The Truth about Bernie Sanders?


Gold Member
Jul 30, 2001
New Haven, CT
Bernie Sanders is truly special. He never held a job until he was elected mayor at age 53.
He lived off of welfare and four different women, had a child out-of-wedlock with one and the three marriages did not work out.
In all his years in the Senate, he introduced 364 bills. 3 passed. Two of those were to name post offices.
Bernie Sanders’ father was a high school drop-out, who tormented his family with rants about their financial problems. He blamed society and economic inequality for his plight, though as a white male in a middle class neighborhood, he was hardly among the downtrodden.
This was Bernie’s inspiration to take up the cause of economic justice, though he would spend half of his life as an able-bodied college graduate living off of unemployment checks, and the women in his life, between odd jobs.
By his own admission, Bernie was not a great student, starting at Brooklyn College and transferring to Univ. of Chicago, but his enrollment kept him protected from the draft.
He joined socialist organizations and dabbled in far-left communist politics, gaining national notoriety by petitioning the school to let students have sex in the dormitories. This was before birth control and abortion were legal, when there were still very serious repercussions for women if the condom broke, but that didn’t stop him from crusading against those silly rules that were an obstacle to his own satisfaction.
He participated in the 1963 March on Washington, a few demonstrations, and was arrested once, but his activism for civil rights ended when he became obsessed with socialism, not “democratic socialism”, but oppressive far-left Marxism.
Bernie married his college sweetheart, Deborah Shilling, and spent his small inheritance on a summer home in Vermont on 85 acres. The shack had a dirt floor and no electricity, maintaining his proletariat credibility, but not impressing his new bride. He refused to get a steady job, so his wife didn’t stick around long, divorced after 18 months.
The Viet Nam war was escalating, and when the next draft was announced, Bernie applied for a conscientious objector deferment. His deferment was denied, so he dodged the draft by having a kid out of wedlock in 1969 with his new girlfriend, Susan Mott, even though he still wasn’t working, and had no way to support the child. By the time his draft number came up, he was too old to be drafted anyway. He continued to subsist on odd carpentry jobs and unemployment checks, and occasionally selling $15 articles, including the one about how women fantasize about gang rape. He still refused to get a steady job to support his child. His girlfriend left him.
In 1988 he married Jane Driscoll, and they took a cold-war era honeymoon in communist USSR.
His new wife supported Bernie financially through his many attempts to win a public office, and shared his radical leftist political views. They visited the pro-Soviet Sandinista Government in Nicaragua known for their human rights violations, support for anti-American terrorists, and the imprisonment and exile of opponents. Bernie blindly overlooked the carnage to stand with fellow socialists. They also traveled to Cuba in hopes of meeting Bernie’s hero Fidel Castro, but access to him was denied.
Bernie Sanders managed not to hold a full-time job his entire life or vote in a single election, until he finally ran for Mayor of Burlington at the age of 40. After several failed attempts, he finally won the office of Mayor of Burlington, VT, and eventually a Senate seat, which he has managed to keep off and on. For all of his years representing Vermont, Bernie Sanders passed a total of three bills (out of 364 he proposed), and two of them were for naming post offices.
He’s a draft-dodging deadbeat dad, a globe-trotting communist dilettante, and a petulant detractor of hard-working Americans. His one skill is yelling about how unfair the world is, and how everything SHOULD be. He has no real plans for how to make it happen, and no idea what goes on in the rest of the world or how to deal with problems overseas. His excuse for not having a foreign policy or national security plank on his platform: “I’ve only been campaigning for three months.” His socialist friends are bitter about what they see as a betrayal of their values by Bernie’s pursuit of the Democratic nomination. His former wife and girlfriend run when they see reporters and will not speak to the press. Bernie’s past, including a brief stint living in a kibbutz in Israel is cloaked in secrecy. Former employees and coworkers describe him as hostile and belligerent. All of the Democrats in Vermont’s government endorsed Hillary Clinton. The people who know Bernie best cannot stand him. His supporters cannot explain how he is qualified to be president.
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Looks like the guy who for years had ODS now has BSDS.

And, yeah, I don't think you wrote that. It smells a lot like copy and paste.
I don't have BSDS, but it sure does make a good case against him. Bernie comes across as an angry, nasty, duplicitous old Socialist coot to me. His star is fading and he knows it. The DNC fix is in for him again, but this time HRC or Biden won't give him another summer house.
Sanders is Trump without the name calling. Angry, extremist, plans that won't work. He's isn't going anywhere, in part because Trump has made Americans tired of his kind of politician. Rail on him all you want.
Bernie has no chance. The DNC hates him. He should have stayed independent. Meanwhile, Trump raised 105M in the 2nd quarter. Guess people are pretty happy about the direction of the country.
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Sanders is Trump without the name calling. Angry, extremist, plans that won't work. He's isn't going anywhere, in part because Trump has made Americans tired of his kind of politician. Rail on him all you want.
There is little comparison between Trump and Bernie. IF you actually think this, you are clueless. Trump isn't a socialist and he actually has acted on what he said he would do. Bernie just lobs up a bunch of socialist platitudes. I can't imagine the screeching from you when Trump wins a second term. Oh, the humanity....
There is little comparison between Trump and Bernie. IF you actually think this, you are clueless. Trump isn't a socialist and he actually has acted on what he said he would do. Bernie just lobs up a bunch of socialist platitudes. I can't imagine the screeching from you when Trump wins a second term. Oh, the humanity....

bernie and donnie shared many similarities on their campaigns:

- fair trade
- rebuild infrastructure
- don't cut social security
- raise taxes on the rich
- higher minimum wages
- campaign finance reform
- populist, anti wall street
- running as "I am angry"
- #neverHillary
- once sanders was eliminated, many supporters went to trump
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bernie and donnie shared many similarities on their campaigns:

- fair trade
- rebuild infrastructure
- don't cut social security
- raise taxes on the rich
- higher minimum wages
- campaign finance reform
- populist, anti wall street
- running as "I am angry"
- #neverHillary
- once sanders was eliminated, many supporters went to trump
Bernie hates Trump and says so regularly. They have more significant differences than similarities. Many of the things you listed are not Trump stances per se. Bernie is against Trump’s immigration stances, Trump’s build-up of the military, Trump’s pro-police and ICE views, Trump’s tax cut, Trump’s sanctions on Cuba and Iran, Trump pulling out of the Paris accords, etc.,etc.
I was always amazed to learn that Bernie never held a job.

I mean, even the most devout socialists have to step back and laugh that their leader has never picked up a hammer.

So much for labor....Never mind the NE Aryan class commenting...yeeeesh!
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Bernie Sanders is truly special. He never held a job until he was elected mayor at age 53.
He lived off of welfare and four different women, had a child out-of-wedlock with one and the three marriages did not work out.
In all his years in the Senate, he introduced 364 bills. 3 passed. Two of those were to name post offices.
Bernie Sanders’ father was a high school drop-out, who tormented his family with rants about their financial problems. He blamed society and economic inequality for his plight, though as a white male in a middle class neighborhood, he was hardly among the downtrodden.
This was Bernie’s inspiration to take up the cause of economic justice, though he would spend half of his life as an able-bodied college graduate living off of unemployment checks, and the women in his life, between odd jobs.
By his own admission, Bernie was not a great student, starting at Brooklyn College and transferring to Univ. of Chicago, but his enrollment kept him protected from the draft.
He joined socialist organizations and dabbled in far-left communist politics, gaining national notoriety by petitioning the school to let students have sex in the dormitories. This was before birth control and abortion were legal, when there were still very serious repercussions for women if the condom broke, but that didn’t stop him from crusading against those silly rules that were an obstacle to his own satisfaction.
He participated in the 1963 March on Washington, a few demonstrations, and was arrested once, but his activism for civil rights ended when he became obsessed with socialism, not “democratic socialism”, but oppressive far-left Marxism.
Bernie married his college sweetheart, Deborah Shilling, and spent his small inheritance on a summer home in Vermont on 85 acres. The shack had a dirt floor and no electricity, maintaining his proletariat credibility, but not impressing his new bride. He refused to get a steady job, so his wife didn’t stick around long, divorced after 18 months.
The Viet Nam war was escalating, and when the next draft was announced, Bernie applied for a conscientious objector deferment. His deferment was denied, so he dodged the draft by having a kid out of wedlock in 1969 with his new girlfriend, Susan Mott, even though he still wasn’t working, and had no way to support the child. By the time his draft number came up, he was too old to be drafted anyway. He continued to subsist on odd carpentry jobs and unemployment checks, and occasionally selling $15 articles, including the one about how women fantasize about gang rape. He still refused to get a steady job to support his child. His girlfriend left him.
In 1988 he married Jane Driscoll, and they took a cold-war era honeymoon in communist USSR.
His new wife supported Bernie financially through his many attempts to win a public office, and shared his radical leftist political views. They visited the pro-Soviet Sandinista Government in Nicaragua known for their human rights violations, support for anti-American terrorists, and the imprisonment and exile of opponents. Bernie blindly overlooked the carnage to stand with fellow socialists. They also traveled to Cuba in hopes of meeting Bernie’s hero Fidel Castro, but access to him was denied.
Bernie Sanders managed not to hold a full-time job his entire life or vote in a single election, until he finally ran for Mayor of Burlington at the age of 40. After several failed attempts, he finally won the office of Mayor of Burlington, VT, and eventually a Senate seat, which he has managed to keep off and on. For all of his years representing Vermont, Bernie Sanders passed a total of three bills (out of 364 he proposed), and two of them were for naming post offices.
He’s a draft-dodging deadbeat dad, a globe-trotting communist dilettante, and a petulant detractor of hard-working Americans. His one skill is yelling about how unfair the world is, and how everything SHOULD be. He has no real plans for how to make it happen, and no idea what goes on in the rest of the world or how to deal with problems overseas. His excuse for not having a foreign policy or national security plank on his platform: “I’ve only been campaigning for three months.” His socialist friends are bitter about what they see as a betrayal of their values by Bernie’s pursuit of the Democratic nomination. His former wife and girlfriend run when they see reporters and will not speak to the press. Bernie’s past, including a brief stint living in a kibbutz in Israel is cloaked in secrecy. Former employees and coworkers describe him as hostile and belligerent. All of the Democrats in Vermont’s government endorsed Hillary Clinton. The people who know Bernie best cannot stand him. His supporters cannot explain how he is qualified to be president.
And here's their favorite Socialist:
Bernie has no chance. The DNC hates him. He should have stayed independent. Meanwhile, Trump raised 105M in the 2nd quarter. Guess people are pretty happy about the direction of the country.
" People are pretty happy...…" ??? As long as you define " people " as 42% of the country's electorate.
" People are pretty happy...…" ??? As long as you define " people " as 42% of the country's electorate.
How much you want to bet that Trump gets more than 42% of the actual voters who can and do legally vote in the 2020 election to vote for him?
And here's their favorite Socialist:
Okay, let's see, Trump supporter asserts someone never did this or that and disregards never been in military, never held elective office, never managed publicly held business, etc... makes sense

Right? And wtf does having kids or being married have to do with anything? Trump has dipshits for kids and has been married how many times now? Yeah what a freaking role model.
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How much you want to bet that Trump gets more than 42% of the actual voters who can and do legally vote in the 2020 election to vote for him?
1) Whatever vote total Trump's Democratic opponent receives in 2020 will include THREE to FIVE MILLION ILLEGAL votes again, right SD ??? Oh, I'm sorry, it was actually 300-500 illegal ones, now wasn't it , in2016 ??
2)Trump received 46.2 % in 2016
3)How much do YOU want to bet that DJT makes it to 50% ??
4) Again, " people " = all the people
1) Whatever vote total Trump's Democratic opponent receives in 2020 will include THREE to FIVE MILLION ILLEGAL votes again, right SD ??? Oh, I'm sorry, it was actually 300-500 illegal ones, now wasn't it , in2016 ??
2)Trump received 46.2 % in 2016
3)How much do YOU want to bet that DJT makes it to 50% ??
4) Again, " people " = all the people
No, people = legally-registered, citizen voters. Not illegals. Sorry, but you implied Trump won’t get more than 42%. You got called out on that bullshit.
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Right? And wtf does having kids or being married have to do with anything? Trump has dipshits for kids and has been married how many times now? Yeah what a freaking role model.
Okay....ENOUGH! You've gone way overboard when you STATE as FACT that Trump's kids are "Dipshits". You know better, but your hatred allows you to criticize when there is nothing known about his kids that would allow you to say that. They don't drink, they don't smoke dope (where's your anger toward's Barack's girls for openly flaunting it), they've never been arrested or in jail. Maybe it's time you really think about what you're putting out.

Even for you, you've lost it totally.
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Right? And wtf does having kids or being married have to do with anything? Trump has dipshits for kids and has been married how many times now? Yeah what a freaking role model.
Okay....ENOUGH! You've gone way overboard when you STATE as FACT that Trump's kids are "Dipshits". You know better, but your hatred allows you to criticize when there is nothing known about his kids that would allow you to say that. They don't drink, they don't smoke dope (where's your anger toward's Barack's girls for openly flaunting it), they've never been arrested or in jail. Maybe it's time you really think about what you're putting out.

Even for you, you've lost it totally.

My my my. Soooo touchy.

How do you know they don’t smoke dope or drink (also, who cares if they do?)

Just last week, Don Jr retweeted a false claim about Kamala Harris. Shades of the birtherism crap his dad pulled with Obama. Total dipshit.

Feel free to sit here and cry about it some more, you delicate snowflake. They’re grifters and dipshits.
No, people = legally-registered, citizen voters. Not illegals. Sorry, but you implied Trump won’t get more than 42%. You got called out on that bullshit.
Like HELL I implied that Trump won't get more than 42% in 2020. That's YOUR dumbass interpretation. Simple 4th-grade reading skills are always a plus when posting here. And when a reference is made to describe people in this country that " like " Trump/what Trump does....that leaves all the people in the US that DON'T like him, in other words, the majority of the persons that live here.
P.S. We'll let you know if and when you ever successfully call out someone, here.
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Like HELL I implied that Trump won't get more than 42% in 2020. That's YOUR dumbass interpretation. Simple 4th-grade reading skills are always a plus when posting here. And when a reference is made to describe people in this country that " like " Trump/what Trump does....that leaves all the people in the US that DON'T like him, in other words, the majority of the persons that live here.
P.S. We'll let you know if and when you ever successfully call out someone, here.
I guess you’re admitting that your writing skills suck then. My interpretation of your poorly-written earlier diatribe is a reasonable one.

Trump is going to win in 2020, and in your heart of hearts you know it’s true. The Ds have no one who can beat Trump. Biden is fading already and the other candidates are too left-wing extremist to play in the majority of the country. And don’t quote bullshit polls that use samples of a couple thousand people to represent national voting patterns.
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Like HELL I implied that Trump won't get more than 42% in 2020. That's YOUR dumbass interpretation. Simple 4th-grade reading skills are always a plus when posting here. And when a reference is made to describe people in this country that " like " Trump/what Trump does....that leaves all the people in the US that DON'T like him, in other words, the majority of the persons that live here.
P.S. We'll let you know if and when you ever successfully call out someone, here.
I guess you’re admitting that your writing skills suck then. My interpretation of your poorly-written earlier diatribe is a reasonable one.

Trump is going to win in 2020, and in your heart of hearts you know it’s true. The Ds have no one who can beat Trump. Biden is fading already and the other candidates are too left-wing extremist to play in the majority of the country. And don’t quote bullshit polls that use samples of a couple thousand people to represent national voting patterns.

Lol this is such a stupid take.
I guess you’re admitting that your writing skills suck then. My interpretation of your poorly-written earlier diatribe is a reasonable one.

Trump is going to win in 2020, and in your heart of hearts you know it’s true. The Ds have no one who can beat Trump. Biden is fading already and the other candidates are too left-wing extremist to play in the majority of the country. And don’t quote bullshit polls that use samples of a couple thousand people to represent national voting patterns.
There isn't anything even remotely reasonable about much of anything that you post about Trump. Including and especially about your boy's electoral invincibility in 2020. FoxNews polling ?? Worthless, huh ? If I were you, I'd probably stay away from claiming you know what's in someone's " heart of hearts ". Incomprehensively brain-dead statement.
There isn't anything even remotely reasonable about much of anything that you post about Trump. Including and especially about your boy's electoral invincibility in 2020. FoxNews polling ?? Worthless, huh ? If I were you, I'd probably stay away from claiming you know what's in someone's " heart of hearts ". Incomprehensively brain-dead statement.
I didn’t say invincible, but right now the Ds have no one who will beat Trump. Biden is looking very vulnerable, and he’s the Ds “best” chance. Kamala Harris is tacking so far to the left, she’s unelectable. Same for Fauxchahontas. South Bend gay mayor? LMAO. He can’t even run his town. And he thinks he can run the country? Bernie is fading. Who else ya got? Spartacus? LOL Julian Castro? LOL That kooky writer, Marianne Williamson?

Who ya got?
I didn’t say invincible, but right now the Ds have no one who will beat Trump. Biden is looking very vulnerable, and he’s the Ds “best” chance. Kamala Harris is tacking so far to the left, she’s unelectable. Same for Fauxchahontas. South Bend gay mayor? LMAO. He can’t even run his town. And he thinks he can run the country? Bernie is fading. Who else ya got? Spartacus? LOL Julian Castro? LOL That kooky writer, Marianne Williamson?

Who ya got?
Short answer: Someone who's NOT Donald Trump, with his mid-50's disapproval rating. About 490 days 'till Election Day. You'll be heard from. So will I.
I was always amazed to learn that Bernie never held a job.

I mean, even the most devout socialists have to step back and laugh that their leader has never picked up a hammer.

So much for labor....Never mind the NE Aryan class commenting...yeeeesh!
what have you been reading, tommy...-Turkish
42% being on the median portion of the scale that measures Trump's approval rating, since elected. When a poster claims that " the people " like this or that about trump.....obviously that needs to be translated into " Trump's people " Simple. A little over your head, possibly, but simple. Don't worry about it.
My my my. Soooo touchy.

How do you know they don’t smoke dope or drink (also, who cares if they do?)

Just last week, Don Jr retweeted a false claim about Kamala Harris. Shades of the birtherism crap his dad pulled with Obama. Total dipshit.

Feel free to sit here and cry about it some more, you delicate snowflake. They’re grifters and dipshits.
From everything reported, even by some of your favorite left-leanting propagandists, if they work for dad, they're not allowed to drink or smoke. And you, of all snowflakes calling someone else one?

Not calling you a jackass as I wouldn't do that, just thinking about the party you support and how they all sound.;)
From everything reported, even by some of your favorite left-leanting propagandists, if they work for dad, they're not allowed to drink or smoke. And you, of all snowflakes calling someone else one?

Not calling you a jackass as I wouldn't do that, just thinking about the party you support and how they all sound.;)
Who cares about fraud and corruption, as long as they aren't drinking and smoking, right? You can not possibly be this dumb, are you putting on an act?
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My my my. Soooo touchy.

How do you know they don’t smoke dope or drink (also, who cares if they do?)

Just last week, Don Jr retweeted a false claim about Kamala Harris. Shades of the birtherism crap his dad pulled with Obama. Total dipshit.

Feel free to sit here and cry about it some more, you delicate snowflake. They’re grifters and dipshits.
From everything reported, even by some of your favorite left-leanting propagandists, if they work for dad, they're not allowed to drink or smoke. And you, of all snowflakes calling someone else one?

Not calling you a jackass as I wouldn't do that, just thinking about the party you support and how they all sound.;)

This is just incredibly stupid and not even remotely true, you jackass.

The kids on this board are funny.

I love Bernie-bros. They don't lack zeal.

But you immediately know you are talking to a useful idiot.

It seems as if some our more "senior" posters have drank the NE ARAYAN kkkolaid.
The kids on this board are funny.

I love Bernie-bros. They don't lack zeal.

But you immediately know you are talking to a useful idiot.

It seems as if some our more "senior" posters have drank the NE ARAYAN kkkolaid.
HAHA, looks who's back. What hermitage did you retreat to to contemplate and hone your intellectual self?