That's true, but over 70% of black babies are born to single mothers. That's a massive problem that the black community seems unwilling to tackle with any fervor .
Yes. The Dems....
Keeps many corraled in projects via housing subsidies.
Keeps their youth around the drugs & crime in these projects.
Dem unions fail their children in schools adjacent to these projects.
Dem handouts pass out just enough help to keep them poor, but never move to middle class because of failing schools.
Weak Dem prosecutor and weak bail policies are raising crime in Indy. Murders and crime are up in Indy. This is part of the PTSD bni refers to in kids.
Dem unions block school choice which would improve educational choices for families.
Have abortion providers close by so the Dems can cash in off their dead aborted babies via campaign kickbacks from PP.
The above is why I switched from being a Dem years ago. Took one summer in the projects & inner city schools to see how my Dem party was abusing the poor for power. We were a generational Dem family. None of us left vote Dem anymore.
So I saw it right away, yet BNI says the Dems are great.....he can't wait to vote D again. Lots like him. Why the Dems scream racism to fool these Suckers.
I know neither party is great. And most politicians in all parties are their for themselves, not the people. Why more are independents than any other party. But at least the Rs @ try to lower your taxes & cost of living. An both the independents & Rs offer a whole lot less evil in the slavery above that is hurting communities, and not helping them.