This is an outlier Hazell needs to go.

Mar 18, 2013
A struggling Nebraska team, with several key players out and a walkon quarterback. We had some fortunate breaks and turnovers.

Dont get me wrong I am happy we got a win today. The players played hard and deserve the victory. I love Purdue, but this in no way changes my mind about Hazell. Poor clock management at the end of the game. Passing when the clock needed to run etc. We will not win another game this year.
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Today's win is on par with last year's win at Illinois. It's still a long climb to salvage the season. Need 2 more wins just to show year-to-year progress, and it's going to be a long time until we see as many gift-wrapped turnovers as we saw today. But here's hoping!
A struggling Nebraska team, with several key players out and a walkon quarterback. We had some fortunate breaks and turnovers.

Dont get me wrong I am happy we got a win today. The players played hard and deserve the victory. I love Purdue, but this in no way changes my mind about Hazell. Poor clock management at the end of the game. Passing when the clock needed to run etc. We will not win another game this year.

Hazell has the rest of the season to prove this was no fluke. Beat UI and Iu, play Northwestern tough, and be competitive against Iowa, and Hazell gets another year, like it or not. Personally, I'm pulling for the Hazell and this team -- starting over is no fun, as we should know, all too well.
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Hazell has the rest of the season to prove this was no fluke. Beat UI and Iu, play Northwestern tough, and be competitive against Iowa, and Hazell gets another year, like it or not. Personally, I'm pulling for the Hazell and this team -- starting over is no fun, as we should know, all too well.

I agree with this 100%. And starting over is not a guarantee of better success. The best case scenario is we put a couple more Ws on the board this year and start building momentum. I'm not convinced it will happen but that's what I'm hoping for too.
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Can't you just enjoy?

The deficiencies in this win are clear! Why whine about it?

Agree completely. Lets just enjoy the win. I'm sure we will get plenty of future opportunities to have posts about firing Hazell.