Tippecanoe County officials are announcing lock down restrictions right now

Hey freedom you wear a seatbelt? Do you drink and drive? Your rights stop where mine begin. My rights stop where your begin. Freedom? Freedom to kill my elderly family members? I don't think so. IS this a political board by the way?
How about the rights for teenagers to live a normal life? You know, like the teenage life all these elderly people you want to protect were allowed to live.
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And if Masks stop the spread in Nursing homes, the same concept should apply in homes. Nursing homes are literally germ factories. If masks stop that, then why wouldn't it work in homes with less people?

You seem to be working under the assumption that families are all doing exactly the same thing everyday. One might be working in a factory all day (wearing a mask), another teaching college (in person wearing a mask), another living at home while going to college (wearing a mask), another in high school (wearing a mask).

Then they all come home and don't wear masks.

Either masks work....or they don't. If they do work, health officials shouldn't be ignoring a high risk environment (homes).
I still don't believe you are getting the point. Masks are only somewhat effective. There is no reason to expect that you could spend an entire day with a person in close contact and be protected by a mask. There is a reason to believe that wearing a mask for the minute you and me pass each other at the grocery store that the germs may not be transferred between us.

It's been like this well before COVID. I've gotten sick plenty of times from things that my kid or wife brought home from work that weren't nearly as contagious as this. It's more than reasonable to expect that if they brought home COVID that no matter how safe we were that we would all get it. That's a lot different than expecting the cashier at the grocery store to give it to me.

Pay no attention to the rates of virus infections increasing even though most people are wearing masks. Pay no attention to the 95%+ survival rate of those older than 70 who are infected and 99.9% for those younger than 70.

Put your mask on and shut up!
I still don't believe you are getting the point. Masks are only somewhat effective. There is no reason to expect that you could spend an entire day with a person in close contact and be protected by a mask. There is a reason to believe that wearing a mask for the minute you and me pass each other at the grocery store that the germs may not be transferred between us.

It's been like this well before COVID. I've gotten sick plenty of times from things that my kid or wife brought home from work that weren't nearly as contagious as this. It's more than reasonable to expect that if they brought home COVID that no matter how safe we were that we would all get it. That's a lot different than expecting the cashier at the grocery store to give it to me.

You and me passing in the grocery store is a low risk activity with or without a mask. That's not the way the virus spreads.

People in the places I mentioned are often spending extended periods indoors around other people. Those are higher risk activities, in which the experts say mask up. Then the experts ignore that advice in homes....where a significant % of the spread is happening.

Your flu example is irrelevant to discussion. A) most parents aren't doing anything to prevent getting the flu (other than washing your hands. B) kid to adult transmission is a huge spreader of the flu. Kid to adult spread of Covid 19 is definitely possible, but its much more common to be adult to adult....or adult to kid.
I work for a financial institution. The amount of red tape caused by the Patriot Act is absurd.

Also, just because something doesn't personally impact me doesn't mean I can't be opposed to it. Who knows what the government in 20 years might think of my KHC posting history?
So it’s made your job more difficult but has assisted law enforcement in detecting terrorist or other illegal activity....

In case the government is monitoring my KHC posting history: bite me and suck it.
Biden will blow unicorn dust out of his ass on January 20th. That's the date that the clouds will part and the sun will shine again.

you got give him some time here. Joe Biden is great at cleaning up republican messes. He did before. He will do it again. Would you guys stop getting us into meaningless wars, recessions and out of control pandemics?
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I value my freedom as much as anyone but have a 3 week old grandson who was two weeks early. Only grandparents can see him at the house as long as we wear a mask. I was just at a Speedway and amazingly I was the only person there with a mask on including the help. I understand the fatigue, but if health care workers and many others have to suck it up and wear a mask for 10-12 hours, I don't think it's too big an imposition for all of us to at least wear a mask indoors in public places. Good grief.

Totally agree. What is the big deal about wearing a mask? So many on this board are questioning shutdowns but refuse to do the things that would prevent shutdowns. And is hand washing also an invasion of your individual rights? On a personal note, thoughts and prayers for your family and especially that wonderful new grandson
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Totally agree. What is the big deal about wearing a mask? So many on this board are questioning shutdowns but refuse to do the things that would prevent shutdowns. And is hand washing also an invasion of your individual rights? On a personal note, thoughts and prayers for your family and especially that wonderful new grandson
Please take a look at the graphs listed in the attached link -
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I value my freedom as much as anyone but have a 3 week old grandson who was two weeks early. Only grandparents can see him at the house as long as we wear a mask. I was just at a Speedway and amazingly I was the only person there with a mask on including the help. I understand the fatigue, but if health care workers and many others have to suck it up and wear a mask for 10-12 hours, I don't think it's too big an imposition for all of us to at least wear a mask indoors in public places. Good grief.
I'm all for wearing a mask if the evidence (the science) showed that they actually help prevent to transmission of this virus. Hoping for something to work the way we want it to when the evidence shows that it doesn't isn't logical. I wear the damned thing when I shop, etc. as I like to be able to have food, etc. IMO, this virus is here with us for the long haul and will most likely be part of our lives on an annual basis much like the seasonal flu is. Thankfully the survival rate is 99.9% for those of us under 70 who catch the virus (95% for those older), so it's not going to wipe out humanity.
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I will post a lot of articles that state that Fauci supports masks as soon as I complete my work. On October 24 he said “Well if people are not wearing masks then maybe we should be mandating it.” Every single time I go out I see people without masks,mostly in stores where once they are allowed in they remove or pull down their mask. The other problem is that people do not cover their noses. I never confront them because I see them as “ itching” for a fight and I prefer not to go viral on the internet because someone went “Karen”. (My apologies to all those nice women out there who are named Karen). Plus I have a super nice black mask with Purdue Boilermakers in block letters!
How about the rights for teenagers to live a normal life? You know, like the teenage life all these elderly people you want to protect were allowed to live.

Are you kidding me? How are the teenagers who endured WWII or were drafted during the Vietnam war or suffered through a depression, etc? So why wait for older people to get Covid? Let’s just strip them naked and gas them. I hate that ageist stuff.
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Wear a is a minor request
They don't prevent the transmission of this virus, but whatever, the 'science' tells us that we must. You can put the CCP virus in with the common flu as something that we'll all be dealing with on an annual basis. Wearing a mask for the rest of your life .... it is a minor request.
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Are you kidding me? How are the teenagers who endured WWII or were drafted during the Vietnam war or suffered through a depression, etc? So why wait for older people to get Covid? Let’s just strip them naked and gas them. I hate that ageist stuff.

Totally sane response.
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They don't prevent the transmission of this virus, but whatever, the 'science' tells us that we must. You can put the CCP virus in with the common flu as something that we'll all be dealing with on an annual basis. Wearing a mask for the rest of your life .... it is a minor request.

Totally sane response.
Totally sane response.
Please provide me a list of any common masks available on the consumer market that will reduce the transmission of disease. If you read the fine print on most consumer masks you will see something along the line of “not intended for medical purposes and has not been tested to reduce the transmission of disease.” Masks can work well when they’re fully sealed, properly fitted, changed often, and have a filter designed for virus-sized particles. This represents none of the common masks available on the consumer market, making universal masking much more of a confidence trick than a medical solution.
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Are you kidding me? How are the teenagers who endured WWII or were drafted during the Vietnam war or suffered through a depression, etc? So why wait for older people to get Covid? Let’s just strip them naked and gas them. I hate that ageist stuff.
Teenagers who suffered through the depression are now 110 years old. I hope both of them are doing well lol. Thanks for playing Beth
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I will post a lot of articles that state that Fauci supports masks as soon as I complete my work. On October 24 he said “Well if people are not wearing masks then maybe we should be mandating it.” Every single time I go out I see people without masks,mostly in stores where once they are allowed in they remove or pull down their mask. The other problem is that people do not cover their noses. I never confront them because I see them as “ itching” for a fight and I prefer not to go viral on the internet because someone went “Karen”. (My apologies to all those nice women out there who are named Karen). Plus I have a super nice black mask with Purdue Boilermakers in block letters!
Hope you post a video of yourself blowing an aerosol straight through that snazzy mask of yours someday
Are you kidding me? How are the teenagers who endured WWII or were drafted during the Vietnam war or suffered through a depression, etc? So why wait for older people to get Covid? Let’s just strip them naked and gas them. I hate that ageist stuff.
If you hate that ageist stuff, you'll love reading up on Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel. Joe's appointed him to his coronavirus task force. Hope you're younger than 75!
They don't prevent the transmission of this virus, but whatever, the 'science' tells us that we must. You can put the CCP virus in with the common flu as something that we'll all be dealing with on an annual basis. Wearing a mask for the rest of your life .... it is a minor request.

They DO help to prevent transmission of the virus and there is a great deal of scientific research that supports that but by all means please don't wear a mask and let natural selection take it's course. The world will be better because of your sacrifice. I can't believe we are still having this argument given the 250,000 deaths in the US along with the current wave of increased infection.
If you hate that ageist stuff, you'll love reading up on Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel. Joe's appointed him to his coronavirus task force. Hope you're younger than 75!

Is it only Republicans who can serve when they are over 75? What about Mitch and Roberts ((Kansas) and Inhoe, et al. Why did you vote for Trump who will soon be 75?
Is it only Republicans who can serve when they are over 75? What about Mitch and Roberts ((Kansas) and Inhoe, et al. Why did you vote for Trump who will soon be 75?
75 is the age that Dr. Emanuel has chosen as the age where we as a society need to rethink medical treatment options for those suffering from an illness, disease, etc. as they have fewer productive years left. His approach is similar to how things are run at the National Health Service (NHS) in England. Here's an article that he wrote in The Atlantic -

Here's a small sample of what he wrote in the article -

Seventy-five. That is all I want to live. But if I am not going to engage in euthanasia or suicide, and I won’t, is this all just idle chatter? Don’t I lack the courage of my convictions?

No. My view does have important practical implications. One is personal and two involve policy.

Once I have lived to 75, my approach to my health care will completely change. I won’t actively end my life. But I won’t try to prolong it, either. Today, when the doctor recommends a test or treatment, especially one that will extend our lives, it becomes incumbent upon us to give a good reason why we don’t want it. The momentum of medicine and family means we will almost invariably get it.

My attitude flips this default on its head. I take guidance from what Sir William Osler wrote in his classic turn-of-the-century medical textbook, The Principles and Practice of Medicine: “Pneumonia may well be called the friend of the aged. Taken off by it in an acute, short, not often painful illness, the old man escapes those ‘cold gradations of decay’ so distressing to himself and to his friends.”

My Osler-inspired philosophy is this: At 75 and beyond, I will need a good reason to even visit the doctor and take any medical test or treatment, no matter how routine and painless. And that good reason is not “It will prolong your life.” I will stop getting any regular preventive tests, screenings, or interventions. I will accept only palliative—not curative—treatments if I am suffering pain or other disability.

This means colonoscopies and other cancer-screening tests are out—and before 75. If I were diagnosed with cancer now, at 57, I would probably be treated, unless the prognosis was very poor. But 65 will be my last colonoscopy. No screening for prostate cancer at any age. (When a urologist gave me a PSA test even after I said I wasn’t interested and called me with the results, I hung up before he could tell me. He ordered the test for himself, I told him, not for me.) After 75, if I develop cancer, I will refuse treatment. Similarly, no cardiac stress test. No pacemaker and certainly no implantable defibrillator. No heart-valve replacement or bypass surgery. If I develop emphysema or some similar disease that involves frequent exacerbations that would, normally, land me in the hospital, I will accept treatment to ameliorate the discomfort caused by the feeling of suffocation, but will refuse to be hauled off.

What about simple stuff? Flu shots are out. Certainly if there were to be a flu pandemic, a younger person who has yet to live a complete life ought to get the vaccine or any antiviral drugs. A big challenge is antibiotics for pneumonia or skin and urinary infections. Antibiotics are cheap and largely effective in curing infections. It is really hard for us to say no. Indeed, even people who are sure they don’t want life-extending treatments find it hard to refuse antibiotics. But, as Osler reminds us, unlike the decays associated with chronic conditions, death from these infections is quick and relatively painless. So, no to antibiotics.
If this is true, I now agree with you, he should not be on the task force. Thanks for the clarification.
If it is true? Click on the link for the article and you'll see Dr. Emanuel smiling back at you.

You'll see the same kind of face explaining to you when you're 80 that there are limited options available to you which are readily available for someone who is 60 with the same affliction. "But I've paid into the system all these years!" Tough... Medicare for all means that you simply don't have enough productive years ahead of you to warrant the treatment.
If it is true? Click on the link for the article and you'll see Dr. Emanuel smiling back at you.

You'll see the same kind of face explaining to you when you're 80 that there are limited options available to you which are readily available for someone who is 60 with the same affliction. "But I've paid into the system all these years!" Tough... Medicare for all means that you simply don't have enough productive years ahead of you to warrant the treatment.

I actually can understand some of the tough Medicare decisions. For example, if there are a limited number of hearts for transplants then I would support giving them to younger patients if the younger patients are more likely to survive. I am not sure how much/many of the decisions are based on “productive years”.
I actually can understand some of the tough Medicare decisions. For example, if there are a limited number of hearts for transplants then I would support giving them to younger patients if the younger patients are more likely to survive. I am not sure how much/many of the decisions are based on “productive years”.
1) Do you also support a global approach to Pfizer vaccine distribution.....instead of a U.S. first approach for a vaccine developed in U.S.

2) Do you support giving the Covid vaccine to those under 75 years old first?

These are the type of Covid "experts" that Biden is surrounding himself with. Why??