't have been fine with it. Would you and your fellow libs?

300,000 lost children. A Biden/Harris crime against humanity - but you are fine with it.
I mean he’s the guy who started separating the families so again, if it didn’t bother you then, then I know it doesn’t bother you now. Like I said, try it with someone else.
I mean he’s the guy who started separating the families so again, if it didn’t bother you then, then I know it doesn’t bother you now. Like I said, try it with someone else.
How would you know what bothered me then. Separating real families did bother me, but not separating adults who showed up with children but no proof of same. What would do - just say you would take their word for it?
How would you know what bothered me then. Separating real families did bother me, but not separating adults who showed up with children but no proof of same. What would do - just say you would take their word for it?
Because you aren’t a serious person. That’s how I know. Nothing you say on here is serious (although you haven’t claimed that the cat-eating story is true, so kudos for being one notch above some of the others in here I guess)
Because you aren’t a serious person. That’s how I know. Nothing you say on here is serious (although you haven’t claimed that the cat-eating story is true, so kudos for being one notch above some of the others in here I guess)
This likely is of no importance to you since it is just more child collateral damage.


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