The Carrier plant will stay in Indy...

I'm no economic whiz that's for sure. But as my simple mind processes this, if all you guys are this excited about this Carrier deal, you must have been beyond euphoric turning cartwheels creaming your tighty whiteys when Obama bailed out an entire industry. Thousands of auto jobs saved, suppliers jobs preserved, autos being sold boosting the economy. Imagine that, and no pep rallys are tweet jerking afterward! I bet your were singing Mr Obamas praises after that one!

Yes, I was all for saving the auto industry, although I'm not sure all of that credit goes to Obama.

From the above website, ....Barack Obama, however, cannot claim full credit for this outcome. According to several experts, he needs to share it with his predecessor, President George W. Bush. Dr. James Rubenstein at Miami University co-wrote a post-bankruptcy assessment for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Rubenstein said no one should overlook the importance of Bush’s decision to use $17.6 billion in TARP money in December 2008 to keep General Motors and Chrysler afloat.

I also think Obama should have done more to lower the corporate tax rate and stop corporate inversions.