Byrd was a staunch supporter of Biden as was Biden of Byrd. Big buddies until the end. Biden went to KKK rallies with Byrd, Biden said Obama "can speak pretty good", Biden said he didn't want his children to go to school with "those kids". Have you heard him apologize? How many current Dem officials send their kids to private schools?
BNI, I'd guess if you have kids, you want the same for them I want for mine. You want and maybe live the American dream. What I can't understand about you and other's of color is that you are still owned by the Democrat agenda and think Biden is for you.
You won't agree for some reason, but Repub's have done more for blacks than any democrat. You're free to pursue that American dream because of Abe. You're even more free because of Grant. Yet too many blacks continue to be owned by the rhetoric of Liberal Dems. Even under Trump, who was not my first choice, did support the HBC's more than Biden has, Trump wanted everyone working and made advances for employment for all races and genders.
Just as in the 60's, there were more 2 parent families in the black neighborhoods than in others, including whites. There was a lot less black on black crime, more black home ownership, stable families. Today, there is shambles in the family unit, more crime, more homicides, more fatherless kids.
Why do you continue to support the Democrat party who has simply given you poverty, family ruins, and continue to buy your vote, continuing black's slavery by them?
Have a great day.