So. This guy is responsible.

this sort of thing has been a long time coming. It actually started in earnest in the mainstream with late night comedy shows. They created fake news for comedic effect. then a different sort of show came about where they give you a lot of actual real news, with just a little bit of a twist. The Daily Show and then the Colbert Report. I remember watching them with my 2 roommates. It was the only source they got their news from. They didn't read the papers. They didn't watch network news. They couldn't separate the comedy from the fact anymore. They didn't even understand that Colbert was making fun of Bill Oreilly because they had never watched it! So I'm not surprised by this at all. Poe's Law. “Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humour, it is impossible to create a parody of fundamentalism that someone won't mistake for the real thing.”
this sort of thing has been a long time coming. It actually started in earnest in the mainstream with late night comedy shows. They created fake news for comedic effect. then a different sort of show came about where they give you a lot of actual real news, with just a little bit of a twist. The Daily Show and then the Colbert Report. I remember watching them with my 2 roommates. It was the only source they got their news from. They didn't read the papers. They didn't watch network news. They couldn't separate the comedy from the fact anymore. They didn't even understand that Colbert was making fun of Bill Oreilly because they had never watched it! So I'm not surprised by this at all. Poe's Law. “Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humour, it is impossible to create a parody of fundamentalism that someone won't mistake for the real thing.”
I saw the President speak on this yesterday - that we need to somehow control fake news. I immediately thought - hmmm...the left has benefited from fake news for decades with late night talk shows, EVERYTHING on comedy central, and now new shows like Samantha Bee. Not to mention how the mainstream media has framed "real" news stories.

We like the way things are as long as we're winning. The moment we stop winning we need to change EVERYTHING. Ahhh...more hypocrisy from the left.
"mainstream media has framed "real" news stories".

I prefer to now call these outlets "activist media" (even the other side is to blame). More accurate and descriptive. THAT is what I use in every discussion with all, so lets make it stick!
The implied comparison between "The Daily Show"/"Colbert" on Comedy Central and fake garbage news on social media is just laughable.

As to the "activist media" claim. What are you labeling "activist media"? The garbage fake news available for sharing on social media, or are you trying to make the claim that all media is activist?
My sites were picked up by Trump supporters all the time. I think Trump is in the White House because of me. His followers don’t fact-check anything — they’ll post everything, believe anything. His campaign manager posted my story about a protester getting paid $3,500 as fact. Like, I made that up. I posted a fake ad on Craigslist.

I don't think this is unique to one party. The fact is in a campaign setting, especially this year, both side were so vile that they were both grabbing any comment from any source, twisting it to fit their message, and stating it as fact and this includes the fact checking sites. They are not any better IMO. I spent a lot of time going back to the original interviews, debate comments, etc to draw my own conclusions. It is a lot of work and a shame that there is no one we can believe.
The implied comparison between "The Daily Show"/"Colbert" on Comedy Central and fake garbage news on social media is just laughable.

As to the "activist media" claim. What are you labeling "activist media"? The garbage fake news available for sharing on social media, or are you trying to make the claim that all media is activist?
Not talking about the fake news stories. Most "journalists" are activists the past decade. BOTH sides, it is simply too easy to discern this as you listen. Their biases flow. That said, it is impossible not to let their beliefs not come out some.
Not talking about the fake news stories. Most "journalists" are activists the past decade. BOTH sides, it is simply too easy to discern this as you listen. Their biases flow. That said, it is impossible not to let their beliefs not come out some.
News outlets used to inform. Their #1 goal now is to persuade.
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The major news networks have been like this since the 1970s. The media was every bit as hostile to Nixon/Reagan as they are to Trump. Now there are these alternate web sites that point out all the double talk coming out of the media and they are starting to have major effect. I predict that within a few years the conservative sites will really close the gap in overall influence.
Like much of media/newspapers of the 1800s?

To have partisanship/opposition suggested by Madison, Federalist 10?
(Both ways)
I wasn't alive in the 1800's so I don't really know what the "media" was like back then - nor do I really care to be quite honest. All I know is that in my liftetime save Fox News, a couple of newspapers (Wall Street Journal & Washington Times), and a few talk radio shows, the rest of the media and entertainment industry has been attempting to persuade the citizens of this country to become more liberal.
The implied comparison between "The Daily Show"/"Colbert" on Comedy Central and fake garbage news on social media is just laughable.

As to the "activist media" claim. What are you labeling "activist media"? The garbage fake news available for sharing on social media, or are you trying to make the claim that all media is activist?
It's not a comparison, it's a step on the slope to fake news. Most media is activist. Particularly the big channels. Noam Chomsky already detailed this for people decades ago. You aren't in his league so I'll leave it at that.