What is to address?
If you walk into a psychiatric hospital, and those patients keep calling you a psychopath, would you "address" it?
I walk into a liberal echo chamber, and people call me a racist when I point out the nonsense of cultural appropriation. If I explain my position and they just keep calling me racist, what else is it to address?
Similarly here. Just because I actually seek to learn what socialism is and am not as far right as the folks in this echo chamber, they keep labelling me a Marxist or socialist. After explaining a few times, there's nothing really to "address."
Sidetracking again. You asked if I am aware of the effort gap. I said effort might explain for some people, but there were also many that were not just as hard-working (or maybe more so) than me that are living in 250-sqft units. That's just what I've observed. Those people didn't complain, at least not that I am aware of, but when I see that I realize how fortunate I am to be at my position.
Like Warren Buffett said, he knew he won the ovarian lottery, by being born a male in the United States in the 1930s. If he was born in China at that time he would never be who he is today no matter if he put in 10x the "effort." If he was born a female, or black, it would also be entirely different.
// The ovarian lottery is “the most important event in which you’ll ever participate,” Buffett continued. “It’s going to determine way more than what school you go to, how hard you work, all kinds of things.” //
"I had two sisters that have every bit the intelligence that I had, have every bit the drive, but they didn't have the same opportunities," says Berkshire Hathaway chairman Warren Buffett.