Re: South End Zone Renovations
I agree that the leadership of the BOT and Athletic Department need a complete overhaul, but that doesn't mean we don't also have way too many fair-weather fans. And I'd define a "fair-weather fan" as one who says he/she won't be back until Purdue's winning again. And it's a fair characterization given that "fan" isn't helping to solve the problem by staying away. And as for what you have a "right to expect" -- those who don't actively support the team don't have right to expect squat. The attitude you express is what has prevailed at IU for 20 years, and it's exactly what has destroyed their program.Originally posted by loftygoal:
Can we please knock it off with the "fair weather fans" accusations. This football program has been dismal too long to accuse the fans of not caring. We've got a right to expect that home games are going to be won, or at worst, damned close if we lose. There needs to be a complete overhaul in the leadership of the university. We should be striving for excellence in every endeavor that we participate in. Instead we are focused on value and affordability.