Since Joe says it’s so, who could channel the women into a winner?

Born Boiler

Dec 6, 2006
Our girls clearly need some help. Just suppose some players, like, say, Trevion and Zach, suddenly felt in touch with their “other” side. One day they might wallop Wisconsin for Versyp. Then they might suddenly feel differently the next day just in time to help Painter maul Michigan. Sure, we know now it’s the law, signed and sealed, but shouldn’t we try it ASAP … before Joe changes his mind or the courts end up in court? And would it count against the team turnovers?
Our girls clearly need some help. Just suppose some players, like, say, Trevion and Zach, suddenly felt in touch with their “other” side. One day they might wallop Wisconsin for Versyp. Then they might suddenly feel differently the next day just in time to help Painter maul Michigan. Sure, we know now it’s the law, signed and sealed, but shouldn’t we try it ASAP … before Joe changes his mind or the courts end up in court? And would it count against the team turnovers?

Kind of adds new meaning to being a “2 way player”
Our girls clearly need some help. Just suppose some players, like, say, Trevion and Zach, suddenly felt in touch with their “other” side. One day they might wallop Wisconsin for Versyp. Then they might suddenly feel differently the next day just in time to help Painter maul Michigan. Sure, we know now it’s the law, signed and sealed, but shouldn’t we try it ASAP … before Joe changes his mind or the courts end up in court? And would it count against the team turnovers?

Ah, the epitome of ignorance.
pretty sure it's about real human beings with incredibly difficult personal situations getting to live normal lives and not about competitive advantage.
But thanks for calling....

Beyond sure it’s about women legally maintaining equal opportunity in sports as with Title IX and not being forced to compete against testo-developed athletes wearing cups. Although, the new path would lead to high schools and universities fielding one team per sport, thus saving money and the environment, with half as many flights to Lincoln and State College. So you’ve got that going for you. Now go tell your daughter.
pretty sure it's about real human beings with incredibly difficult personal situations getting to live normal lives and not about competitive advantage.
But thanks for calling....
So should my teenage daughter have to play contact sports against males?
pretty sure it's about real human beings with incredibly difficult personal situations getting to live normal lives and not about competitive advantage.
But thanks for calling....
I understand this, but I would honestly be interested in knowing how this helps them with their personal situations.

And what harm does it do to the personal situation of a girl or young woman who has worked hard to earn one of a very limited number of scholarships, then it is given to a person who is biologically a man? Where does it end?
I understand this, but I would honestly be interested in knowing how this helps them with their personal situations.

And what harm does it do to the personal situation of a girl or young woman who has worked hard to earn one of a very limited number of scholarships, then it is given to a person who is biologically a man? Where does it end?
Hey - maybe the East Germans were onto something back when they were giving their female athletes testosterone?
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Take it to its logical end and in twenty or thirty years a “biological” female won’t hold a single record in any sport. How misogynistic.
According to the Libs, I believe the proper term is “cisgender”, not “biological female”.
Not sure if people are aware of the following: Testing for testosterone in female athletes began in 1950 and continues today. Caster Semeneya lost case to compete as a woman in all races. The I.A.A.F. governs international track and field and won as the international Court ruled that “such discrimination (testosterone testing) was a necessary, reasonable and proportionate means of preserving the integrity of female competition”.
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Not sure if people are aware of the following: Testing for testosterone in female athletes began in 1950 and continues today. Caster Semeneya lost case to compete as a woman in all races. The I.A.A.F. governs international track and field and won as the international Court ruled that “such discrimination (testosterone testing) was a necessary, reasonable and proportionate means of preserving the integrity of female competition”.

(*d@mn bigots...*)
Not sure if people are aware of the following: Testing for testosterone in female athletes began in 1950 and continues today. Caster Semeneya lost case to compete as a woman in all races. The I.A.A.F. governs international track and field and won as the international Court ruled that “such discrimination (testosterone testing) was a necessary, reasonable and proportionate means of preserving the integrity of female competition”.
I do remember that, but I have wondered if it is now considered outdated now that there is a push to allow testosterone-producing biological males to compete as women.
I do remember that, but I have wondered if it is now considered outdated now that there is a push to allow testosterone-producing biological males to compete as women.

The Caster Semeneya case was appealed in September of 2020 and the previous decision to test for testosterone was upheld. The case was quite interesting because Semenya claims naturally high testosterone due to a hormonal disorder. I think that it is now being appealed to the European Court of Human Rights although I am not sure that they would have jurisdiction over the IAAF.
The Caster Semeneya case was appealed in September of 2020 and the previous decision to test for testosterone was upheld. The case was quite interesting because Semenya claims naturally high testosterone due to a hormonal disorder. I think that it is now being appealed to the European Court of Human Rights although I am not sure that they would have jurisdiction over the IAAF.
People turn off their brains in the name of their definition of "compassion". It benefits no one. But because they have turned off their brains, they can't explain how what they are promoting helps anyone. We'll see who populates the European Court of Human Rights.
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This is a strange thing to be upset about. Remember when little girls were going to be raped by men pretending to identify as women in the girls bathroom? Man, that really got out of hand.
This is a strange thing to be upset about. Remember when little girls were going to be raped by men pretending to identify as women in the girls bathroom? Man, that really got out of hand.
You think my teenage daughter should have to play contact sports against biological males?
This is a strange thing to be upset about. Remember when little girls were going to be raped by men pretending to identify as women in the girls bathroom? Man, that really got out of hand.
What is strange is your approval of biological males competing as women. And you can't explain why. Very strange.
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You think my teenage daughter should have to play contact sports against biological males?
First off, everybody is acting as if every single girl who plays sports is going to have to play against males who identify as female. Does your daughter have a male on her team that identifies as a female? Probably not. Will this a wide spread problem? Probably not.
Once again, it reminds me of the fear mongering that was spread about bathrooms.
You let us know when your daughter is forced to compete with a male who identifies as female, won’t you?
First off, everybody is acting as if every single girl who plays sports is going to have to play against males who identify as female. Does your daughter have a male on her team that identifies as a female? Probably not. Will this a wide spread problem? Probably not.
Once again, it reminds me of the fear mongering that was spread about bathrooms.
You let us know when your daughter is forced to compete with a male who identifies as female, won’t you?
I’m sure they’ll end up letting them use the same locker room for fear of being called bigots. Then Joe who identifies as Jolene will be walking around the locker room with his frank and beans out. Is that what you want? Shoot if I knew about this loophole as a teen I would have said I was a woman so I could use same locker room
I’m sure they’ll end up letting them use the same locker room for fear of being called bigots. Then Joe who identifies as Jolene will be walking around the locker room with his frank and beans out. Is that what you want? Shoot if I knew about this loophole as a teen I would have said I was a woman so I could use same locker room
So, you think straight guys will claim to identify as female in order to compete in women’s sports? Is this something you claim that you would do? Would you assume some push back if clearly straight guys start claiming to be female? Is competing against females really a big enough draw for a straight guy to take on the identity of a female?
Once again, a problem that doesn’t exist yet I’m sure Tucker and Sean are losing their minds over.
Maybe less 24 hour news would be a cure to the problem.
First off, everybody is acting as if every single girl who plays sports is going to have to play against males who identify as female. Does your daughter have a male on her team that identifies as a female? Probably not. Will this a wide spread problem? Probably not.
Once again, it reminds me of the fear mongering that was spread about bathrooms.
You let us know when your daughter is forced to compete with a male who identifies as female, won’t you?

You think my teenage daughter should have to play contact sports against biological males? VERY simple yes or no question.