The pending Biden investigation

I do not think it passes. Mainly because many politicians that come forward and said they wanted term limits basically voted against it.

Also, not sure I like the limits. Two six year terms for Senators seems ok, but I would make it 4, 4, then 6.

Three two year terms for House is a terrible idea. The main reason is a person will win their election, and go into re-election mode one year later. I could see making it three four year terms.

The issue also becomes, there are all of the Commitees. The committees need people with at least some experience leading them. Ex-they know how legislation works, have an idea of how to lead, build a majority(although they all suck at that anyway).
I understand that it's a more complex world than when it was all written, but it was never intended to be a full time job. I could go with two six year terms but no longer than that, and that still would lead to the same corruption we have in Washington today.
You seem to convolute the ideas of "impeachment inquiry", "impeachment" and "removal from office"
I have never suggested anyone accept that "removal" is the appropriate remedy. Remove or not. For that matter I feel the same about impeach or not. However to suggest that the current stage of impeachment investigation is unwarranted speaks again of the refusal of "Trumpers" to be even remotely objective as to what are "actual" versus "fake" facts.
The Senate will not remove Trump even if impeached. Then, with his base fired up, Trump CAN and WILL run in 2020 and likely win again.
Just curious as to whether our liberal friends here believe Biden should be investigated on the influence he exerted as VP in helping his son get $600k per year gig with the Ukraine govt?
Or, is that just a weird coincidence?

Well, it is hard to say. There is more than one video tape of him gloating about getting the prosecutor fired. It largely seems to be ignored or rationalized away.

Biden has also said he never discussed HB's business dealing with him. Now there is a picture of him golfing with his son, and Devon Archer, another board member at Burisma, golfing in the Hamptons. Yeah, sure nothing was discussed business wise. He just hangs out with his son and his business buddies and Board Memebers for the heck of it.
Well, it is hard to say. There is more than one video tape of him gloating about getting the prosecutor fired. It largely seems to be ignored or rationalized away.

Biden has also said he never discussed HB's business dealing with him. Now there is a picture of him golfing with his son, and Devon Archer, another board member at Burisma, golfing in the Hamptons. Yeah, sure nothing was discussed business wise. He just hangs out with his son and his business buddies and Board Memebers for the heck of it.
Wow, you not being a Trumper gives this conspiracy crap more credibility. I wouldn't have believed it if SD or Twin would have posted it, but you don't support Trump, so it must be true.
The Senate will not remove Trump even if impeached. Then, with his base fired up, Trump CAN and WILL run in 2020 and likely win again.

Personally, as of now, I think this is what everything is about. Pelosi sees the right getting fired up, which would lead to better turnout. She had to make a counter move with the Dem base.

Personally, I think the vote in the Senate is closer than people think it would be. I do have a tough time seeing the 67.

Also, I do not think the left is comfortable with all the investigations into trying to determine what actually happened in terms of 2016 election interference. I think they would be more comfortable just having that topic end. Getting rid of trump is one way to do it.
Well, it is hard to say. There is more than one video tape of him gloating about getting the prosecutor fired. It largely seems to be ignored or rationalized away.

Biden has also said he never discussed HB's business dealing with him. Now there is a picture of him golfing with his son, and Devon Archer, another board member at Burisma, golfing in the Hamptons. Yeah, sure nothing was discussed business wise. He just hangs out with his son and his business buddies and Board Memebers for the heck of it.
1) The ENTIRE EUROPEAN CONTINENT was officially trying to get that prosecutor fired, plus the IMF and half the world's law enforcement entities east of the Atlantic Ocean !!!!!!! But Biden's the one who pulled it off !!!
2) Awaiting the Bidens' smoking gun tapes of the conversations from their get-togethers. Should be any day now !!! They're cooked !!
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The Senate will not remove Trump even if impeached. Then, with his base fired up, Trump CAN and WILL run in 2020 and likely win again.
LIKELY win again ??
What happened to the lead-pipe cinch guarantee victory prediction from last week ??
Personally, as of now, I think this is what everything is about. Pelosi sees the right getting fired up, which would lead to better turnout. She had to make a counter move with the Dem base.

Personally, I think the vote in the Senate is closer than people think it would be. I do have a tough time seeing the 67.

Also, I do not think the left is comfortable with all the investigations into trying to determine what actually happened in terms of 2016 election interference. I think they would be more comfortable just having that topic end. Getting rid of trump is one way to do it.
The RNC just announced a day or so ago that they're going to be spending time and money to defeat the Dem's in states where Trump won who vote to impeach him. My guess is that a bunch of folks on the Demo side who like their jobs are going to get cold feet.
I love how the capitalist are making such a big deal about a company putting someone on their board for name recognition. Like it's something new. I wish my FIL wasn't failing because he would get a kick out of this thread. All of you through your insurance premiums probably contributed to his pay as he slid into retirement on the BOD of a few companies over five years. He knew he was there for name recognition alone, think investors, but he loved it, he said it was as close as he ever got to being a professional golfer, because that was all he was paid to do.
The RNC just announced a day or so ago that they're going to be spending time and money to defeat the Dem's in states where Trump won who vote to impeach him. My guess is that a bunch of folks on the Demo side who like their jobs are going to get cold feet.
Oh yeah, they'll be so intimidated they'll be hiding under their beds most days.
You're confusing the significant number of GOP House members who aren't running in 2020 with House Dems who can hardly wait for the re-election fight.
I love how the capitalist are making such a big deal about a company putting someone on their board for name recognition. Like it's something new. I wish my FIL wasn't failing because he would get a kick out of this thread. All of you through your insurance premiums probably contributed to his pay as he slid into retirement on the BOD of a few companies over five years. He knew he was there for name recognition alone, think investors, but he loved it, he said it was as close as he ever got to being a professional golfer, because that was all he was paid to do.

Deflection. That is not the issue.
1) The ENTIRE EUROPEAN CONTINENT was officially trying to get that prosecutor fired, plus the IMF and half the world's law enforcement entities east of the Atlantic Ocean !!!!!!! But Biden's the one who pulled it off !!!
2) Awaiting the Bidens' smoking gun tapes of the conversations from their get-togethers. Should be any day now !!! They're cooked !!

1) The ENTIRE EUROPEAN CONTINENT was officially trying to get that prosecutor fired, plus the IMF and half the world's law enforcement entities east of the Atlantic Ocean !!!!!!! But Biden's the one who pulled it off !!!

I do not care what the rest of Europe wanted. Irrelevant. Hey, listen to what Biden said on tape, and what the fired prosecutor said under oath he was told, and who went in right after to see new Ukranian prosecutors.

2) Awaiting the Bidens' smoking gun tapes of the conversations from their get-togethers. Should be any day now !!! They're cooked !![/QUOTE]

For a person that said he did not talk with his son about investments/business, did not get involved with any of it, that story unraveled real quick. Pictures and video tape say other wise.
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Silly me. After the last two years I thought all of the posters here were concerned about foreign influence/interference in the election.

Where has Trump demanded or withheld money for any investigation? Some on here must have believed Schiff's BS which he now calls a parody, or have some tapes that nobody else has heard yet.

Being a political candidate does not give one immunity from investigation. I am not sure why people believe that. Biden's actions and words resulted in this situation.

In reference to your comment on the next Dem President investigating the Republican-Trump was already investigated under the Obama Admin, and that was on the basis of Russian misleads that Hilary paid for and used that info to get bs FISA warrants. See the difference?

A lot of spin and no answer. Not surprised.

Why do you think the White House left off the convenient info of Pompeo being on the Ukraine call?

Probably an innocent mistake in your mind I'm sure. Oops!
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Deflection. That is not the issue.
There is no issue. You can try and make something up, but so far there has been no evidence that Joe Biden and/or his son did anything wrong.

Yep, the son of the VP was put on a board because he was the son of the VP and that company wanted to be associated with that name. So all that is wrong here is another kid gets ahead because of his parents success, shocking.
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1) The ENTIRE EUROPEAN CONTINENT was officially trying to get that prosecutor fired, plus the IMF and half the world's law enforcement entities east of the Atlantic Ocean !!!!!!! But Biden's the one who pulled it off !!!

I do not care what the rest of Europe wanted. Irrelevant. Hey, listen to what Biden said on tape, and what the fired prosecutor said under oath he was told, and who went in right after to see new Ukranian prosecutors.

2) Awaiting the Bidens' smoking gun tapes of the conversations from their get-togethers. Should be any day now !!! They're cooked !!

For a person that said he did not talk with his son about investments/business, did not get involved with any of it, that story unraveled real quick. Pictures and video tape say other wise.[/QUOTE]

But he doesn't talk to his son about business deals. LOL better than sharpie on a weather map.
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If you honestly don't know the Articles of Impeachment, twin, here you go. I won't copy and paste so you must read the link.
K, I've read them...went through the Nixon and Slick travesties of which neither helped the country. My question to you is this...of those articles which one (or multiples) is POTUS DJT guilty of that have, or can be, proven to the extent that it's legit? Please...
For a person that said he did not talk with his son about investments/business, did not get involved with any of it, that story unraveled real quick. Pictures and video tape say other wise.

But he doesn't talk to his son about business deals. LOL better than sharpie on a weather map.[/QUOTE]
It's unfathomable that Joe Biden played golf with his son...Donald Trump would never be caught doing that.

But he doesn't talk to his son about business deals. LOL better than sharpie on a weather map.
It's unfathomable that Joe Biden played golf with his son...Donald Trump would never be caught doing that.[/QUOTE]
Buddy this ain't about golf.
It's unfathomable that Joe Biden played golf with his son...Donald Trump would never be caught doing that.
Buddy this ain't about golf.[/QUOTE]
Apparently not since Fox radio was talking about the picture. Nothing like guilt by association.
K, I've read them...went through the Nixon and Slick travesties of which neither helped the country. My question to you is this...of those articles which one (or multiples) is POTUS DJT guilty of that have, or can be, proven to the extent that it's legit? Please...
Once again, the Nixon Impeachment was a TRAVESTY ??

There were NINETEEN people associated with that sociopath that wound up IN PRISON , as a result.

Only a presidential pardon kept Pat , Julie and Tricia from having to set aside each Sunday afternoon for visiting hours.

So that sordid episode in American history didn't "help the country" , as you put it ??

What percent of the blame do you put on the congressional investigating committees, the federal courts ( including SCOTUS) , and the Senators who
would have voted for conviction ??

Shame on THEM ??
Or on Nixon, Haldeman, Erlichman et al. ??
The only travesty as some might see it, is how in God's name can an American in 2019 consider it all a travesty.
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Well, it is hard to say. There is more than one video tape of him gloating about getting the prosecutor fired. It largely seems to be ignored or rationalized away.

Biden has also said he never discussed HB's business dealing with him. Now there is a picture of him golfing with his son, and Devon Archer, another board member at Burisma, golfing in the Hamptons. Yeah, sure nothing was discussed business wise. He just hangs out with his son and his business buddies and Board Memebers for the heck of it.

Don’t worry. The lefties will spin this as well. They’ll claim that the picture is photoshopped, (probably by Trump) and also that Trump is a racist.
Either way, Creepy Joe has been caught with his pants down twice in one week. Things aren’t looking good for him.
I love how the capitalist are making such a big deal about a company putting someone on their board for name recognition. Like it's something new. I wish my FIL wasn't failing because he would get a kick out of this thread. All of you through your insurance premiums probably contributed to his pay as he slid into retirement on the BOD of a few companies over five years. He knew he was there for name recognition alone, think investors, but he loved it, he said it was as close as he ever got to being a professional golfer, because that was all he was paid to do.

Was you FIL the VP of the US? Kind of different don’tcha think?
Don’t worry. The lefties will spin this as well. They’ll claim that the picture is photoshopped, (probably by Trump) and also that Trump is a racist.
Either way, Creepy Joe has been caught with his pants down twice in one week. Things aren’t looking good for him.
The entire European Continent, along with the IMF got that prosecutor removed. If Biden took more than 2% of the credit, he'll take the mini-hit for the inaccuracy.
And " not looking good for Joe " ??
Compared to the week TRUMP'S having ??
Eyes still glued to Fox, huh ??
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What amazes me is the issue about why we are looking into impeachment is because Trump was trying to use his office to get Ukraine to dig up dirty on Biden by withholding aid that was already designated for them, everything else involved in this sorry mess is pretty much irrelevant.
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Don’t worry. The lefties will spin this as well. They’ll claim that the picture is photoshopped, (probably by Trump) and also that Trump is a racist.
Either way, Creepy Joe has been caught with his pants down twice in one week. Things aren’t looking good for him.
They're working overtime as we type to come up with another scandel when this one dies.
Once again, the Nixon Impeachment was a TRAVESTY ??

There were NINETEEN people associated with that sociopath that wound up IN PRISON , as a result.

Only a presidential pardon kept Pat , Julie and Tricia from having to set aside each Sunday afternoon for visiting hours.

So that sordid episode in American history didn't "help the country" , as you put it ??

What percent of the blame do you put on the congressional investigating committees, the federal courts ( including SCOTUS) , and the Senators who
would have voted for conviction ??

Shame on THEM ??
Or on Nixon, Haldeman, Erlichman et al. ??
The only travesty as some might see it, is how in God's name can an American in 2019 consider it all a travesty.
Travesties because of what they did to the country. And the blame is on RMN for not destroying the tapes as he was advised to do.
Travesties because of what they did to the country. And the blame is on RMN for not destroying the tapes as he was advised to do.
I can’t imagine being such a pos that my issue with Nixon would be that he wasn’t a bigger criminal. Smh, Twindegrees you never fail to set a new low.
They're working overtime as we type to come up with another scandel when this one dies.
" THEY " really don't have to work at ALL, let alone overtime, in awaiting the next self-inflicted scandal @ Trump World.
There's Trump.
There's the frying pan.
Watch Trump jump in.
Watch Trump plug it in.
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Travesties because of what they did to the country. And the blame is on RMN for not destroying the tapes as he was advised to do.
There exists in the English language quite a number of common phrases.
One of them is " travesty of justice. "
The dictionary definition of travesty: false, absurd , or distorted representation of something.
Now re-read your 1st sentence.
And try to tell us that the absolutely ridiculous assertion that Nixon's removal was a travesty wasn't what you were implying.
Nice try.
Was you FIL the VP of the US? Kind of different don’tcha think?
No, never said he was, was Hunter Biden VP of the US? Because the comparison I made, my FIL on boards primarily so his name was associated with those companies, was just like Hunter Biden being placed on at least this one board because of his name and that company wanted to be associated with that name. Do you honestly think former execs, like my FIL, celebrities, former politicians, former military... who find themselves on boards are there because they are savants?
A lot of spin and no answer. Not surprised.

Why do you think the White House left off the convenient info of Pompeo being on the Ukraine call?

Probably an innocent mistake in your mind I'm sure. Oops!

I thought a State Dept official was the one that said Pompeo was on the call/in the room with Trump the other day? That was not anything some investigation found out that was left off.

I answered plenty of your previous post. My answer was an investigation like that already occurred with Trump. LOl, people seem to forget that. Would have nothing to do with if next Dem President did it-already happened. And if there was reason for suspicion of pay for play, quid pro quo, election interference, and lying about interaction I am fine with it. Said that a million times. Again, as of now, there is more on Biden than on Trump.
There is no issue. You can try and make something up, but so far there has been no evidence that Joe Biden and/or his son did anything wrong.

Yep, the son of the VP was put on a board because he was the son of the VP and that company wanted to be associated with that name. So all that is wrong here is another kid gets ahead because of his parents success, shocking.

Just ignore his video tape.

Just ignore the fact that he has said he knows nothing about Hunter's businesses and associates and then there are pictures of them all golfing together. For people that are so put off by Trump's lying(I can agree), suddenly turning the other cheek on the topic when it comes to a different politician.

That is fine. That reaction is expected.
Just ignore his video tape.

Just ignore the fact that he has said he knows nothing about Hunter's businesses and associates and then there are pictures of them all golfing together. For people that are so put off by Trump's lying(I can agree), suddenly turning the other cheek on the topic when it comes to a different politician.

That is fine. That reaction is expected.
You’ll jump in with both feet with any conspiracy thrown your way, but any actual evidence you just straight up ignore. The propaganda machine is whipped up in full force to make this Biden thing happen because they’re trying to protect Trump. You right wingers think the Fox News kangaroo court is just as legitimate as real crimes with real evidence.
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I thought a State Dept official was the one that said Pompeo was on the call/in the room with Trump the other day? That was not anything some investigation found out that was left off.

I answered plenty of your previous post. My answer was an investigation like that already occurred with Trump. LOl, people seem to forget that. Would have nothing to do with if next Dem President did it-already happened. And if there was reason for suspicion of pay for play, quid pro quo, election interference, and lying about interaction I am fine with it. Said that a million times. Again, as of now, there is more on Biden than on Trump.
More on Biden than on Trump ??
We're having a difficult time finding a single credible source that would even put the Biden issues in the same solar system as those of Trump.
So we know you'll be happy to refer us to ONE.
Thank you in advance.
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They're working overtime as we type to come up with another scandel when this one dies.

What I find funny is that lefties are inferring that Trumpnwas involved in a QPQ situation asking Zelensky to investigate Biden.
They’ve let their TDS get so bad that they’ll believe anything the Dems say.