

True Freshman
Oct 9, 2022
Watching the Vance Walz debate.

IF ONLY VANCE WAS THE NOMINEE. Vance is smart, in command of facts, and thinks on his feet.

Both Vance and Walz are partisan, but both are sane, sober, and logical.
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Watching the Vance Walz debate.

IF ONLY VANCE WAS THE NOMINEE. Vance is smart, in command of facts, and thinks on his feet.

Both Vance and Walz are partisan, but both are sane, sober, and logical.
Who knows he may be. Wouldn’t be a surprise if another attempt on Trump happens again. People will do anything to stop him are being egged on by several media outlets.
Who knows he may be. Wouldn’t be a surprise if another attempt on Trump happens again. People will do anything to stop him are being egged on by several media outlets.
That’s so very completely not the point. The point was that it is refreshing to hear a Republican candidate that speaks coherently.

But nice try.
That’s so very completely not the point. The point was that it is refreshing to hear a Republican candidate that speaks coherently.

But nice try.
OK! Just saying you may get Vance as the Republican presidential candidate before all is said and done. Not wishing any ill will on Trump, but some of these people will stop at nothing to eliminate him.

You did post if only Vance was the nominee. Sounded like that was the point of your post.
OK! Just saying you may get Vance as the Republican presidential candidate before all is said and done. Not wishing any ill will on Trump, but some of these people will stop at nothing to eliminate him.

You did post if only Vance was the nominee. Sounded like that was the point of your post.
Fair enough. My point was that Vance is a thinking, lucid Republican. It’s wonderful to be reminded that someday that will be an option.
Watching the Vance Walz debate.

IF ONLY VANCE WAS THE NOMINEE. Vance is smart, in command of facts, and thinks on his feet.

Both Vance and Walz are partisan, but both are sane, sober, and logical.

My wife said who watched it.....

"Can we get these two as the candidates, they are both better than the top of their ticket"

Btw ....she was over the top about how well JDV did. Thought he hit it out of the park.

She was confused about TW saying he was friends with school shooters? (He surely didn't say that did he??). And although she liked TW performance in general, except something about his China answer? ....she thought JDV was on another level.

Caught some of it myself, but can't wait to watch it all after her report. Was on basketball board through most of it. But big picture......don't think it will matter much as VP debates don't.
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My wife said who watched it.....

"Can we get these two as the candidates, they are both better than the top of their ticket"

Btw ....she was over the top about how well JDV did. Thought he hit it out of the park.

She was confused about TW saying he was friends with school shooters? (He surely didn't say that did he??). And although she liked TW performance in general, except something about his China answer? ....she thought JDV was on another level.

Caught some of it myself, but can't wait to watch it all after her report. Was on basketball board through most of it. But big picture......don't think it will matter much as VP debates don't.
Last night's debate was similar to the Nixon/Kennedy debate where Walz was sweating. looking older than he is. And Vance was cool and calm even though what came out of his mouth was BS.
He also is a completely untrustworthy individual who did a complete and total 180 on trump to further his political career. Unfortunately he's not unique in that regard.
ha ha.. Bob, do you have VDS now?
You talk about Vance reversing his opinion on Trump. Is that similar to Harris now winning a single delegate in the primaries but as soon as she's the undemocratically appointed nominee, she's hailed as the next Obama?
ha ha.. Bob, do you have VDS now?
You talk about Vance reversing his opinion on Trump. Is that similar to Harris now winning a single delegate in the primaries but as soon as she's the undemocratically appointed nominee, she's hailed as the next Obama?
No, not like that at all. This is Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio kinds of reversals. The ones you prefer to ignore.
No, not like that at all. This is Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio kinds of reversals. The ones you prefer to ignore.
That's politics and politicians. When has a pol not reversed course when it served their best interests or those of their constituents. Both sides do it. Sort of like all the people defending Biden's mental acuity, that is, until the day he dropped out.
That's politics and politicians. When has a pol not reversed course when it served their best interests or those of their constituents. Both sides do it. Sort of like all the people defending Biden's mental acuity, that is, until the day he dropped out.

Vance spent most of last night doing an excellent lawyerly job of glossing over what Trump has said and done and immediately pivoting to a vision of Trump that doesn't exist. Vance is smart and was good at it.

Walz doesn't have that background. He was fine, but Vance (and Harris) have the ability to choose words carefully in a real-time, active presentation in a way that a Walz (and Trump) don't have.
That's politics and politicians. When has a pol not reversed course when it served their best interests or those of their constituents. Both sides do it. Sort of like all the people defending Biden's mental acuity, that is, until the day he dropped out.
We're not talking about a policy reversal here. This is a man who completely compromised his beliefs for political opportunity. But character, judgement, and self discipline don't matter to you so your position is not surprising.

I'll give a few receipts, not that you'll stop using a false equivalency.

"I think that I’m going to vote third party because I can’t stomach Trump,” he told Terry Gross. “I think that he’s noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place.”

Fellow Christians, everyone is watching us when we apologize for this man. Lord help us,” Vance tweeted.

Two days later, he added, “Trump makes people I care about afraid. Immigrants, Muslims, etc. Because of this I find him reprehensible. God wants better of us.”

The following March, he said in another tweet, “In 4 years, I hope people remember that it was those of us who empathized with Trump’s voters who fought him the most aggressively.”

I’m a Never-Trump guy,” Vance told Charlie Rose in an interview just a few short weeks before Trump was elected president. “I never liked him.”

I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler,” Vance texted Josh McLaurin. “How’s that for discouraging?”

You're another one of those hypocrites that bitches about politicians' behavior but keeps re-electing them because they give you what you want.
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Vance (and Harris) have the ability to choose words carefully in a real-time, active presentation

Harris?? LOL.
After her many word salads and meaningless babbles, you might be the the only NON far left DEM to think that. Thanks for the laugh.
Harris?? LOL.
After her many word salads and meaningless babbles, you might be the the only NON far left DEM to think that. Thanks for the laugh.
Harris on policy or waffling on committing to policies? Not good.

But the 'word salad' narrative on Harris is pure myth. She is out in public speaking all of the time and for the vast majority of the time she is quite good at it. Vance is excellent at it. Walz is fine; not as good as Vance or Harris, but fine. Trump is a complete disaster.

Some out of context sound bites in a lifetime of public speaking are destined to be less than optimum.
For instance;
  • Vance made that "childless cat ladies" snarky comment in front of a partisan audience a few years ago. So what. It just doesn't matter and isn't a derogatory reflection on his ability to communicate well.
  • Similarly, last night Walz was speaking too quickly and said "I've become friends with school shooters" when he clearly meant that he's become friends with families of school shooters. So what. It just doesn't matter.
What bothers me is when a candidate is clearly compromised in their ability to communicate well enough to be a leader (Biden), or when a candidate's deliberate, repeated words are the antithesis of good leadership qualities (Trump).

And please don't merely respond to this post with a laugh emoji if you disagree -- say so and say why; if you are a fan of effective communication show some yourself.
Harris on policy or waffling on committing to policies? Not good.

But the 'word salad' narrative on Harris is pure myth. She is out in public speaking all of the time and for the vast majority of the time she is quite good at it. Vance is excellent at it. Walz is fine; not as good as Vance or Harris, but fine. Trump is a complete disaster.

Some out of context sound bites in a lifetime of public speaking are destined to be less than optimum.
For instance;
  • Vance made that "childless cat ladies" snarky comment in front of a partisan audience a few years ago. So what. It just doesn't matter and isn't a derogatory reflection on his ability to communicate well.
  • Similarly, last night Walz was speaking too quickly and said "I've become friends with school shooters" when he clearly meant that he's become friends with families of school shooters. So what. It just doesn't matter.
What bothers me is when a candidate is clearly compromised in their ability to communicate well enough to be a leader (Biden), or when a candidate's deliberate, repeated words are the antithesis of good leadership qualities (Trump).

And please don't merely respond to this post with a laugh emoji if you disagree -- say so and say why; if you are a fan of effective communication show some yourself.

Yes K2 can read a speech prompter. She does that well. She memorized her answers to subject matter questions and sounded reasonably coherent at the debate.

But after the Oprah interview, which followed her previous many many word salad answers, no one serious can say she is an effective communicator on her feet.

Her own people know this to be true. Why do you think they won't let her do a long press conference?
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Yes K2 can read a speech prompter. She does that well. She memorized her answers to subject matter questions and sounded reasonably coherent at the debate.

But after the Oprah interview, which followed her previous many many word salad answers, no one serious can say she is an effective communicator on her feet.

Her own people know this to be true. Why do you think they won't let her do a long press conference?
I think the Biden/basement strategy is in play.

There is a real, proven to be successful, mindset that if the election is about Trump the Dems will win.

It happens in down-ballot races to the Dem's benefit too. That's why last night was a very good one for the Republicans; Vance was in front of a national audience, not Trump. Whereas the Dems are very much a fan of voters hearing as much of Trump as possible.

You want unscripted? So does Harris - she is practically begging Trump to do a second debate - no notes or teleprompters involved.
That's politics and politicians. When has a pol not reversed course when it served their best interests or those of their constituents. Both sides do it. Sort of like all the people defending Biden's mental acuity, that is, until the day he dropped out.
Until the day he was forced out. The threat to democracy lives on.
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I think the Biden/basement strategy is in play.

There is a real, proven to be successful, mindset that if the election is about Trump the Dems will win.

It happens in down-ballot races to the Dem's benefit too. That's why last night was a very good one for the Republicans; Vance was in front of a national audience, not Trump. Whereas the Dems are very much a fan of voters hearing as much of Trump as possible.

You want unscripted? So does Harris - she is practically begging Trump to do a second debate - no notes or teleprompters involved.

True ...Trump is a buffoon old guy
True....He is a poor communicator many times. But this discussion isn't about Trump.

A debate, one whom can memorize, can prepare for - and have answers ready for questions that anyone can guess generally what they would be.

What K2 can't do is handle the scrutiny of follow up questions, or handle follow up questions on her MANY flip flops.

The above is why they will let her do a debate. But will not let her do a press conference....because they know she is poor at it.....and was during her tenure of VP. She cannot think on her feet. They remember her disastrous interview about the border, and her other train wreck interviews, and thus her OWN people won't let her do a serious press conference.

It's only a basement strategy because like Biden she is not anywhere close to good at the press conference....can't think on her feet.

Biden has been forced out, and the Trump threat to democracy lives on.
Not so fast my friend. Biden being force out being the elected candidate by the voting public and Harris appointed by the DNC with no one voting for her is the threat to democracy. Go to the polls and vote, but it doesn’t matter. Democrats will do whatever they want regardless of the people’s vote.
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Watched finally. To be clear, the moderators last night were terrible. Not as bad as ABC. But clearly unfair......
**They broke their own rules in fact checking.
**They worded questions specifically to benefit the Dem candidate.
**Climate change 2nd question, Come on. Lol
**Didn't even ask a question on energy the main driver of American economy. Why ..benefits Rs
** Used their discretion several times to give TW follow ups, not as many for JDV

I could go on. But you get the point.

The reason this is NOT the story this AM is that JDV conducted a MASTER CLASS in how to do a debate. Even fact checking, the moderators own fact check and tactfully embarrassed them. Best debate performance since Pres O's first term (O was poor in debates in Term 2). JDV was special last night.

Although my wife said TW did ok, I did not think so.....
1. His answer to his Tiananmen Square question was a disaster.....called himself a knucklehead lol....that's a debate first. 🤣
2. Sweaty and looked uncomfortable.
3. And yes, he did say, he was friends with school shooters - lol
4. Got better as debate went on, but that was a low bar as he had a shakey start.
5. Did not sound Presidential. Talked alot about MN which made him look like he did not have a large understanding beyond MN borders.
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