Sign of things to come?

If you've been watching a lot of Olympics, there put up several promos of all the sports that are going to be on NBC/Peacock this fall. The one B1G highlight I've seen is a Caleb Furst dunk.
Good publicity for Furst and Purdue. I am actually surprised though that it is not the Heide dunk in the Championship game. Maybe, that is due to that game not being on NBC.
Haven't watched a second of Olympic coverage.
After the bizarre opening ceremonies, I started watching the competition to see if American athletes were using their "platform" nonsense to badmouth their country and disrespect our flag. I didn't see it happen once. In fact, they talked about how proud they were to represent the USA, and most had their hand on their hearts while the National Anthem was played. Most of the poison from the previous Olympics was purged. And I'm sure the network got the message from 2000, as well.
After the bizarre opening ceremonies, I started watching the competition to see if American athletes were using their "platform" nonsense to badmouth their country and disrespect our flag. I didn't see it happen once. In fact, they talked about how proud they were to represent the USA, and most had their hand on their hearts while the National Anthem was played. Most of the poison from the previous Olympics was purged. And I'm sure the network got the message from 2000, as well.
I noticed this too. Also, say what you want about the opening ceremonies (I usually skip it), but if you are disrespecting the best band in France (Gojira), you and I will have to have some words Andy.
After the bizarre opening ceremonies, I started watching the competition to see if American athletes were using their "platform" nonsense to badmouth their country and disrespect our flag. I didn't see it happen once. In fact, they talked about how proud they were to represent the USA, and most had their hand on their hearts while the National Anthem was played. Most of the poison from the previous Olympics was purged. And I'm sure the network got the message from 2000, as well.
I was impressed with the lack of political propaganda from both sides. I’m glad all candidates stayed home. This is why I love the Olympics, the world puts politics and hate aside for unity!
After the bizarre opening ceremonies, I started watching the competition to see if American athletes were using their "platform" nonsense to badmouth their country and disrespect our flag. I didn't see it happen once. In fact, they talked about how proud they were to represent the USA, and most had their hand on their hearts while the National Anthem was played. Most of the poison from the previous Olympics was purged. And I'm sure the network got the message from 2000, as well.
How did we go from the opening post of this thread to this post? Wasn’t it about basketball? Move this crap to the general board. God knows I’ve figured out what that place is like and this post slots right in.

Back to the original post, though. Great publicity. Hopefully it really pumps Furst up. But I feel like I’m going to need a matrix to figure out which streaming network is carrying what game this year. 😂😂
How did we go from the opening post of this thread to this post? Wasn’t it about basketball? Move this crap to the general board. God knows I’ve figured out what that place is like and this post slots right in.

Back to the original post, though. Great publicity. Hopefully it really pumps Furst up. But I feel like I’m going to need a matrix to figure out which streaming network is carrying what game this year. 😂😂
No, the OP was not simply about basketball. It started with, "If you've been watching a lot of Olympics..."

You could have read that yourself, and simply not respond with your own off-topic comment. Hypocricy much?
No, the OP was not simply about basketball. It started with, "If you've been watching a lot of Olympics..."

You could have read that yourself, and simply not respond with your own off-topic comment. Hypocricy much?
Andy, as the author of the OP, it was a whole lot more about basketball than politics. Technically, it was about a Peacock promo and Purdue. I agree that this thread didn't have to go there. That was not the point.
Andy, as the author of the OP, it was a whole lot more about basketball than politics. Technically, it was about a Peacock promo and Purdue. I agree that this thread didn't have to go there. That was not the point.

Lol.....Like this is the first thread ever that ever went off on related, or even unrelated tangents. 😎
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How did we go from the opening post of this thread to this post?
first time GIF
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Wow. You can’t blame me. You did it without one post from me. Hmmmmmm and it involved the usual suspects as well. So why does the general board have such a sour taste in people’s mouths? Isn’t it largely made up of the same posters who post in the board? Are they even worse in general? I have to wonder why a Purdue sports forum site even has a forum for general subjects. What kind of a person comes to a sports related site to talk about politics? My suggestion would be to delete the general forum and just have Purdue sports related forums.

Back to Furst! Furst is one of the main reasons I believe TKR will end up staying at the 4.

I can really see Furst getting increased minutes this year in a platoon with Jacobson at center. I liken that to Edey’s first year as a freshman when he was arguably the more talented player, but came off the bench.

I look forward to seeing more from Furst this year. Purdue has a lot of options.

As for politics, it has no place on a sports forum. And I am shocked it has such a bad reputation . Shocked I say! Did I say shocked? Who could have predicted that? Actually I’m rather disappointed! It’s so typical of the posters on this board. All you ever do is argue and bad mouth each other.
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Wow. You can’t blame me. You did it without one post from me. Hmmmmmm and it involved the usual suspects as well. So why does the general board have such a sour taste in people’s mouths? Isn’t it largely made up of the same posters who post in the board? Are they even worse in general? I have to wonder why a Purdue sports forum site even has a forum for general subjects. What kind of a person comes to a sports related site to talk about politics? My suggestion would be to delete the general forum and just have Purdue sports related forums.
So…how shocked would you be if I told you that every single rivals forum (so EVERY college) has a “general topics” board? Or do you really think it’s only the Purdue rivals forum that has it?
Wow. You can’t blame me. You did it without one post from me. Hmmmmmm and it involved the usual suspects as well. So why does the general board have such a sour taste in people’s mouths? Isn’t it largely made up of the same posters who post in the board? Are they even worse in general? I have to wonder why a Purdue sports forum site even has a forum for general subjects. What kind of a person comes to a sports related site to talk about politics? My suggestion would be to delete the general forum and just have Purdue sports related forums.

Back to Furst! Furst is one of the main reasons I believe TKR will end up staying at the 4.

I can really see Furst getting increased minutes this year in a platoon with Jacobson at center. I liken that to Edey’s first year as a freshman when he was arguably the more talented player, but came off the bench.

I look forward to seeing more from Furst this year. Purdue has a lot of options.

As for politics, it has no place on a sports forum. And I am shocked it has such a bad reputation . Shocked I say! Did I say shocked? Who could have predicted that? Actually I’m rather disappointed! It’s so typical of the posters on this board. All you ever do is argue and bad mouth each other.
I realllllly want to see Furst get his this year. I know some folks think he’s regressed but I think last year especially we were blessed with such a cohesive team that his main role was support and spot minutes and he just didn’t get his chance to shine. You don’t win Mr Basketball by being bad at it, so I’m really hoping he gets the chance to lay it all out there this year. He has the skills.

As for the general board. Ugh. Well I admit to being sucked in a bit because I’m waiting to see how things pick up on the sports boards once football kicks in. But from my short time here, that board has around 5-6 posters that have been here a long time, gang up and pile on to anyone who even lightly disagrees with them, aren’t tethered to reality, and are proud of it. A sad way to live (although maybe not as sad as me admitting to hopping over there from time to time to see what the level of crazy is at).
So pretty much like this board then. Lol.
The "reality" of a beauty pageant that everyone agrees on, except the ones that don't. I'm smarter than you even if there is no reason why that "could" be true is commonplace... is the thought. This forum isn't any worse than other forums...
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The "reality" of a beauty pageant that everyone agrees on, except the ones that don't. I'm smarter than you even if there is no reason why that "could" be true is commonplace... is the thought. This forum isn't any worse than other forums...
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I was impressed with the lack of political propaganda from both sides. I’m glad all candidates stayed home. This is why I love the Olympics, the world puts politics and hate aside for unity!
It almost felt like there was a memo circulated that said, "honor your country", "honor the flag", "promote the USA". I am no fan of the Olympics but do like it when America wins.
I realllllly want to see Furst get his this year. I know some folks think he’s regressed but I think last year especially we were blessed with such a cohesive team that his main role was support and spot minutes and he just didn’t get his chance to shine. You don’t win Mr Basketball by being bad at it, so I’m really hoping he gets the chance to lay it all out there this year. He has the skills.

As for the general board. Ugh. Well I admit to being sucked in a bit because I’m waiting to see how things pick up on the sports boards once football kicks in. But from my short time here, that board has around 5-6 posters that have been here a long time, gang up and pile on to anyone who even lightly disagrees with them, aren’t tethered to reality, and are proud of it. A sad way to live (although maybe not as sad as me admitting to hopping over there from time to time to see what the level of crazy is at).
I do the same. They post such outrageous stuff that occasionally I lose it and respond, though I don't go back for ongoing crap exchange.

I'm hoping hard for a redemption year for Caleb. So much better than most here have seen. I'm really hoping he starts with TKR and they can get back to the athletic bookend big forward bash brothers that played well together before Zach upset THAT apple cart. ;)
As for the general board. Ugh. Well I admit to being sucked in a bit because I’m waiting to see how things pick up on the sports boards once football kicks in. But from my short time here, that board has around 5-6 posters that have been here a long time, gang up and pile on to anyone who even lightly disagrees with them, aren’t tethered to reality, and are proud of it. A sad way to live (although maybe not as sad as me admitting to hopping over there from time to time to see what the level of crazy is at).
Anybody want to join me over on the GD in ganging up on this whiner?
I do the same. They post such outrageous stuff that occasionally I lose it and respond, though I don't go back for ongoing crap exchange.

I'm hoping hard for a redemption year for Caleb. So much better than most here have seen. I'm really hoping he starts with TKR and they can get back to the athletic bookend big forward bash brothers that played well together before Zach upset THAT apple cart. ;)
Caleb is hard to gauge. If this team gets up and down the court it will help him. Last year towards the end he was working on a short right hand jump hook which he never had before. Hopefully he has worked on his shooting where his hand tends to turn inward and a bit stronger in traffic inside. Seems to be a great kid that maybe basketball doesn't carry the same weight for him as others. I would love for him to have a great year
Caleb is hard to gauge. If this team gets up and down the court it will help him. Last year towards the end he was working on a short right hand jump hook which he never had before. Hopefully he has worked on his shooting where his hand tends to turn inward and a bit stronger in traffic inside. Seems to be a great kid that maybe basketball doesn't carry the same weight for him as others. I would love for him to have a great year
He’s on trajectory for med school and gf is goin to dental school at Ohio st….so if basketball doesn’t work out for him…he’s got a good fall back plan!
If you’re in some need of Purdue hoops talks, this is a great listen from Joe Jackson and our very own Casey Bartley:

Casey shares tidbits of Loyer seeing Harris playing at Purdue a year before he committed and in the first 4 mins, he said “yup, he will fit in”.

Casey also a BIG fan of CJ Cox.

Casey mentions DJ is an elite rim protector and is the sole reason why painter was willing to over sign and figure it out later because he was that impressive to the staff.

Even mentions how good Colvin was on defense at the end of the year last year… 🫢

Also talks about the roles everyone will look to have… but alright just go listen if you have time!
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I do the same. They post such outrageous stuff that occasionally I lose it and respond, though I don't go back for ongoing crap exchange.

I'm hoping hard for a redemption year for Caleb. So much better than most here have seen. I'm really hoping he starts with TKR and they can get back to the athletic bookend big forward bash brothers that played well together before Zach upset THAT apple cart. ;)
Right. I just hope he lays it all out there and plays like it’s been bottled up the last two years. He started on fire his freshman year and then yeah Zach completely changed how they played. He clearly thinks he has it in him too because he’s stuck it out.

Plus we need one final installment of Buddy the Elf!!!!
Caleb is hard to gauge. If this team gets up and down the court it will help him. Last year towards the end he was working on a short right hand jump hook which he never had before. Hopefully he has worked on his shooting where his hand tends to turn inward and a bit stronger in traffic inside. Seems to be a great kid that maybe basketball doesn't carry the same weight for him as others. I would love for him to have a great year
He's had a decent hook shot with both hands since high school. Killed with it in hs. ;)
He's a great kid that "gets it" and agree'd that that wrist flip has been killing his shooting, though being a 3 guy was never going to work.
He's had a decent hook shot with both hands since high school. Killed with it in hs. ;)
He's a great kid that "gets it" and agree'd that that wrist flip has been killing his shooting, though being a 3 guy was never going to work.
I can't recall a jump hook with his right hand in a game until once last year, but I could easily have missed it. If he hits a 3 great and if not, I'm okay, but he does need to be able to face up and drive the ball due to being a threat from 15 in to hit the shot when open around 50% of the time. Not saying he needs to shoot a lot of those 15 ' and in shots, but if effective enough to pull the D out then h can drive or maybe hit Trey down low. I would love to see those two be able to interchange who is on the blocks and who is out depending on who is defending who and/or who is having their way inside. Skill is where Caleb needed to improve and skill can be improved, but I'm unsure that Caleb sees basketball as important as some of the players. That isn't a knock on Caleb, just that his energy may have more emphasis outside basketball than some
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